Classification of Vegetables - DLP

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Prepared by:

BTVTEd FSM 4A Practice Teacher


(Prepare Vegetable Dishes: LO1 Perform Mise En Place)
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the different classification of vegetables.
2. Differentiate the different vegetables according to parts of plants, chemical
composition and nutritive values.
3. Demonstrates the name of the plants or where family it does belong.


A. Topic: Prepare Vegetable Dishes: LO1 Perform
Mise En Place
B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, TV monitor,
C. Reference: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Home Economics: Cookery
Manual, pp. 116-119

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

“Everybody stand for a prayer” - [Learners do as told.]
“May I request linnea to lead our prayer” - [Everyone’s praying.]

“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am!”
“You may now take your seat” - [Learner’s do as told]
“How was your long weekend?” “We enjoy the long weekend
“Great! That’s good to know” ma’am!”

“Is there any absent today?”
“Very Good! That’s good to hear” “There is no absent today ma’am”

“Before we start to our new lesson, what
was the last topic you discussed with ma’am “we discussed on how to store starch
Helen?” and cereal dishes”
“Alright! What else?”
“Yes, where you cooked different pasta “ how to make a homemade pasta”
dishes as your last practicum for 1st quarter
right?” “Yes, ma’am!”

“Before we proceed to our next lesson, we
will be having first an ice breaker activity, is “Yes, ma’am!”
that alright?”
“Alright! Can you still remember the “Yes, ma’am!”
folksong Bahay Kubo?”
“So we will sing it today, but remember to “Yes, ma’am!”
jot down everything that the song will say, - [Learner’s do as told and they bring
and we will used it later on, is that clear? out their lecture to jot down.]
“okay, let us sing” - [Everyone are singing.]

“Alright can you guess what our topic is for “I think our topic is all about
today?” vegetables
“Yes, today we will be discussing about the
classification of vegetables.”

B. Lesson Proper
“Now let’s discuss the classification of - [Everyone are listening.]

a. According to parts of plants

1. Gourd family – it is a family of “Squash, ma’am”
herbaceous vines like cucumber, melon,
what else?
“Yes, very good!”

2. Seeds and Pods – The part of the

vegetable that is utilized as food is its seeds “beans”
and pods. Edible seeds are also known as “okra”
“What could be the example of seeds and
“Yes, those are the examples of seeds and
pods, it can also be a corn a peas, and many

3. Fruit Vegetables – The part of the -[everyone’s silent]

vegetables that is edible here is fruit.
“Do you have any idea what are the
vegetables that are considered fruit?”
“None? Alright, according to botanist those
who had a fleshy plant part surrounding its “Tomatoes?”
seeds are considered as fruit vegetable”
“What are the vegetables that has a seeds on
“Yes, tomatoes is the no.1 answer for
vegetables that are considered as fruits, as
well as to eggplant, avocado, sweet pepper,
and squash”
4. Roots and Tubers – The part of the “carrots”
vegetables that is consumed as food here is
its underground plant part.
“What vegetables are planted beneath the
“Yes, those are the vegetables classified as
roots and tubers as well as to beet, radish,
turnip, artichoke, potato, ginger, taro and
many more.

5. Cabbage family – The cabbage family is

a diverse group that includes; broccoli,
cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussels sprout “No, ma’am”
and bokchoy.
“Are you familiar with vegetable called
“Bokchoy is actually what we called

6. Onion family – Onion family grown for

its edible bulb. The examples are white
onion, leeks, shallots, green onion, red
onion, yellow onion and garlic.

7. Leafy greens – They are also called

leafy vegetables, salad green or
sometimes pot herb vegetable. Examples
are spinach, kangkong and lettuce.
8. Stalks, stems and shoots –edible plants
whose stem are consumed as vegetables.
These are the artichoke, asparagus, celery,
fennel, bamboo shoots.

9. Mushrooms – They are also a good

source of riboflavin, potassium, vitamin D
and calcium. These are the shitake
mushroom, oyster mushroom, and white
button mushroom)

b. According to Chemical Composition

1. Carbohydrate-Rich Vegetables: seeds,
roots, tubers.
2. Protein-Rich Vegetables: legumes,
peas, beans.
3. Fat-Rich Vegetables: nuts, olives,
4. High moisture content – mushroom,
tomatoes, radish green leafy vegetables.

B. According to Nutritive Value

The following is based on their nutrient
content since fruits and vegetables are
good sources of vitamins and minerals.
1. Vitamin A-Rich Vegetables: green leafy
and yellow fruits and vegetables.
2. Vitamin C-Rich Vegetables: yellow
3. Vitamin B (complex): legumes, peas,

“Have you understand our topic?”

“Do you have any questions or
clarification?” “Yes, ma’am!”
“If that’s the case, are you ready for your “No, ma’am”
activity?” “Yes, ma’am”
C. Application
“Bring out ¼ sheet of paper, for your
activity you will identify the pictures I will
present, if what classification they belong
and arrange the letter to form a correct “Yes, ma’am”
word, Is that clear?”
“You will only have 10 minutes to answer,
ACTIVITY: Arrange Me! “Yes, ma’am”
DIRECTIONS: Identify the picture, arrange
the letters to form the correct word for the
classification they belong to.
[after 10 minutes]
“Time is up! Pass your paper, forward”
[learner’s do as told]
D. Generalization
“Okay, let’s recall if you really understood
the lesson today.”
“What is the chemical composition obtained “Carbohydrates!”
from eating seeds, roots, tubers?”
“Very good! What about the nutritive value “Vitamin B complex!”
that comes from legumes, peas, beans?”
“Good job! What about the vegetable “Cabbage family, ma’am”
named bokchoy what classification it
belong?” “None, ma’am!”
“Very good class! Is there any question with
our lesson for today?” “Yes, ma’am”
“If there is no question, then are you ready
for your short quiz?”

MATCHING TYPE: Read each question carefully and identity what is being asked on the
following question. Match column A to column B by writing the letter of your answer.
Column A Column B
1. It is a classification that has an example A. Vitamin A
of avocado, eggplant, sweet paper and B. Protein –Rich Vegetables
tomato. C. High moisture content
2. It is a nutritive value which is obtained D. Seeds and pods
from green leafy and yellow fruits and E. Vitamin B (Complex)
vegetables. F. Carbohydrates-Rich Vegetables
3. It is a chemical composition coming from G. Vitamin C
nuts, olives, avocado. H. Fruits Vegetables
4. It is a nutritive value which is obtained I. Fat-Rich Vegetables
from yellow vegetables. J. Leafy Greens
5. It is a chemical composition coming from K. Stalks, stems and shoots
mushroom, tomatoes, radish, green leafy
6. It is a classification that has an example
of spinach, lettuce
7. It is a chemical composition coming from
seeds, roots, tubers.
8. It is a nutritive value which is obtained
from legumes, peas, beans.
9. It is a classification that has an example
of beans, peas, corn, okra.
10. It is a chemical composition coming
from legumes, peas, beans.

1. H
2. A
3. I
4. G
5. C
6. J
7. F
8. E
9. D
10. B


In the folk song "Bahay Kubo," there are 18 vegetables mentioned. List all of them and
identify their classification. Refer to the example below as your guide. This will be your first
take-home activity to include in your portfolio for the second quarter.
Pictures Name Classification
“Kamatis” (Tomato) Fruit Vegetables

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