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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Basic Cutting Techniques

Prepared by:

BTVTEd FSM 4A Practice Teacher

(Basic Cutting Techniques)

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the basic cutting techniques used in cookery.
2. Understand the purpose and appropriate application of each cutting technique.
3. Apply the learned techniques to enhance food preparation skills and


A. Topic: Basic Cutting Techniques
B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, TV monitor,
laptop, printed pictures, tools and materials in
cutting vegetables
C. Reference: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Home Economics: Cookery
Manual, pp. 125

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

“Everybody stand for a prayer” - [Learners do as told.]
“May I request nica to lead our prayer” - [Everyone’s praying.]

“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am!”
“Before you take your seats, please arrange - [Learner’s do as told]
your chairs and pick up pieces of paper on the
floor. Please be seated students.
“How was your day?” “We enjoy the day ma’am!”
“Great! That’s good to know”

“Is there any absent today?” “There is no absent today
“Very Good! That’s good to hear” ma’am”

“Before we start to our new lesson, what was
the last topic we discussed?” “Preparing fresh vegetables!”
“Yes, we tackle about preparing vegetables by?
What are the steps in preparing vegetable? “washing”
“Good job!” “peeling and cutting”

“Before we proceed to our next lesson, we will
be having first an ice breaker activity.

“This activity is called Hidden Harvest!”

“So in this activity, you will find a ticket
voucher around the corner of the classroom.”
“Since you are all seated with your assigned
group the leader will go in front to represent
your group, so your role as a member is to cheer
- [Learners do as told.]
them and help them find a voucher without
- [Everyone are listening.]
“The leader will search for the voucher card.
Once the leader finds it, trade it with me. Each
voucher indicates the vegetable you will get.
The vegetable you obtain will be used for our
activity later.”
“You only have 1minute to find it”
B. Lesson Proper

“Have you experienced preparing vegetable for

your meal?” - [Renzo, raised his hand]
“Yes, Renzo” “Yes ma’am but I assist only my
mom while she is the one
“Well, that is good to know.” cooking our meal.”

“So, What is your idea about cutting - [Nica, raised her hand]
techniques?” “It is the process of preparing
food by cutting or slicing ma’am
“Very Good! It is the process of food which serve sometimes as
preparation by cutting, like slicing, chopping ingredients.”
and etc.
“Additionally, cutting vegetables is something
you need to do almost every day at home
right? Whether you’re making soup,
preparing sandwiches, or cooking delicious
meals. However, vegetable cutting techniques
can also be a real art, turning your dishes
into not only delicious, but also visually
enticing meals.
“Now let’s discuss the Basic Cutting
1. Chopping – it is done with a straight,
downward cutting motion.

[Learners are listening]

“So, this is how you do chopping”

[demonstrate chopping]

2. Chiffonade (shredding) – making very fine

parallel cut.

“Alright so this cut usually use in leafy

vegetables or cabbage for example you are
going to make pancit so you need to
apply that chiffonade cut by cutting cabbage
into thin for your pancit.
“So, this is how you do chiffonade”
[demonstrate chiffonade cut]

3. Dicing – producing cube shapes.

“Have you seen this type of cut class in some
“What dish is that?”
“Yes, those are the dishes that used this cuts in
“So, this is how you do dicing”
[demonstrate dicing]
4. Diamond (lozenge) – thinly slicing and
cutting into strips of appropriate width.

- [Learners raised their hands.]

“torta giniling”

“So, this is how you do diamond cut”

[demonstrate diamond cut]

5. Mincing – producing very fine cut usually for

onions and garlic.

“Who among of you tried to mince a garlic?”

“Very Good! This cut the food in small pieces
sometimes for spices, like garlic, ginger,
onion and etc.
“So, this is how you do mincing”
[demonstrate mincing]
6. Julienne and baton net – making long
rectangular cut.

