DLP - English 10 - Module2-3 - Samantha Placido (D-1)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• differentiate informative, argumentative, and persuasive essays
• recognize the importance of informative, argumentative, and persuasive essays
• compose a persuasive essay about a specific topic

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using a Variety of Informative, Argumentative, and Persuasive Techniques
B. References: English Quarter 3 - Module 2-3 Using a Variety of Informative,
Argumentative, and Persuasive Techniques
C. Materials:
For the teacher: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation
For the pupils: English Notebook
D. Strategies: Discussion, Oral Recitation, Activity

III. Lesson Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

a.1 Opening Prayer

Before we start, let us pray. May I call Let us vow our head and feel the presence of
someone to lead the prayer? Yes (name of the Lord.
the student.)
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for
today. Thank you for the ways in which you
provide for us all. For Your protection and love
we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write. Guide us by Your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. We
ask all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.

a.2 Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am Samantha!

How are you today? We are feeling great and excited!

a.3 Classroom Conditioning

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up

the pieces of paper and arrange your (The students will pick up the pieces of paper,
chairs properly and I want you to occupy and arrange the chairs properly and occupy the
the vacant seats here in front. vacant seats.)

Are you done already, class? Yes Ma’am!

Thank you! You may now take your seats. Thank you Ma’am!

a.4 Checking of Attendance

Class President, is anyone absent from the

class? None, Ma’am!

a.5 Checking of Assignment

Class, I gave you an assignment yesterday
right? Please pass it later after the
discussion. Yes Ma’am

Thank you.

B. Review of the Past Lesson

Okay class, what was the topic of the last

meeting all about? (Students raising their hands)

Yes (student’s name) Ma’am it is about informative, persuasive, and

argumentative essays.

Very good! What is an informative essay? (Student’s response)

Very well! How about a persuasive essay? (Student’s response)

Very good! How about the last one, an

argumentative essay? (Student’s response)

Thank you. Very good! It seems that you

really understood our lesson last meeting,
so with that we can now proceed on to our
next topic.

C. Motivation
Before we start our lesson. We are going to
play a game called “Guess the gibberish.”

Are you familiar with the word gibberish? If

not, it is a speech that appears to be
nonsense. For example, fe-ci-buuk, the
correct form of this word is facebook. Do
you understand, class? Yes Ma’am

I have words here and your task is to

analyze and guess the correct form of
these words. Are you ready, class? Yes Ma;am

ore-goo-mean-taught-eve argumentative
ez-aye essay
inn-four-matte-eve informative
purr-sway-seeve persuasive
een-through-dock-shaun introduction
cone-clue-shaun conclusion
pear-p-hose purpose
tee-siz stu-eight-meant thesis statement

Very good class! These words have

something to do with our lesson for today.

D. Lesson Proper
In the previous lesson, you have learned a
lot in composing an argumentative essay.
This time you have to know the different
techniques in writing informative,
persuasive, and argumentative essay.
Writer must have a clear purpose for
writing. To learn about one’s purpose in
writing, these are the seven simple steps to
a successful essay according to Kathy
Livington’s Guide to Writing a Basic Essay.
Can someone read? 1. Pick a topic
2. Prepare an outline or diagram of ideas
3. Write your thesis statement
4. Write the introduction
5. Write the body
6. Write the conclusion
7. Add finishing touches
Thank you. Do you have any idea why
picking a topic is the first thing that you
need to do in writing an essay? Raise your
hand if you want to answer. Answers may vary.

Very good! This is like choosing what story

you want to tell. It's the main idea of your
essay. For example, if your essay is about
your favorite hobby, your topic might be
"Why I Love Playing Basketball."
Next is to prepare an outline or diagram of
ideas. Why do we need to do this in making
an essay? Anyone from the class? Answers may vary.
Very good! Think of this step as creating a
map for your journey. You jot down all the
important points or ideas you want to talk
about in your essay. It's like planning the
chapters of a book before you start writing.

The third step is to write your thesis

statement. Do you have any ideas on how
to write a thesis statement?
Answers may vary.
Very good! This is the most important
sentence in your essay. It's like the heart of
your writing. In our badminton essay
example, your thesis statement might be
something like, "Playing basketball brings
me joy because it keeps me active, helps
me make friends, and teaches me

Step 4 is to write the introduction. The

introduction is like the front door of your
house. It's what invites people in. Here, you
introduce your topic and your thesis
statement. You might share a little bit about
why basketball is important to you and
what you'll be talking about in your essay.

