Democracy - Introduction

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Democracy is a system of government in which laws, policies, leadership, and major

undertakings of a state or other polity are directly or indirectly decided by the “people,”

Democracies did not originate with the founding of the United States. The term "democracy"
comes from two Greek words: "demos" (the people) and ""kratia" (power or authority). So of
course DEMOCRACY is a form of government that gives power to the people. But how, when,
and to which people? The answer to those questions changes through history.

Democracies are based on "rule of law." The ANCIENT GREEKS (particularly ARISTOTLE) valued
NATURAL LAW, the notion that human societies should be governed by ethical principles found
in nature. The Greeks are famous for practicing DIRECT DEMOCRACY, a system in which citizens
meet to discuss all policy, and then make decisions by majority rule. However, only free males
were considered to be citizens. So their democracy was certainly limited. Today direct
democracy is practiced in New England town meetings, where all citizens of voting age meet to
decide important political decisions.

The representative body, then, becomes a manageable size for doing the business of
government. The Founders preferred the term "REPUBLIC" to "democracy" because it
described a system they generally preferred: the interests of the peopled were represented by
more knowledgeable or wealthier citizens who were responsible to those that elected them.
Today we tend to use the terms "republic" and "democracy" interchangeably. A widespread
criticism of representative democracy is that the representatives become the "elites" that
seldom consult ordinary citizens, so even though they are elected, a truly representative
government doesn't really exist.

Abraham Lincoln Say -"Democracy is a government of the people, by the people for the people

Prof.Shelly say - "Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share ".

C.F.Strong say -" Democracy implies that government which shall rest of consent of the govern".
Two Major Types of Democracy

1. Direct Democracy:

This is where all the citizens attend the Assembly and take part in the decision making process,
in order to govern the state or the society. This type of democracy was practiced in ancient
small Greek city. It was also practiced in Nigeria during the Igbo pre-colonial administration.

2. Indirect Democracy:

In this system of democracy, the citizens the citizens through election, elect those who will
represent and govern the state on their behalf. This is opposed to the direct democracy where
everyone is actively participating in the governance of the day. This type of democracy replaced
the direct democracy in modern states as it is impossible for everyone to participate due to the
large number of people.

The main features of a Democracy are as follows:

Majority Rule– It is the system of government which is based on parliamentary majorities.

Representative Elections- Here public is allowed to elect respective to speak for their views and

Multi-party System- Democracy gives voters the opportunity to choose from a variety of
political parties, representing a wide range of political opinion.

Freedom of Speech- There is no restriction is placed on the right to opinions and express then

Freedom of Association-There is no restriction placed on people who wants to form political

parties to take part in democratic life.

Freedom of Assembly- There is no restriction on the right to hold meetings or organize

demonstrations provided those do not violate the rights of others.

Respect the Individual Rights - State must always protect its individuals whose rights are
endangered by the actions of others.

Respect for Minority Rights – Minorities should not have their basic rights disrupted by the

Respect for the Law - Public who are given democratic rights should obey the laws that provide
these rights.
Respect for Democratic Procedures - Individuals or groups who have grievances against the
system should operate within it, seeking to change the law through legal means.

Independence of Judiciary: Freedom of Judiciary is an essential feature of democracy. Judiciary

must be always free from any resistor of the executive or the legislature. Judges must be
truthful and should deliver justice impartially.

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