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Imo Tess Convention This a treaty behween Imo & member shates- Aclopt ion This @ formal act by which content oF a treaty text are established. An \pkemations conftverve is held, “specifically convened fr seltinig wp the te BF oF the members pred should aegrser sy ees ther Cems. The, id tg gail dha He coiypition ic adapted Acceptance — Accepted bid not included ) in? national lous 7 sores: *2 4 only ada al -Rabificakin — Accepted fq indaded tn Pose Not carne in Ge i nabivna) laos = | AStEssion 5 Recepted inelided iin { Conventim & in Feate mews Nehmal laws Aten sali Ration. coaniy ge time ts shtectivels alors dhe convinterny in Ahaiy Wey fon. Amendments : Formal altewnahion of tre provisions. Catcepted ss * tacit acerptance” news ; in olden dey b * explisite acsptone) Protocol : Here Seape of cenvtntion Is broadened [ basic Fs changed. Codes ' These art part of parent convention ov pinned CMsngaeey or non-mendaton Recormesdations Guidelines // Recommendahions Part of convention thal ig not mandatory . They can be waiting Te be accepted amo ee hase are Nef rmandals Sie pie: > So outs ca are) min part /whole d govts can Resolutions « Finslised document accepted by IMO ev any of the main Pod under Zmo. e5, Resolution A - Cxiv) Pe Assembl Sx fof HY secs ienn d Tegokid jor oF assembly Resolud an MEPC -S4 (32) “a ea kcal ae eee of mepe otSohution List of IMO Conventions! Related +o Maritime faldy, Secunty & Ship] Port Trterfare : ) SOLAS ~ 1974 International Convention fby Safely of Life at Sea 2) STCw } 20K0 International Convention on Standards of Training, Cevtifleahion & Walch keeping for Seafarers 2) STON -F (4995 Tnternahona) Convention on Sto: Certiftection Be Walthkeeping £, 4) LE \96¢ Ta terrodi onal Convention eq Lead Lines SPEOLREG -1972 Convention of the Internadt Preventing Collisions af Seq. 6) FAL 1965 Convention on Facilitalion of Intewnaiana)) Mavitine Pea f fre 7) SUA -1938 Se Convention Or Supression of Unlawh Act ageinst the safely of maritime rravigadion. %) SAR - 1379 Tnter national BD) SWF -4574 ndards of Training, Fishing Vessel Personnels. oral Requlatims:-for Convention on Manikime Seorch & Resave Speciad trade Pastner vessel agreement 18) CSc - 1992 Conventin fox Safe Containers. (a SFV-= 1933 Convention Br the Safety of Fishing Vessels 12) TMSo -197%6 Convention on the “Internabional Mosiime Satellite Organization, Related to Prevention of Maxine Pollution. EEE On Or “Marine | Pollutten.. A) PAARPOL 73/78 Eniernaltena} Convention for the prevention of pollution fem ships. 2 BWC -2004 Toateoalitis) Convention for the Conbe| & Management, of Ship's Bollast Water. & Sediments %) INTERVENTION - 1969 Internation convention tox Tntervention on h geas in Cakes of Oi] Pollubion Casualtics &) OPRE - 4330 Tnietnabinal Convention on Cl} Polludron Prepardnes;, Response & Co-operation. a tHNS Pyoloca)-2000 fe Hazardous & Nexinus Substances. igh 5) RFS -200} Internakenal Convention fox tre control of havmGud Anti: Fouting Systems on Ships: 6) Le -1972 Cs Gener) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by dumping af wash & other matter, f) Hongkong Canvention - 200g. fox the Safe & einige Sound) Wesel of Ships. Related to Civil Ligbility & Compensation DELS -1963 Crvi\ Liabili 2) FUND- 1972 Convention on Establishment of Sued Tntevnahinal Fund Sor Compensalion fox o1\ pollubion damage 3) LLMc -1976 : Limitahion of Liability Sx Plavitime Claims. 4) NUCLEAR , 1971 Convention doy civil Nesbility for camiage af nuclear material: €) NS. , 1986/20) ‘ Convention of liabilidy & com pensation Ay clamoge in Connection with & Nodous Subtances a Sea. Convention fax oi| palfudion clormage contege f Hazard ous G6) BONKEK POLLUTION Damace 200) Catenion Gr cial Viebility fe asla: polka D amege ¥) PAL -AOT? Aikans convention fey comiage Sf pessengins Ether #) Removal of wrecks -200| Hagges Coqucntiecren Con eb e—Bar tthe Rameval of Wreshks Related ts Other Sub pects ry) Tonnage - 4969 Tnternadiend] Convento an “Teanage Meosuremerrt of ships E 2) Salvaje -4989 Trhhesnational convenes on Salvage Convention Establishing 10 ve Convention on the Thterinatona) Megitime Organization. a oN 3 IMO Committees A) Moaxibime Sabely Committee CMSc) 2) The Marine Environment Protection Committee