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Case Example: Grasscycling In Calgary

The context of grasscycling

What exactly do we want to
Case Example: Grasscycling In Calgary

Needed to focus on homeowners who had

lawns, especially in suburban areas
Case Example: Grasscycling In Calgary

Descriptive Norms
• Norms that describe what other people are doing

Injunctive Norms
• Norms that reflect what others think should be done

• What is in it for me?
Social influence and Individual Self

Descriptive Norms
●Your neighbors are grasscycling…Join others in your community in
grasscycling this spring and summer.

Injunctive Norms
●Your neighbors want you to grasscycle… Grasscycling is something
you should do for your community.

● Think about the benefits for you as an individual ifyou
grasscycle…Think of the time you can save on your yard work.
Individual Self

• “you as an individual…”
• “you can make a difference”

Collective Self

• “we as a community”
• “we can make a difference”
Part A: In conjunction with City employees, grasscycling
activities for 696 households were recorded for a period of
three weeks.

Part B: Appeals delivered on door hangers to each household. Varied

Level of Self (individual vs. collective) and
Appeal Type (self-benefit vs. descriptive norm vs. injunctive norm.

Part C: Grasscycling activities recorded

for a period of three weeks.
Grass Disposal Difference Scores (T1-T2)

-0.25 Control

-0.472 Collective/Descriptive

-0.445 Collective/Injunctive

-0.392 Collective/Benefit

-0.473 Individual/Descriptive

-0.257 Individual/Injunctive

-0.495 Individual/Benefit

-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0

Grass Disposal Difference Scores (T1-T2)

-0.25 Control

-0.472 Collective/Descriptive

-0.445 Collective/Injunctive

-0.392 Collective/Benefit

-0.473 Individual/Descriptive

-0.257 Individual/Injunctive

-0.495 Individual/Benefit

-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0

City of Calgary implemented descriptive norms/ collective selfmessaging

Remember that one concept or tool does not work“best”

Consider goals, the behavior, context, target market, barriers and benefits

Don’t be afraid to combine tools if it is appropriate yourcase!

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