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Author: Miss Malatji Mankwana Marry.

Intended to: Mr. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa.[The President of RSA]

Date of preparation: 27 February 2022

.ecutive summery.

This document describes the implication of the energy transition proposal in terms of capitalism. This document will
likely be the only one or one of many reports about the view on the South African energy transition proposal. Capitalism
is actually the core factor when reviewing the proposal presented by the president , its definitions are made visible ,the
features related and much more.

Capitalism is the focal point of this whole report. While it being the focal point it is also dependent on aspects
such as the definition ,when and how it was introduced to the world and also its disadvantages and
advantages. We were also able to outline things such as the features of capitalism that are implemented in the
energy transition proposal ,the distributive theory out of the three that is mostly applicable to the proposal by
the president and the impacts of implementing this type of proposal. A data script is also available as to what
the energy transition will do to the employment rate.


Nowadays the economic world is not what or how it used to be during the
late 18th centuries especially in South Africa( RSA).Capitalism was introduced
to the world by Western European countries and European offshoots
between the period of “1865 to 1898” while the timeline for its prominence
in South Africa /African countries has become blurred overtime.

Capitalism, capitalism refers to an economic system whereby country’s

businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners
rather than by the government. This system is mostly phased around capital
accumulation, competitive markets, price system, private properties, wage
labor etc. It is safe to say that our country is heavily weighed by capitalists
when relating to economic purposes and enhances. It has been found through
studies that the free market economy /Capitalism originated from various
societal movements such as the industrial revolution when finding navigation.
The system was formed through the combination of theories from various

Overtime arguments have emerged as to whether capitalism has lifted many

people out of poverty or not. People mention that the world is not in a good
place currently because of the profit motivated system, the blame is on the
system for the shambles of the world economy ,others believe that the
system bought us to evolution. In my power of opinions I believe that the
system is not failing us , but it is simply operating as it was designed to do so.

The free-market economy is known to have contributed positively towards

advances in society ,incentivizing development and innovation in fields such
as science, technology, transportation and medicine, it has improved the
quality of goods ,efficient control of production process and so on. Capitalism
has also negatively impacted society by being money -oriented and
fluctuations in the level of employment. The system has a golden rule stating
that one needs to invest money in order to make money.

With the focus of the key features of capitalism, a suitable distributive justice
theory and potential impact on the proposal presented on the 4th of
November 2021,I shall be able to asses as to whether capitalistic behavior is
at large and in alignment with the presidency’s proposal.

Like you said Mr. President, we owe this to ourselves, to one another and to
the future generations.

There are four key features of capitalism that we will be focusing on when determining whether the South
African government energy transformational proposal is aligned with a capitalistic economic system .Our Main
focus is on, Corporations ,Private Property, Private motive and Competition.

A. Corporations.
Corporations refers to the incorporation of a group of people who act as a single entity in pursuing a common
objective. The proposal states and I quote “the political declaration was announced with the governments of
France, Germany, the United kingdom and the United states as well as the European union, represent an
important breakthrough in this effort. With this we can actually agree that it is a corporation , because the world
governments will be coming together as one and working as a group that strives for a common goal. These
countries through their partnership stand the ground to either the risks or benefits of implementing this
We will further view a corporation’s outstanding features, firstly we focus on perpetual lifetime, assessing as
to whether the proposal is able to exist beyond the lifespan of it’s individual members or for a longer time. this
strategy will not only benefit the present beings of this world but also the generations that are to follow. This is
something that could be implemented today continue tomorrow and become a norm till the tests of time.
Secondly ,legal identity, a question that comes to mind is if the organization can sue and be sued? Well yes,
this corporation will require legal paperwork when forming ,permits, rules laws of it’s own to be a body that can
be trusted, that is able to penalize and be penalized. Limited liability, the debts of the organization must not
and will not affect the private assets of the owners, the $8.5 billion invested will not affect the individuals assets
if the proposal was to fail.
B. Private Property.
Private property refers to a legal designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities.
The implication of the energy transition proposal will be down by the state, no private entity whatsoever will be
part of this, therefore for this reason the proposal cannot be aligned with capitalism.
C. Private motive.
The governments head motives are usually efficiency and social welfare rather than profit. In this case the
state will not be making any profit from the proposal but will rather achieve it’s objectives of social welfare and
resource efficiency. Therefore, capitalism is not aligned.
D. Competition.
It is highly impossible for us to measure two different sides against one another ,the state follows in social
welfare while we have private individuals that believe in profit motive. In a country there is only one state and
does not have any competitors[monopoly]. Therefore this proposal cannot be aligned with capitalism.

The distributive justice theory the South African
governments energy transition proposal is positioned.

Basically we know that there are three influential theories on distributive justice ,namely
utilitarianism ,egalitarianism and libertarianism.
Utilitarians tend to be critical of the current capitalistic system, egalitarians is critical of policies that promote
economic growth at the expense of the poor, such as providing tax breaks for businesses and wealthy
individuals while libertarians are against every form of market regulation, they would oppose all forms of
taxation, as compulsory taxes violet our right to our justly acquired capital.

The South African governments energy transition proposal recently pitched by the President of our country is
positioned around the utilitarian theory of justice. The utilitarians focus on the ‘greatest happiness principle’ as
a yardstick for determining the morality of our actions as mentioned. Utilitarians are positioned on the principle
of social utility and are determined towards promoting overall social welfare.

The President has proposed a scheme to reduce the carbon dioxide output into the atmosphere by using new
technologies to reduce our independence on high emission fossil fuels including unabated coal power. Ladies
and Gentlemen this clearly shows the proposal at large will be benefiting the society at it’s fullest. The people
around the world will be filled with the pleasure when the environmental health and stability is considered by
those of high power. Doing good for humans wellbeing brings pleasure and better conditions to some extent.

Personally ,I highly believe that there no one will oppose or be unhappy with this health saving measure. We
all want a slap of fresh air when we walk to our occupations, when we take our kids to school ,having fun by
the park and carrying out our daily objectives. The South African government is doing good by their country,
caring and contributing towards our health to their possible reach. No one appreciates these long -term
changes in temperatures and weather conditions. Implication of this proposal is for today, tomorrow and million
years to come.

Implications /impact that the South African governments energy transition
proposal could have on South African citizens and the economy.

We as a country and individuals wish to eat the fruits of our hard labor. There differently needs to be a motive
of how we view the proposed measure to impact us locally, internationally and globally.

Mr. President ,allow me to outline as to what are the potential impacts of the presentation that the honorable
one has presented. Studies have shown that the energy transition has the potential to create more than 9
million additional jobs between 2019 and 2030 and an additional 3 million jobs by 2050.The government will be
able to save millions of funds as a result of these cost-effective measure. The economic position of the country
will better and most citizens will be removed from poverty lines, criminal activities and much more socio-
economic problems.

The following is a structure of how the energy transitions can contribute towards employment from the period
of 2019 and 2030.@

Allow me Mr. President to close off this review by stating that the “Honorable” one and his accomplice have
once again proven that they are for the people. Partnering with Western and European countries has
undeniable potential for the reputation and economy as a country. We are dependent on the state and wish to
see changes through them, the state has provided us with a means of a healthier atmosphere.

Changes need to be made in a country ,policies need to be implemented and money needs to be saved
always, with the proposed the government is taking us a more step towards development. I fully agree and
support the proposal at hand. Unity Ramaphosa ,Amandla Awethu.

References list.
 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary[ A S HORNBY ,SALLY WEHMEIER ,COLIN
 [advantages and disadvantages of capitalism.


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