CME Fe) 3) Leqal Committee 4) Technical Co-operation Committee 5) Facilitabion Committee Maritime Safely Committee (mse) Tt is the highest dechnizal body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States Funclion of Msc 4s to consider any matter within the scope of IMO cancerned with — + oids 4D navigalien e Conshuchon & equi pment of vessels * manning Fam satey point of view) = voles fey the presntion of -poltartton collisions e handling of dangerous caxqoes e Mavtime sof, preeedures & requirements . hy dre graphic in formalin + logbooks be navigational -recards, «Moving casualty investigations » solWege” B reseue e other mates -veloded 4p maritime safely. Lad MSC session is 400th sessbn on 3-YFe Dec 2018 - Main priat © - Regul scaping exercise on MASS CMertime Ausdonomaus Surface Ships) by Agglication, le Deqnee of re COegrse 4,2, 3,4) S Analynatten ; eet ee die soi Revised, guiddlines ion Sdiaue opproved - Safety of ships wy peer Reottrs, * Sulphur e206 - fimit - safely iss wes- The ManinesEnvivomnent Protection Committee a) Tt also consists of all members. states. Tt leoks afler any math. within the scope of TMO concemed both: * Preendion & conte! of paludion from ships.” Last MEPC session 3s TS Aeession Wald bel? 22-26 ccl rg @ Sulphucr veegulattons : ) Ne change in 1 Jan 2020 deadline fas o-S% sulphur global tient. : 2) After 1 Mar 2020, if ships do not have scrubber, they will be banned “From cavring non-compliant Fuad in fie) tanks 3) To assist ghip-owness, Ship Implementation Plan guscel ine woos appeved & made avoilable- # Reduction of Green House Gas Cand) emmisions fom ships Follousing ap of the GHG geduchias stetexy adopted in Ape 2018, MEPC agreed ona Follow-up + Fey Foss tty oy bringin 4 furd) Phe “phase 3" requirement for certain ships fim 2095 4p 2022 COmbainer vevsels from G0%% te oF) Athaind EEDD calcwlabions guidelines adopted. * Actin plan on mavine plastic Her Conk) adopted , max “4 fiching qs, Se oki missy Bishi pa deleny of redrived Fishing JU Ensure cuerney of Plastic wate © Banning use of HEO iq pobenter ar chic wecdens Cin decchepsiog the ache, Plan. Latest Amendments in S660 Guidelines In ISM. As per MSC 428C98) , “Maritime Cyber Risk” Managered! should be incladed fAcSiIS. bee. Fie Greakdtoy ts adapted: gst. gett aeestoy — 7-16 Tune 2047 Cy per wisks +o ships, pewsonnel- & the environment 46 Be identified, aesessed & appa pricde safequards 4p Woe established - Cyber miske should be ne latex than 4 Jan 2024 “T addressed in SMS 1 annual varificaHon ef DOC after SOLAS [Fretocel of 1988 ee Adepted on “1 Nov 1974 Tn force fren 25 May 1980 PART = 1 VA Chapters 1 Appendix Cfarmat of cextFicahes) T General Provision . tome ¢ TL- 1 Constwetion — Structure, Swhivision Stability . Machinary & Eleckical Installations IL-2 Consteuch'on - Five Protection, Fire delection & Five ExtincHan, ow Life Saving Appliances & Fiecangements TT Radio Communications x Safety of Navigation ww Carriage of Caxgoes WM Conriage of Dangstous Goods VII Nuckar Ships x Management of Safe Operation of Ships Safely Measures Rx High Speed Croft RT-| Special Measures to enhance maritime Safehy. xL-2 Special Measures to enhance Maritime Seount : KIT Additional Safety Measures fox Bulk Carziers. xm VeriFicakion of Compliance xy Safety Measures for Ships opesaling in Polay Wakes. A ppenelix Format of Cevtiftcates PART IT Annex-T Cenlificakes & Documents Required to be Carried onbaned Shi Annex-IL List of Resolubions adopted by the SOLAS conferences. Chaplte I ='Gener) ‘Provigtens Regstabteeets——faeeere Ste, Reguladien 7 — Passenger Ship & - SEQ cin Salohy Radio. yo ‘SIAFCORF == Sartsitys foes = —— Did sc Comme under ahi {2 — CewkiFreation y {3 PSC contr] Enha Survey Programme C nade SOLAS ChAT-1 Req- 2 —EsP code) Reason: & a 1) Pollution caused by accidents 40 oi| tankers 2) Bulk carvier losses. 