376-C-125279-Earth, Sun, Moon Unlimited Class 5

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NAME _____________________ SEC. ____ ROLL NO. ____ DATE ___________

I. Puzzles:
1. Coldest places on Earth- Poles
2. Land is divided into 7 huge pieces- Continents
3. Cooler, darker patches on the surface of Sun- Sunspots
4. Closest star to Earth- Sun
5. Great blasts of energy that erupt from the atmosphere of Sun- Solar flares
6. Satellites used for conducting space exploration- Scientific satellites

II. Give reason

a) Footprints left on the Moon will remain forever
Ans. As there is no air that will blow the dust and cover the footprints.
b) The sky appears black during midday on the Moon
Ans. There is no atmosphere on the moon to spread light around, hence the sky
appears black during midday on Moon.
c) It is easier to lift heavy objects on Moon
Ans: The Moon’s gravity is one-sixth of Earth’s gravity. So, an object on the Moon will
weigh one-sixth of its weight on Earth.
d) Iceland is very cold but water in pools and lakes is warm
Ans. Because the boiling magma lies close to the surface and it heats the lakes and

III. Answer in brief:

Q1. How was the Earth formed?
Ans. Earth was formed millions of years ago from a huge cloud of dust and gases
floating in space.
Q2. What does the Solar System contain?
Ans. The Solar System contains planets, comets and asteroids.
Q3. Name the gases found in the Sun
Ans. Hydrogen and Helium
Q4. What are craters?
Ans. Craters are huge ditches that were formed when huge pieces of rock called
meteorites crashed on the Moon’s surface.
Q5. Name the two types of movements the Moon has
Ans. Rotation and Revolution

IV. Inference based:

a) Near the equator it is hot and it rains almost everyday
Ans. As direct and focused sun rays fall on the equator. The high level of rainfall is
due to the high temperature and humidity.

V. Case Study:
Earth is a home to diverse landscape and life. Primary source of heat and light
on Earth is Sun. Earth has a natural satellite revolving around it which is
responsible for causing tides on Earth.

a) How Sun helps to sustain life on Earth?

Ans. Life on Earth depends on light and heat from the Sun.

b) How is natural satellite of Earth responsible for causing tides?

Ans. Moon’s gravity is too weak to affect the whole planet Earth. However, it
does make the water on Earth move. It pulls the water on Earth towards it,
causing high tides and low tides in seas and oceans.

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