[learners raised their hand]

“Who among of you are favorite LutongPinoy

is pancit?”
“So this cut commonly used especially in
carrots and red bell pepper for pancit.
“So, this is how you do julienne cut”
[demonstrate julienne cut]

7. Pays anne (Fermi ere) – making curved or

uneven cuts of the same thickness.

[learners raised their hand]

“So, this is how you do pays anne”

[demonstrate pays anne cut]

8. Rondelle – making cylindrical cut.

“So, this is how you do rondelle cut”

[demonstrate rondelle cut]
9. Bias – making a diagonal cut.

"Where do we often see this cutting?"

“Yes this cut are used in green beans for
“So, this is how you do bias cut”
[demonstrate bias cut]

10. Oblique or roll cuts – making a diagonal cut

by rolling the long cylindrical vegetables.

“In pancit also ma’am. The

green beans.”

“So, this is how you do oblique or roll cuts”

[demonstrate oblique or roll cuts]

“Have you understand our topic?” “Yes, ma’am!”

“Do you have any questions or clarification?”
“If that’s the case, are you ready for your

C. Application
“Today, we will be having an activity similar to
what I presented earlier. You will be performing
the same cutting techniques as a group, just as I [learners are listening]
“"Earlier, we had an activity called Hidden
Harvest. Each leader in your group found a
ticket voucher to trade for some vegetables. So,
those vegetables you obtained will be used in
today's activity."
“Now, start preparing your table, tools and
vegetable that you will be using, as we will start
in 1 minute.” [learners do as told]
“Don’t forget to wear your PPE’s and perform
the mis en place”
“You only have 15 minutes to make this
activity. After you accomplished you will be
presenting your work in front of the class.”
“I made this activity as a group so that you
collaborate with your peers and help you with
the task. So you need to work together to finish
within the given time."
“The group who will finish first will be giving
“Be ready!”
[Timer starts now!] [learners start working]
[after 15 minutes]

“let’s present your work” [learners presenting their works]

D. Generalization
“Okay, let’s recall if you really understood the
lesson today.”
“What are the 10 basic cutting techniques?” “Chopping!”
“Pays anne”
“Good job!” “Julienne!”
RUBRICS: Performing the 10 Basic Cutting Techniques

5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts

Criteria (Excellent) (Very Satisfactory) (Satisfactory) (Needs Score
Demonstrati Does all 10 cutting Does most of the 10 Does most of the 10 Has trouble doing
on of techniques really well, cutting techniques cutting techniques the cutting
Techniques showing they know well, with a few small okay, but with some techniques right,
how to cut properly. mistakes. mistakes. with big mistakes.
Making the Makes cuts that are Makes cuts mostly the Makes cuts that are Struggles to make
Right Cuts the right size and right size and shape, generally okay, but cuts that are the right
shape for each but with a few small with noticeable size and shape.
technique most of the differences. differences in size or
time. shape.
Keeping Keeps the space clean Keeps the space Keeps things Doesn't keep things
Things and organized, follows mostly clean and somewhat clean but clean or organized,
Clean and safety rules organized, with a few may forget to forgets safety rules a
Wearing the throughout and wears times where they organize, and lot and doesn't wear
Appropriate the right safety clothes could do better. Wears sometimes forgets the right safety
PPE all the time and puts the right safety clothes safety rules. Wears clothes most of the
them on the right way. most of the time, with safety clothes, but time.
a few mistakes. often forgets or wears
them the wrong way.
Presentation Shows the cuts in a Shows the cuts in a Shows the cuts, but Shows the cuts in a
neat and pretty way, mostly neat way, with not neatly, and doesn't messy way with no
paying attention to some attention to pay much attention to attention to detail.
detail. detail. detail.

Direction: Identify the picture below. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.








1. Julienne
2. Bias
3. Chiffonade/Shredded
4. Diamond
5. Mincing
6. Oblique or roller cuts
7. Dicing
8. Pays anne
9. Rondelle
10. Chopping

Take-Home Activity: Make a dish/Prepare a dish at home using your peeled & cut vegetables.
Take a picture of your dish and compile it.

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