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ASM’S IBMR PUNE – Institute of Business Management



Software Requirements


Complete skin care

Prepared by

Akshay Morankar (223247)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
1. Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2Document Conventions----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.3Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions---------------------------------------------------1
1.4 Product Scope---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.5 References-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
2.Overall Description---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.1 Product Perspective--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.2 Product Features------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.3 Operating Environment----------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints---------------------------------------------------------2
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies------------------------------------------------------------------3
3. System Feature (Modules Description)----------------------------------------------------------
4. External Interface Requirement-----------------------------------------------------------------3
4.1 User Interfaces---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
4.2 Hardware Interfaces---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.3 Software Interfaces----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.4 Communications Interfaces------------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements-------------------------------------------------------------4
5.1 Performance Requirements------------------------------------------------------------------------4
5.2 Safety Requirements--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
5.3 Security Requirements------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.4 Software Quality Attributes------------------------------------------------------------------------5
6. Other Requirements--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.1 Purpose

The main Purpose of our Project is users can check skincare product
And treat all types of skin.

1.2 Documents Conventions

The document focuses on the high priority requirements which will be
implemented for the final deliverable.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The target audience for your Android skincare project encompasses a broad
spectrum of users. It includes those seeking general skincare advice and
routines, beauty enthusiasts looking for personalized recommendations,
dermatologists and skincare professionals in need of a diagnostic tool, teenagers
and young adults with specific skincare needs, and individuals dealing with
particular skin conditions.
1.3 Project Scope

The app will feature user registration and profile management, enabling
individuals to create and maintain personal skincare profiles. It will provide
valuable educational content, including articles, videos, and tutorials on
skincare topics, as well as information about skincare routines.

Users will have the ability to create and customize their skincare routines
within the app, complete with reminders for each step and product application.
Additionally, the app will offer skin analysis capabilities, allowing users to
upload photos for assessment and receive recommendations based on the
analysis results. A thriving community and support system will be fostered
through discussion forums, enabling users to engage in discussions, ask
questions, share experiences, and offer support to one another.

The project may include integration with dermatologist services for virtual
consultations, enhancing the user experience. Users will be able to rate and
review skincare products, contributing to an overall rating system within the
app. Push notifications will keep users informed about reminders, new content,
and updates. Ensuring the utmost security and data privacy, the app will adhere
to relevant regulations and employ robust security measures.

1.4 References

2.Overall Description

2.1 Product Descriptive

Online complete skin care application is totally independent and the app is
customizable and this can use by any skin care business to keep record of skin
care services and it can upgradable as per user need.

2.2 Product feature

The user who has the familiarity with computers will mostly use this system.

1. Search: In this section, admin can search booking details and user
queries with the help of name, mobile number, and booking id

2. Reports: In this section, admin can view booking in a particular


1. 3 Contact us Queries: In this section, admin can view and maintain

the Queries.

2.3 Operating Environment:

Processor : Intel core i3

Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz


SSD : 256 GB


Database : MySQL

Server : Xammp

Frontend : Andorid

Scripting language : Java

Technology : PHP

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints:

1. Regulatory Policies
-There are no regulatory policies.

2. Hardware Limitations
-There is hardware limitation we can use (min) 1.6 GHZ and faster processor.

3. Interface to other application

-An external interface for jewellery product ledger.
4. Parallel Operation
-There is single operation at the time.

5. Safety and security consideration

-There are the index number are assigned to every different product so anyone
outside can’t check the data.

6. Reliability Requirement
- Total number of bugs in the system shall not be exceed 1% of total line of

7. Criticality of the application

-The stand-alone system app will be available

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies:

It is assumed that skin care services data will be made variables for the project
in same phase of its completions. It is assumed that the user is familiar with a
skin care since the application is a product-based application there is no need
for internal browser

3 System Features:

Project Modules: -
Module No.1:- Product



Skincare routine

Product review and rating

Module No.2: - Category

Module No.3: - Skin care routine

Module No.4: - Product review and rating

4 External Interface Requirements:

4.1 User Interfaces:


4.2 Hardware Interfaces:

Processor: - Intel core i3

Ram: - 256 GB

Hard disk: - 300 MB free disk space or more.

1. Input Devices - Keyboard/Mouse.

2. Output Devices - Monitor, Speaker.

3. Input output Devices – Processor, RAM.

4.3 Software Interfaces:

Database : MySQL

Server : Xammp

Frontend : Andorid

Scripting language : Java

Technology : PHP

4.4 Communication Interfaces:

Describes the requirements associated with any communication functions

requires by this product identify any communication standards that will be used.
Specify any communication security or encryption issues data transfer rates and
synchronization mechanisms
5. Other Non-functional Requirements:

5.1 Performance Requirements:

-Instead of use minimum hardware requirements pc use you can use a better
specification pc for faster use of the software.

5.2 Safety Requirements:

In the application you need to use index number for every product you need to
check this number before watching product information

5.3 Security Requirements:

You need to set a password or pin for your pc if you done this so anyone
expect you can’t access your application information without your

5.4 Software Quality Attribute:

-The quality of is one of the best because it is fully.

made with the client necessities we will try to fulfil to all necessities of the
client need.

-We made this application to see future scope or we can make changes in
application if user want any changes in future to use we can able to redesign
things properly.
-After all the checks we designed this gives you a correct output for your
input this will done your work properly.

-The modem read of high-quality accessories with software many qualities

factors like the following

1 usablity: Non- technical background of a user should not be an obstacle to

understand and use the system.

2 correctness: A system gives you correct output as your input

6 Other Requirements:

-We can add other requirements that can customer interact easily and
purchase or sell the product more and more like we can add images to shown
by user and they get of product easily interact with us.

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