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From Philosophical Dialogues to Virtual Meetings:

The Dynamic Evolution of Conferences

Candauda Arachchige Saliya
Department of Business Management, SLIIT Business School,
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka.
Telephone: +94 11 7544642; Mobile: +94701649443
Conferences, as a fundamental means of human interaction, have evolved over millennia,
reflecting the progression of human civilization and the pursuit of knowledge, collaboration,
and progress. This historical overview traces conferences from ancient philosophical
dialogues in Greece and India through medieval theological conventions and Renaissance
intellectual forums to the establishment of scientific societies in the 17th century. The 19th
century saw the rise of professional associations, while the 20th century brought
technological advancements, enabling virtual conferences and large-scale international
Contemporary conferences have become diverse, spanning academia, business, and
technology, with virtual platforms enhancing global accessibility. International conferences,
in particular, play a crucial role in fostering global collaboration and knowledge exchange,
serving as platforms for groundbreaking research presentation and interdisciplinary
This article also explores various conference types, such as professional/business,
academic/scientific/educational, social/cultural, peace, and trade conferences, each serving
specific purposes. It distinguishes conferences from press or news conferences and
highlights the differences from conventions, colloquia, and symposiums, pointing out the
unique nature of unconferences.
Moreover, the article delves into the challenges faced by universities in organizing
conferences, emphasizing the need for rigorous peer-reviewed processes and highlighting
the prevalence of conferences lacking academic rigor. Despite hurdles in securing sponsors,
the SLIIT Business School in Sri Lanka is highlighted as an example, organizing the 2nd
International Conference on Sustainable & Digital Business (ICSDB 2023) with a unique focus
on recognizing businesses contributing significantly to sustainable and digital practices
through the ICSDB Excellence Awards.
Keywords: Evolution, Human Interaction, Knowledge Exchange, Collaboration,
Philosophical Dialogues, Scientific Societies, Global Accessibility, Interdisciplinary
JEL Codes: A1, N0, O3

From Philosophical Dialogues to Virtual Meetings:
The Dynamic Evolution of Conferences
In a broader sense, conference means any interaction among people for conferring a
particular topic. It is a form of meeting of a large group of people who come together to
discuss common issues and activities. The history and evolution of conferences and meetings
extend across millennia, reflecting the shifting dynamics of human civilization and the quest
for knowledge, collaboration, and progress.
The primary objective of a conference is to facilitate the gathering and information sharing
among individuals with common interests. This is achieved through presentations,
discussions, and networking opportunities. Participants from diverse locations attend these
conferences, presenting a valuable opportunity to acquire knowledge and establish
professional connections (for example, Saliya, 2021; 2021a; 2021b; 2021c).
The history and evolution
In ancient Greece, during the 5th to 4th centuries BCE, luminaries such as Plato, Socrates,
and Aristotle engaged in philosophical discussions that laid the foundation for intellectual
discourse. Similarly, in ancient India, during the 6th to 5th centuries BCE, Buddha
disseminated his teachings through assemblies and meetings. The sermons and discussions
conducted by Buddha with his disciples were pivotal in propagating his philosophy. These
gatherings served as early forms of conferences, fostering both spiritual and intellectual
development in ancient India.
As civilizations progressed, in medieval Europe, from the 5th to the 15th century, there were
conventions addressing theological and doctrinal matters, profoundly influencing religious
ideologies and practices. Concurrently, trade fairs emerged as economic conferences during
this period. Merchants and traders exchanged goods, ideas, and market trends, contributing
to the economic development of medieval Europe.
The Renaissance period, spanning the 14th to the 17th century, witnessed the revival of
classical learning and a surge in intellectual pursuits. Academics, scientists, and artists
convened in forums to discuss advancements in various fields, contributing significantly to
the intellectual and cultural reawakening of Europe during this transformative period.
The 17th century saw the establishment of the Royal Society in England, promoting scientific
discourse and experimentation. As the scientific revolution gained momentum, conferences
became integral to the dissemination of groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.
The 19th century witnessed the emergence of professional associations and societies, each
hosting conferences to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange within specific