Next is to write the body, do you have any

ideas on what this step is all about? Answers may vary.
Very well! The body paragraphs are like the
rooms in your house. Each paragraph
focuses on one main idea or point from
your outline. You explain each idea in detail
and give examples to support them. So, in
our basketball essay, you might have one
paragraph about staying active, another
about making friends, and another about

Next is to write the conclusion, do you have

any idea what the conclusion is? Anyone
from the class?
Answers may vary.
Very good! The conclusion is like the
closing of your essay. It's where you wrap
everything up neatly. You restate your
thesis statement in a different way,
summarize the main points from your body
paragraphs, and leave your reader with
something to think about. It's like saying
goodbye to your reader.

Now for the last step, add finishing

touches. This means what?
Answers may vary.
Thank you. This step is like polishing your
essay to make it shine. You check for
spelling and grammar errors, make sure
your sentences flow nicely, and maybe
even add some fancy vocabulary words to
impress your reader.

Is everything clear?
Yes Ma’am
Now, your ability to compose and construct
write-ups doesn’t come in an instant, it
requires you a lot of efforts to do readings
and researches. Therefore, you must be
guided by writing principles to be able to
come-up with better compositions. The
reality is that students should learn to write
compositions, like essays, beginning in
elementary school.
Learning about these simple
steps. You will be given different
kinds of essays. Read each and
take note of the content of each

(The teacher is giving printed

essays to the students)

Read each and take note of the content of

each paragraph. After reading the texts,
analyze them using the graphic organizer
below. Use keywords, phrases from the
text. Copy and answer in your notebook.

Is everything clear?
In Reading Text A, what is the author’s Yes Ma’am
reason for writing?
Answers may vary.
Correct! Grading is the reason for writing.
What words or phrases prove your
answer? Answers may vary.

Very good! Next, which paragraph is the

introduction? Answers may vary.

Next is which part is the body of the essay? Answers may vary.

Correct! What does each paragraph

contain? Answers may vary.

Now which paragraph is the conclusion? Answers may vary.

And what does the conclusion contain? Answers may vary.

Very good! Let’s proceed to Reading Text

B. What is the author’s reason for writing? Answers may vary.

Correct! What words or phrases prove your

answer? Answers may vary.

Very good! Next, which paragraph is the

introduction? Answers may vary.

Next is which part is the body of the essay? Answers may vary.

Correct! What does each paragraph

contain? Answers may vary.

Now which paragraph is the conclusion? Answers may vary.

And what does the conclusion contain? Answers may vary.

For the last essay which is Reading Text C.

What is the author’s reason for writing? Answers may vary.

Correct! What words or phrases prove your

answer? Answers may vary.

Very good! Next, which paragraph is the

introduction? Answers may vary.

Next is which part is the body of the essay? Answers may vary.

Correct! What does each paragraph

contain? Answers may vary.

Now which paragraph is the conclusion? Answers may vary.

And what does the conclusion contain? Answers may vary.

Now that you have analyzed all of the

essays that are given to you. In which
essays is the Argumentative Essay? Essay A Ma’am

Why? Answers may vary.

Very well! An argumentative essay is a
type of essay that presents arguments
about both sides of an issue. It could be
that both sides are presented equally
balanced, or it could be that one side is
presented more forcefully than the other. It
all depends on the writer, and what side he
supports the most. The general structure of
an argumentative essay contains: a.
Introduction (it should be attention grabber
and supported by background information)
b. body (this is where you will present at
least three major arguments) c.
counterargument (this is an argument
which refutes earlier arguments and give
weight to the actual position) d. conclusion
(this is where you will rephrase the thesis
statement , major points, call to attention,
and/or concluding remarks)

Very good! Next, which is the persuasive

essay and why? Answers may vary.
Very well! Persuasive Essay. The term
“persuasive” is an adjective derived from
the verb “persuade.” which means “to
convince somebody.” A persuasive essay
is full of all the convincing techniques a
writer can employ. It seeks to convince the
reader about the writer’s point of view by
applying facts, statistics, real-life examples
and other scholarly practices. A good
persuasive essay will entail bits of personal
opinion which should be backed up by
verifiable fact. The primary purpose of
persuasive essay is to persuade or
convince the reader that a certain claim or
viewpoint is right.
Very well! Now for the last essay, can you
give me a reason why it is an informative
essay? Answers may vary.

