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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

In delving into Module 1, I found myself entrenched in the complexities of my

role as a Shift Manager at Buffalo Wild Wings. Amidst the dynamic environment, the
transition between General Managers emerged as a pivotal juncture fraught with
challenges. Reflecting on this period, I discerned that the transition could have been
better orchestrated, as its haphazard nature resulted in a palpable decline in efficiency and
productivity across the board.

The repercussions of the transition reverberated throughout the store, causing a

discernible setback in our operations. The disruption not only hindered our day-to-day
functions but also impeded our progress towards overarching goals. This experience
underscored the critical importance of seamless leadership transitions, emphasizing the
need for clear communication, strategic planning, and adept management to sustain
momentum and drive success in a fast-paced, service-oriented environment like Buffalo
Wild Wings.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

Being a sports bar, I think it is incredibly important that Buffalo Wild Wings stands for
something more than just beer and sports. They even pride themselves on this fact, using the both
of those concepts in their motto. While it is pertinent to the business they provide, I think that the
overall values that come with these aren’t necessarily the most professional, or business
inducive. It create a somewhat childish atmosphere associated with drunk college students that
have no business managing or running a restaurant. While this isn’t always the case, Buffalo
Wild Wings will always be associated with this sort of customer base, as they endorse it as their

This ‘culture’ that is endorsed by Buffalo Wild Wings is certainly symbolic. It is symbolic of
the exact things they reference in their motto, drinks, sports, and having a good time. This isn’t
exactly the most family friendly environment that they so desperately try to cater to. The
symbolicism affects not only the consumer base, but also the employees within it, who believe it
to be okay to act like the customers they serve. This is extremely detrimental to the organization,
as it results in everyone behaving in a manner that is not fit for a million dollar business.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

In this case specifically, I think some organizational symbols that would be beneficial
would be ideas like family, friends, and food. These are much more valuable than legal drugs
like alcohol, sports and things that come with that, as well as rowdy celebrations of said
sport. It is important to remember that regardless of the demographic a company is trying to
reach, business has to be conducted in a certain manner in order to reach the likes of
shareholders and similar individuals.

These ideas that I mentioned in the previous paragraph are values that almost every
individual holds dearly. Regardless of if someone has friends and family, I would consider
most people enjoyers of food, something that we all need to live and survive. Not only that,
but people enjoy good food, and relish in the fact that they get to enjoy it every so often. This
is not something that Buffalo Wild Wings embodies, and they instead choose to serve bland,
overpriced food that is not enjoyable for anyone who isn’t under the influence of alcohol.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Chapter twelve of the textbook mentions the idea that it is not what physically occurs that
gives meaning, but instead what that means to the bigger picture (Bolman & Deal, 2021).
What should be important shouldn’t be the fact that individuals are physically there with each
other drinking, it should be the fact that they get to enjoy each other’s presence, catch up,
maybe after long periods of not seeing each other and watch something that interests both of
them, and enjoy a hearty meal that they will remember for the foreseeable future. The current
Buffalo Wild Wings model is incredibly shallow and focuses too much on literal events.

The focus should instead be on the implied value of getting together with people to
interact and gain a memorable experience, not simply drinking and watching a sporting
event. This is where I think Buffalo Wild Wings takes a step in the wrong direction in
regards to symbols, and now that I have learned about what exactly these symbols mean and
how they affect things like work ethic, I think that the motto should involve ideas that are
much deeper than this.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership.
Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand.

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