5, IMO decided to phase oud vessels over {Tyr of | age But, this per posal was apposed by shipowners. | As per ship -owners age is not the only criteria that dekermines the condiHon of a vessel ; especially if i+ is well Maintained: So as an alternative, JACS “has clevdoped ESP. Then IMO also adopted the guidelines orn the ESPof bulk cavsiers &+tankevs in Solas ¢Ch--XT-1. Ca-t44 C9] ESP is mandalory ivvespechive of size to— | ') Self paopelled ail tankers, product tankers i 2) Dry cargo bulk carriers including ove & combinabion cemriens. ( put cles not include container ships, forest ' poduc carviers & general cargo Comrievs’) t ESP mainly checks oy cormsion in these ships ESP Starks at 4M anniversay date so that if any werk has 4 be dane on hull. can be done in day deck efter in the SM yr. Class sends questionnaive just after 4th No. of various tanks h Shell exparsten plan Paint scheme. Lnspection report of tanks . Ship stuchera) plan. Owners ins peckon ve port fing sxepair history. Defect Vist anrizal Survey, Bosed on answers ty questionnadie, class will sreFex Imo guidelines ke make plan fox inspection, clepending 00 ship's age. Age < 5 ars s< Age Sto | 19 Pitieoriny the questionnaive 4 Frestece spate Fr inspection by cleaning, ventiDading, ede 4 Make scofalding in Hes hn cle wp aspect” | avenge Ly wbhig Paint /coat substantidhy covimded cored PE detec isd if Glade venmsah iw op epi A Cloertap sie is cowried out by Qdifferent surveyor: of He same class. $CAn onm clishance aoa) Suspected area is identified Thickness measurement of Suspeded areqnis dene. Areas of substantial cowsion® identified. (Substantial corasion = comesion mere than 75% of allele limit Depending OA extent of covrsion, eithay plate renew) js advised or it Can be coated with 1) Hard epomy gel % Herd poy gel with cathodic prote chien) 3) Sof} ga Coeigpatlowel only if there is means fow atcess 40 Sec the condition) JF the plate is not renewed in ahry dock C becae “wear aad eatteeded allowable Limit) then alse ship can sail with these. coatings but that crea has tobe Sunveyed every yr by Birerey ove After enhanced Sirevty the Survey CESPD report is prepared . The report Ts kept onboard the ship for Jifehime. Contents of ESP * Hall velaked survey report ; { ([ceaking condition, choathival ondition » + Condition evaluation report Vou asa ae + Thickness ymeqsuvement report Naivebi International Convention on the Removal of Wreck Adepted : May 2007 i. In Force from ~ Apr. 2015 she convention provides legal basis fr stales-to remove, or have removed shipunecks that may adversly effect sofey of lives , geods & propesty at Seq & marine environment. Removal of wreck beyond the derriforial sea of the party stoke Cupty EEZ - Rxdusive Economic Zone). Shipwreck at high sea will be taken cave by Flag Sate. Weyedk means Sunken or Skanded ship & sunken ox strared parts. This convention applies 4p all seagoing vessels including fixed ov Floating platforms except war ships fexploration ships. Hazards oF uireck : ) Potential danger + navigating nessels. 2) Potential danger te maritime & coastal envivonrent B) High cost in marking & vemeval of uivecks. Objective of this conventisn: 1) Te make shipowners divect\y liodble. 2) To obtain compensation 3) To have uniform standards behueern different counbies. Three parties ave involved tm wreck yemoval: 1) Ship osmner 2) Flag stake 3) Coastal state LL The convenhon addvesses: \) Reporting of ship wreck. 2) Dekermination of hazaxd 3) Locating & marking of shipwreck, 4) Measures tn facilitate the removal. ) Re perting of Shipwreck 5 Master & ship-operator must report Jo the flag state & nearest coastal chate Caffected state) following : 1) Precise Vocation ii) Ship type, size & constuction lil) Nodure of damage & condition iv) Nalure & quantity of ¢axgo V) Hazardous | Nexious substance | Amun} of oil Gihypes. 2) Deberminahion of Hazaxd: e Affected stale will dehermine if ured poses a hazard te navigation or environment. Affected state te warn mariners & locate & mark the wreck by inter nationally accepted systems of buoyage - A)so. update nasticas publications. + Affected state will inform ship's Flag Bioneers: about the hazard. « Affeded state to ensixe removal) of wreck. Registered owner of the ship is responsible for wreck yemovel. Registered oroner may contract any solver to remave the wreck in accordance 42 the conditions cet by affidkd slote weet: the set time Wit & environmentally safe manner. Affected shabe may intervene to vemove the usveck at the owner's expense if owner fails dovemave within deadline ox the hazard becomes Perhicularly Severe. fhe worecke 15— Affected state must notify the ovener in writing thet it intends do intervene- Ghipowrer is shidly lable for cost of lecating, marking & vempving the wreck: gucend, das hige Shee. Pee that ) Resulted From act of war or simillay conditions 2 Resulled form nolural phenomenon: %) Caused by the ach of ard parties done with inte nt Ap cause damage- 4) Due to negligence of any gevt ov authori vesponsible Soy maintenance of navigational aids Ce buoys). “This convention requires shipowners of ship of 20067 K move 40 maintain Cevtificede of Lasuvance Financial Responsibility CCOFR) for usreck removal Party state to ensure ships in its EEZ have the above certfiate. International Convention on Salvage (SALVAGE. 