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Annual Examination (2023-24)

Subject- Science
Max Marks - 80 Time- 3Hrs

General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is
expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions should
be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
v. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these questions
should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these questions
should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts

Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions 1 - 20.
There is no negative mark for incorrect response

1. The Triad which is isoelectronic is

a. Mg2+, O, F- b. Na+, Ne, O2- c. Na+, N3-, Al d. Cl-, Ar, Ca

2. A student mixed the white of an egg with water and stirred it well. After sometimes he observes that

a. No change. b. Salt is left behind in the china dish.

c. The mixture starts melting. d. Iodine is left behind in the china dish.

3. What will you observe when a mixture of iodine and salt is heated in a china dish?

a. E = 10, P = 9, N = 10 b. E = 9, P = 10, N = 10

c. E = 10, P = 10, N = 10 d. E = 9, P = 9, N = 10

4. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the state of matter?

a. The force of attraction between the gas particles is very less.

b. Plasma consists of super energetic and super excited particles.
c. The plasma glows with a special colour depending on the nature of the gas.
d. Bose-Einstein condensate is formed by heating gas of extremely low density.

5. How many moles are present in 40 g of Helium? (He=4u)

a. 5 moles b. 20 moles c. 6 moles d. 10 moles

6. The boiling point of water at sea level is __________________.

a. 0℃ b. 273 K c. 373 K d. 273℃

7. The phenomenon where cytoplasm shrinks in a hypertonic medium is called

a. Frontolysis b. Plasmolysis
c. Acidolysis d. Allolysis

8. Which cell does not have perforated cell wall?

a.Tracheids b. Companion cells
c. Sieve tubes d. Vessels

9. Find out the correct sentence

a. Enzymes packed in Lysosomes are made through RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum)
b. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and protein respectively
c. Endoplasmic reticulum is related with the destruction of plasma membrane
d. Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm of eukaryotic nucleus

10. Find out the correct sentence about manure

(i) Manure contains large quantities of organic matter and small quantities of nutrients.

(ii) It increases the water holding capacity of sandy soil.

(iii) It helps in draining out of excess of water from clayey soil.

(iv) Its excessive use pollutes environment because it is made of animal excretory waste.

a. (i) and (iii) b. (i) and (ii)

c. (ii) and (iii) d. (iii) and (iv)

11. Which of these is not related to endoplasmic reticulum?

a. It behaves as transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm

b. It transports materials between various regions in cytoplasm
c. It can be the site of energy generation
d. It can be the site for some biochemical activities of the cell

12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a. Cytoplasm is also known as protoplasm

b. Lysosomes are known as suicide bags
c. Mitochondria don’t have its own DNA
d. All plastids are colourless
13. A ball is rolled on a flat surface with a velocity of 12m/s. If the velocity of the ball decreases at the rate of
0.5m/s2 , how long will the ball take to come to rest?
a. 6s b.12s
c. 24s d. 36s

14. An object is moving on a surface offering a dynamic friction of 4N. There is a 16N force being applied on
the object and it is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s2 .
a. 2 kg b. 6 kg
c. 8 kg d. 10 kg

15. A body floats in a liquid if the buoyant force is

a. Zero b. greater than its weight
c. less than its weight d. equal to its weight

16. The inertia of an object tends to cause the object

a. to increase its speed b. to decrease its speed
c. to resist any change in its state of motion d. to decelerate due to friction

Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option given below:

a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

b. Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.

17. Assertion (A): Isotopes are electrically neutral.

Reason(R): Isotopes are species with same mass number but different atomic number.

18. Assertion: The change in kinetic energy of a particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force.
Reason: Work done by the force is defined to be the product of component of the force in the direction of the
displacement and the magnitude of displacement.

19. Assertion: Inter cropping prevents pests.

Reason: Plant pests can be controlled biologically by their natural parasites and pathogens.

20. Assertion: Draught breeds of cows are used mainly as beasts of burden.
Reason: Draught breeds of cow give less milk and are weak so they are a burden.


Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions

21. On the basis of number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the samples given below identify
a. a cation b. Pair of isotopes c. Pair of isobars d. An anion
Sample Proton Neutron Electron
A 17 18 16
B 18 19 18
C 17 20 18
D 17 17 17
22. If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what among the following will take
place? Explain the reason for your answer.
(a) Both the cells will swell.
(b) RBC will burst easily while cells of onion peel will resist the bursting to some extent.
(c) a and b both are correct.
(d) RBC and onion peel cells will behave similarly.

23. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissues. Draw well labelled diagram.
What is a GM crop? Name any one such crop which is grown in India.

24. A train is travelling at a speed of 90 km h–1. Brakes are applied so as to produce a uniform acceleration of –
0.5 m s-2. Find how far the train will go before it is brought to rest.

25. The position time graph is given below .

i) What is the displacement of the body for the entire


ii) Find the velocity at time 0 to 2 seconds.


According to the third law of motion when we push on an object, the object pushes back on us with an equal
and opposite force. If the object is a massive truck parked along the roadside, it will probably not move. A
student justifies this by answering that the two opposite and equal forces cancel each other. Comment on this
logic and explain why the truck does not move.

26. How is bacterial cell different from onion peel?


Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions

27. a. The element boron occurs in nature as two isotopes having atomic mass 10u and 11u. What are the
percentage abundances of these isotopes in a sample of boron having average atomic mass 10.8u?

b. Write the uses of the following isotopes- i. Iodine -131 ii. Carbon-14


Calculate the number of aluminium ions present in 0.051g of aluminium oxide (Al2O3). (Atomic mass of
Al=27u and O=16u).

28. Work out the formula of the following compounds and identify the anion and the cation in it.

a. Calcium Phosphate b. Sodium Carbonate c. Ammonium Chloride

29. Differentiate between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. How is endoplasmic reticulum important
for membrane biogenesis?

