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Class rules:

1. Respect each other

2. Be active in the lessons
In today’s lesson:
Learn new words;
Practice listening and
reading skills
Do exercises
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
The Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
The Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia
2. When did it start?
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
The Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia
2. When did it start?
The RFDSA started in 1928
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
The Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia
2. When did it start?
The RFDSA started in 1928
3. Which people do the Health Train help?
Exercise 2, page 61
1. What is RFDSA?
The Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia
2. When did it start?
The RFDSA started in 1928
3. Which people do the Health Train help?
The Health Train travel around northern Kazakhstan providing
medical care to people living out on the steppe
New words:
Care - күтім, уход
Community - ұйым, сообщество
Essential - маңызды
Isolation - оқшаулау
Provide - қамтамасыз ету
Remote - қашықтықтан
Solution - шешім
Vast - кең
Unique - бірегей,жалғыз, дара, уникльный
Equipment - жабдық
Patient - шыдамды
Homework: Workbook
42 page, exercise 1

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