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MIDTERM EXAMPLE: Determine whether the DE 2xydx + (1+x2) dy = 0 is exact.

If so, solve for the general solution.

WEEK/MODULE- 4 Solution:


Exact differential equation definition is an equation which contains one

or more terms. It involves the derivative of one variable (dependent
variable) with respect to the other variable (independent variable).

Type of differential equation that can be solved directly without the use
of any of the special techniques in the subject. A first-order differential
equation (of one variable) is called exact, or an exact differential, if it is
the result of a simple differentiation.

EXAMPLE: Find the general solution of the differential equation, (2x +

y -3) dx + (x- 4y+1) dy = 0.


(The subscripts in this equation indicate which variable the partial

derivative is taken with respect to.)

∫ M(x, y) 𝑑𝑥 = A partial integration (variables other than x will be

treated as constant)

∫ N(x, y) 𝑑𝑦 = B partial integration (variables other than y will be

treated as constant)

For the general solution: Combine A and B (common expressions will

become single unit)

1 MATH 121 | D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q U A T I O N

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