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ĐỀ CHÍNH THƯC Đề gồm 5 trang KHÓA NGÀY: ……………….
NĂM HỌC: 2021 – 2022
Thời gian: 90 phút

LISTENING (20pts.) There are two recordings. You will listen to each recording twice.
SECTION 1: Listen to the recording. For question 1 – 10, write the word(s) you hear in each of the number blanks.
Japanese children may soon have smiles on their faces and money in their pockets. As part of a covid-19-related stimulus
package, Japan's (1) _______________ is planning to give ¥100,000 ($880) to all children under the age of 19. Around 20
million children, from (2) _______________ to 18-year-olds, will receive the one-time payment. The initiative is part of
an (3) _______________ pledge from Japan's newly-elected Prime Minister. During (4) _______________, he vowed to
help "people in need," such as part-time workers and families with small children. (5) _______________ say the money
will be given regardless of the financial status of a child's family. All children in any one family will receive the cash. The
plan is expected to cost around ¥2 trillion ($17.6 billion).

The stimulus (6) _______________ is not without its critics. Many people have reservations about splurging so much
money when Japan is (7) _______________ with so much debt. The country's debt is currently more than twice the size
of its economy. Government sources argue the cash is (8) _______________ for the pandemic stimulus because of a
surplus of funds from fiscal 2020. Skeptics are questioning the plan's logic. They said most recipients would not be going
out to purchase high-cost items, dine in upmarket restaurants or take domestic holidays. It is predicted that much of the
money will end up in savings (9) _______________. However, mother of three Yuki Ono welcomed the plan. She said
her children would (10) _______________ because they will buy new computers.
SECTION 2: Listen to the recording. Give brief answer to the questions.
11. When was the variant first reported?
12. What is Omicron being flagged as?
13. How many genetic changes in Omicron have scientists discovered?
14. How long might it take scientists to find out how dangerous Omicron is?
15. Where did the White House staffer say Omicron might travel?
USE OF ENGLISH (20 pts.)
Choose the word (A, B, C, D) that best completes the sentence.
1. _____ English, he is also very good at French and Germany.
A. Beside B. Besides C. Except D. Apart from
2. Recently, the company has received a of complaints from the customers about poor products.
A. pack B. barrage C. pool D. bank
3. David was deported on account of his expired visa. He _____ it renewed.
A. must have had B. should have had
C. needn’t have had D. mightn’t have had
4. _____ individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or point of view.
A. Light-hearted B. Even-handed C. Like-minded D. Open-minded
5. It _____ to reason that Jason passed the exam with flying colours on account of his working hard during the term.
A. comes B. gets C. stands D. lays
6. The patients _____ with the new drug showed better signs of recovery than those receiving conventional medicine.
A. treated B. having treated C. treating D. who treated
7. Mary rarely uses social networks, _____?
A. isn’t she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. is she
8. Many pepople head for the countryside where the flat _____ of fields helps them escape from the hetic city life.
A. extension B. expansion C. exent D. expanse
9. These days you can have pretty good meals on airplanes, just check the prices first or you’re going to ____.
A. pay through the nose B. make it worth your while
C. get credit for it D. break the bank
10. Only after the bus_____for a few miles did Jane realise she was on the wrong route.
A. was running B. had run C. has run D. runs
11. Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education wil enable them to_____in the
A. turn up B. get on C. get out D. turn away
12. Getting a new computer system _______ at the school has become a high priority. install B. installed C. to be installed D. install
13. ______ have made communication faster and easier through the use of email and the internet is widely recognized.
A. It is that computer B. That computers C. Computers that D. That it’s computers
14. - Laura: “I have got a couple of questions I would like to ask you.”
- Maria: “________”.
A. Of course not, it’s not costly. B. Right, fine away
C. What’s up? D. Not at all
15. - Hung: “Don’t you like watching football?”
- Derek: “________”.
A. No, I do. I like it a lot B. It’s nice
C. Yes, I don’t. D. Yes, I love it
Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that is incorrect.

