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1) 95 + 95 + 95 +95 +95 -93-93-93-93-93= 5 times__

a) 12 b) 2 c) 6 d) 4

2. A couple who has 5 sons went for picnic. Each son has 7 sisters. Each
sister has 3 babies. In total how many people went for picnic?

a) 15 b) 4 c) 2

3) If Monday falls on the second of a month, then which day will fall two
days after 10th?

a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Friday


a) 40
b) 50
c) 40
5) In the diagram , the girls who are athletic are indicated by which number?

a) 3 & 4 b) 3,4 & 8 c) 5 , 3 & 4

6) Riya has 45 sweets and Nita has 11 sweets. How many sweets should
Riya give to Nita so that they both have equal amount of sweets?
a) 11 b) 17 c) 34
7) Arrange the following in a logical sequence.
1. Kid
2. School education
3. Marriage
4. Birth
5. College education

a) 4, 2, 5, 3, 1 b) 1, 2, 5, 4, 3 c) 4, 1, 1, 5, 3

8) Amrita goes to the market to buy pizzas for her family. Her mother always
cuts the pizzas into 4 equal slices. The number of pizza slices her family eats
are as shown below-
Mother - 2
Father -4
brother - 2
amrita -3
How many pizzas should Amrita buy?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5

9) A game of football consists of a total playing time of 90 minutes and a

break of 15 minutes at half time. A football match begins at 3:25 pm. At what
time will the match end?
a) 5:10 pm b) 4:15 pm c) 4:40 pm

10) Pointing to a photograph, a man said, "I have no brother, and that man's
father is my father's son." Whose photograph was it?
a) His son b) His own c) His father d) His nephew

11) Michael got a change of 8 rupees on paying with 100 rupee note for 4
pastries. He had barely came out of the baker’s shop when he went in again
and asked for 3 more. How much does he have to pay this time?
a) Rs72 b) Rs 69 c) Rs 54 d) Rs 24

13) Ramesh is driving towards the North. After travelling 2 km, he turns to
his right and covers 5 km. Then he turns to his left and covers 2 km. Finally,
he turns to his left and covers 5 km. How far is he from the starting point and
in which direction he is driving?
a) 2 km West b) 2 Km East c) 4 km West d) 4 km North

14) When Madhu draws 3 horizontal lines over 2 vertical lines as shown, the
total number of meeting points is 6.Which of the following arrangements
will have 200 meeting points?
a) 10 horizontal ,20 vertical b) 20 horizontal ,20 vertical
c) 150 horizontal ,50 vertical d) 100 horizontal , 100 vertical

15) What is the maximum number of 1 meter that

can be cut from the given rope?

a) 8 b) 9 c) 5 d) 2

16) komal ears one full bar of chocolate . then she divides another into 5
equal parts and eats 3 of those parts. the total number of chocolates that
she has eaten is –
a) 4/5 b) 3/5 c) 8/10 d) 8/5

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