industries. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), founded in
1848, exemplifies this trend, becoming a model for other professional organizations.
In the 20th century, technological advancements revolutionized the conference landscape.
The advent of telecommunication allowed for virtual conferences, transcending geographical
constraints. World War II played a pivotal role in the development of large-scale international
conferences, such as the Yalta Conference in 1945, Bretton Woods and Dumbarton Oaks in
1944 created the framework for international cooperation in the postwar world and shaping
global political landscapes.
Today, conferences have evolved into multifaceted events encompassing diverse fields,
including academia, business, technology, and more. They feature keynote speakers, panel
discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions. Virtual conferences have gained
prominence, providing accessibility and inclusivity on a global scale.
Global collaboration and scholarly rigor
There exists a diverse array of conference types, each serving a distinct purpose and
concentrating on specific themes.
International conferences play a pivotal role in fostering global collaboration, knowledge
sharing, and academic discourse. These gatherings bring together experts, researchers, and
professionals from diverse fields, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and the
dissemination of cutting-edge research.
One notable aspect of international conferences is the opportunity they provide to present
and discuss groundbreaking research. According to the IEEE referencing style, conference
papers are valuable sources for scholarly communication [1]. In APA style, conference paper
citations include details such as the conference title, and these papers are considered
important contributions to academic discourse [4]. The Harvard referencing style also
acknowledges the significance of conference papers, incorporating them into academic
citations [6].
The value of these conferences extends beyond individual research papers. The collaborative
nature of international conferences facilitates networking, fostering connections that lead to
future research collaborations and interdisciplinary projects. As highlighted by APA
guidelines, references to conference presentations are essential for acknowledging the
source of the information shared at these events [5].
Types of conferences
Professional/Business Conferences which unite business professionals to discuss various
aspects of business management, fostering networking and idea exchange. CA Sri Lanka has
organized successful conferences for over 30 years, and the 2023 conference by Certified
Management Accountants featured a keynote address by CBSL governor Dr. Nandalal

Academic/Scientific/Educational Conferences empower scholars and researchers to present
and discuss their work, fostering opportunities to stay updated on new research and connect
with peers. State universities consistently organize successful conferences, with some even
accounting for 3-5 conferences per year as conferences are organized by each faculty.
Remarkably, SLIIT Uni stands out among non-state universities for its excellence in
organizing international conferences at the faculty level.
Social/Cultural Conferences bring people together to discuss various facets of culture and
society, spanning topics from political issues to social trends while Peace Conferences
convene representatives from different countries to discuss strategies for resolving wars or
conflicts, the notable examples include the Congress of Vienna, the Paris Peace Conference of
1919, and the Camp David Accords.
Then there are Trade Conferences which gather representatives from different companies or
industries to explore ways to enhance trade relationships. The attendees include business
professionals, government officials, and economic experts. The primary objective is to
promote trade and investment by identifying opportunities and eliminating barriers.
While the term "conference" is used, Press or News Conferences specifically involve a
representative of a company, organization, or government addressing reporters and
responding to their questions. Typically conducted to announce new products, initiatives, or
provide information about recent events, these conferences draw reporters from diverse
news outlets and interested members of the public.
Similarly, while the concept of a conference is straightforward, it's often confused with
conventions, colloquia, or symposiums. In contrast, unconferences differ by lacking a top-
down organizational hierarchy or sponsored presentations.
Planning a Successful Conference
Organizing a successful conference involves more than just securing a digital screen rental;
it requires careful planning and consideration. Executing a successful conference, especially
without a profit motive, presents significant challenges. Unlike universities in developed
countries benefiting from government funding, lucrative sponsorships and student fees, the
noteworthy aspect is that Sri Lankan universities adeptly organize conferences within
minimal budgets.
Therefore, Sri Lankan universities face considerable hurdles in securing sponsors, given the
limited interest shown by the business community in the research findings of these
institutions. However, websites like
demonstrate that Sri Lanka hosts over 1000 conferences annually, averaging around 100 per
month. Regrettably, a substantial portion of these conferences lacks academic rigor, with lax
or non-existent peer-reviewed processes. Some conferences accept only abstracts, while
others permit paper submissions just days before the conference dates. A prevalent
characteristic of such conferences is their imposition of conference fees in US dollars,

