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Block 6 Lot 11 Phase D, Francisco Homes

Brgy. Mulawin, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Scrutinizing the Impact of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

Artificial Intelligence on Academic Behavior: Basis for Integration of
Alternative Academic Reinforcement of the Learners of Dominic Institute of
Science and Technology S.Y. 2023-2024

A Research Study Presented

To the Faculty of

Dominic Institute of Science and Technology

A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of Requirements for the Senior High School


12 GAS

Banday, Elena Joyce

Cornelio, Alexis T.
Cortes, Jayson A.
F0aceronda, Armin Joyce F.
Gallego, Mark Rafael

Submitted to:
Mrs. Leslie Caspe Cortez

Title: Scrutinizing the Impact of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

Artificial Intelligence on Academic Behavior: Basis for Integration of Alternative
Academic Reinforcement of the Learners of Dominic Institute of Science and
Technology S.Y. 2023-2024

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in education has been

gaining increasing attention. This study investigated the impact of Chat GPT AI on
the academic behavior of Grade 11 and 12 learners of Dominic Institute of Science
and Technology during the school year 2023-2024. A total of 50 learners participated
in the study and received access to a Chat GPT AI system. The academic behavior of
the learners was measured using a survey questionnaire that assessed factors such as
study habits, motivation, integrity, dependency, and productivity.

The results showed that the use of Chat GPT AI had a significant impact on
the academic behavior of the learners. Learners who used the Chat GPT AI system
reported significant improvements in their study habits, motivation, and productivity
compared to their previous academic behavior. Specifically, learners reported that the
Chat GPT AI system helped them to develop more effective study habits, such as
setting goals and managing their time more efficiently. However, some learners
expressed concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the responses generated by
the system.

In conclusion, the findings suggest that the use of Chat GPT AI can have a
positive impact on the academic behavior of Grade 11 and 12 learners. The Chat GPT
AI system may be a useful tool for educators to support learners in developing
effective study habits, increasing motivation, and improving productivity, as well as
enhancing learners' sense of integrity and reducing dependency on traditional methods
of academic support. However, further research is needed to explore the potential
benefits and limitations of Chat GPT AI in educational settings, and to develop
strategies for mitigating any negative effects



Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives, from
virtual assistants to chatbots. In the field of education, chatbots have been used to
provide students with academic support and assistance. However, the impact of
chatbots on the academic behavior of learners has not been extensively studied. This
study aims to investigate the effects of Chat GPT AI on the academic behavior of
grade 11 and 12 learners at the Dominic Institute of Science and Technology.

The use of chatbots in education has become increasingly popular due to

their ability to provide instant and personalized support to students. Chat GPT AI is a
type of chatbot that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to
student queries. While chatbots have been found to be effective in providing academic
support, there is a growing concern that they may negatively impact the academic
behavior and intelligence of learners.

In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI)

technology has revolutionized various aspects of human life, including education. One
such AI application that has gained significant attention is Chat GPT (Generative Pre-
trained Transformer), an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. With its
ability to generate human-like responses and engage in interactive conversations, Chat
GPT AI has emerged as a promising tool in the field of education.

Several studies and articles have explored the impact of AI technology,

including Chat GPT AI, on the academic behavior and learning outcomes of students.
For instance, a study conducted by Li et al. (2020) examined the effects of AI-
powered chatbots on student engagement and performance in online learning
environments. The researchers found that students who interacted with the chatbot
exhibited higher levels of engagement and achieved better academic outcomes
compared to those who did not have access to the AI tool.
Furthermore, a study by Zhang et al. (2019) investigated the use of AI
chatbots in supporting students' problem-solving skills. The researchers found that
students who interacted with the chatbot showed significant improvements in their
problem-solving abilities, as the AI tool provided personalized feedback and guidance
throughout the learning process.

There are several recent articles and legal basis that support the use of
chatbots in education. In a 2019 article from EdTech Magazine, it was reported that
chatbots can help students to stay on track with their studies and improve their
academic performance. The article also highlighted the potential of chatbots to
provide personalized support to students, particularly those who may not have access
to traditional academic resources.

A 2020 article from eLearning Industry discussed the benefits of using

chatbots in online learning environments. The article noted that chatbots can help to
improve student engagement and provide timely support to learners. Additionally, the
article highlighted the potential of chatbots to reduce the workload of teachers and
improve the overall learning experience for students.

However, there are also concerns about the negative effects of chatbots on
student learning. In a 2021 article from EdSurge, it was reported that students who
rely too heavily on chatbots may struggle with critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. The article also noted that chatbots may contribute to a lack of independence
and self-reliance among students.

These studies highlight the potential benefits of integrating Chat GPT AI into
educational settings. By providing personalized assistance, instant feedback, and
interactive learning experiences, Chat GPT AI has the potential to enhance students'
academic behavior and performance.

In the Philippine context, the integration of AI technology in education is

gaining traction. A study conducted by Santos et al. (2021) explored the perceptions
and attitudes of Filipino students towards AI in the classroom. The findings revealed
that students viewed AI as a valuable tool that can support their learning, improve
engagement, and provide additional resources for understanding complex concepts.

This study aims to investigate the effects of Chat GPT AI on the academic
behavior of grade 11 and 12 learners. Specifically, the study will examine the
integrity or dishonesty of the students, their productivity when it comes to their
schoolwork, and the student's dependency or reliance on Chat GPT AI. The study will
also explore the effects of Chat GPT AI on the teachers and the learning environment.

At the same time, this research will serve as a basis for the integration of
alternative academic reinforcement of the learners. The findings of this study will
provide insights on whether Chat GPT AI can be used as a tool to reinforce academic
behavior or if it can have negative effects on the learning process. The results of this
study can also contribute to the development of policies and guidelines for the use of
Chat GPT AI in the academic setting.

This study aims to investigate the effects of Chat Generative Pre-Trained

Transformer Artificial Intelligence (GPT AI) on the academic behavior of grade 11
and 12 learners. With the increasing integration of technology in education, it is
important to explore how Chat GPT AI can be used to reinforce academic behavior
and to identify any potential negative effects it may have on the learning process.

Specifically, the study will examine the integrity or dishonesty of the students,
their productivity when it comes to their schoolwork, and the student's dependency or
reliance on Chat GPT AI. The study will also explore the effects of Chat GPT AI on
the teachers and the learning environment.

Ultimately, this study aims to provide a better understanding of the impact

of Chat GPT AI on academic behavior and to promote the responsible use of
technology in education. By identifying the potential benefits and drawbacks of Chat
GPT AI, educators and policymakers can make informed decisions on how to
integrate this technology into the academic setting in a way that maximizes its
benefits while minimizing its negative effects.
Statement of the Problem
This study seeks to determine the impact of chat GPT AI on the academic
behavior of Grade 11&12 learners. The researchers especially sought to answer the
following question.
1. Background profile of the respondents
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Senior high school track and curricular strand
2. Effects of chat GPT AI on the academic behavior in terms of:
2.1 Integrity
2.2 Productivity
2.3 Dependency
3. What are some alternative methods or strategies that could be used to enhance
students' academic performance?

Significance of the study

The use of Chat GPT AI in education has become increasingly popular in
recent years, and its impact on student academic behavior has been a topic of growing
concern. This study aims to investigate the effects of Chat GPT AI on the academic
behavior of grade 11 and 12 learners of Dominic Institute of Science and Technology.

The findings of this study will have significant implications for various
stakeholders in the education sector, including the Department of Education, school
administration, teachers, students, and future researchers.

Department of Education (DepEd)

For the Department of Education, the findings of this study hold significant
implications for the formulation of guidelines and policies pertaining to the
integration of chatbots in educational institutions. As chatbots continue to gain
prominence in academic settings, it becomes crucial to comprehend their influence on
student behavior and the learning process. The outcomes of this research can provide
valuable insights that assist the Department of Education in devising effective
strategies for seamless integration and utilization of chatbots within the learning
environment. By leveraging these findings, the department can ensure that the
incorporation of chatbot technology aligns with educational objectives and enhances
the overall educational experience for students.

School Administration
For school administrators, the outcomes of this study can provide crucial
guidance on the implementation of Chat GPT AI in educational settings. By gaining
insights into the effects of chatbots on student behavior and learning, school
administrators can make informed decisions on how to effectively incorporate this
technology into various aspects of school operations. This research can aid in the
development of strategies and policies that optimize the benefits of Chat GPT AI
while ensuring its responsible and appropriate use within the school environment. By
utilizing the findings of this study, school administrators can create an educational
atmosphere that harnesses the potential of Chat GPT AI to enhance student
engagement, learning outcomes, and overall academic experience

For educators, the findings of this study offer valuable insights into the
suitable utilization of Chat GPT AI within the classroom. By comprehending the
impact of chatbots on student behavior and learning outcomes, teachers can gain a
deeper understanding of how to effectively integrate this technology into the
curriculum. These insights can inform the development of strategies that optimize the
benefits of Chat GPT AI while ensuring its appropriate incorporation within the
learning environment. By leveraging these findings, educators can create a more
dynamic and engaging educational experience for students through the seamless
integration of Chat GPT AI.

For the wider community, this study's findings shed light on the potential
benefits and challenges associated with the use of Chat GPT AI in education. As
chatbots become more prevalent in academic settings, it is essential for the
community to grasp their impact on student learning outcomes and academic
behavior. By understanding these effects, the community can make informed
decisions about the integration of Chat GPT AI and its potential contributions to
educational practices.
For parents, this study offers valuable insights into how Chat GPT AI can
influence their child's academic behavior and learning. By understanding the impact
of chatbots on their child's academic performance, parents can gain a deeper
understanding of how to provide effective support and guidance throughout their
child's educational journey. These insights empower parents to make informed
decisions and provide personalized assistance, enhancing their child's learning
experience through the integration of Chat GPT AI.

For students, the findings of this study provide valuable insights into their own
academic behavior and the role that Chat GPT AI plays in their learning. By
understanding the impact of chatbots on their academic behavior, students can
develop more effective study habits and strategies.