30. Draw the neat and labeled diagram neuron.

31. A stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 40m/s. Find the maximum height reached by
the stone. What is the net displacement and the total distance covered by the stone?

32. i. An echo is heard in 3 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source, given that the speed
of sound is 342 ms -1 ?
ii. Describe, with the help of a diagram, how compressions and rarefactions are produced in the air near a
source of the sound.
33. A bullet of mass 10 g travelling horizontally with a velocity of 150 m s–1 strikes a stationary wooden block
and comes to rest in 0.03 s. Calculate the distance of penetration of the bullet into the block. Also calculate
the magnitude of the force exerted by the wooden block on the bullet.

Question No. 34 to 36 are long answer questions.

34. Explain the Rutherford’s Experiment that led to the discovery of nucleus and write the postulates of his
nuclear model of atom.
i. Describe an activity to differentiate between the properties of solution, suspension and colloids.
ii. Explain emulsification and coagulation and write their application in daily life.

35. State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these:

(i) an object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity

(ii) an object moving with an acceleration but with uniform speed.

(iii) an object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration in the perpendicular direction.

(iv) When will you say a body is in (a) uniform acceleration? (b) non-uniform acceleration?


(i) A sound wave travels at a speed of 339 m s-1. If its wavelength is 1.5 cm, what is the frequency of the wave?
Will it be audible?

(ii) What is the loudness of sound? What factors does it depend on?

(iii) Explain how bats use ultrasound to catch prey.

36. What is poultry farming? The cross breeding between indigenous and exotic breed is done aims to develop
which desirable traits? Name the indigenous and exotic breed. Mention the precautions to be followed.


In brief state what happens when

(a) dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and later transferred to sugar solution?

(b) a Red Blood Cell is kept in concentrated saline solution?

(c) the Plasma membrane of a cell breaks down?

(d) rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it?

(e) golgi apparatus is removed from the cell?


Question No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data -based questions with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal choice is
provided in one of these sub-parts.

37. A solution of a solid in a liquid such as water can be prepared by adding it slowly to water with constant
stirring at a certain temperature (room temperature). If the addition process is continued, a stage is ultimately
reached in the dissolution process when no more of the solid dissolves. Rather it starts settling at the bottom of
the container such as a glass beaker. The solution at this stage is said to be saturated. The solubility of a solute is
always expressed with respect to the saturated solution. It may be defined as the maximum amount of the solute
that can be dissolved in 100 g of the solvent to form a saturated solution at a given temperature. Please
remember that the role of temperature is very important. If temperature is increased, the solution becomes
unsaturated. In case the temperature is decreased, the solution becomes supersaturated. As a result, crust of the
solute gets deposited on the surface.

(i) What do mean by the term Solubility?

(ii) 20 g of a solute are dissolved in 500 g of the solvent. The solubility and the concentration of the solute is:

(iii) What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of a solid and a gas?

(iv) What do you mean by concentration of solution?

38. Prakash took a glass jar with an electric bell fitted in it and sucked out all the air from the glass jar using a
vacuum pump. He then connected the bell to a battery and switched it on.He then slowly pumped the air back
into the jar, and switched the bell on again. After some time he changed the bell with another bell producing
sound of 15 Hz.

i) What did Prakash observe after switching the bell on before and after filling air? Justify your answer.
ii) What did Prakash observe when he changed the bell? Why?
iii) There was a small LED bulb connected to the wall of glass jar. The bulb was connected to a cell and it
was on from the starting of the experiment. What change will be observed in visibility of the light coming
out of the bulb when air was filled in the jar? Why?
iv) Find the velocity of the wave having frequency 20 Hz and wavelength 20cm.

(i) What are the various energy transformations that occur when you are riding a bicycle?
(ii) A certain household has consumed 250 units of energy during a month. How much energy is this in
(iii) A stone and feather are thrown from a tower, both the objects should reach the ground at same time but
it does not. Why?
(iv) How is the weight of an object related to its mass?


Dr. H.Ranasingh is a Chief District Veterinary officer (CDVO) of Puri district. He once visited to Balugaon
(Chilika) to meet the fishers and to brief about their issues. He and his team explained the farmers to do’s and
don’t’s regarding the pisiculture.
a. Fishery in these areas is known as?
b. If the farmers of Keonjhar District are willing to choose fishery for their livelihood and you were the CDVO.
Which process of fishery will you will suggest.
c. Describe the suggested process in brief. Why?

There is concern that agricultural production in developing countries will cause environmental threats in the
future, as production will have to increase to satisfy the growing demand for food. Intensification leads to high
inputs of nutrients in the form of mineral fertilizers and animal feed. Important parts of these inputs leak from
the system in the form of nutrient leaching to groundwater and gaseous losses to the atmosphere. Pressure on
the existing agricultural land may increase by growing demand for productive land and degradation of the
existing agricultural land base. Expansion of agriculture generally leads to massive deforestation.
There is an interaction between livestock production, crop production and land use. The link between livestock
and crop production is through the demand for animal feedstuffs. As the world population is expected to
stabilise in the second half of the twenty-first century, the scenarios must cover a period of 50-100 years to
include the impacts of human population. Not all environmental consequences can be quantitatively evaluated.
World agriculture is currently responsible for more than half of the atmospheric increase of nitrous oxide
(N2O), two thirds of the global ammonia (NH3) input into the atmosphere, and 40% of global methane (CH4)
emissions. These compounds play important roles in atmospheric chemistry,ozone depletion, aerosol formation
and greenhouse warming.

a. Name a method by which we can improve the desired characteristics of animals?

b. List any two factors for which crop variety improvement is done,
c. What is the significance of animal husbandry?

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