1989) Adoption: Apr 1985 Enty Tn Force: July 1996 Salvage means an act or activity undertaken to assist a vessel or “any other properly in dangex In navigakional uscchexs or in any othex wales whatse ever. We Objective ¢ 1) Dekermine uniform international wules fox salvage operation. ) New vules take Into consideration safe & enviranment prokdis 2) To experdise. the salvage operation in consideration of envome and vessel [pepe protection. 4) Te provide. incentives to salvors. % Article 123 Neo cuve -No pay K Axticke 43: Crifevia fox fixing wreward « Tt depends on — 1) Saved value of vessel & property. 2) Skill _& effort of salvor in preventing damage to envivenment 3) Measure of sucess obtained by alyer. 4) Nature & degree of danger. 5) Sk\ & effert of salvor in saving the vessel. 6) Time used & expenses & Insses incured by salvo. T) Promptness of service provided. B) Readiness & efficiency of savers equipment & value. “The above payment will be made by al) vessels /owners. wort proportion of saved values. “the veward ghall ret exceed the solved value of the nessel & other property: Priicle 12 R43 were fom 1910 convention. Salyers were veluctont 4p cory cut salvage as they did not agree with the crideria fox fixing rewards: Se, 19 Salvoge, 1984 , articke 14-CSpecal Compensation) was inhoduced- | ae Avtcle 14: Special Compensabfon. Cou of pocket expenses) “The compen sation consists of the salvor's expenses plus upto 357% of these expenses if, thenks to the effert of < salyor, Envéten mental darnage is minimized /prevented. he tribunal or arbitrator may increase the amount of Compensation +o a.maximum of 100%. of the cabvors exepensts, Gf it deems it fair & just +e do sa. | Oo the other hand, if the salvow is negligent & has consequently failed to prevent ox minimize environmental | damage . Special compen sation may be denied ov xefused seduced : Asbestos : Used a Heck fpsutodion Elechical ingulaliensGeand cxlsorptions wesistance to Fire Types Depending: On “Colour : 7 | Blue, Brown, White & Green- | Brew asbestos is most clangespus & while ‘asbesins is least dangerous asbestos. Effects on human health: % Asbestosis Can be cured): | Inflammation of lungs, | Sy mehems: Shertnass of breadth , cough, wheezing , chet pain- | Lung cancer | * Pulmonan heart disease- \ usd soi + Brake Jinegrs, & Trsulaking moadenials. “The Hong Keng Thdexnatianal Convention oy the Safe & | | ane Sound Recycling of Ships , 2209 Adestion + 15 May 2009 pet get fn force. 3 The convention will enter into farce (24 menths ater yalificatian by {5 States , ve presenting “OY. of werd merehart shipping, by GT ANSP 48e"Gtales: should have annul ship recycling Volume nerve than 3% of thei combine GT. THis convention will overtake Basel Convention, 1989- Drawback of Basel convention: 1) Developed countries ave Sending -theix ships 4o the scrapynd of 374 world countries. And Basel convention does not cover Sevapyards- 2) Sp, owners used to sdect exporting counties where rules were noi Strict. Byowners had to deal with couporting county + Avansboundry _ county = uli ener Soon where ship usil\ neighbour courts} of tvapyoed: teil oak to gets Scrapyerd OF Scrapyard objedtive of Hong Keng Convention + To ensure that ships, when recy ched afley reaching end of their operational lives, dd not pose any unnecessary axisk to haman health & safely & +p the environment. Grom hazardous substances such as Asbestes, Heavy melals, Hydro-carbens » Ozene Depleting Substances & others) Requiati ons of this convention cover: 8) The design » consruchon, operation & preparation of ships 50 as to facilitate safe & oo sound recycling» without compromising the safthy & operakenal efficiency of ships. 