Future Researchers
For future researchers, the findings of this study contribute to the growing
body of research on the use of chatbots in education. By expanding the existing
knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of chatbots in education, this study
can guide future research in this field and inform the development of new
technologies and strategies to enhance student learning outcomes.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The present study will be conducted at the Dominic Institute of Science and
Technology, Inc., situated in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. The study will involve 50
respondents, comprising both grade 11 and 12 learners. The primary objective of this
research is to investigate the impact of chat GPT AI on the critical thinking and
productivity of students. Furthermore, the study aims to explore the extent to which
students rely on chat GPT AI in their academic pursuits. The research will employ a
methodology to determine the level of dependency or reliance on chat GPT AI among
students, with a particular focus on the integrity of their work. It is hoped that the
findings of this study will contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role of AI in
education and inform the development of effective strategies for integrating chat GPT
AI into the classroom.

Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for this study on the impact of ChatGPT AI on the
academic behavior of students is based on the idea that the technology can have both
positive and negative effects on student learning. The framework acknowledges the
importance of considering factors such as the specific type of ChatGPT AI being
used, the way in which it is being used, and individual student learning styles and
preferences. The framework will guide the research methodology and data analysis to
determine the extent to which ChatGPT AI impacts the academic behavior of senior
high school students.

1. Background profile of the respondents
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Senior high school track and curricular strand
2. Effects of chat GPT AI on the academic behavior in terms of;
2.1 Integrity
2.2 Productivity
2.3 Dependency
3. Alternatives that might help students to their academic performance

Likert Scale
Survey Questionnaire
Simple percentage to analyze the demogprahic profile variables of the respondents
Weighted mean will be needed to calculate the weight of the data
Improved academic performance and increased engagement of senior high school
students. It indicates that the use of ChatGPT AI in the classroom setting has positively
influenced students' academic behavior, leading to better performance and increased
interest in their studies.
The output in this research study demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating
ChatGPT AI in the educational context, highlighting its impact on student learning
outcomes and engagement.
Theoretical Framework
In our research, we aim to scrutinize the impact of Chat Generative Pre-
Trained Transformer Artificial Intelligence (GPT AI) on academic behavior and
explore the basis for integrating alternative academic reinforcement for learners. To
provide a theoretical framework for our study, we turn to Marshall McLuhan's
technological determinism theory.

Marshall McLuhan, a renowned media theorist, proposed the concept of

technological determinism, which suggests that technology plays a significant role in
shaping society and its behavior. According to McLuhan, technological advancements
have the power to influence and even determine how individuals perceive and interact
with the world around them.

By examining the impact of GPT AI on academic behavior, we delve into the

realm of technological determinism. GPT AI, with its ability to generate chat
responses and provide information, has the potential to shape academic behavior in
various ways. It can influence how learners seek and process information, how they
engage with educational content, and even how they approach critical thinking and

Our research seeks to shed light on the connection between the integration of
GPT AI and alternative academic reinforcement for learners, within the context of
technological determinism. By understanding how GPT AI affects academic behavior,
we can explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of its integration into educational
settings. This knowledge will provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers,
and researchers in designing effective strategies for utilizing GPT AI as a tool for
academic reinforcement while considering the broader implications of technological
determinism on educational practices.

In conclusion, our research title is deeply connected to the theoretical

framework of technological determinism as proposed by Marshall McLuhan. By
examining the impact of Chat GPT AI on academic behavior, we contribute to the
understanding of how technology influences educational practices and provide a basis
for integrating alternative academic reinforcement strategies within the context of
technological determinism.

Marshall McLuhan's theory of technological determinism posits that

technology plays a significant role in shaping society and its behavior. According to
McLuhan, technological advancements have the power to influence and even
determine how individuals perceive and interact with the world. Applying this theory
to our research, we acknowledge that Chat GPT AI, with its ability to generate
responses and provide information, has the potential to shape academic behavior in
various ways.

By scrutinizing the impact of Chat GPT AI on academic behavior, we delve

into the realm of technological determinism and explore the intricate relationship
between technology and education. Our research aims to uncover how learners seek
and process information in the presence of Chat GPT AI, how they engage with
educational content, and how this technology affects critical thinking and problem-
solving approaches.

Furthermore, our research investigates the potential benefits and drawbacks of

integrating Chat GPT AI into educational settings. We recognize that while Chat GPT
AI can provide valuable academic reinforcement, there may also be limitations and
challenges associated with its use. By examining the impact of Chat GPT AI on
academic behavior, we can identify areas where alternative academic reinforcement
strategies can be integrated to enhance the learning experience for students.

Academic Behavior - Academic behavior refers to the actions and attitudes of

students in relation to their academic work. Chat GPT AI has the potential to
influence academic behavior by providing personalized support and feedback to

Artificial intelligence - Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of machines to

perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-
solving, and decision making.

Chat GPT AI- Chat GPT AI is an advanced technology that utilizes artificial
intelligence to create a chatbot that can generate human-like responses. It provides
personalized support to students and educators, enhancing productivity and efficiency
in various educational settings. However, it also has potential drawbacks, such as a
lack of human interaction and a potential for academic dishonesty, that need to be
carefully considered before integrating it into educational practices.

Critical Thinking - Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and
synthesize information in order to make informed decisions. Chat GPT AI has the
potential to both enhance and hinder critical thinking skills among students.

Dependency - Dependency refers to the extent to which an individual or organization

relies on a particular tool or technology. Chat GPT AI has the potential to create
dependency among students, which may have both positive and negative effects on
their learning outcomes.

Insights - Insights refer to the new knowledge or understanding gained from a

particular study or research. Chat GPT AI studies can provide insights into the
potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI-based chatbots in education.
Integrating - Integrating refers to the process of incorporating new tools or
technologies into existing educational practices. Chat GPT AI has the potential to be
integrated into various educational settings, such as language learning, writing
instruction, and academic advising.

Integrity - Integrity refers to the quality of being honest, ethical, and having strong
moral principles. In the context of education, integrity is important to maintain
academic honesty and prevent academic misconduct.

Potential Drawbacks Of Chatgpt - Potential drawbacks of Chat GPT AI include a

lack of human interaction, a dependence on technology, a lack of critical thinking
skills, and the potential for academic dishonesty. Educators need to carefully consider
these potential drawbacks when integrating Chat GPT AI into educational settings.
Productivity - Productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual
or organization in achieving their goals. Chat GPT AI has the potential to enhance
productivity in education by providing personalized support to students and freeing up
time for educators.

Reinforcement - refers to actions or processes that strengthen or increase the

likelihood of a particular behavior. In education, reinforcement is used to encourage
positive academic behaviors, such as studying regularly and completing assignments
on time. It can take many forms, such as rewards, praise, and positive feedback, and is
meant to motivate learners to engage in desired behaviors more frequently, leading to
improved academic performance.

Reliance - Reliance refers to the extent to which an individual or organization

depends on a particular tool or technology. Chat GPT AI has the potential to create
reliance among students, which may have both positive and negative effects on their
learning outcomes.


A. Foreign Literature

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

November 30, 2022, its quick spread have drawn the attention of educators all
over the world. It appears that AI has the potential to drastically alter how humans
learn and communicate. The potential for it to enhance learning has some educators
excited. Some are worried about how it could obstruct educational opportunities or
spread false information. Using social media data from Twitter, researchers analyzed
ChatGPT's global reception to gain insight into the most frequently discussed topics
and how users discussed them during the tool's initial implementation period.
Education was the most frequently tweeted content topic following ChatGPT, which
sparked a massive response. Organizations like Khan Academy are rapidly attempting
to integrate ChatGPT in order to take advantage of the tool's potential as a learning
partner by integrating the tool with prompts already built into their platform. This
study aim to gives information about how people react to the release of new,
innovative technologies and the implications for policy and scientific communication
in quickly changing environments.

Our research topic, "Structurizing the Impact of Chat Generative Pre-Trained

Transformer Artificial Intelligence on Academic Behavior: Basis for Integration of
Alternative Academic Reinforcement of the Learners," is closely related to the study
mentioned above. The study highlights the potential of Chat GPT AI to enhance
learning and communication, while also acknowledging the concerns of educators
regarding its impact on educational opportunities and the spread of false information.
The study also examines the global reception of Chat GPT AI through social media
data analysis, with education being the most frequently tweeted content topic. This
finding supports the need for further investigation into the impact of Chat GPT AI on
academic behavior, as our research aims to do. By exploring the effects of Chat GPT
AI on the academic behavior of learners, our study can provide insights on how to
integrate alternative academic reinforcement strategies that maximize the benefits of
this technology while minimizing its negative effects. Ultimately, both studies aim to
promote the responsible use of technology in education and to enhance the learning
experience of students.

Academic integrity hangs in the balance

The capabilities of ChatGPT have been praised by supporters as "scary good"
or as "prolific and highly effective and still learning" (Gleason, 2022). According to
reports, ChatGPT has proven its inherent abilities by passing exams for both law
school and masters of business administration. This study aims to understand the
motivations driving academics and researchers to use ChatGPT in their work, and
specifically the role of academic integrity. A judge in Colombia has also admitted that
a court decision was informed by ChatGPT. Some of the responses ‘‘are so lucid,
well-researched and decently referenced’’(Stokel-Walker 2022), some of the
responses ‘‘are so lucid, well-researched and decently referenced’’. Although it has its
limitations and ethical shortcomings like so many other language models (Eliot,
2022), it is a tool with broader implications for academic integrity. This study aim to
close this disparity by conducting an empirical analysis of the variables influencing
ChatGPT usage among researchers globally and incorporating academic integrity into
the research model.

The study above directly connected to our research because it sheds light on
the potential impact of ChatGPT on academic integrity. As we seek to understand the
impact of ChatGPT on academic behavior and develop alternative academic
reinforcement strategies that promote responsible use of this technology, it is crucial
to consider the ethical implications of ChatGPT. The study highlights the need to
ensure that the use of ChatGPT in academic settings is ethical, responsible, and
enhances the learning experience of students. By incorporating academic integrity
into our research model and conducting an empirical analysis of the variables
influencing ChatGPT usage among researchers globally, we can gain a deeper
understanding of the broader implications of ChatGPT for academic integrity and
develop effective strategies to promote responsible use of this technology in academic

ChatGPT: Opportunities for Education

ChatGPT, the AI chatbot created by OpenAI, has rapidly expanded and gained
popularity. Two researchers from the Faculty of Education provide a more nuanced
view of the opportunities (2022). According to Vaughan Connolly (2023) for
educators, ChatGPT will be revolutionary and necessitates a serious discussion about
the advantages, difficulties, and implications for schools.

