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Chap 1 line manager

organization A manager who is authorized to

A group consisting of people direct the work of subordinates and
with formally assigned roles who is responsible for accomplishing the
work together to achieve the organization’s tasks.
organization’s goals.
staff manager
manager A manager who assists and advises
Someone who is responsible for line manager
accomplishing the organization’s
goals, and who does so by strategic human resource
managing the efforts of the management
organization’s people. Formulating and executing human
resource policies and practices that
managing produce the employee competencies
To perform five basic functions: and behaviors the company needs to
planning, organizing, staffing, achieve its strategic aim
leading, and controlling.
employment engagement
management process The extent to which an organiza
The five basic functions of planning, tion’s employees are psychologically
organizing, staffing, leading, and involved in, connected to, and com
controlling. mitted to getting their jobs done.

human resource ethics

management (HRM) The principles of conduct governing
The process of acquiring, training, an individual or a group; specifically,
appraising, and compensating the standards you use to decide
employees, and of attending to their what your conduct should be.
labor relations, health and safety,
and fairness concerns.

The right to make decisions, direct
others’ work, and give orders.

staff authority
Gives a manager the right to advise
other managers or employees.

line authority
Traditionally gives managers the
right to issue orders to other manag
ers or employees.
Chap2 tokenism
reverse discrimination When a company appoints a small
Claim that due to affirmative action group of women or minorities to
quota systems, white males are dis high-profile positions, rather than
criminated against. more aggressively seeking full repre
sentation for that group.
good-faith effort strategy ethnocentrism
An affirmative action strategy that The tendency to view members of
emphasizes identifying and eliminat other social groups less favorably
ing the obstacles to hiring and pro than members of one’s own group.
moting women and minorities, and
increasing the minority or female alternative dispute resolution
applicant flow. or ADR program
Grievance procedure that provides for
managing diversity binding arbitration as the last step.
Maximizing diversity’s potential ben
efits while minimizing its potential bona fide occupational
barrier qualification (BFOQ)
Requirement that an employee be
diversity of a certain religion, sex, or national
The variety or multiplicity of demo origin where that is reasonably nec
graphic features that characterize a essary to the organization’s normal
company’s workforce, particularly in operation. Specified by the 1964
terms of race, sex, culture, national Civil Rights Act.
origin, handicap, age, and religion.
restricted policy
stereotyping Another test for adverse impact,
Ascribing specific behavioral traits to involving demonstration that an
individuals based on their apparent employer’s hiring practices exclude a
membership in a group. protected group, whether intention
ally or not.
gender-role stereotypes
The tendency to associate women disparate rejection rates
with certain (frequently nonmanage A test for adverse impact in which
rial) jobs. On the other hand, diversity it can be demonstrated that there
can be an engine of performance, as is a discrepancy between rates of
the following feature shows. rejection of members of a protected
group and of others.
Taking specific actions toward or 4/5ths rule
against a person based on the person’s Federal agency rule that a minority
group. selection rate less than 80% (4/5ths)
of that for the group with the
highest rate is evidence of adverse
adverse impact Civil Rights Act of 1991
The overall impact of employer (CRA 1991)
practices that result in significantly The act that places the burden
higher percentages of members of proof back on employers and
of minorities and other protected permits compensatory and punitive
groups being rejected for employ damage
ment, placement, or promotion.
protected class
sexual harassment Persons such as minorities and
Harassment on the basis of sex that women protected by equal opportu
has the purpose or effect of sub nity laws, including Title VII.
stantially interfering with a person’s
work performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive Uniform Guidelines
work environme Guidelines issued by federal agen
cies charged with ensuring compli
Federal Violence Against ance with equal employment federal
Women Act of 1994 legislation explaining recommended
The act that provides that a person employer procedures in detail.
who commits a crime of violence
motivated by gender shall be liable affirmative action
to the party injured. Steps that are taken for the purpose
of eliminating the present effects of
qualified individuals past discrimination.
Under ADA, those who can carry out
the essential functions of the job. Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs
Americans with Disabilities (OFCCP)
Act (ADA) This office is responsible for
The act requiring employers to make implementing the executive orders
reasonable accommodations for and ensuring compliance of federal
disabled employees; it prohibits dis contractors.
crimination against disabled persons.
Equal Pay Act of 1963
“mixed-motive” case The act requiring equal pay for equal
A discrimination allegation case in work, regardless of sex.
which the employer argues that the
employment action taken was moti Age Discrimination in
vated not by discrimination, but by Employment Act of 1967
some nondiscriminatory reason such (ADEA)
as ineffective performance. The act prohibiting arbitrary age
discrimination and specifically
protecting individuals over
40 years old.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Act of 1973
The act requiring certain federal
contractors to take affirmative
action for disabled persons.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

An amendment to Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act that prohibits sex
discrimination based on “pregnancy,
childbirth, or related medical

Title VII of the 1964 Civil

Rights Act
The section of the act that says an
employer cannot discriminate on
the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
or national origin with respect to

Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission (EEOC)
The commission, created by Title
VII, empowered to investigate job
Chap 3
strategic plan functional strategy
The company’s plan for how it will A strategy that identifies the broad
match its internal strengths and activities that each department will
weaknesses with external opportuni pursue in order to help the business
ties and threats in order to maintain accomplish its competitive goals.
a competitive advantage.
strategic human resource
strategy management
A course of action the company can Formulating and executing human
pursue to achieve its strategic aims. resource policies and practices that
produce the employee competencies
strategic management and behaviors the company needs to
The process of identifying and achieve its strategic aims.
executing the organization’s strate
gic plan by matching the company’s strategy map
capabilities with the demands of its A strategic planning tool that shows the
environment. “big picture” of how each department’s
performance contributes to achieving
vision statement the company’s overall strategic goals.
A general statement of the firm’s
intended direction; it shows, in HR scorecard
broad terms, “what we want to A process for assigning financial
become.” and nonfinancial goals or metrics to
the human resource management–
mission statement related chain of activities required
Summarizes the answer to the ques for achieving the company’s strate
tion, “What business are we in?” gic aims and for monitoring results.

corporate-level strategy digital dashboard

Type of strategy that identifies the Presents the manager with desktop
portfolio of businesses that, in total, graphs and charts, and shows a
comprise the company and the ways computerized picture of where the
in which these businesses relate to company stands on all those metrics
each other. from the HR scorecard process.

competitive strategy human resource metrics

A strategy that identifies how to The quantitative gauge of a human
build and strengthen the business’s resource management activity, such
long-term competitive position in as employee turnover, hours of
the marketplace. training per employee, or qualified
applicants per position.
competitive advantage
Any factors that allow an organiza
tion to differentiate its product or
service from those of its competitors
to increase market share.
strategy-based metrics
Metrics that specifically focus
on measuring the activities that
contribute to achieving a company’s
strategic aims.

HR audit
An HR audit is an analysis of the
completeness, efficiency, and
effectiveness of the organization’s
HR functions, including its HR poli
cies, practices, processes, and rel
evant metrics.

high-performance work
system (HPWS)
A set of human resource manage
ment policies and practices that pro
mote organizational effectiveness.
discrimination complaints and sue
on behalf of complainants

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