Slides Trinmar SCADA System 1996

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~ A Woothellcrd EnI"""CllmIXlny

Trinmar SCADA
System Overview

~ Monitor platforms, metering stations, and

storage facilities

. . Marine Base is Primary Host

• Tank Farm is Backup Host

" Radio links to 25 RTU locations

. . Tied to Trinmar PC Network

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Rle: s1trn012.doc


Trinmar SCADA Network

Marine RTU
Host PC
l!lJ l!lJ

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H!H!HH!! !ff' Other
Trinmar PC's
10 Base-T
Network I
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Viewnode Viewnode Viewnode

1 2 N

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Rle: sltm016.doc

A WlKlIIwford En/om. COItllXlflll

Trinmar SCADA
Basic Terms
1. SCADA 16. Status Data
2. HOST 17. Analog Data
3. Marine Base 18. Counter Data
4. Viewnode 19. Logical RTU
5. Comm Link 20. Current RTU
6. Poll 21. Time Stamp
7. RTU 22. Ambiguous Tag
8. Smart RTU 23. Unambiguous Tag
9. HOST/RTU 24. Comm Protocol
10. SCADA Node 25. TSP
11. Scadaware ™ 26. MODBUS
12. Task 27. TSP Procedure
13. Data Channel 28. TSP Library
14. Local Channel 29. Link Procedure
15. Remote Channel

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar File: s1trn013.doc

A WOOltoo<lord Enterra Ccmpony

Trinmar SCADA
Marine Terminal

Standard PC computer

• Scadaware™ program

, . Radio on tower connected via wire

• ~
Serves as Main Field Viewnode

• Tied to Trinmar network for Viewnode and

report file generation

• Also activates local alarm and phone/pager


TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar File: sttmOl1 ,doc

A Wl>Ciltleflcrd En/aN'" Compo""

Trinmar SCADA
Marine Base Net

. . HOST is server

• Viewnodes are clients

• Each Viewnode has self-contained setup except

for database files

• All nodes have Net bios name of SCADA * to

allow broadcast mode

. . Operation similar to Multi-drop Radio

• Each node has unique Scadaware™ Multi-drop ID

If! Net task on HOST updates Viewnodes

" Drive F: is space on main Trinmar Net for
report files

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar File: sHmOOS.doc

I ::.= I
A Weathe<ford {nle"" CO"'P<lfYlI

Trinmar SCADA
Directory Setup


• Viewnode

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar File: sltmOO6.doc

A WeclheflO!d ENII<rQ Compo"...

Trinmar SCADA
Update Process


~ Controlled by Marine Host PC

. . Timer operated - 20 minute cycle

. . Radio link to each RTU

• Common routines for all RTU locations stored

in L1NK.L1B

. . Updates HOST database each hour

,e~ _ _

~ Updates Vlewnodes via Network

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Ale: sttrn010.doc

A WlKlIhefIcrd Ern""" ComPOl1Y

Trinmar SCADA
Viewnode Polling

. . Viewnode cannot access RTU via Radio

. . Viewnode signals HOST to perform Poll

~ Net task on Viewnode executes


C NETPOLL procedure on Viewnode

Block Poll Now $1

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminor Rle: 5ttrnOO7.doc

A WOOIt>erlOfd Enlerro CO/TlPCJYV

Trinmar SCADA
File Types

SRTU Channel configurations for each

location. Also for procedure files.
~SCR TSP procedure files for Graphic Screens

Text mode FORM displays

Update procedure for each RTU

(Example: BS 16_UP)

Real Time graphic configurations

C LOG Date logs for each RTU

iflMG Binary data image

_TXT Text message files and reports

TEST !nc. SCADA Seminar File: s/trnOO2.doc

A Woolt"Olllord EI'lIorro CoJrnXJJlY

Trinmar SCADA
Graphic Screen Procedures

• Startup section at end of procedure to

CLEAR SCREEN with blue background

• Load configuration for graphic elements

C Load common push button menu

. . Execute :LOOP section until Keypress

• Update trend during initial 25 passes

e Update graphic elements on all passes

• Exit with PREVIOUS to calling program

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Ale: sltmOOl.doc

Trinmar SCADA
Pager Operation

• Pager phone numbers assigned to links

• Groups formed for each pager link

Affected channels set to proper group

ii Affected channels set to call on abnormal

II ComFaii procedure for pager link will reset
after 2 calls

" Menus provided to re-enable each morning

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Rle: sltrnQ03.doc

" WealhellOld [nt""" Company

Trinmar SCADA
Printer Control

" Printer status monitored by Scadaware ™

• Offline printer is disabled until re-enabled

• SET PRINT [number] used to set and test

printer port

A Scadaware ™ attempts to reset printer when

SET PRINT is used

e SET GPRINT used for graphic print selection

it Printer re-enable can be automatic (agenda)
or manual (menu)

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar Rle: sltrnOO4.doc

A Woolt!ellord Enlerro Company

Trinmar SCADA
Net Report Files

e Text files generated by Marine Base PC

• Output on drive F: of Marine Base PC which is
actually Trinmar server

* CSV = Comma delimited file for spreadsheet

• TXT = Text file for direct viewing
. . File generation coordinated with hourly
database update

TEST Inc. SCADA Seminar R!e: sltrnOOS.doc

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