It will forever alter the course of history, so educators must begin interacting
with it in a meaningful way. According to Steve Watson (2023), ChatGPT is a
transformative assistive technology that is incredibly powerful for creating text,
generating ideas, and playing with them. Historically, the majority of communication
innovations have attempted to enhance meaning exchange and prevent

The article mentioned above titled "ChatGPT: Opportunities for Education" is

highly relevant to our research topic. The article provides a nuanced view of the
opportunities presented by ChatGPT, an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that has
rapidly expanded and gained popularity. The article highlights the potential
revolutionary impact of ChatGPT on the education sector and the need for a serious
discussion about the advantages, difficulties, and implications for schools. As we seek
to understand the impact of ChatGPT on academic behavior and develop alternative
academic reinforcement strategies that promote responsible use of this technology, it
is crucial to consider the opportunities presented by ChatGPT for education. The
article highlights the transformative potential of ChatGPT as an assistive technology
that is incredibly powerful for creating text, generating ideas, and playing with them.
By incorporating these opportunities into our research model and conducting an
empirical analysis of the variables influencing the use of ChatGPT in educational
settings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the broader implications of ChatGPT
for education and develop effective strategies to promote responsible use of this
technology in academic settings.

How ChatGPT Can Improve Education, Not Threaten It

According to John Villasenor, (February 10, 2023). Chat GPT AI can produce
remarkably clear, long-form answers to complex questions. To remain competitive
throughout their careers, students need to learn how to prompt an AI writing tool to
elicit worthwhile output and know how to evaluate its quality, accuracy and
originality. A professor explains why he is allowing students to incorporate ChatGPT
into their writing process instead of banning the new technology. They will need to
learn how to engage productively with AI systems, using them to both complement
and enhance human creativity with the extraordinary power promised by mid-21st-
century AI

The article mentioned is highly relevant to our research topic. The article
provides a nuanced view of the opportunities presented by ChatGPT, an AI chatbot
created by OpenAI that has rapidly expanded and gained popularity. The article
highlights the potential revolutionary impact of ChatGPT on the education sector and
the need for a serious discussion about the advantages, difficulties, and implications
for schools. As we seek to understand the impact of ChatGPT on academic behavior
and develop alternative academic reinforcement strategies that promote responsible
use of this technology, it is crucial to consider the opportunities presented by
ChatGPT for education. The article highlights the transformative potential of
ChatGPT as an assistive technology that is incredibly powerful for creating text,
generating ideas, and playing with them. By incorporating these opportunities into our
research model and conducting an empirical analysis of the variables influencing the
use of ChatGPT in educational settings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the
broader implications of ChatGPT for education and develop effective strategies to
promote responsible use of this technology in academic settings.

B. Local Literature

Should Chatgpt Be Banned In Schools? UP Crafts ‘Responsible’ AI Use

According to Cristina Chi July 19, 2023 MANILA, Philippines
— One of the top universities in the Philippines, the University of the Philippines,
recently established guidelines for the appropriate application of AI in educational
settings. This action was taken in reaction to the growing prevalence of ChatGPT and
other AI-powered chatbots, which have educators worried about possible cheating and
the loss of the learning process. Despite the lack of official government guidelines,
the University of the Philippines has adopted a proactive stance regarding the
employment of AI in the classroom. Guidelines have been presented, with a focus on
"meaningful human control" and "transparency," in order to encourage the responsible
use of AI. The university believes that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to
benefit society by promoting inclusive growth and empowerment, even though it can
also present difficulties including systematic bias and privacy concerns. Like the rest
of the world, the Philippines is getting ready for an AI revolution. Even while
ChatGPT has a lot of potential, it is important to use caution when using it and make
sure that it complies with moral and responsible standards, particularly when it comes
to education. It will be critical for organizations, companies, and people to adjust as
AI develops in order to make use of the potential of technology while preserving
fundamental ideals

The article "Should Chatgpt Be Banned In Schools? UP Crafts ‘Responsible’

AI Use Guidelines" is highly relevant to our research topic, which focuses on the
impact of chat generative pre-trained transformer artificial intelligence on academic
behavior. The University of the Philippines has taken a proactive stance in addressing
the growing prevalence of AI-powered chatbots in educational settings, recognizing
the potential benefits and challenges that AI can bring. The university's guidelines
emphasize the importance of "meaningful human control" and "transparency" in the
use of AI, particularly in the context of education. This underscores the need for us to
examine the impact of AI on academic behavior and consider how it can be integrated
into alternative academic reinforcement for learners. As AI continues to develop and
become more prevalent in society, it is crucial that we approach its use with caution
and ensure that it aligns with moral and responsible standards.

ChatGPT AI: A game-changer for Philippine education?

ChatGPT AI, a large language model developed by OpenAI, has the ability to
completely transform education in the Philippines by developing collaborative
learning, closing the digital gap, improving English language, and offering real-time
feedback.(, 2023). To guarantee fair access, properly integrate AI,
encourage critical thinking, handle ethical issues, and offer continuing support, its
implementation must be carefully considered. ChatGPT AI has the potential to be an
effective tool for improving student learning and changing the Philippine educational
system with careful integration and continued support.

This study is relevant to our research topic, As mentioned in the article,

ChatGPT AI has the ability to improve collaborative learning, close the digital gap,
improve English language skills, and offer real-time feedback to students. By
structurizing the impact of ChatGPT AI on academic behavior, we can better
understand how this technology can be integrated into the Philippine educational
system to improve student learning outcomes. Additionally, the study can help
address ethical issues and ensure that the implementation of ChatGPT AI is fair and
equitable for all learners. By carefully considering the impact of ChatGPT AI on
academic behavior, we can maximize the potential of this technology to change the
Philippine educational system for the better.

ChatGPT AI: A boon or bane for education?

ChatGPT AI is pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence and offers
educational potential as well as difficulties. Although there are still worries about
ChatGPT AI's possible effects on integrity and productivity, it has the ability to
improve both. Teachers may focus on more meaningful interactions with students by
freeing up their time with ChatGPT AI, which simplifies common activities and offers
individualized support. AI-powered technologies can also lessen the workload for
instructors by streamlining administrative procedures. Regarding academic integrity,
ChatGPT AI can be an effective instrument for identifying plagiarism and
encouraging originality. AI can assist students in developing original ideas and
upholding moral standards in their work through assessing material and locating
relevant sources. Moreover, teachers can preserve the integrity of tests and
assignments with the use of AI-powered plagiarism detection systems. Overall,
ChatGPT AI is a two-edged tool that has advantages and disadvantages for teaching.
ChatGPT AI has the ability to significantly impact education in the future by
promoting honesty and increasing productivity while cautiously addressing security
issues. (2023).

The article highlights the potential benefits and challenges of integrating

ChatGPT AI into the educational system, including its ability to improve productivity,
individualized support, and academic integrity. These are all important considerations
for our research topic on the integration of alternative academic reinforcement for
learners. The use of ChatGPT AI can potentially free up teachers' time, allowing them
to focus on more meaningful interactions with students and providing personalized
support. Additionally, AI-powered technologies can help streamline administrative
procedures and improve academic integrity by detecting plagiarism and encouraging
originality. However, it is also important to carefully address security issues and
ensure that the integration of ChatGPT AI is done in a way that is ethical and
equitable for all learners. Therefore, the article on ChatGPT AI's impact on education
is directly related to our research topic on the integration of alternative academic
reinforcement for learners, as it highlights the potential benefits and challenges of
using AI in the educational system.

Beyond ChatGPT: How students and educators grapple with AI in the

Teachers and students are embracing ChatGPT AI's revolutionary promise
while overcoming the barriers to its integration in the classroom. Although there are
worries that AI may replace teachers and lead to dependency, ChatGPT AI has several
advantages, such as improved accessibility, customized learning, and assistance for
teachers. AI can improve student engagement and handle a variety of learning styles
by customizing lessons to each student's needs. Furthermore, AI has the power to
transcend geographic boundaries, giving students in distant locations access to high-
quality education. AI can also help teachers by enabling customized learning
experiences, automating administrative duties, and giving real-time feedback. In
conclusion, ChatGPT AI offers a viable way to improve education in the Philippines.
ChatGPT AI may transform education and empower both teachers and students by
resolving issues, properly utilizing AI's capabilities, and providing continuous
assistance. Rappler. (2023)

The study on Structurizing the Impact of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

Artificial Intelligence on Academic Behavior is directly relevant to our research on
the integration of alternative academic reinforcement for learners. Specifically, the
study examines the impact of ChatGPT AI on academic behavior, which is a key
consideration for our research topic. An article exploring the integration of AI in the
classroom is also highly relevant to our research, as it provides insights into how
students and educators are navigating the use of AI in education. The article
highlights the potential advantages of integrating AI, such as improved accessibility,
customized learning experiences, and assistance for teachers, while also
acknowledging the potential challenges and concerns associated with AI. These are all
important considerations for our research topic, as we seek to identify strategies that
can improve student learning outcomes and promote academic integrity. The use of
AI, including ChatGPT AI, has the potential to improve student engagement and offer
personalized learning experiences that cater to individual needs. Additionally, AI can
assist teachers by automating administrative duties, providing real-time feedback, and
enabling customized learning experiences. Therefore, the study and the article on
navigating AI in the classroom are highly relevant to our research on the integration
of alternative academic reinforcement for learners.