primarily targeting affluent academics from overseas. Unfortunately, many students and
emerging academics devalue their research findings and expend their resources by
presenting papers at these conferences.
SLIIT Business School, the business faculty of Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
(SLIIT), the largest Uni in Sri Lanka with over 25,000 students and eight campuses including
Jaffna, Kandy and Matara, is organizing the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable &
Digital Business (ICSDB 2023) to be held on December 14-15, 2023. SLIIT Business School
offers this international conference with a significant difference incorporating its signature
event ICSDB Excellence Awards that recognize business firms with substantial contribution
to sustainable and digital business (Figure 1).

Figure 1: International Conference on Sustainable and Digital Business (ICSDB), 2022.

ICSDB 2022 had three key eminent scholars namely Professor John Bessant from Exeter
University of UK, Professor Jaideep Prabhu of University of Cambridge and Professor Muthu
De Silva of Birkbeck, University of London as keynote speakers. The chief guest was Dr
Nandalal Weerasinghe, the Central Bank Governor. Similarly, ICSDB 2023 will also have three
world class keynote speakers to share their insights on Sustainable and Digital Business.
They are Professor Marcel Bogers of Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands,
Professor Pelin Demirel of Dyson School of Design Engineering of Imperial College London
and Professor V G Venkatesh from EM Normandie Business School of France.

In conclusion, the exploration of conferences in this paper reveals their enduring significance
as dynamic platforms for global knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking. The
historical journey from ancient philosophical dialogues to modern international conferences
underscores their pivotal role in shaping human civilization and fostering intellectual
The scholarly rigor embedded in conferences is evident in the diverse array of types, each
serving distinct purposes and concentrating on specific themes. International conferences,
in particular, play a crucial role in fostering global collaboration, knowledge sharing, and
academic discourse. The value extends beyond individual research papers to the
collaborative nature of these gatherings, facilitating networking that leads to future research
collaborations and interdisciplinary projects.
The paper emphasizes the diverse landscape of conferences, ranging from
professional/business and academic/scientific/educational to social/cultural, peace, trade,
and press conferences. It distinguishes conferences from other related events and elucidates
the challenges faced by Sri Lankan universities in organizing conferences within minimal
Despite hurdles, the SLIIT Business School stands as a notable example, organizing the
International Conference on Sustainable & Digital Business (ICSDB) with a unique focus on
recognizing businesses contributing significantly to sustainable and digital practices through
the ICSDB Excellence Awards. This illustrates the potential for conferences to not only
disseminate knowledge but also acknowledge and promote positive contributions to the
business landscape.
The vibrant landscape of conferences, as illustrated by the ICSDB, showcases their ability to
bring together scholars, professionals, and experts from diverse fields. As the world
continues to evolve, conferences remain vital forums for shaping the future of knowledge
exchange, collaboration, and global progress.

Saliya, C. A. (2023). Financial Crisis in Sri Lanka: Impact of Institutional Factors on External
Debts. 26-27 June 2023. ASIAN Annual Meeting, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh
Saliya, C. A. (2021a) Driving Forces of Individual Investors in Stock Market Participation,
Review of Economics and Finance, 19(2). 73-79.
Saliya, C. A. & Wickrama KAS (2021b). Determinants of Financial-risk Preparedness for
Climate Change. Advances in Climate Change Research,
Saliya, C A. (2021c). Conducting Case Study Research: A Concise Practical Guidance for
Management Students. International Journal of KIU, Vol.2(1), 1-13.
Saliya, C. A. (2006b). Role of bank lending in sustaining wealth/income inequality, workshop
conducted at the 6th Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Other Sources
1. IEEE Referencing: Conference papers & proceedings
2. APA (7th Edition) Referencing Guide - Conference Papers
3. Monash University Library - Citing and referencing: Conferences
4. Citing a Conference Paper in APA Style | Format & Examples
5. APA Style - Conference presentation references
6. Harvard - LibGuides at University College London


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