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In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to get caught up in the whirlwind of life, often neglecting to

appreciate the present moment. Amidst this hustle, the tendency to prioritize everything above our
health can lead to long-term repercussions.

Modern society seeks quick fixes. We tend to favour readily available yet unhealthy food options
over the time-consuming task of preparing nourishing meals. Unfortunately, this inclination persists
among younger generations, including students and professionals.

Despite evolving lifestyles, Tambodi Juice Centre remains steadfast in its commitment to providing
fresh and healthy juices, refraining from the artificial alternatives flooding the market. Their
unwavering dedication reflects their contribution to the well-being of the society.

Nevertheless, this dedication isn’t without its challenges.

One of the primary hurdles they face is the fluctuating prices of fruits. Offering a diverse range of
fruit juices necessitates ensuring a consistent supply of fruits throughout the year. However, seasonal
variations lead to price fluctuations, impacting profit margins and supply availability, particularly
during off-seasons or market shifts. Prices of fruits might also increase due to crop failures or adverse

Preserving fruits presents another challenge. Procuring raw materials repeatedly isn’t feasible, given
the associated costs and risks of spoilage. Tambodi Juice Centre addresses this by purchasing fruits in
bulk twice a week, opting for partially ripe ones to extend their shelf life. While this strategy reduces
storage expenses, it heightens the risk of spoilage if demand unexpectedly decreases. This risk is
unavoidable, as it depends on the customer demands, preferences and sales. If there is an
unexpected decrease in the demand for a particular fruit juice, the fruits in the stores will inevitably
go bad and the juice centre will have to incur losses.

Moreover, the rising preference for artificial fruit juices among children and youth poses a threat to
the sustainability of fresh juice centers like Tambodi. Driven by factors like affordability and taste,
consumers often overlook the health hazards posed by artificial juices, laden with preservatives and
artificial sweeteners.

The competitors:

The main competitors of Tambodi Juice centre include two other closely located juices centres- the
Shiv Kailash juice centre and Fresh Juice centre both located within 500-700 m of Tambodi juice

Apart from these physical competitors, artificial juices can also be considered as a potential
competitor of a fresh juice centre like Tambodi.

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