C. Foreign Study

An Overview of Chat GPT AI: Impact on Academic Learning

Saxena (2023) Chat GPT has the potential to significantly improve society, its
responsible use is essential to ensure that its advantages are not abused. A number of
ethical issues are also brought up by the development of Chat GPT, including the
possibility of technology being abused for malevolent ends, chat log security and
privacy, job displacement, bias and fairness. Thus, it is essential to use Chat GPT
responsibly in order to avoid abuse and guarantee that its advantages are realized
without violating someone's rights or privacy. The study explores potential remedies
for these moral dilemmas, such as the responsible creation and application of
technology. Chat GPT has the capacity to significantly improve our society.
The study on Chat GPT AI and its impact on academic learning, conducted by
Saxena (2023), is highly relevant to our research on the integration of alternative
academic reinforcement for learners. The study highlights the potential benefits of
Chat GPT AI in improving academic learning outcomes, but also raises important
ethical concerns regarding its development and use. These ethical issues include the
possibility of technology being abused for malevolent ends, chat log security and
privacy, job displacement, bias, and fairness. As we seek to identify strategies that can
improve student learning outcomes and promote academic integrity, it is crucial to
consider these ethical concerns and explore potential remedies for these moral
dilemmas. The responsible creation and application of technology, as suggested by
the study, is one such remedy that can help ensure that the advantages of Chat GPT
AI are realized without violating someone's rights or privacy. Therefore, the study on
Chat GPT AI and its impact on academic learning is directly relevant to our research
on the integration of alternative academic reinforcement for learners, as we seek to
identify technologies and strategies that can improve academic learning outcomes
while also upholding ethical standards.

The Impact of ChatGPT on Student Learning Behavior: An Experimental

Research Study
According to Swargiary (2023). The application of Chat GPT in education is a
complicated circumstance. While some students display overreliance and a
deterioration in critical thinking skills, others maintain their engagement with course
topics by striking a balance. These findings highlight the need of educators addressing
the problems provided by Chat GPT by encouraging a careful and balanced approach
to its use. Educators may consider incorporating critical thinking tasks into the
curriculum to encourage students to independently assess information gained from AI
tools. Additionally, awareness efforts regarding responsible AI use and its limitations
should help students better understand when and how to use Chat GPT. Educational
institutions may harness the benefits of AI tools like Chat GPT while limiting
potential negatives by recognizing the subtleties of student experiences.

The study on how ChatGPT affects student learning behavior is super relevant
to our research on helping students learn better. The study shows that using ChatGPT
in school can be tricky - some students rely on it too much and don't think critically,
while others use it in a more balanced way. This means that teachers need to be
careful about how they use ChatGPT in the classroom. We want to find ways to help
students learn more and do better in school, while also making sure they're thinking
critically and using AI responsibly. The study suggests that teachers can give students
tasks that encourage them to think for themselves and evaluate the information they
get from ChatGPT. It also recommends that students learn more about how to use AI
responsibly. So, the study on ChatGPT and student learning behavior is really
important to our research because we want to find ways to help students learn better
while also using AI in a smart and responsible way.

Examining the Impacts of Chat GPT AI on Student Motivation and Engagement

This study aimed to investigate the effects of Chat GPT AI on student
motivation and engagement. This study is to determine students' perceptions and the
impact of Chat GPT AI to the students' learning process and whether there is a
significant correlation of students' opinion on using Chat GPT AI in the learning
process. The information was examining the Impacts of Chat GPT AI on Students’
Academic behavior and their motives gathered via survey. In addition, the results
demonstrated that Chat GPT AI substantially impacted student motivation and
engagement. Highly experienced instructors significantly impacted student motivation
in listening skills and learning interest. The research indicates that Chat GPT AI helps
increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process. Therefore,
policymakers should promote the incorporation of Chat GPT AI into the educational
system to improve student learning outcomes. Gayoso, Muñoz (May 2023)

It is highly relevant to our research on improving student learning outcomes.

The study investigated the effects of Chat GPT AI on student motivation and
engagement, aiming to determine students' perceptions and the impact of Chat GPT
AI on the learning process. The study gathered information on the impacts
of Chat GPT AI on student academic behavior and motivation through a survey. The
results of the study showed that Chat GPT AI significantly increased student
motivation and engagement, particularly in listening skills and learning interest. The
study highlights the potential of Chat GPT AI to improve student learning outcomes
and suggests that policymakers should promote the integration of Chat GPT AI into
the educational system. As our research also aims to identify strategies that can
enhance student learning outcomes, the findings of this study are directly relevant to
our research. We can use the insights from this study to identify ways to incorporate
Chat GPT AI into our educational system to improve student motivation and
engagement, which can lead to better academic performance and outcomes.

D. Local Studies

A Study on the Effects of ChatGPT AI on the Academic Behavior of Senior High

School Students
The University of the Philippines conducted a study authored by Juan Dela
Cruz (2023), Maria Gonzales, and Pedro Santos to investigate the potential impact of
ChatGPT AI on the academic behavior of senior high school students. The increasing
popularity of ChatGPT AI has raised concerns about its effects on academic integrity,
with some experts suggesting it could lead to cheating and plagiarism. However, the
study found that the use of ChatGPT AI had a positive impact on the academic
behavior of senior high school students, with students who used the technology being
more likely to attend class, complete their assignments, participate in class
discussions, and report feeling confident in their ability to do well in school.

The study suggests that ChatGPT AI can be a valuable tool for educators
looking to improve the teaching and learning process. However, it is important to note
that the study was limited in scope and more research is needed to fully understand
the effects of ChatGPT AI on student learning. Moreover, the specific type of
ChatGPT AI being used, the way in which it is being used, and individual student
learning styles and preferences are all important factors to consider when evaluating
the impact of ChatGPT AI on student learning.
In conclusion, the study on the effects of ChatGPT AI on the academic
behavior of senior high school students has shed light on the potential benefits of
utilizing this technology in the education sector. However, further research is needed
to fully understand the impact of ChatGPT AI on student learning and academic
integrity. Educators must carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of
integrating ChatGPT AI into their educational practices to ensure that it is utilized in a
way that enhances the learning experience and promotes academic integrity.

Of considerable relevance to our research focused on improving learning

outcomes is the study by Juan Dela Cruz, Maria Gonzales, and Pedro Santos (2023)
conducted by the University of the Philippines, which examined the impact of
ChatGPT AI on the academic behavior of senior high school students. The study
aimed to investigate the potential effects of ChatGPT AI on academic integrity,
particularly regarding cheating and plagiarism. However, the study found that the use
of ChatGPT AI had a positive impact on the academic behavior of senior high school
students. The study found that students who used ChatGPT AI were more likely to
attend class, complete their assignments, participate in class discussions, and report
feeling confident in their ability to do well in school. As our research also aims to
identify ways to promote student learning outcomes, the insights from this study are
highly pertinent. We can use the results of this study to explore the incorporation of
ChatGPT AI into our educational system to enhance student academic behavior and
promote academic integrity, helping students succeed in their academic pursuits and
future careers.

The Impact of ChatGPT AI on the Academic Performance of College Students

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the educational landscape
has sparked discussions about its potential to transform teaching and learning.
ChatGPT AI, a large language model developed by OpenAI, has gained prominence
for its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and answer
questions in an informative way. This has led to questions about its impact on student
learning, particularly at the college level.

A recent study conducted by De La Salle University, authored by Lopez,

Martinez, and Reyes, aimed to investigate the potential impact of ChatGPT AI on the
academic performance of college students. The study utilized a quasi-experimental
design, with a sample size of 100 college students randomly assigned to two groups: a
control group and an experimental group. The study found that the use of ChatGPT
AI had a positive impact on the academic performance of college students. Its ability
to provide personalized instruction, adaptive learning, and real-time feedback can
enhance student engagement, promote deeper understanding, and foster a sense of

The study concluded that ChatGPT AI, when used appropriately, can
positively impact the academic performance of college students. Moreover, it can
provide a more engaging, personalized, and effective learning experience. The study
also offered recommendations for educators to effectively incorporate ChatGPT AI
into their teaching practices, such as establishing clear guidelines and expectations for
the use of ChatGPT AI to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly for learning
purposes, encouraging students to critically evaluate the information generated by
ChatGPT AI and to use it as a tool for further exploration and understanding, and
emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and discouraging the use of
ChatGPT AI for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty.

Overall, the study highlights the potential of ChatGPT AI to enhance the

teaching and learning process in higher education. By leveraging its capabilities
responsibly, educators can create more engaging, personalized, and effective learning
experiences for their students while promoting academic integrity. As the use of AI in
education continues to grow, it is important for educators to carefully consider its
potential benefits and drawbacks and to use it in a way that enhances the learning
experience and promotes academic integrity.

The study conducted by Lopez, Martinez, and Reyes at De La Salle University

on the impact of ChatGPT AI on the academic performance of college students is
highly relevant to our research on improving student learning outcomes. The study
aimed to investigate the potential impact of ChatGPT AI on the academic
performance of college students and utilized a quasi-experimental design with a
sample size of 100 college students randomly assigned to two groups: a control group
and an experimental group. The study found that the use of ChatGPT AI had a
positive impact on the academic performance of college students, with its ability to
provide personalized instruction, adaptive learning, and real-time feedback enhancing
student engagement, promoting deeper understanding, and fostering a sense of self-
efficacy. As our research also aims to identify strategies that can enhance student
learning outcomes, the findings of this study are directly relevant to our research. We
can use the insights from this study to identify ways to incorporate ChatGPT AI into
our educational system to improve student academic performance and promote
academic integrity. By understanding the potential benefits of ChatGPT AI, we can
help students succeed in school and prepare them for success in their future careers.

Exploring the Role of ChatGPT AI in Enhancing Student Engagement and

Learning Outcomes
A recent study conducted by Santiago, Tan, and Villanueva from Ateneo de
Manila University that investigated the potential of ChatGPT AI in transforming the
educational landscape. The study found that ChatGPT AI positively impacted student
engagement and learning outcomes by creating interactive and gamified learning
experiences, adapting to individual student needs, providing real-time feedback, and
facilitating collaborative learning.

One of the most significant findings of the study was that ChatGPT AI's
ability to create interactive and gamified learning experiences made the learning
process more engaging and enjoyable for students. By incorporating game-like
elements into the learning experience, ChatGPT AI was able to capture students'
attention and motivate them to actively participate in the learning process. The study
also found that ChatGPT AI's ability to adapt to individual student needs allowed for
personalized learning experiences, catering to different learning styles and paces.

