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1. It is made up of iron and nickel the _____________is solid and the ______________ is liquid.

2. The continental crust is mainly ___________.

3. The oceanic crust is made up of ___________.
4. These are mountain under the ocean, and deep valleys or ___________.
5. The crust and the mantle together form the____________.
6. _____________ currents help to change the face of earth/ moving of tectonic plates.
7. _____________ is caused by slabs suddenly shifting.
8. A __________ is formed when liquid rock(lava) bursts out through Earths hard surface.
9. The three types of tectonic plate movements are ___________, ____________ and
_____________. The tectonic plates are also called ______________.
10. The liquid rock inside volcanos is called______________ and after it erupts out it is known as
11. The _______________ plate is heavier (it is closer to south American plate) it gets pulled
down by gravity at an _______________.
12. The mountain of the Himalaya’s and Andes are called _____ mountains.
13. The rocks store up the pressure as ________ energy before it releases it in the form of
____________ waves.
14. The shaking of Earth’s tectonic plates is known as an ____________.
15. Earthquakes are measured using machines called ___________.
16. The amount of energy an Earthquake releases is called its _____________, which is
measured on a _________ scale.
17. The __________ of the Earthquake is the point where it started.
18. A point located directly above the focus in known as ______________.
19. After the Earthquake there will be several ____________ for the rock to settle into its new
20. Earthquake in the ocean floor can cause huge waves also known as ___________.
21. The heavy cloud will collapse and rush down the slope as a deadly_____________.
22. If this gets mixed with water you get a river of mud also known as ___________.
23. ____________ is mainly steam and carbon dioxide, plus Sulphur and other gases.
24. The magma can be ___________(thick like tar).
25. Lava cools and hardens to form an igneous rock. The most common one is ___________.
26. Glassy lava that explodes out forms _________.
27. The hollow around the vent is called the __________.

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