Kiribati's Culture

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Cultural Gestures:

Traditional Greetings:
● Kiribati people frequently greet one another by pressing their noses together and
inhaling. This gesture represents respect and friendship.

Hand Movements:
● Hand movements play an important role in communication. For example, waving
with fingers facing downwards is considered polite, while pointing directly with the
index finger may be considered rude.

Head Movements:
● A slight nod of the head is a common way to express agreement or
acknowledgement. Excessive head movement may be considered impolite.

Key Cultural Terms:

Te Mauri, Te Raoi, Te Tabomoa:

● This traditional Kiribati phrase embodies the nation's motto, which stresses
health, peace, and good fortune..

Unimane and Teitirae:

● Respectful terms used to address elders, indicating reverence for their age and

● Traditional meeting places where major community decisions are made. These
structures have cultural and societal significance.

Cultural Practices:
● A system of land tenure where each family is assigned a specific portion of land
for cultivation. Respect for others' bouma is essential.
Traditional Dance:
● Kiribati is known for its vibrant dances, often accompanied by songs and
performed during special occasions and celebrations.

Cultural Sensitivities:
Clothing Etiquette:
● Modesty is valued, and revealing clothing may be considered disrespectful.

Conservative Behavior:
● Public displays of affection are generally discouraged, and conservative behavior
is expected in public spaces.
Conclusion: Embracing Kiribati Culture
● Understanding and respecting Kiribati's cultural gestures and terms is essential for
developing positive relationships and meaningfully engaging with the local community.

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