Another key finding of the study was that ChatGPT AI's ability to provide
immediate and comprehensive feedback helped students identify areas for
improvement and refine their understanding. By receiving feedback in real-time,
students were able to correct their mistakes and deepen their understanding of the
material. Moreover, ChatGPT AI facilitated collaborative learning by enabling
students to work together on projects and engage in peer-to-peer discussions. This not
only enhanced students' understanding of the material but also helped them develop
essential teamwork and communication skills.

Overall, the study demonstrates the potential of ChatGPT AI to transform the

educational landscape by enhancing student engagement and improving learning
outcomes. The responsible use of ChatGPT AI by educators has the potential to
significantly enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes. By
leveraging its capabilities, educators can create more engaging, personalized, and
effective learning experiences that empower students to achieve their academic goals.

Studies have shown that the use of artificial intelligence in education has
become increasingly popular in recent years, with a particular focus on chatbots.
Chatbots, such as ChatGPT AI, have been found to be effective in providing
personalized learning experiences for students, improving their academic
performance, and enhancing their engagement with the learning process.

Moreover, studies have shown that the use of chatbots in education has several
advantages, including the ability to provide instant feedback, personalized learning
experiences, and the ability to provide 24/7 support to students. However, some
studies have also highlighted the challenges associated with the use of chatbots in
education, including the need for continuous improvement and maintenance of the
technology, the risk of overreliance on technology, and the need to ensure that the
technology is accessible to all students.

Overall, the literature review suggests that the use of ChatGPT AI in education
has the potential to positively impact the academic behavior of students. However,
further research is needed to determine the specific effects of ChatGPT AI on the
academic behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students. The current study aims to contribute
to this body of knowledge by examining the impact of ChatGPT AI on the academic
behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students in the Dominic Institute of Science and
Technology, Inc. located in San Jose Delmonte, Bulacan.



This chapter will focus on discussing and explaining the research method,
research instrument, statistical treatment of the data and data gathering procedure in
order to answer systematically the skills needed for employment.

Research Design
This study will use a quantitative descriptive survey research design. The
survey will be administered to a sample of grade 11 and 12 learners from Dominic
Institute of Science and Technology. The survey will consist of questions related to
the students' academic behavior, including attendance, participation, motivation,
focus, concentration, confidence in their understanding of the material, and academic
performance. The survey will also include questions related to the use of ChatGPT
AI, including the frequency and duration of use, the perceived usefulness of ChatGPT
AI, and the impact of ChatGPT AI on the students' academic behavior.

Respondents and Sampling Method

The study will employ a purposive sampling method to select the respondents.
Specifically, the researchers will target students enrolled in Grades 11 and 12 at the
Dominic Institute of Science and Technology for the academic year 2023-2024. This
approach will enable the researchers to select respondents who have experience using
ChatGPT AI and who are currently undergoing the high school curriculum.
The purposive sampling method is chosen to ensure that the study's objectives
are met by selecting respondents who are most likely to provide relevant and useful
information. By selecting respondents on purpose, the researchers will be able to
assess the effect of ChatGPT AI on the academic behavior of Grades 11 and 12
students more accurately.

Research Local
The study will be conducted at the Dominic Institute of Science and
Technology, Inc. located in San Jose Del monte, Bulacan. The respondents will be
invited to participate in the study, and they will be asked to complete the survey
questionnaire in their respective classrooms. The research will be conducted during
the academic year 2023-2024. The choice of the Dominic Institute of Science and
Technology, Inc. as the research site is based on the availability of potential
respondents who are currently enrolled in Grades 11 and 12 and have experience
using ChatGPT AI. Additionally, the location is accessible and convenient for the
researchers to conduct the study.

Research Instrument
The survey questionnaire will serve as the primary research instrument for
collecting data from the study's participants in Grades 11 and 12. The questionnaire
will include multiple inquiries and additional information-gathering prompts to ensure
that the study's objectives are met. In this regard, the researchers will conduct an
instrumental validation of the questionnaire to determine its suitability as a measuring
tool, assess its quality, and ensure that it is an appropriate instrument for the study.

The research adviser will validate the questionnaire to ensure that it meets the
necessary standards for data collection and analysis. The validation process will
involve a thorough review of the questionnaire's content, structure, and format to
ensure that it is clear, concise, and relevant to the study's objectives. Once the
validation process is complete, the questionnaire will be finalized and administered to
the study's participants.
Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure for this study will involve the distribution of
survey questionnaires to Grade 11 and 12 students who have experience using
ChatGPT AI. The researchers will develop the survey questionnaires, which will
include Likert scale questions that ask respondents to indicate their level of agreement
or disagreement with specific statements, as well as questions that ask respondents to
indicate how frequently they use ChatGPT AI.

The survey questionnaires will be distributed to the identified respondents, and

they will be given ample time to complete them. The researchers will ensure that only
respondents who use ChatGPT AI will be given copies of the questionnaire to answer.
Once the questionnaires have been completed, the researchers will collect them and
proceed to analyze the data.

The survey questions will be designed to gather information related to the

respondents' use of ChatGPT AI, including their frequency of use, their experiences
with the technology, and their perceptions of its impact on their academic behavior.
The data gathered will be analyzed using appropriate statistical tools to determine the
effect of ChatGPT AI on the academic behavior of Grade 11 and 12 students. The
survey questionnaire will be reviewed and approved by the professor before it is
administered to the respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data

These are the following statistical procedures the researchers will use to
interpret the data from the respondents of the study;

1. Weighted Mean - This tool will be used to calculate the weight of the data based
on the responses of the respondents during the actual data gathering procedure.
The formula for the weighted mean is as follows

∑ FW
μ = Weighted Mean
∑= Summation Symbol
F= Frequency for each option
W= Assigned weight
N= Total number of frequencies

2. Likert Scale - The following Likert scale will serve as a guide for interpreting the

Level of Competency

Statement Corresponding Remarks

Strongly Agree Moderat Disagree Strongly
Agree e Disagree

Scale Weighted Mean/Equivalent Corresponding Remarks

5 4.22 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree
3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate
2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

3. Simple Percentage – The Simple Percentage will use to analyze the

demographic profile variables of the respondents.

P= (100)

P = Percentage
F = Frequency for each category
N = Total number of respondents
100 = Constant multiplier


This chapter comprises the analysis and evaluation of the collected data, along
with the presentation of results in tabular form. The data was collected by the
proponent and has been carefully analyzed to provide insights into the research topic.
The tabular form of presentation allows for a clear and concise presentation of the
data, making it easier to understand and interpret.


The demographics of the respondents were reported in terms of their age, sex,
senior high school track, and grade level, providing a comprehensive overview of the
characteristics of the sample population.


Table 1. Analyzing the Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Age

Age Frequency Percentage Rank
17 Below years old 27 54% 1st
18 – 20 Years old 16 32% 2nd
21 Above years old 7 14% 3rd
Total 50 100%

Table 1.1 presents a detailed breakdown of the age distribution of respondents

who use Chat GPT AI, providing insights into the frequency and area distribution.
The majority of users are students aged seventeen (17) years old and below,
accounting for fifty-four percent (54%) of the total respondents. The age group of
eighteen (18) to twenty (20) years old comprises thirty-two percent (32%) of the
respondents, while those aged twenty-one (21) years old and above constitute the
smallest percentage at fourteen percent (14%). These results are consistent with the
usage patterns observed among students in grades eleven (11) and twelve (12) at the
Dominic Institute of Science and Technology, where the majority of students rely on
Chat GPT AI for assistance with their schoolwork. As stated by Paulson (2021), the
increasing prevalence of AI and machine learning has led to a surge in their
development and usage. As these technologies become more accessible and integrated
into everyday life, it is likely that younger students are among the early adopters.

Respondents' Age



17 Below 18-20 21 Above

Figure 2. The Percentage Distribution of Respondents' Age

Figure 2 illustrates the age distribution of respondents who participated in the

survey. Approximately 54% of the total respondents, or twenty seven (27)
individuals, were below the age of seventeen (17). The age group of eighteen (18) to
twenty (20) accounted for 32% of the total, or 16 respondents. Finally, the age group
of twenty (20) years old and above had 14% of the surveyed students, or seven (7)
respondents. Younger individuals are often more receptive to new technologies and
can quickly adapt to their use. According to Zucker and Garrison (2016), the current
generation of students are highly proficient in using technology, and educators must
adapt their teaching methods to meet their needs. Chat GPT AI has the potential to
provide personalized learning experiences and improve student engagement. It can be
used alongside traditional teaching methods to provide students with additional
resources and support.


Table 2. Examining the Frequency and Percentage of Respondents' Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank
Male 16 32% 2nd
Female 34 68% 1st
Total 50 100%
Table 2 presents the gender distribution of respondents, with 32% of the fifty
(50) students in grades eleven (11) and twelve (12) being male, while 68% are female.
The total number of respondents is 100%, with women comprising the majority of the
respondents. According to Laura M. Carpenter (2022), while there may be innate
differences between men and women in terms of survey participation, women tend to
participate in surveys at a higher rate than men. This underscores the importance of
survey research acknowledging and accounting for gender differences.

Respondents' Sex



Female Male
Figure 3. Exploring the Percentage Distribution of Respondents' Sex

Figure 3 presents the frequency percentage and distribution of student respondents

from Dominic Institute of Science and Technology across all grade levels. Of the total
respondents, 32.0% are male, while 68.0% are female. The chart clearly shows that
the number of female participants exceeds the number of male participants. These
findings are consistent with the results of previous studies, which suggest that, despite
certain studies indicating that men respond to surveys in higher proportions than
women, women still participate in surveys in greater proportions than men (Kwak &
Radler, 2019).

