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lll Semesler 2 Year LL.M. (Business and Trade Law) Examination,

March/April 2023 (Dec. 20221
Spl. Paper-5: BANKING LAW
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five of the following.

2. Answers should be written in English only.
Q. No. 1. Explain the historical evolution of banking system in lndia.
Marks: 1x16=16

Q. No. 2. Reserve Bank of lndia and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
are the 2 wheels of chariot of banking companies in lndia.
Elucidate. Ivfarks:1x16=16

Q. No. 3. ls Nationalisation of banks a boon or bane to the banking sectoi ?

Discuss. Marks:1x16=16

Q. No. 4. Explain the special relationship between banker and the

customer. Marks:1x16=16

Q. No. 5. What is lending ? Explain the principles of"good lending. Marks: 1x16=16

Q. No. 6. Critically evaluate the recent trends of banking system in

lndia. i "Marks ' 1a1$=16

Q. No. 7. Write a note on any two of the following : Marks :2x8=16

(a) Smart Card.

(b) Debt recovery tribunal.
(c) Use of expert system.
(d) Multifunctional banks.

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