2) The operation of ship recycling Facilities in a safe & emironmentlly gound mManney 3) Establishment of an apreepriate enforcement mechanism for ship recycling» incorporating certification & vreparting requirements The vessels should have a document containing inventory of all hozavdeus materials ty human & environment used in ship-censhuchon. “This document is called Green Pass prt. Tt 1s supplied by yard +> owner during delivery. “Tris hoe de be updeckd dime +o time unt) the life of the ship. Green, Passport Ginvertory ef Hazardous Midterial ’) SS - —— = £2 + Part T Pont IL fort OL Design & Con shuction Operabisnl Washe Stores Clobon & Quantity) 3. New (iPabegt bie bs ‘ Sid. jifeboal ‘bol Ej. New lifebos = bf becca ey es Prunend) ss) oy as spare “The scrapyards will have “Document of Ruthori zation to conduct Ship Recycling" CDASR) issued by adminiskation of that county based on sevapyard meds hive appexed SRPFPPlan~ SRF? Plon = Ship. Recyeling Facility Plan. Ship tn Design Stade 4 Tnventory of Hazardous Mattwials re ill Cha) SC Pant) is preps: Scrapyard will make Ship Recycling Facility Plan Adminishation will Survey the ie ship. Ch THM — re at eae Adminishabion usil) survey Thternabional Cevtifiaade of the scrapyard approve Trventery of Hazavdeus Material SREP & also give Sys valid <9 Tridial, Renewed » “Document of Audhorization , Additional , Final te conduct Ship Recayeling ” CDASR) Ship will go Tum | ‘ di cov eee te Serapyard will prepare Ship Recycle Plan CSRP) THM - Part 2&3 created Ke send # 4 ship THM will be sent to scrip yard Surveyor will check ship yr hazardews Material, THM, SRP Aflex scrapping, Scrapyat wil) issue o Dicwesead SA Completion of Recy ting Certificate " fo Shipowner Flag stabe & adminishekon of serapyerd Tpternational Ready for Recyeling CertiFicale Noalid fer Brnonths (within 3 months vessel) should be scrapped) Compteion of Breyeling Cowti Finke. 36 On Ahe voyage te the scopyerd, all the covets, will becanclled Fe only ceatifiodtes Gov the last veyage will be issued- Also, insurance will be ‘are minimum: \ HAM vessels orignal documents wilh back qo vesiels Flag dtede- Maritime Labour Convention (MLC = 2006) Adoption: Feb 2006 Entry inte force? 20.Aug 2013 Apelie te ships atere SOOGT angujd in inkonabinel ae TLO Cinternatione) Labour Organisakien) : Radified by ndiq on) O5}to/29 Th is a UN agency dealing wits labour issues. Cinkernational labour stindards, social protection & work oppetunitte Fer all) MLe-2806 is a convention adoptd TLO during International Labour Conference CILO) in FebJon0c. Tt sebs Seafarer’ rights to cleecent werking condiHens fe helps 40 create cenditions “of fair competten for shipotunevs. MILC js divided into 2 Parts 0) Avticks Ct 2 SD) ; S-Fidles Containing — Past A> Mand: 2 Tessin 5 Con ng ~ Pant Rac Fax Bs Nen=mand. Gusicle| tes) Tite 17 Minimum Requirements fox Secfinas to wok cea ship Y Min age > 16 ys. . I But sefarrt bale (yrs cnneh Werke night enmst i wore [in havardeus qata: night — Fhe ef connwens pesiced thal include Ocdhyy, — OF00 hrs CAs pe pas nye 3pm bam) i 2) Medical Fitness | k CanttPreake valid dow age Bat Senfos 1B ys, tt isvelid few Noe f Tf cedtficak \W iqwalid then permission is given HT geal: pork here cestified medical practioner ex “3 months UlWichewer 1g) kes. — Spengh pect _—eeteatihigns 3) Training A) Recwilment £ Placement’ Ensue fhed cectartd hace aceess 5 well req claded attain) "ql B Placemat oy stem Title 22 Conditions of Emplayment \) Seafarers! Employment Agreement CsEA): * Original sheuld be with both— seaftrer & ovwnerjagent + CBA should be ascilable onlboord 2) Wages! 2 Tntivvel mag. 1 menth . maith wage ctakment usth breakup: -. 