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PART 1: Multiple Choice

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the primary role of the Judicial Branch in the University Student Government?
a) Legislative oversight
b) Ensuring fiscal responsibility
c) Adjudicating disputes and upholding the constitution
d) Implementing executive orders

2. Which of the following best describes the concept of "judicial independence"?

a) Making decisions based on personal opinions
b) Influencing decisions based on public opinion
c) Deciding cases without undue influence from other branches
d) Aligning decisions with the university administration

3. In a scenario where a student organization challenges a decision of the Executive Branch, what is the
Judicial Branch's role?
a) Advocate for the student organization
b) Review the decision for legal compliance
c) Support the Executive Branch's decision
d) Stay neutral and not intervene

4. What does the principle of "due process" entail in a university setting?

a) Swift and harsh punishment for any violation
b) A fair and impartial hearing before any adverse action
c) Exclusion of legal representation during hearings
d) Decisions based solely on the severity of the offense

5. If a student believes their rights have been violated by a university policy, which avenue should they
a) Appeal directly to the Student Body President
b) Seek redress through the university's legal department
c) File a complaint with the Judicial Branch
d) Ignore the issue to avoid conflicts

6. How does the principle of "stare decisis" apply in the decisions of the Judicial Branch?
a) Decisions are based on personal beliefs
b) Decisions are influenced by public opinion
c) Decisions are consistent with previous rulings
d) Decisions vary depending on the case

7. In what circumstances should a judicial member recuse themselves from a case?

a) Personal bias or conflict of interest
b) Lack of interest in the case
c) Pressure from the Executive Branch
d) Following public opinion

8. What role does the Judicial Branch play in interpreting the Student Government Constitution?
a) Can change the Constitution as needed
b) Sole authority to interpret the Constitution
c) Advisory role with no decision-making power
d) Can override the Constitution for special cases

9. How can the Judicial Branch contribute to fostering a culture of fairness and justice within the
university community?
a) Ignoring cases to maintain neutrality
b) Conducting regular town hall meetings
c) Providing clear explanations for decisions
d) Aligning decisions with popular opinion

10. What is the significance of judicial precedent in the decisions of the Judicial Branch?
a) Allows for arbitrary decision-making
b) Provides a basis for consistency and fairness
c) Results in decisions based on personal preferences
d) Gives the Executive Branch more influence

PART 2: Short Answer

Provide 3-5 sentences answer for the question given.

1. Define the principle of "academic freedom" and explain its significance in the context of a
university setting.

2. Briefly describe the process of impeachment in the University Student Government.

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