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現時点で必要な撮影時間:2 時間 10 分 (11/30 時点で)

1)Will, will Will will Will Will’s will?
2)The Priest married my sister.


Haruka and Nathan? (文化の違いをネタにする)

Haruka and Kaito? (英語の悩みをネタにする)
Phrases for school
Phrases for the doctor
Find the mistake series?
Phrases for directions

レジ 接客英語関連
① Cafe や飲食店でのトラブルや接客で使える表現

② コンビニ店員 日本 VS 海外
③ ドライブスルー の英語
1 本目字幕なしでネイティブスピードで撮影「全部聞き取れましたか?」
2 本目同じ内容で撮影、字幕あり、表現の英語➝日本語を間に入れる?
④ カフェ 注文するときの英語

⑤ ホテル 接客英語

Things that are normal in Canada, but are not normal in Japan

1. Holding the door open for people

2. Wearing shoes in the house
3. Large food portions
4. Seeing a squirrel
5. Showing your ID when you buy alcohol

Things that are normal in Japan, but are not normal in Canada

1. Slurping your noodles

2. Drinking alcohol outside
3. Vending machines everywhere
4. Children walking around by themselves

- Dating in Japan vs Dating in Canada (abroad)
- Why do native speakers say “I’m so sorry?”
- Studying English advice
- Things Nathan misses about Canada
- Japanese things we couldn’t do without
- Things we want to say to our past selves

A: Ugh, this is so heavy.
B: Do you want me to hold it?
A: No, no. It’s okay.
A: Ughh, this computer’s so slow.
B: Do you want me to take a look at it?
A: Hm? Uh, no. I’m fine.
A: Ughhh, it’s so hot.
B: Do you want me to turn up the AC?
A: …Can I ask you something?
B: Shoot.
A: Why do you always ask me if I want you to do something?
B: Huh?
A: してほしい?してほしい?といつも言ってるやん。ネーソンがしたいんやったら別にし
B: OH. I see. I think you’re translating that wrong it your head.
A: I am?
B: When English speakers say “do you want me to (something)?”, it’s closer to, like “~しよう
か?” in Japanese.
A: Oh! So, you’re not asking me if I want you to do something—you’re offering!
B: You got it.
A: Great, thanks.
A: I do want you to turn up the AC, though.
B: Oh yeah, I’m on it.

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