3 Howrs of anor, & hows of rest # Mo. hy of work © D 44 Wes tn any 24 bres VW) 72 hws. ia any Dreher 7 Jays. or a 2 Min by of est i) 40 We 1A a3 ay hrs WIT bas in any T days « Foe youn Seaflre ihe “Pusey & bs J24 hs yo ms [T days ) 4) Emitlement an ave | » Paid leave once ay’ (Sv tke xonback-cannet be eatended baxyond ment ecen b mequest of seaferer) © Shore ave shsuld. be gpatted: 5) Repabiation = Finantial, Security should be provided 4 shipownee Bove arepetieshin of ‘Seale yer 6) Ensure thet _sesdarer is compensated whith a ship is last ov has fede funderd: 7) Manning levels : Seater shold: walk-on gufficiently manned ship am 2) Te promote carmen & skil) declopment fr seafiver. “Title 3% Accomodation, Recreational Fecilities , Foo dh & Cofewing - ») Ptcomeclation & Reertatimal Facilities. + Seperate skeping aborng fer of ficens - « Comamen dpileb atlouwed aut septvale &r men-wemen. * Min. Neadyoom in cabins 203 cm + Popes lighting, noise insulation, Vertilation , cleainage 9) Food i Catering + * Grok quality Sf feed kuokr provided - eCenifed coal. « Cook should nat be \e03 than 48g age: Title Ht Heath Protection, Medica} Cave, Welfare & Secial Security Paoiedion. DAN ships ta cary medical chest, equipment & guide a arg — peso & x3 doy voysge should hare i i ifn oc tow. 3) Iw other shigs ad leabk 1 seafarers should be wnchonge of meclical cave. Cutty cevtiticde) H) D4x7 advice should be available from shore by radio /sofellde ph 5) Shigowunesy’ Liability . shi pewnsr should finance sicknass / injury [deoth “while Sevvicg. 6) Work envirsnment bn board should pemes occupakenal saftey & heel. 7) frceess cho Shere based welfare facibities. ) Secial Seceaaby Title S: Compliance & Enforcement es 1) Fleg state ~res amie, MLE “cebhele Cl—- R DMLE C Pecleradin of menting meapetee | compliance) DMLE Pork 4 > Measures taken by Flag shate, Pack 2 Sr Veetets then Frkvim MLE Camb Gewe vetialitp aeons aphure otal« ares pensibi ities 2) Labour oa rerpens biNH es B sah i powne nt The worcing & living conditions of seakntrs thed mush be inspected Be approved by Phe Flog chee bibs givin MLO cectificate: Chase ase fe potaty alt includedtd 1n-DIMLC | pat TLE): | 1) Minimum Age 2) Medical Cexificahon 3) Qualifications of Seaferers 1) Seafarers’ Empleyment Agreement CSE) 5) Use of RPSL company: 6) Hours: of uae /vest 1) Manning levels fox the ship &) Accomodahon. 8) On-board Recreational Facilities 19) Food, & Catering M1) Health & Safeby Ze Accielent Prevention. 42) On-board Medical Care 13) On-board Complaint Procedure.” Ah) Pavement of Wages \5) Financial Securitig for Repetriahion. {e) Financial Security for Shipovoner's Liability b ti ested ig Standard of Training Certification and Watch keeping ) Adopted on: TJuly 978 In farce fom ? 28 Apr 1584 Major vevisions in 1995 & 2010 Cami la fore dnt, Adepedan > 25 J \ [Fale] aeret937 el ad FE ae sear Why STOW convention required 2 3) Before this convention, foxmal training & certification, iFamy, Vovied with different counties 2) Cause of many accidents of shies is Apund as impropesly trained seafarers. IMO tool shia of thiscause & prepeeed & adopted STEW. convention. 3) Trtenational standaid has been set by STOW connention Br T,C ews and this slndard is appliable ty all. member ghabes, Feahuress of STcw; \. Training & assessment of seafarers te be as per shuctval training Programme " 2 Training to be conducted, monitored & evaluoded by teained person 3, Assessors to be properly qualified ys Onboard Ywainers Ate themsdves trained 5. All jwoiners & agsessoes in shore establishment tole qualified “The STCW convention contains “basic requirements” thed are expanded & explained in the’ STOW code” The current version of STEW Convention is Compecsed of \T articles & 18 resolutions (viz. -resolubion 1 K veselubion 340 (g). + CThis ipapdatedonty in Mantle LSTCW Code? ay nt ese) Requirements of STEW convention are expanded & explained in this code. = T+ has 2 parts: PART A= Mandatory standards Minimum standards of competence required by seagoi personnel are given in delsil in sesies of tables ws PART & = Necemmended Guidelines Te help pathes ‘implement the convention Measures are, givers Example axe gicen: STOW ConyenHon has 8 chapters: Chapter T > General Provisions Tr Master & deck department THE : Engine Aepartrnent. TH! Radio communication & Radio Persannel. : Special “Training Requirements by pensonnd on Certain tyes of ships WT: Emergenyy » octupationa) safely, medical care & survival functions. “ZIT + Aljerradive certification “wit: es ene nn Rest Hours Requivements: CReq “war /4) \) Minimum period of rest is ie 4. 10 Hes im any Qh hr period » & @ TT bes in any Tday peried 2) RH can be divided into mon 2 periods, one of which shall be min. G hes tn lengthy & the tetera) pekveen ” consecutive periods of vest” shall Net exccxed ty hrs- oe Ee 3) Follaxing excephens ave cable but ac fax as possih! | ry te avoid fabique : pa 1 RH oe te min-TO ms in any Fede} perieal - But . this i not allowed more than 2 consecubive weebs, & he interval bewern two periods of exemptions shall not be tae less than tusice the length of duration. 