Very good! An informative essay is any

type of essay that has the goal of informing
or educating an audience. By definition, it is
not used to persuaded or to give one’s
personal beliefs on subject. It contains
three parts. The first part is the
introduction. It is used to grab the attention
of the reader and introduce the present
topic. The second part is the bulk of the
essay and contains all of the important
facts being covered. The last part is the
conclusion. This part should summarize the
essay and encourage the reader to seek
out more information about the topic. The
purpose of an informative essay is to
educate others on a certain topic. Typically,
these essays will answer one of the five
Ws: who, what, where, when, and why. Of
course, they can also answer “how.”
indicating how to do something.

Is everything clear? Yes Ma’am

Do you have any questions or

clarifications? None Ma’am
If that is so, let’s have an activity.

E. Applications
Directions: Identify each sentences below
and tell whether if it is an argumentative, a
persuasive, or an informative text.
_________1. Mobile phones could cause a
big problem especially if youths own one.
_________2.Vitamin and mineral
supplements cannot cure COVID-19.
_________3. Wearing face mask and face
shield, social distancing ,washing hands
frequently, and using alcohol are safety
measures to lessen transmission of the
_________4.A dog is a man’s best friend
as it shows unconditional love to its master.
_________5.Mothers know what is best for
their children.

F. Generalizations
Alright, have you learned something from
our lesson class? We learned the different techniques in writing
informative, persuasive, and argumentative
Very good! What are the differences
between informative, persuasive, and
argumentative essays? Answers may vary.

Very good! Can you tell me the importance

of these three essays in our daily lives? Answers may vary.

Very well! It seems that you really

understood our lesson today.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Create a persuasive essay
about the topic and take note of the rubric
presented below.

Topic: “Embracing the New Normal”

V. Assignment
Directions: Tell whether the following titles
of an essay is argumentative, informative,
or persuasive.
1. “Can Death Penalty Be Effective for
Heinous Crimes?”
2. “Steps to Make Student’s Speech
3. “We Are Dependent on Computers.”
4. “All Students Need to Go to College.”
5. “Reasons that Lead to High Rate of
Goodbye Class! Goodbye Ma’am!

Essay Analysis

Reading Text A Reading Text B Reading Text C

1. What is the author’s

reason for writing?

2. What words or
phrases prove your

3. Which paragraph is
the introduction?

4. Which part is the body

of an essay?

5. What does each

paragraph contain?

6. Which paragraph is
the conclusion?

7. What does the

conclusion contain?

Directions: Identify each sentences below and tell whether if it is an argumentative, a
persuasive, or an informative text.

_________1. Mobile phones could cause a big problem especially if youths own one.
_________2.Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot cure COVID-19.
_________3. Wearing face mask and face shield, social distancing ,washing hands frequently,
and using alcohol are safety measures to lessen transmission of the virus.
_________4.A dog is a man’s best friend as it shows unconditional love to its master.
_________5.Mothers know what is best for their children.

Evaluation: Directions: Create a persuasive essay about the topic and take note of the rubric
presented below.
Topic: “Embracing the New Normal”

Criteria (5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

Relevance There are five There are There are There are two There is one
persuasive four three persuasive persuasive
ideas persuasive persuasive ideas ideas
presented in ideas ideas presented in presented in
the paragraph. presented in presented in the the
the the paragraph. paragraph.
paragraph. paragraph.

Content All the ideas Most of the Some of the Few of the The ideas are
are presented ideas are ideas are ideas are not clear and
logically with clear and clear and clear and logical and
clarity and the logical and logical and logical and persuasive
audience can audience can audience can audience techniques
easily follow easily follow easily follow cannot easily are
through the through the through the follow the use confusing.
use of use of use of some of persuasive
persuasive several persuasive techniques.
techniques. persuasive techniques.

Mechanics Sentences Sentences Sentences Sentences Sentences

have no errors. have minimal have minimal have many have many
errors but the errors. errors but errors.
message is some parts
still clear. are still

Directions: Tell whether the following titles of an essay is argumentative, informative, or

1. “Can Death Penalty Be Effective for Heinous Crimes?”

2. “Steps to Make Student’s Speech Persuasive”
3. “We Are Dependent on Computers.”
4. “All Students Need to Go to College.”
5. “Reasons that Lead to High Rate of Homelessness.”

Prepared by:
Samantha V. Placido
BSEd English-4B

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