16. The closer it gets to December 21, the first day of winter, the short the days become.
17. 1. I object to be told what to do by people I don’t respect.
18. After six attempts, Bill finally succeeded with passing his driving test.
19. Do you remember to go to school for the very first time?
20. Many people are making advantage of the change in the tax law.
WORD FORMS (40 pts.)
Fill in the blanke with the approriate form of the word given in bracket.
1. People with _____disability______ have been campaigning for better access to public buildings. (able)
2. Jane’s old jacket was so _____outworn_____ that he had to buy a new one. (wear)
3. Shares have risen _advantageously__ in the last six months. (consider)
4. He rearranged his business affairs _considerably__ by investing his money overseas. (advantage)
5. Although it might snow tomorrow, it is highly __unlikely__. (like)
6. He isn't happy with his job because he feels he is _underpaid__. (pay)
7. Since she became a manager, she has done job _enthusiastically_. (enthusiastic)
8. I hope people will be _courageous_ enough to speak out against this injustice. (courage)
9. If you let him go _unpunished_, he will do that again. (punish)
10. You should practice speaking English regularly in order to _better your speaking skills. (good)
Put the words given in the corect blanks. You have to use theỉ corect forms to make a meaningful pasage.
There are two extra words that you cannot use.
reflect real include suggest educate practice
academy able know qualify decide instruct

Not everyone should pursue a formal (11) _education___ after they leave school. Today’s world needs skilled workers as
well as (12) _academics ___ , and skilled workers can earn a decent salary! However, if you are someone who is looking
to increase your (13) _knowledge___ and wants to continue studying, you have a big (14) __decision _ to make
regarding which course to do. Make sure it’s a subject you’re really interested in! Another question which requires ( 15)
__reflection _ is how this course will help you get a job. Ask yourself what skills you have and how much (16)
__instruction __ you will need. Find out what (17) __qualifications __ are available and necessary for your career choice.
Try to make a choice that will bring you real opportunities and that suits your (18) _abilities ___. It’s important to choose

something that’s (19) __practical _. We might all dream of becoming a famous pop star or millionaire, but that’s actually
not a (20) _realistic ___ option for most of us!


Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.
Honey bees have a (1) _______________ for working hard, but carpenter bees and other bee species that don’t
live in colonies might be even more (2) _______________. For these (3) _______________ solitary bees, there is no (4)
_______________ worker class to help with rearing young and foraging. “Each female is (5) _______________ of like a
lone wolf,” says Clara Stuligross, a Ph.D. student at the University of California (UC), Davis.
Now, a study by Stuligross and colleagues tallying the detrimental (6) _______________ of a key pesticide on
reproduction of a solitary bee species adds to growing (7) _______________ that such insects, which make up the (8)
_______________ majority of bees species, are (9) _______________ to the compounds just like their more social
counterparts. Their (10) _______________ suggest the harm of pesticides can (11) _______________ over multiple
generations, which could exacerbate the loss of species that (12) _______________ valuable pollination for farms and
The (13) _______________ demonstrates that chronic pesticide poisoning can cause “meaningful and significant impacts”
(14) _______________ bees, says Nigel Raine, a bee ecologist at the University of Guelph (15) _______________ was
not involved with the study. “That’s really quite important.”

1. A. discipline B. movement C. history D. reputation

2. A. hard B. industrious C. satisfied D. beneficial
3. A. so-called B. like-called C. cold-called D. clear-cold
4. A. humble B. generous C. dedicated D. energetic
5. A. kind B. piece C. loaf D. space
6. A. impacts B. results C. forces D. shares
7. A. material B. article C. evidence D. quality
8. A. big B. few C. sum D. vast
9. A. senseless B. stable C. vulnerable D. energetic
10. A. stretching B. finding C. hiding D. missing
11. A. store B. decrease C. rise D. accumulate
12. A. provide B. release C. keep D. stay
13. A. mission B. work C. job D. activity
14. A. at B. in C. on D. from
15. A. which B. whom C. when D. who


Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best complete the unfinished statement about the passage.
The concept of obtaining fresh water from iceberg that are towed to populated areas and arid regions of the world was
once treated as a joke more appropriate to cartoons than real life. But now it is being considered quite seriously by many
nations, especially since scientists have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs
out of food. Glaciers are a possible source of fresh water that have been overlooked until recently. (A)
Three – quarters of the Earth’s fresh water supply is still tied up in glacial ice, a reservoir of untapped fresh water so
immense that it could sustain all the rivers of the world for 1,000 years. Floating on the oceans every year are 7,659
trillion metric tons of ice encased in 10,000 icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of
them from Antarctica. (B)
Huge glaciers that stretch over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergs throughout the year. Icebergs are not
like sea ice, which is formed when the sea itself freezes; rather, they are formed entirely on land, breaking off when
glaciers spread over the sea. As they drift away from the polar region, icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a
direction opposite to the wind, pulled by subsurface currents. Because they melt more slowly than smaller pieces of ice,
icebergs have been known to drift as far north as 35 degrees south of the equator in the Atlantic – Ocean. (C)
The difficulty arises in other technical matters, such as the prevention of rapid melting in warmer climates and the
funneling of fresh water to shore in great volume. But even if the icebergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water
they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced by desalination, or removing salt from water. (D)
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The movement of glaciers.
B. Icebergs as a source of fresh water.
C. Future water shortages.
D. The future of the world’s rivers.
2. The word arid in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. anhydrous B. fruitful C. remote D. distant
3. According to the author, most of the world’s fresh water is to be found in
A. oceans B. rivers C. glaciers D. reservoirs
4. The word currents in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. pulls B. waves C. weather D. flows of water
5. How are iceberg formed?
A. They break off from glaciers. B. seawater freezes.
C. rivers freeze D. small pieces of floating ice converge
6. With which of the following ideas would the author be likely to agree?
A. Towing iceberg to dry areas is economically possible
B. Desalination of water is the best way to obtain drinking water
C. Using water from iceberg is a very short – term solution to water shortages
D. Iceberg could not to towed very far before they would melt
7. The word that in the last paragraph refers to
A. the volume B. the water C. the iceberg D. the towing
8. Which is the best place where the following sentence will most probably fit?
“To corral them and steer them to parts of the world where they are needed would not be too difficult.”
A. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D)
9. What are the technical matters mentioned as the difficulty arising in the process of obtaining fresh water from the
A. The prevention of rapid melting iceberg.
B. The filtering water and the funneling it to shore in a large amount
C. The purifying the fresh water and carrying it to shore
D. The prevention of rapid melting and the funneling to shore in great volume.
10. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________
A. Icebergs could be used as a source of drinking water in the not too far distant future.
B. The food crisis will be faster than the fresh water supply.
C. Sea ice, formed from huge glaciers, is firmly attached to the land.
D. Desalination, or removing salt from water can be seen as the difficulty arising in other technical matters.
Fill in each blank with one suitable word to make a meaningful passage.
A natural disaster is a major adverse event (1) ____resulting ______ from natural processes of the Earth. Many of the
most damaging and life-threatening (2) __types ___ of weather-torrential rains, severe to scattered, and tornadoes-begin
quickly, strike (3) _____suddenly ______, and dissipate rapidly, devastating small regions while leaving neighboring
areas untouched. One such event, a tornado, which (4) ___struck ___ the northeastern section of Edmonton, Alberta, in
July 1987.Total (5) __damages__ from the tornado exceeded $ 250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.
Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have (6) __limited ____ value in predicting short-live local storms like
the Edmonton tornado, (7) __because ___ the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers
to discern the subtle atmospheric changes that precede these storms. In most nations, for example, weather balloon
observations are (8) ____taken ______ just once every twelve hours at locations typically separated by hundreds of miles.
With such limited data, conventional forecasting models do a (9) _____much______ better job predicting general weather
(10) _____conditions ______ over large regions than they do forecasting specific local events.