2. Hours of rest in any 2t-hr pened can be divided into mox. 3 periods, one of which must be ot laste ghes in, lena, ote Sante Sa pct ay Sd pve. i) Masies can suspend &H & can ask seafirer 42 per’ any hrs of work for Ie Immediate sofehy of the ship» persons on board or cargp a+ For the purpose of giving assistance to ethey ships or persons in distress ab sea Buk as soonas, the normal situation is sve stored , the master geafarer who Nave performed work 19 shall ensure thak any pronided usth adequate RH. gcheduled west period ax 5) Musters, daille Shall be Carved out jn a-manner, Mhak minimises Phe distance of RH & does not indure fatigue 6) Whin seafewer is onell, he should gel an adequate compersdee vest if the newmal RH is distruvbed by Callas to wok. z 7) Watch schedules te bbe pasted af easily access ible place. 3) Record of RA tebe mainlained. Seafarer should get a we of RH xtcoxd perieining to him signed oy him & master] authorized of ficene BWM Convention C004) Tnternadional Convention far the Cantal & Mana 4 of Stig, Pallet WR eatieie co-> Adosred on : G Feb 2004 Tn force tom . B Sep 2017 Non. indigenes” species ware teansparted cam ene parte the world 4o other part First such major incidence happentd in {903 jnpNorth Seq. CAsiq opuatic plant transferred) This issue pecoMe mere Serious with nerare in shipping ia late "beer. Tene vaized Flesh Hime with TMo iq 138. pPler several yrs, BWM) tommntion uses adopkd SECTION A. GENERAL PROVISIONS Reg AL > Definitions Reg AD: Geneval” Applicability Reg AS 1 Exceptions Reg fk + Exemptions. Reg AS: Equivalent Compliance SECTION B: MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS For sHrPs Req Bt Ballast usaber management plan- Each ship. shell have 07 beard & imelenent SYM pln. Tr chowd be Approved by Barnini ssotens Tre plan should be | “Ship specific! Tt shall eae’ Contain \) Detoil sefuly proceduets “ev the ship's Bum &orw } associakd uit it | 2) Pelailed peocedures tex the clisgosal af sediments ot sca/shere | 3) Pavcedures tov coordinating effectively with quthorntics, 4) officer jncherye 46 carry buk BNWT | 3) Reporting areqtti ements under this conventions, 6 Showtd wee unitten in woking langvog of ship (& English/ Feo Lot date g entry Reg B2 + Ballashouwater record ‘book. —2yx eubenol then 3, Reg 63 2 Ballast woter management Ax Ships’ Req BY: Ballast water exchange. 1) Whenever possible conduct ballast woter exchange cat leact 200 waemiles fom neavest land & min wader apap 200m. 2 TF above {s nol possible the afas fax as from eaves} land obud = SO n-miles fom nearest land & yet Weber dipth: 900m. 3) If above is not possible then ship will conduct ballast us ater exchange jo avea~ desi. d 4 port stede. Reg BS > Sediment Management dex Ships Req BE t Duties of officers be Crews SECTION C+ SPECTAL REQUIREMENT IN CERTAIN AREAS Req C1 1 Additfonal measures Req €2: Warning concerning kallash usacter uptake’ in cedain oreas & related Flag glabe measures Reg C3 Communication of information ANAGEMENT SECTION D : STANDARD FOR BALLAST WATER aihownaee Reg Di + Ballost water exchange standard 1) Exchange ef ficiency i min 95% yolumebic enchange > Sequencial - Empty tonk & Fill again NN) Overflow > Tole bobtern , cubled top. C3 tims -welume) WN) Pamnping trough Tnlel ane, oud lek lator Cay Less than 3 dimes volume in be accepted if ship can demonshat Phat JS% yolumene exchange achieved. Reg DQ? Ballast Wales Performance Standard: <1O viable oxganisms of size ysotum in tom ig = ware of cize Boum d sotm in Im! CViobie = Living bul cannot vepredurs) “Toxicogenie Nibrio cholerae =< \cfa ia 400 ml Eschevichia coli <2gb6cfu in 109ml Tntestina) Entercoect ree Noo efu in 100ml Req DS: Appooval “requirements fer ballast usoter Pea nagement Systerns. Reg DH + Prototype ballast water tyeatment technologies Reg DS > Review of standards by organization. SECTION E+ SURVEY & CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT Reg Et + Sunvey oe eq BO Tesuence/ Endorsement of cevtificate connec Reg ES * Textience | Endorsement by other parly G-PORI Tite k-® Req EH > Form of the certificate Reg ES 4 Duration