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Velo’s Story

You chose the Dance as your boon from Sharindlar so in keeping with my plan to give one in-combat
benefit and one out-of-combat benefit as part of this blessing Julian now has the following permanent
benefits as a result of his choice:

Out-of-combat: Velo is now proficient with one skill out of the following (Insight, Performance, or

In-combat: Whenever you can see an attack coming you can choose to use your reaction for that round
to impose disadvantage on the attack that you can see coming.

“As you make your choice a moonstone separates from the whirling helix surrounding Moira and shoots
directly at you, contacting you before being absorbed into your being. Drowsiness overwhelms you and
you drift off to sleep, and when you wake you find yourself within a guest chamber in the Halls of Mercy.
What wakes you is the gentle licking of your new dog CoCo. A little slobber on your face is the price you
pay for your new furry friend. On the nightstand next to your bed rests a little letter with an official
looking seal on it. You pick it up and read it over. Your friends are safe and all of them but Korgan were
moved to the Halls of Mercy where you awoke. The gist of the letter is that it is a brief invitation to an
event being held in a few days at the temple you are staying at. A gala ball celebrating the return of
Rillian and honoring the heroes who rescued him. You make a mental note of this, and think to yourself
that this is probably not going to be your cup of tea. Nevertheless, you decide to think about it later as
you can tell from the way that CoCo is prancing around that he/she needs to go out for a morning walk
and bathroom break. You proceed to get dressed and take CoCo out. As you are making a run of the
Temple grounds you get near the shoreline and CoCo begins to get excited by something she sees
before you do. Lying on its back in the water near the shore is an otter fishing for its breakfast. As the
dog barks the otter appears to look in your direction, dives under the water, and in a few seconds it
emerges onto the shore nearest to you and before CoCo can play with this new found friend the otter
transforms into a lightly bedraggled looking Tundra Halfling male with brown eyes and brown hair that is
plastered to his head by the damp. The Halfling immediately speaks up to say, “Garret Greenbottle, at
your service. Do I have the honor of speaking with a Velo lately of Twainbridge?” You are obviously
startled by this turn of events, but CoCo seems to like this Halfling immediately nuzzling up with him. As
you quickly think of how to respond the Halfling kneels down and begins to play with your pup. That
seals it for you, and you acknowledge to him that you are indeed, Velo from Twainbridge. “Good, I
thought so. You match the description I got of you, although the descriptions have been off before. I
have a letter for you sent all the way from Twainbridge from someone named Gogil Iloyovich (the leader
of the Rivermen). Here, take it.” And with that he hands you an envelope and immediately goes back to
playing along with CoCo.

It reads: To Velo, I hope this letter finds you basking in the afterglow of a job well done. I know that the
Dwarves will probably want to honor you and your companions for the successful rescue of such an
estimable personage as Rillian Kingsbeard, but when you are able to excuse yourself from the festivities I
would request that both you and Puck return to Twainbridge. I wish to hear of your exploits personally,
as I have a hunch that these slavers have a connection with the Thieves Guild here. As you know the
Undertow are a danger to the legitimate business interests of our organization, and for a long time we
have sought to uncover and expose their illicit connections such that the Dwarven military will feel
obliged to act in ridding us of this scourge. Send a message on the stones when you get this, and let me
know when we can expect your return. P.S. tip the Druid if you would. Rivermen aren’t stingy. Regards,

The Druid seems to notice that you are done reading and speaks up, “Alright then? Well, Velo you have
a good dog although from what I hear he has been through some pretty hard times. Thankfully, he tells
me you had nothing to do with that otherwise I might have been forced to take him off your hands. ::he
gives a little laugh:: Well, if there is nothing else, friend, I’ll get back on my way. The Shape of the Wild
Courier Service thanks you for your business. Take care of CoCo here.” You can decide if you want to tip
him as you were asked to do and how much you want to give. For flavor I imagine Garret sounding a lot
like Matthew McConaughey.

After Garrett takes his leave you finish your run around the grounds and make your way back inside
where you encounter an acolyte sent out to look for you to tell you that breakfast is served and your
friends await your arrival. Breakfast sounds good and you follow the acolyte in where you have a good
meal alongside all of your friends besides Korgan who you are reminded is staying over at the
Headquarters of the Brightmoon Order. The meal passes uneventfully with most of the conversation
centering around plans for the next few days and talk of the gala ball where you guys are intended to be
the guests of honor. You decided to pull aside Puck after the meal and let him know about the letter you
got which requests the two of you to come back to Twainbridge as soon as possible. After you share this
bit of info with him you go your separate ways and if there is anything you want to buy let me know
because you’ve got the next few days to pretty much do as you wish.

During the course of those next few days you are contacted by Rillian who tells you that he would like to
meet up with you and Korgan to discuss this business with the slavers if you have the time……

Let me know what you think when you read through this, and I’ll continue your story based on your
feedback that you give me. Thanks, Chas. Also, please let me know which skill you chose for your gift
from Sharindlar.

Future Highlights of Velo’s Story

 At the gala ball Velo should get asked to dance by Hjalgema Thanedottr. Hjalgema wants to take
the opportunity to make a contact that she feels could help her in her pursuit of revenge for her
Father’s death. During the course of the evening as she gets to know Velo, she judges his
character and if it goes well, she will share with him that she is putting together an expedition
the following Spring to try and track down her father’s killer. She would like him to consider
joining with her in this expedition, and she offers to pay by coin or by the granting of a piece of
land in her home village in the Fjords of Aelfgar.
 The Brightmoon Order is going to loan out Korgan to the Rivermen to help in their investigation
of the slaving ring and possible connection with the Undertow

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