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❖ Identify the different types of brand elements.
❖ List the general criteria for choosing brand elements.
❖ Describe key tactics in choosing different brand
LEARNING ❖ Explain the rationale for “mixing and matching” brand
OBJECTIVE elements.
❖ Highlight some of the legal issues surrounding brand
▸ What brands of product or service category
can you think of? (using increasingly
SALIENCE specific product category cues)
▸ Have you ever heard of these brands?
▸ Which brands might you be likely to use
under the following situations…?
▸ How frequently do you think of this brand?
▪ Compared with other brands in the category, how well does this brand provide the basic

functions of the product or service category?
▪ Compared with other brands in the category, how well does this brand satisfy the basic
needs of the product or service category?
▪ To what extent does this brand have special features?
▪ How reliable is this brand?
▪ How durable is this brand?
▪ How easily serviced is this brand?
▪ How effective is this brand’s service? Does it completely satisfy your requirements?
▪ How efficient is this brand’s service in terms of speed, responsiveness, and so forth?
▪ How courteous and helpful are the providers of this brand’s service?
▪ How stylish do you find this brand?
▪ How much do you like the look, feel, and other design aspects of this brand?
▪ Compared with other brands in the category with which it competes, are this brand’s prices
generally higher, lower, or about the same?
▪ Compared with other brands in the category with which it competes, do this brand’s prices
change more frequently, less frequently, or about the same amount?
▸ To what extent do people you admire and respect use this brand?
▸ How much do you like people who use this brand?
Imagery ▸ How well do the following words describe this brand: down-to-
earth, honest, daring, up-to-date, reliable, successful, upper class,
charming, outdoorsy?
▸ What places are appropriate to buy this brand?
▸ How appropriate are the following situations to use this brand?
▸ Can you buy this brand in a lot of places?
▸ Is this a brand that you can use in a lot of different situations?
▸ To what extent does thinking of the brand bring back pleasant
▸ To what extent do you feel you grew up with the brand?
▪ What is your overall opinion of this brand?
▪ What is your assessment of the product quality of this brand?
▪ To what extent does this brand fully satisfy your product needs?
Judgments ▪ How good a value is this brand?
▪ How knowledgeable are the makers of this brand?
▪ How innovative are the makers of this brand?
▪ How much do you trust the makers of this brand?
▪ To what extent do the makers of this brand understand your needs?
▪ To what extent do the makers of this brand care about your opinions?
▪ To what extent do the makers of this brand have your interests in mind?
▪ How much do you like this brand?
▪ How much do you admire this brand?
▪ How much do you respect this brand?
▪ How likely would you be to recommend this brand to others?
▪ Which are your favorite products in this brand category?
▪ How personally relevant is this brand to you?
▪ How unique is this brand?
▪ To what extent does this brand offer advantages that other brands cannot?
▪ How superior is this brand to others in the category?
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of warmth?
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of fun?
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of excitement?
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of security?
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of social
▸ Does this brand give you a feeling of self-respect?
❖ I consider myself loyal to this brand.
❖ I buy this brand whenever I can.
❖ I buy as much of this brand as I can.

Resonance ❖ I feel this is the only brand of this product I need.

❖ This is the one brand I would prefer to buy/use.
❖ If this brand were not available, it would make little difference to me if
❖ I had to use another brand.
❖ I would go out of my way to use this brand.
❖ I really love this brand.
❖ I would really miss this brand if it went away.
❖ This brand is special to me.
❖ This brand is more than a product to me.
❖ I really identify with people who use this brand.
❖ I feel as if I almost belong to a club with other users of this brand.
❖ This is a brand used by people like me.
❖ I feel a deep connection with others who use this brand.
❖ I really like to talk about this brand to others.
❖ I am always interested in learning more about this brand.
❖ I would be interested in merchandise with this brand’s name on it.
❖ I am proud to have others know I use this brand.
❖ I really like to post comments about this brand on social media.
❖ I visit the brand's Facebook page regularly.
❖ I like to visit the Web site for this brand.
❖ Compared with other people, I follow news about this brand closely
Building CBBE
Brand knowledge structures depend on:
❑ The initial choices for the brand elements
❑ The supporting marketing program and the manner
by which the brand is integrated into it
❑ Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand
by linking it to some other entities

“...also known as brand identities, are

trademarkable components that help
in identifying and differentiating the
Types of


Brand Names


Logos and





Types of Brand Elements
Brand Elements - Importance
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria
Brand Elements – Selection Criteria - Conclusion
▸ Captures the central theme or key associations of
Brand Names a product in a very compact and economical
▸ Brand names are an excellent means of
▸ Whereas an advertisement lasts half a minute,
customers notice brand names and remember its
meaning in just a few seconds
▸ Most difficult element for marketers to change ➔
Closely tied to the product in the minds of
▸ Naming guidelines
▸ Naming procedures
▸ Specify locations of pages on the Web
Uniform Resource ▸ Known as domain names
Locators (URLs) ▸ Anyone wanting to own a particular URL need to
register and pay for the name
▸ Protect the brands from unauthorized use in other
domain names
▸ Cybersquatting- Registering, trafficking in, or using
a domain name with bad-faith to profit from:
▹ The goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else

Facebook paid $8.5

million to the American
company Farm Bureau
for the domain name
▸ Although the brand name typically is the central
Logos and Symbols element of the brand, visual elements also play a
critical role in building brand equity and especially
brand awareness.
▸ Logos range from corporate names or trademarks
(word marks with text only) written in a distinctive
form, to entirely abstract designs that may be
completely unrelated to the wordmark, corporate
name, or corporate activities.
▸ Indicate origin, ownership, or association
▸ Special type of brand symbol - One that takes on
human or real-life characteristics
▸ Introduced through advertising and can play a
central role in ad campaigns and package designs
▸ Short phrases that communicate descriptive or
persuasive information about the brand
▸ Function as useful “hooks” or “handles” to help
consumers grasp the meaning of a brand


Indispensable means of summarizing and

translating the intent of a marketing program
▸ Musical messages written around the brand
▸ Have catchy hooks and choruses that become
permanently registered in the minds of listeners
▸ Enhance brand awareness by repeating the brand
name in clever and amusing ways
▸ Activity of designing and producing containers or
▸ Just like any other brand elements packaging is
essential for a brand. It is the look of its packaging

that inspires one of the strongest associations

consumers have with a brand.
▸ From the perspective of both the firm and
consumers, packaging must:
▹ Identify the brand
▹ Convey descriptive and persuasive information
▹ Facilitate product transportation and protection
▹ Assist in at-home storage
▹ Aid product consumption
of Brand
Case Study Sample

Legal Branding Considerations

Pick a brand. Identify all its brand
elements and assess their ability
to contribute to brand equity
according to the choice criteria
identified in this chapter??
Thank for listening

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