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韓国の成人の日 ナレーター 韓国では、世界中の多くの文化と同様に、成人の日を祝います。

韓国では、成人の日は誰もが同じ日に祝われます。5 月の第 3 月曜日に、来年 20 歳になる
19 歳を対象に行われます。
現代の韓国では、多くの人がこの日を花束のプレゼントで祝います。両親や友人から、20 本
現代の成人の日は、1,000 年以上前の儀式である「髪を変える儀式」に由来しています。
けも習います。実は、1 日を通して 3 種類の服の儀式があるのです。

South Korean Coming of Age Day Narrator: In South Korea, as in many cultures around the
world, a coming-of-age day is celebrated - a celebration of the age at which a person becomes
an adult, and gains all the rights and responsibilities that go along with that.
In South Korea, coming-of-age day is celebrated on the same day for everybody. It is held on
the third Monday in May, for all 19-year-olds who will become 20-year-olds in the coming
In modern day South Korea, many celebrate the day by giving gifts of flowers. Parents or
friends often give 20 roses - one for each year of the person's life. Perfume is another popular
gift as it is not common for children to wear perfume. For South Koreans, perfume has a
special meaning - giving perfume helps the new adult to become a person that people
The modern coming-of-age day comes from a ceremony which dates back over 1,000 years -
the hair-changing ceremony.
For many years, the old ceremony was not very common. But, these days, it is again possible
to take part in the traditional ceremony in many cities in South Korea.
Young women do their hair in a chignon with binyeo, a jade hairpin. On their heads, they wear
a jokduri, a kind of silk and wooden crown, covered with colourful decorations including
enamel ornaments.
During the ceremony young men tie their hair under a net in a topknot. Later they will put on
a hat made of bamboo and horsehair called a gat. The young people also learn how to put on
the brightly-coloured, traditional, formal clothing known as hanbok. In fact, there are three
different kinds of clothing ritual throughout the day.
This is an important day in every young Korean's life, as it is the day when they are
independent for the first time, able to make decisions for themselves, drive and marry. The
young adults bow to their parents. The parents bow in return and speak to their child of how
proud they are of them as they become adults. For those who take part in the traditional
ceremony, it is a day they will never want to forget.

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