Modern advertisements contain hidden messages. Implicit (11) ____in ______ the advertisement showing the pretty girl
in the new car, or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, we
also (12) _______achieve ___ success and happiness. It is a subtle approach since it seeks to (13) ___exploit _______ our
secret dreams, and it is inescapable since advertising is ubiquitous. Huge street billboards and catchy jingle (14)
_____on______ television bombard us from all sides. They brainwash us into (15) ____believing ______ that we can
realize our ambitions quickly and easily. On the other (16) _____hand _____, defenders of advertising say that it is
beneficial. Advertising is (17) ___informative________. Advertisements tell us about useful new products. They brighten
our lives with color and music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices (18) _____down ______.
Whether for or (19) _____against ______advertising, most people would agree that some kind of supervision body,
appointed by the government or by the advertising industry (20) __itself_________, is necessary to maintain standards of
honesty and to discourage the more blatant types of misleading advertisements.


1. He tried really hard but he couldn't compete with the best runners. (up)
 Hard as he tried, he couldn’t…_______________________________________.
2. We got there early and so we didn’t have to queue. (avoid)
 We manage__to get there early to avoid queuing_____________________________
3. They’ve been building that new supermarket for months. (construction)
 That new supermarket has been under construction for months_____________.
4. John isn’t feeling very well today. (weather)
 John is feeling a bit under weather today_______________________________.
5. I want you to try really hard to pass this exam. (effort)
 I want you to make a real effort to pass…______________________________.
6. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
But for his father’s early retirement, Richard wouldn’t have taken over…business
7. Her success went beyond her expectation.
 Never had she expected her success___________________________________.
8. People rumor that the escaped prisoner is living in Bermuda.
 The escaped prisoner is rumored to be living in Bermuada_________________.
9. People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they can afford.
 Adverts tempt to persuaded ppl to spend…_____________________________.
10. The audience didn’t laugh at any point during the show.
 At no point during the show did the audience laugh______________________.

The end of test



11. on the 9th of

1 government 1. B. Besides 1. disability

12. A "virus of
2. newborns 2. B. barrage 2. outworn

3. election 13. 50 3. B. should have had 3. considerably

4. campaigning 14. a few weeks 4. C. Like-minded 4. advantageously

15. all over the

5. Officials 5. C. stands 5. unlikely

6. package 6. A. treated 6. underpaid

7. burdened 7. B. does she 7. enthusiastically

8. available 8. D. expanse 8. courageous

9. A. pay through the

9. accounts 9. unpunished

10. benefit 10. B. had run 10. better

11. B. get on 11. education

12. B. installed 12. academics
13. B. That compters 13. knowledge
14. B. Right, fine away 14. decision
15. A. No, I do. I like it
a lot 15. reflection
16. C 16. instruction
17. C 17. qualifications
18. C 18. abilities
19. B 19. practical
20. B 20. Realistic

1. B. Icebergs as a
1. Hard as he tried, he couldn't
1. D. reputation source of fresh 1. resulting 11. in
compete with the best runners.
2. We manage to get there
2. B. industrious 2. A. anhydrous 2. types 12. achieve early to avoid queuing /the
queue by getting
3. That new supermarket has
3. A. so-called 3. C. glaciers 3. suddenly 13. exploit been under construction for
4. John is feeling a bit under
4. C. dedicated 4. D. flows of water 4. struck 14. on
the weather today
5. I want you to make a real/
5. A. They break off
5. A. kind 5. damages 15. believing really make an effort to pass
from glaciers.
this exam.
6. A. Towing 6. But for his father’s early
iceberg to dry areas retirement, Richard wouldn’t
6. A. impacts 6. limited 16. hand
is economically have taken over the family
possible business.
17. 7. Never had she expected her
7. C. evidence 7. B. the water 7. because
informative success.
8. The escaped prisoner is
8. D. vast 8. C. (C) 8. taken 18. down rumored to be living in
9. D. The
prevention of rapid 9. Adverts tempt people into
9. C. vulnerable melting and the 9. much 19. against spending more than they can
funneling to shore afford.
in great volume.
10. A. Icebergs
could be used as
10. At no point during the show
10. B. finding a source of drinking 10. conditions 20. itself
did the audience laugh.
water in the not too
far distant future.
11. D.
12. A. provide
13. B. work
14. C. on
15. D. who

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