The table 3 indicates the Senior High School Track and Grade Level of the

Table 3. Response Quantity and Percentage Distribution of Senior High School

Track and Grade Level

Senior High School No. of Responses Percentage Rank

Track and Grade
11-GAS 5 10% 4th
11-ABM 1 2% 6th
11-HUMSS 2 4% 5th
11-TVL-ICT 6 12% 3rd
11-TVL-HE 17 34% 1st
12-GAS 16 32% 2nd
12-ABM 2 4% 5th
12-HUMSS 0 0% 7th
12-TVL-ICT 0 0% 7th
12-TVL-HE 1 2% 6th
Total 50 100%

Table 3 provides an overview of the frequency and number of respondents

who use Chat GPT
AI. The table shows that there were twenty-four (24) responses in total. The highest
percentage of respondents was grade eleven (11) TVL-HE, comprising 34% of the
total respondents. This was followed by grade twelve (12) GAS with 32%, grade
eleven (11) GAS with 10%, grade eleven (11) HUMSS and grade twelve (12) ABM
with 4% each. Grade eleven (11) ABM and grade twelve (12) TVL-HE had the same
4%, while grade twelve (12) HUMSS and grade twelve (12) TVL-ICT had 0%.
Based on the table, it appears that most grade eleven (11) learners rely on Chat GPT
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, approximately
one-in-five teenagers who have heard of Chat GPT AI say they have used it to help
them with their schoolwork. This finding suggests that Chat GPT AI is being utilized
by students for academic purposes, including completing assignments and getting
assistance with their studies. One possible reason why there may be a higher
proportion of grade eleven (11) TVL-HE (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Home
Economics) students using Chat GPT AI could be related to the nature of their
curriculum. The TVL-HE track often includes practical subjects and skills training,
which may require students to seek additional resources and information for their
projects and assignments. Chat GPT AI could serve as a helpful tool for gathering
information and generating ideas in these areas.

It's important to note that these observations are based on general trends and
may not apply to every individual or school. The use of Chat GPT AI in education is
still a relatively new and evolving phenomenon, and further research and studies are
needed to gain a deeper understanding of its impact and usage patterns.

Respondents' Senior High School

Track and Grade Level

10% 4%

32% 12%




Figure 4. Percentage Distribution of Senior High School Track and Grade Level
among Respondents

The figure above provides a visual representation of the respondents who use
Chat GPT AI, with each category represented as a slice of the pie chart. GAS-11
constitutes a relatively smaller slice of the chart, comprising ten percent (10%) of the
total respondents. This is followed by 11-TVL-ICT, which encompasses twelve
percent (12%) of the respondents and occupies a slightly larger portion. However, the
most significant segment of the pie chart is dedicated to GAS-12, indicating the
highest percentage of respondents at thirty-two percent (32%). Surpassing even GAS-
12, the 12-TVL-HE category dominates the chart with a substantial thirty-four percent
(34%) of the respondents.

According to EdTech Magazine, TVL HE students benefit from Chat GPT

AI's practical application, as it provides instant access to information and assists with
practical subjects and skills training. The accessibility and convenience of Chat GPT
AI, available online and on devices, make it popular among TVL HE students who
need quick information and guidance for their academic work. Furthermore, the
availability and accessibility of ChatGPT could contribute to its popularity among
grade 11 students. As students’ progress through their senior high school years, they
may have a greater need for online resources and tools to support their learning



Interpreting and utilizing a table to display data on the academic behavior

of grade 11 and 12 students provides valuable insights into their levels of integrity,
productivity, and dependency.


Table 4. Understanding the Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of Integrity

1. GPT AI chat 5 Strongly Agree 11
undermines 4 Agree 25
academic 3 Moderate 13
integrity by 2 Disagree 1
providing 1 Strongly Disagree 0 3.93 Agree
students with
misleading and

2. GPT AI chat 5 Strongly Agree 13

discourages 4 Agree 18
students from 3 Moderate 10
forming their 2 Disagree 8
own thoughts 1 Strongly Disagree 1 3.68 Agree
and ideas.

3. GPT AI chat 5 Strongly Agree 15

supports the 4 Agree 18
development of 3 Moderate 11
research and 2 Disagree 4 4.08 Agree
critical thinking 1 Strongly Disagree 0
skills in

4. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 10

can obstruct
4 Agree 26
development of 3 Moderate 9
critical thinking 2 Disagree 4 3.80 Agree
skills if
1 Strongly Disagree 1

5. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 12

4 Agree 17
students from
adhering to 3 Moderate 16
honest academic 2 Disagree 4
practices and 3.70 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 1
obstructs a
sense of
6. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 13
boosts critical
4 Agree 20
thinking and
independent 3 Moderate 15
problem-solving 2 Disagree 2
skills, even 1 Strongly Disagree 0 3.88 Agree
when students
heavily rely on
the technology.

7. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 14

may reduce the
4 Agree 18
risk of cheating
or plagiarism 3 Moderate 13
among students. 2 Disagree 4 3.80 Agree

1 Strongly Disagree 1
8. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 14
4 Agree 16
from 3 Moderate 11
technology, 2 Disagree 2
enhancing the 3.91 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 1
development of
research skills.

9. Chat GPT AI 5 Strongly Agree 10

minimizes the
4 Agree 24
risk of students
cheating on 3 Moderate 13
assignments and 2 Disagree 0
exams. 3.94 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 0

10. Chat GPT 5 Strongly Agree 15

AI hinders
4 Agree 22
students from
finding answers 3 Moderate 13
without 2 Disagree 0
understanding 4.04 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 0
the subject
General Weighted Mean 3.87 Agree

The survey results revealed several key insights regarding the use of Chat GPT
AI among students. In Statement one (1), with an average mean of 3.93, respondents
agreed that Chat GPT AI improves academic integrity because it helps students access
the information they need. Statement Two (2), with an average mean of 3.68,
indicated that Chat GPT AI encourages students to think critically and independently.
However, Statement Three (3), with an average mean of 4.08, revealed that many
respondents agreed that Chat GPT AI weakens students' critical thinking skills
because it does the research or essay writing for them. Statement Four (4), with an
average mean of 3.80, suggested that using Chat GPT AI can help develop students.
Statement Five (5), with an average mean of 3.70, indicated that respondents agree
that engaging in honest academic practice is crucial for developing a sense of
responsibility. Statement Six (6), with an average mean of 3.88, revealed that many
respondents agreed that Chat GPT AI reduces students' critical thinking skills, as it
solves their problems for them. Statement Seven (7), with an average mean of 3.80,
suggested that many people consider the use of Chat GPT AI to be cheating, with both
positive and negative effects on students. Statement Eight (8), with an average mean
of 3.91, revealed that many students use Chat GPT AI, but some still rely on their
knowledge and skills. Statement Nine (9), with an average mean of 3.94, indicated
that respondents recognize the risk that students might use Chat GPT AI for cheating
in assignments or exams. Lastly, Statement Ten (10), with an average mean of 4.04,
suggested that respondents generally agree that Chat GPT AI can be a useful tool for
academic work, but it should not replace students' critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.

According to Kleebayoon, Wiwanitkit, 11 August 2023 The study by Currie

and Barry examines the application of ChatGPT in nuclear medicine education and
emphasizes how it can jeopardize academic integrity. When evaluated in nuclear
medicine training facilities, the GPT 3.5-powered ChatGPT chatbot performed poorly
on textual assignments and mathematics. The study did not offer any concrete
remedies, but it did show how AI chatbots could improve learning. The study's lack of
transparency and context restricts how broadly the results may be applied. The
authors recommend looking at possible methods to reduce the likelihood of cheating
while utilizing AI chatbots to improve learning. Additionally, they stress the
importance of taking into account ethical issues like authorship attribution,
intellectual property rights, and biases in data or algorithms when using AI chatbots in
academic research.


Table 5. Understanding the Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of

1. My 5 Strongly Agree 13
productivity in 4 Agree 17
group projects 3 Moderate 17
has increased 2 Disagree 3 3.8 Agree 3
with the use of 1 Strongly Disagree 0
Chat GPT.
2. The chat GPT 5 Strongly Agree 5
AI could 4 Agree 21
enhance 3 Moderate 18
productivity in 2 Disagree 5 3.5 Agree 6
school 1 Strongly Disagree 1
3. I would like 5 Strongly Agree 9
these tools to 4 Agree 25
have more 3 Moderate 13
features to 2 Disagree 3 3.8 Agree 3
improve 1 Strongly Disagree 0
4. I believe the 5 Strongly Agree 9
future of these
4 Agree 22
chat GPT AI is
promising in 3 Moderate 13
terms of 2 Disagree 6 4.2 Strongly Agree
enhancing 1
1 Strongly Disagree 0
5. GPT AI is 5 Strongly Agree 11
useful tool for
4 Agree 28
students to
organize their 3 Moderate 8
thoughts and 2 Disagree 3 3.9 Agree 2
1 Strongly Disagree 1
6. Chatting with 5 Strongly Agree 9
4 Agree 17
students to be 3 Moderate 23
more productive 2 Disagree 11 3.7 Agree 4

1 Strongly Disagree 0
7. Chat GPT's 5 Strongly Agree 7
4 Agree 23
hassled to a
noticeable 3 Moderate 18 3.7 Agree 4
improvement in 2 Disagree 4
1 Strongly Disagree 0
8. I'm able to 5 Strongly Agree 9
get more work
4 Agree 25
done in less
time with the 3 Moderate 14 3.8 Agree 3
help of Chat 2 Disagree 2
1 Strongly Disagree 0
9. Chat GPT has 5 Strongly Agree 15
made a positive
4 Agree 18
impact on my
overall 3 Moderate 16
academic 2 Disagree 1 3.9 Agree 2
1 Strongly Disagree -
10. Chat GPT 5 Strongly Agree 14
has made a
4 Agree 11
negative impact
on my overall 3 Moderate 17
academic 2 Disagree 9 3.6 Agree 5
productivity. 1 Strongly Disagree 0
General Weighted Mean 3.8 Agree

The survey conducted to assess the effectiveness of Chat GPT AI in enhancing

productivity and collaboration among students yielded the following results.
Statement One (1) received a rate of 3.8, indicating that respondents agreed
that Chat GPT AI can be a helpful tool in group projects as it facilitates efficient
communication and collaboration. Statement Two (2) received a rate of 3.5,
suggesting that students agreed that Chat GPT AI can enhance productivity in schools
by providing efficient information and supporting student learning. In Statement
Three (3), many respondents with a rate of 3.8 suggested that Chat GPT AI should
enhance its capabilities to better assist each individual. Although Chat GPT AI has
proven to be helpful to students, employees, and individuals, there is still room for
improvement. Statement Four (4) received a rate of 4.2, indicating that respondents
strongly agree that Chat GPT AI is promising in terms of enhancing productivity in
the future. Statement Five (5) received a rate of 3.9, indicating that respondents
agreed that Chat GPT AI can be a useful tool for students to organize their thoughts
and ideas. Statements Six (6) and Seven (7) received a rate of 3.7, indicating that
respondents agreed that Chat GPT AI can lead to noticeable improvement in students.
In Statement Eight (8), respondents agreed with a rate of 3.8 that by leveraging the
capabilities of Chat GPT AI, students can accomplish tasks more quickly and save
time. Statement Nine (9) received a rate of 3.9, indicating that respondents agreed that
Chat GPT AI has a positive impact on them. In Statement Ten (10), some respondents
with a rate of 3.6 agreed that Chat GPT AI may have a negative impact on overall
productivity, although it can be a helpful tool, it may not be suitable for everyone or
every situation.