B validity “of certiFicabe APPENDIX: Tot Ferm of certificate Tr + Purakon & validity of certificate. GUIDELINES = GB: Guidelines for appreval of BM systems 9 1 Guidelines for apprval of Bon systems that make use 9 ‘ackive substances EE & Ballast Water meqns voottr With its suspended matter taken on beard a ship te conte) trim, lst, draught, Stability ae stresses OF the ‘ship: a Sediments means matter settled wut of ballast water within aship % Ballast Water Managemett means mechanical s physical, chemical K biclagical process | used either sigulatly 6¥ in combination, te removes vender harinlss, ort avoid jhe uptoke. ox dischay af Harmfd Aquatic Organisms be Pothayens within Ballast wxkty Ke Sediments. Differane Belween RH et stow ojo & MLC Loe > + 5TCw 2010 PLC. 2006 1 Only about “Rect” Hes . Both Work & Red hrs | | 2- SA& Young seafasey pot 2 Young seafawer js considered: considered 3. Master has over iding autho 3. foster have overriding author qn Dolo bak not in tags ge Wold keepers & safety / Polluben/ 4s Alb Stoferers considered Security positions persons. onl a diy 84 P ¢ STOW - Manila Rmendments © 1. Monitoving of pasties! compliance With the convention - a. Revised vequirements on RH. Be New requirements for priention of dhrag & alcara} abuse te Updated ymedical Fttness Shanderds S- COC toy AB, ETO 6. Updaked draining vequiraments fy danker personnels qe New ‘requis mens Ay draining We Paedeyn tech nology ay -Fepis &- Environment awarnes einin 4+ “Training to Hadesship & tcomuonk, 10. Seeur training Cs1sDsD) ti Neto training Hnethedé Wa ai Yance learning, uxb-based learning + New training guidence for personted serving la Polar ooadees, DP vessels _MARPOL Annex VL _ Requlations for the prevention of Aix Pollution fiom Ships Adopted tn = Sep. 1997 Enby ints forte = 19 May 2005 Chapter 1° General Chapky 2% Survey » certification & means of control: Chapter 3+ Requirements for contol emission fom ships chapter & + Regulations on Energy Efficiency Oh Ships. Chapler 5 i Verification of compliance with the provisions of this onnex. Append iges to his annex. CH= Regi? © Ozone Depleting Substances. LTH dees nol apply te completely seeded aystim where qes charging is pot sequined. a. Delibemale emission ofeps ix prohibited. Odibeedte emissims do nol inchide minimal releases associated uth Se se caphire ov weegiling of ops) Biv Lf, ships! arecenstnicep cojfetits \9 May zo0S or if the achal delicey of equipment 40 chip trepetfer 19 May 2005 Fheq~ tastalladim must not contain ODS Concept Hero. If shies ave condweted enfaftear Jon 202.0 eo if the actual delivery of equipment dp ship cofactor | 4 Nan 2020 then- jashallation youst net centorn OPS i (Here alse) Reguladieg 13: Nitrogen Caides CNOx) ‘) This sequlation applies to— Diesel Engine usth wpb cut pat of > i30kW.” @& ship is buh aftr ten 2000) & each mavine diese) engine with power gy 13OKW which underg ene mayor Conversion after (Jan 200 2) This sre gulch on, dees not apply te Baltic sea EA L,. Nowth Sea ECR Ship Consieacted on After ( Jan2o0clenafiey 1 Jan 2011 Rebefare 1 Jan 2011 tJqn 2024 4 sett 1 Sener Ships prior to} Tan pase ‘ i ine m SOOORW yore te ment Volume eto dhe- “J epee tpt Administration approved mm Brod , ay re ‘4 far NOx reduction as per TieT Ships Yo have NOw technical files le Procedures to dedevmine NOx emissions anboord t. Components, seltings & aperating: volwes.iof Hh i ic influences NOx Seat = maagien jsehich ae Fell ange of allowable adjustment ov alternative Sr the engine Starts He Fall retorcl of engine perfamance - cg. Emitsion dest epost es Specs Yeahs of sport po sil) vesulf io cantinuows compliance NOx emission limits. 7 EXSAPP cent fieabt wis, which, when used in ergine, af the engine with the Regulation {4+ SOx & Particulate Metter fuel oi! ued sriboard ships eballhy 6h: Sulphur tontent of an excced the following o Coudside SECA area) 1. 3:5 % mim on deafler 1 Jan 2012 - See in ey wafer {Jan 2020 Tn SECA ATER bl % ~m/m enbeadthx.,tta0 Zl5. SECA area? - . 4. Baltic Sea ares Neth Amenica area 7] Fos ships bai! an/bafore Pag 201» Pa “prese! uill) Becere SES afiee Slan202° & US. Cavibbean Sea ara by. Other sea area , induding portedta, de ignated by Tmo. a Fuel chenge over proceclure should be tox Her

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