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1 Power is ___________
2 In A.C. circuits, power consumed is ________
3 In D.C. circuits, power is measured using ________
4 In A.C. circuits, power is measured using ________
5 Range of an electrical instrument depends on __________
6 Moving coil instruments have a current and voltage rating of __________
7 A shunt is a __________
8 What is the effect of the ammeter range on the shunt resistance?
9 A multiplier is __________
10 In an ordinary dynamometer, the deflecting torque is _________
11 Low power factor wattmeters are designed to ________
12 The range between a maximum and a minimum values is applied to a paramet
13 Control springs are made up of
14 The degree of closeness of the measured value of a certain quantity with its tru
15 Error of measurement
16 Precision is the
17 Megger is operated by
18 In a Strip chart recorder ___________
19 Recorder is a ___________
20 Basic elements of a strip chart recorder are ________
21 X-Y Recorder used of graphic recording of
22 What is the working of chopper in X-Y Recorder?
23 ___________provides different types of waveforms such as sine, triangular, squa
24 A signal generator that generates known & controllable voltages is known as a
25 In a megger controlling torque is provided by
26 Which one of the following components in a cathode ray oscilloscope is contro
27 Which one of the following is used to amplify the sawtooth Voltage?
28 Which one of the following is a part of the cathode ray tube?
29 Which of the following is the merit of a moving iron instrument
30 ________damping method is common in moving coil instruments
Option A Option B Option C
rate of doing work rate of producing voltage rate of generating current
product of voltage and current it depends on the p.f. of the circuit depends on the supply voltage
ohmmeter and galvanometer ohmmeter and voltmeter ammeter and voltmeter
voltmeter ammeter ohmmeter
current voltage power
100 A and 25 V 50 mA and 50 mV 75 nA and 100 μV
very high resistance medium resistance very low resistance
no effect varies by a factor of multiplying fvaries by a factor of the resistanc
non-inductive resistive capacitive
small medium large
have a low torque have a high torque have a medium torque
Repeatability Input Range Span
Phosphor bronze Copper Silver
Accuracy Standard Precision
True value-measured Value Precision-True value Measured Value-Precision
Degree of exactness Ability to response Closeness of a agreement
Internal battery An external voltage source An internal hand driven generato
biological quantity is measured physical quantity is measured chemical quantity is measured
Measuring instrument Current divider Voltage source
chalk & board pencil & paper pen & pencil
3 variable at a time relationship between 2 variables none of these
convert AC signal to DC to amplify the signal Convert DC signal to AC
Oscillator signal generator DC Tachometer generator
Oscillators standard signal generator DC Tachometer generator
Spring Gravity Coil
Y-plates X-plates Control grid
Time base generator Horizontal amplifier Both a and b
Electron gun heater Deflection plates Cathode, grid
It can be used under severe over-It has linear scale It can be used at high frequencie
Eddy current Fluid Spring
Option D Answer
rate of overcoming friction optiona
it depends on the magnitude of t optionb
ammeter and galvanometer optionc
wattmeter optiond
resistance optiona
25 μA and 75 V optionb
high resistance optionc
varies by a factor of unity optionb
non-capacitive optiona
very large optiona
have no torque optiona
Output Range optionc
Steel optiona
Sensitivity optiona
None of the above optiona
true value of measured variable optiona
None of the above optionc
no quantity is measured optionb
Musical tool optiona
pen & chart paper optiond
both a and b optiond
all of these optionc
none of the above optionb
none of the above optionb
Eddy current optionc
None of the above optionc
All of the above optiona
All of the above optiond
Its current sensitivity is high optiona
Air optiona

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