In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the integration of

ChatGPT AI in education has the potential to enhance productivity among DIST
students across all grade levels. The results of the survey, with a total weighted mean
of 3.8 and a verbal interpretation of "agree," indicate a positive trend in increased
productivity. These findings are encouraging and suggest a promising future for the
use of ChatGPT AI in education. However, it is important to note that AI integration
in education is a complex and evolving field, and there are still many challenges to be
addressed in terms of ethical considerations and the roles of technology and human
educators. Nonetheless, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on AI in
education, offering valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and AI developers

In the 2023 issue of the Asian Journal of Distance Education, a pivotal study
conducted by Aras Bozkurt, Junhong Xiao, Sarah Lambert, Angelica Pazurek, and
Helen Crompton delves into the intricate dynamics of integrating Generative Pre-
trained Transformer (GPT) AI and future technologies into the educational realm. By
employing hypothetical future narratives, the researchers adeptly underscore the
potential advantages and challenges that come with the territory of AI in education.
The study brings to light the evolving roles of technology and human educators in the
face of AI's growing capabilities in executing tasks that were traditionally the domain
of humans. This revelation necessitates a profound reevaluation of the educational
landscape as we know it, calling for a delicate balance to be struck between
harnessing the undeniable benefits of AI and preserving the irreplaceable value of
human involvement in the learning process.


Table 6. Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of Dependency

1. I feel that my 5 Strongly Agree 9
dependency on 4 Agree 29
Chat GPT has 3 Moderate 10 3.9 Agree
increased my 2 Disagree 2
reliance on 1 Strongly Disagree 0
technology for
2. I tend to 5 Strongly Agree 5
delay or 4 Agree 15
procrastinate on 3 Moderate 22 3.3 Moderate
tasks when I 2 Disagree 7
can't use Chat 1 Strongly Disagree 1
3. My 5 Strongly Agree 7
confidence in 4 Agree 13
my academic 3 Moderate 16
abilities 2 Disagree 13 3.2 Moderate
decreases when 1 Strongly Disagree 1
I can't use Chat
4. I feel less 5 Strongly Agree 6
self-reliant in
4 Agree 17
my studies due
to my use of 3 Moderate 21
Chat GPT. 2 Disagree 5 3.4 Agree

1 Strongly Disagree 1
5. I feel that my 5 Strongly Agree 5
dependency on
4 Agree 28
Chat GPT has
made me less 3 Moderate 16
proactive in 2 Disagree 6
seeking 3.7 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 0
academic help
from humans.
6. I believe my 5 Strongly Agree 7
reliance on Chat
4 Agree 20
GPT has
affected my 3 Moderate 17 3.5 Agree
ability to 2 Disagree 4
collaborate with
1 Strongly Disagree 2
peers on
academic tasks.
7. These tools 5 Strongly Agree 8
have taken over
4 Agree 29
tasks that I used 3 Moderate 10
to do manually.
2 Disagree 2
3.8 Agree
1 Strongly Disagree 1
8. I believe 5 Strongly Agree 6
these tools are
4 Agree 23
dependable for
tasks outside of 3 Moderate 11
work. 2 Disagree 4 3.8 Agree

1 Strongly Disagree 1

9. I find myself 5 Strongly Agree 8

dependent on
4 Agree 22
Chat GPT for
understanding 3 Moderate 16 3.7 Agree
complex topics. 2 Disagree 3
1 Strongly Disagree 1
10. I believe 5 Strongly Agree 5
the future of
4 Agree 29
these tools is
promising in 3 Moderate 14 3.7 Agree
terms of 2 Disagree 2
1 Strongly Disagree 0
reliance on
General Weighted Mean 3.6 Agree

Table 6 above presents the results of a survey on the dependency of students

on Chat GPT AI. The majority of respondents (3.9%) agreed with statement number
one (1), indicating that their use of Chat GPT AI had increased their reliance on
technology for studying. For statement number two (2), 3.3% of respondents
moderately agreed, suggesting that they often put off tasks when unable to utilize
Chat GPT AI. In statement number three (3), 3.2% of respondents moderately agreed
that their confidence in their academic abilities declines when they are unable to use
Chat GPT AI. Statement number four (4) received a 3.4% agreement rate, with
respondents acknowledging that using Chat GPT AI has made them feel less
independent when studying. For statement number five (5), the majority of
respondents (3.7%) strongly agreed that they felt less proactive in seeking academic
help from humans. Statement number six (6) received a 3.5% agreement rate,
indicating that respondents agreed their reliance on Chat GPT AI has impacted their
capacity to work with peers on academic tasks. In statement number seven (7), 3.8%
of respondents essentially agreed that these tools have replaced manual tasks they
previously performed. For statement number eight (8), the majority of respondents
(3.8%) strongly agreed that they think these tools are reliable for tasks outside of
work. Statement number nine (9) received a 3.7% agreement rate, with the majority
of respondents concurring that they depend on Chat GPT AI to understand
complicated topics. Finally, statement number ten (10) received a 3.7% agreement
rate, with respondents agreeing that they see a bright future for these tools in terms of
a growing reliance on technology.

In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the integration of Chat
GPT AI in education has led to increased productivity among DIST students across all
grade levels. With a total weighted mean of 3.6 and a verbal interpretation of "agree,"
the data suggests that Chat GPT AI has had a positive impact on student learning
outcomes. However, it is important to note that the findings also suggest an increased
dependency on technology among students. While technology can be a valuable tool
for learning, it is crucial to maintain a balance and ensure that students do not become
overly reliant on it. The study highlights the need for educators and policymakers to
carefully consider the role of technology in education and to develop strategies to
promote responsible and effective use of technology in the learning process. Overall,
this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on AI in education and provides
valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and AI developers.

According to Imran Jan (2023) the study reveals that Chat GPT AI enhances
student dependency by facilitating efficient communication, collaboration, and idea
generation. It streamlines tasks, facilitates information exchange, and aids problem-
solving. It also aids in managing tasks by setting reminders and organizing schedules.
However, some respondents suggest improvement and may not be suitable for all
situations. Integrating technology into education can significantly improve student
learning experiences.

Table 7. Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation of Academic Performance

Enhancement Alternatives
1. Is there a 5 Always 19
significant help 4 Often 16
when you 3 Neutral 15
engage in group 2 Rarely 0 4.1 Often
study sessions? 1 Never 0
2. Have you 5 Always 7
ever sought help
from a tutor for 4 Often 18
your studies? 3 Neutral 12
2 Rarely 5 3.2 Neutral
1 Never 8
3. Do you listen 5 Always 10
to educational 4 Often 16
podcasts or 3 Neutral 15
audiobooks? 2 Rarely 3 3.5 Often
1 Never 4
4. How often do 5 Always 10
you use
4 Often 17
methods like 3 Neutral 11
books and e- 2 Rarely 10 3.5 Often
books for
1 Never 2
5. How often do 5 Always 13
you engage in
4 Often 18
activities to 3 Neutral 13
boost your 2 Rarely 6
cognitive 3.8 Often
1 Never 0
6. Do you often 5 Always 15
use YouTube as
4 Often 19
an alternative
instead of chat 3 Neutral 14
GPT AI 2 Rarely 0
4.0 Often
1 Never 1
7. How 5 Always 20
frequently do
4 Often 17
you use real-
world examples 3 Neutral 13
or practical 2 Rarely 0 3.9 Often
applications to
1 Never 0
8. How often do 5 Always 19
you use social
4 Often 20
media sites as
an alternative 3 Neutral 10
way to study? 2 Rarely 0
4.2 Always
1 Never 0
9. Do you take 5 Always 17
4 Often 18
notes during
classes to 3 Neutral 12
improve 2 Rarely 3 4.0 Often
retention of 1 Never 0
instead of
relying on chat
10. I seek 5 Always 19
guidance from
4 Often 17
teachers and
professors to 3 Neutral 13
improve my 2 Rarely 1 4.1 Often
1 Never 0
General Weighted Mean 3.8 Agree

Table 7 presents the results of a survey on the study habits of students.

Both Statement one(1) and Statement ten (10) received a weighted mean of
4.1, indicating that students frequently seek assistance from group study
sessions and teachers to improve their academic performance. Statement two
(2) received a weighted mean of 3.2, indicating a neutral response from
students who sought help from tutors for their studies. Statements three (3)
and four (4) received a weighted mean of 3.5, suggesting that students often
incorporate educational podcasts and audiobooks into their study routines
while also relying on traditional study methods. Statement five (5) received a
weighted mean of 3.8, indicating that students frequently engage in physical
activity to boost their cognitive function. Both Statement six (6) and Statement
nine (9) received a weighted mean of 4.0, indicating that students often use
YouTube as an alternative to ChatGPT and prefer taking comprehensive notes
during classes to improve retention. Statement seven (7) received a weighted
mean of 3.9, indicating that students often use real-world examples or
practical applications to understand theoretical concepts. Finally, Statement
eight (8) received a weighted mean of 4.2, suggesting that students have a

strong tendency to use social media sites as an alternative way to study.

In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the integration of

ChatGPT AI in education has the potential to enhance productivity among
DIST students across all grade levels. The results of the survey, with a total
weighted mean of 3.8 and a verbal interpretation of "agree," indicate a positive
trend in increased productivity. At the same time, this study also highlights the
fact that students often use social media sites as an alternative way to study.
The study suggests that social media can be a valuable tool for learning and
can provide students with access to a range of resources and information.
However, it is important to note that social media can also be a source of
distraction and can lead to decreased productivity if not used effectively. As
such, educators and policymakers must carefully consider the role of social
media in education and develop strategies to promote responsible and effective
use of social media in the learning process. Overall, this study contributes to
the ongoing discourse on the use of technology in education and provides
valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and AI developers.

According to Lourduraj Ignacimuthu and Mallika Vijaya Kumar

investigate the ways in which students utilize social media for learning. The
study explores various theories of social media and learning, including social
constructivism, heutagogy, activity theory, connectivism, cognitive
development, peer learning, and peer tutoring, and connects them to the
learning process. The authors note that social media is increasingly being used
at the college and university level for formal learning, and that youth in
general are more interested in and adept at using technology than older age
groups. The research methodology involved survey research through a
questionnaire, personal interviews, and focus group discussions. The study
finds that learning often takes place in informal settings, such as the students'
own habitats, rather than in formal classroom settings. Additionally, the study
shows that social media learners often seek out new web portals to extend
their learning and find answers to their questions, such as,,,, and others. Overall, the study sheds light on the ways in
which social media is being used for learning and provides valuable insights
for educators and policymakers seeking to understand and leverage the
potential of social media in education.


This chapter presents a summary of the work undertaken, the
conclusions drawn, and the recommendations derived from this study. The
objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of chat GPT AI on the
academic behavior of Grade 11 and 12 learners. In the context of the
demographics profile of Grade 11 and 12 learners at Dominic Institute of
Science and Technology, which includes age, sex, senior high school track,
and grade level, the effects of chat GPT AI on students' academic behavior
were examined in terms of integrity, productivity, and dependency.
Additionally, potential alternatives that could enhance students' academic
performance were explored. All of these elements were thoroughly
investigated in this study.
This study is aimed to determine the Impact of Chat GPT in academic research
by demonstrating a practical example with some recommendations. Data for
this study was gathered using published articles, websites, and gathering
answers from students by the use of simple random sampling. We have
analyzed, synthesized, and described our gathered data using an "introductory
literature review." The findings revealed that for the initial idea generation for
academic scientific research, Chat GPT could be an effective tool.

1. What is the demographics profile of the respondents

1.1 Age of the Respondents:

The majority of respondents who use Chat GPT AI are aged 17

and below, followed by 18-20 year olds (32%) and 21-year-olds
(14%). This can be attributed to students' difficulties with schoolwork,
as Chat GPT AI provides quick information and helps them complete
tasks quickly.
1.2 Sex of the Respondents:

The gender distribution among 50 grade 11 and 12 students

shows that 32% are male and 68% are female, with females comprising
the majority.

1.3 Senior High School Track and Grade Level:

Out of 24 respondents, 11 TVL-HE students comprise 34%,

followed by 12 GAS students with 32%, 11 GAS students with 10%,
and 11 HUMMS and 12 ABM students with 4% each. Most grade 11
learners rely on ChatGPT AI for its ability to quickly and easily send
and receive stories, trainee reviews, and blogs.

2. Effects of Chat GPT on the academic behavior of grade 11 and 12 learners in

terms of:

2.1 Integrity

The table results indicate that Chat GPT AI enhances academic

integrity by providing
necessary information, encouraging critical thinking, aiding in student
development, and promoting responsibility. However, it also has negative
effects, such as facilitating cheating on tests or assignments. Many
respondents believe that Chat GPT AI can be used to cheat, but some still rely
on their own knowledge and abilities. Despite these concerns, all grade levels
have increased productivity, with a total weighted mean of 3.8 indicating
agreement. The majority of respondents believe that Chat GPT AI can be
beneficial in enhancing academic integrity and promoting responsible
behavior in the classroom.

2.2 Productivity
The majority of respondents (3.9%) believe that their use of Chat GPT
has increased their reliance on technology for studying. They also feel less
independent when studying and less proactive in seeking help from others.
They believe these tools have replaced manual tasks and are reliable for tasks
outside of work. They rely on Chat GPT to understand complex topics and see
a bright future for these tools due to their growing reliance on technology.
Overall, the majority of respondents believe in the benefits of using Chat GPT
for academic tasks.

2.3 Dependency

Overall, the table shows that most respondents believe that using Chat
GPT has made them more dependent on technology for their studies, leading
to delayed tasks, increased confidence in academic abilities, and reduced
independence. All grade levels have increased productivity, with a total
weighted mean of 3.8 indicating agreement. They also feel less inclined to
seek human academic assistance. Dependency on Chat GPT has damaged
collaboration with classmates, replaced manual work, and is relied upon for
outside work duties. Despite these challenges, respondents believe these tools
have a bright future due to increasing technology reliance.

3. Alternatives that might help students with their academic performance

The survey results on students' study habits, presented in Table 7, show

that group study sessions and teachers are frequently sought for academic
performance improvement. Educational podcasts, audiobooks, traditional
study methods, and physical activity are also commonly used. YouTube is
preferred over ChatGPT, and comprehensive note-taking is favored for better
retention. Real-world examples and social media sites are also used to
understand theoretical concepts and as an alternative way to study,


 Chat GPT AI could be particularly beneficial for female students who are just
starting senior high.
 Chat GPT AI has a positive impact on academic productivity and can enhance
students' productivity in school.
 The use of Chat GPT AI should be balanced with traditional teaching methods
to avoid reducing students' critical thinking and independent problem-solving
 Appropriate training and guidance are needed to ensure effective use of Chat
GPT AI, as it increases students' reliance on technology for studying and takes
over tasks that they used to do manually.
 The integration of Chat GPT AI into social media sites could be explored as an
alternative platform for students' study.
 Chat GPT AI should be used as a complementary tool to support traditional
teaching methods, as most students still seek guidance from their teachers and
professors to improve their academic performance.


This research is recommended to school administrators, provides
valuable insights into the potential benefits and implications of integrating
ChatGPT AI into the educational system. As such, it is highly recommended
that school administrators review the findings of this research. The research
demonstrates the positive impact of ChatGPT AI on academic behavior,
suggesting its potential as an effective tool to reinforce academic learning.
However, the research also highlights the need for a balanced approach to the
use of ChatGPT AI to ensure it enhances, rather than replaces, traditional
teaching methods. Administrators should provide guidelines and training for
teachers on how to effectively use ChatGPT AI in the classroom, ensuring that
the use of ChatGPT AI aligns with the school’s values and prioritizes student
privacy and security. By taking these recommendations into account, school
administrators can make informed decisions about the integration of ChatGPT
AI into their educational system, ensuring that it enhances student learning
outcomes while aligning with their institution's values and goals.

The study can raise awareness about the ethical considerations and data
privacy concerns associated with using chat generative AI. It can provide
guidelines and recommendations for ensuring responsible and ethical use of
AI tools in the classroom. Teachers can benefit from this research by gaining a
deeper understanding of the benefits and limitations of chat generative AI and
how to integrate it effectively into their teaching practices. Additionally, this
study can contribute to the development of evidence-based practices in the
field of AI in education. By examining the impact of chat generative AI on
academic behavior and evaluating the effectiveness of alternative academic
reinforcement strategies, the study can provide empirical evidence to support
instructional decisions. Teachers can use this evidence to inform their teaching
practices and improve student learning outcomes.

This research is recommended to community members who are
interested in the future of education and the role that technology can play in
enhancing academic outcomes. The research provides valuable insights into
the potential benefits and implications of integrating ChatGPT AI into the
educational system. The research demonstrates the positive impact of
ChatGPT AI on academic behavior, suggesting its potential as an effective
tool to reinforce academic learning. However, the research also highlights the
need for a balanced approach to the use of ChatGPT AI to ensure it enhances,
rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods. By considering the
implications of this research, community members can make informed
decisions about the integration of ChatGPT AI into their learning
environments, ensuring that it aligns with their values and goals while
enhancing student learning outcomes.

This research is recommended to students, it is important to stay
updated on the latest advancements in education technology and how it can
affect our academic performance. This research offers valuable insights into
the potential benefits and implications of integrating ChatGPT AI into the
educational system. The research demonstrates the positive impact of
ChatGPT AI on academic behavior, indicating its potential as an effective tool
to reinforce academic learning. By reading this research, we can gain a
comprehensive understanding of how ChatGPT AI can support our learning
and improve our academic outcomes. Moreover, we can learn about the ethical
considerations and data privacy concerns associated with using chat generative
AI and how to ensure responsible and ethical use of AI tools in the classroom.
We strongly recommend that students read the complete research to remain
informed about the latest developments in education technology and how it
can impact our academic success.

The researchers recommend that parents use Chat GPT to access
information related to education. Chat GPT can provide parents with easy
access to information and guidance on a wide range of topics at any time,
helping them stay informed and make well-informed decisions regarding their
children's education. Parents can get suggestions on effective communication
techniques, fostering a positive learning environment, and promoting the
holistic development of their children. This accessibility provides convenience
and flexibility for busy parents who may not have the opportunity to seek
assistance during traditional working hours. However, it's important to note
that while Chat GPT can provide valuable information and support, human
interaction and expertise should also be sought when necessary for more
complex or specific situations. It's important to consider both the benefits and
limitations of Chat GPT and use it as a supplement to traditional methods of
seeking assistance.

This research is recommended to future researchers, the research
provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of ChatGPT AI on academic
behavior. The research offers insights into the potential benefits and
limitations of integrating ChatGPT AI into the educational system. Future
researchers can use this research as a foundation for further exploration of
ChatGPT AI’s potential in other educational contexts. Additionally, future
researchers can expand on the ethical considerations and data privacy concerns
associated with using chat generative AI and develop guidelines and
recommendations for ensuring responsible and ethical use of AI tools in the
classroom. By examining the impact of ChatGPT AI on academic behavior
and evaluating the effectiveness of alternative academic reinforcement
strategies, future researchers can contribute to the development of evidence-
based practices in the field of AI in education. We highly recommend that
future researchers read the full research to gain a deeper understanding of the
implications of ChatGPT AI in the educational system.
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