Influence of Teacher's Personality and Behavior On Students Character Building

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Volume: 17
Issue 4
Pages: 323-329
Document ID: 2024PEMJ1565
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10684519
Manuscript Accepted: 12-01-2023
Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Influence of Teacher's Personality and Behavior

on Students Character Building
Gigi G. Makabenta,* Dennis Caballes
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Teachers as professional leaders perform a crucial role in establishing positive behavior and qualities among learners.
This descriptive research aimed to shed light to these questions determine the influence of teacher’s personality and
behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of their performance of their academic duties, acceptance of
additional duties in class, and interaction with fellow students/teachers/non-teaching staff of the school. To provide
understanding on the problem this study employed the use of self-made survey questionnaire and sought the help of
100 participants from the local of the study Antipolo City Senior High School. The results of the study revealed that
in terms of performing their academic duties gained an over-all mean of 3.56 with a verbal interpretation of Very
Satisfactory while in terms of accepting additional duties in class and of interaction with fellow students/teachers/non-
teaching staff obtained an over-all mean of 3.19 and 3.17 respectively with the verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.
Also, the results showed that there is significant difference on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on
the respondents’ character building in terms of the given parameters.

Keywords: personality, behavior, character building

Teachers have become a role model to the learners as years passed by. No one can deny the natural way of learners to observe and
imitate their teachers’ way of speaking, language, actions, mannerisms. In a more serious situations, students keenly observe their
personalities and behavior. They are observative of what their teachers wear, do, and believe in. Consequently, teachers become their
idol which is crucial since it entails that failure of teacher to project good attitude may possibly results to students’ negative
manifestation of undesirable and even good traits.
Thus, careful evaluation on teachers’ personality and behavioral qualifications is being done before hiring them. According to the
DepEd's 2023 Guidelines for Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Personnel: Prioritizing Merit and Competence for Quality
Education Behavioral Events Interview as stated in the article of Llego (2023), the author provides a definition of the "behavioral
events interview" as a method of conducting direct inquiry with job candidates, with a special emphasis on their demonstration of
desirable behaviors in response to certain scenarios or conditions in their past and/or present professional environments. The objective
of this is to ascertain the extent to which previous behavior may serve as an indicator of future performance. The purpose of its use is
to ascertain if the candidates have shown the essential abilities associated with the needed behaviors.
However, there were no specific guidelines from which the behavior and personality of teachers will be religiously monitored, and
supervised. Thus, maintaining a positive personality and behavior becomes teachers’ sole duty for themselves to keep them highly
qualified to perform their role as model to all their students.
In this regard, the researcher become concern to feed educational institutions valid data on the current state of the influence of teacher's
personality and behavior on students’ character building through the findings of this study.
It is expected that through the conduct of this study the researcher will find evidence on how important it is to keep the positive
personalities and behavior of teacher for it projects advantageous results among learners. With this goal, the researcher will be handing
teachers some assistance by tapping all the school administrators to take the initiative to consider personality and behavioral
development of teachers as their major concern being their support system whose role is to aid them in all their undertakings may it be
in professional and behavioral aspects.
Research Questions
This study aimed to determine the state of the influence of teacher's personality and behavior on students’ character building at Antipolo
City Senior High School during the School Year 2022-2023. Specifically, the study will be providing answers on these questions:
1. What is the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of their:
1.1. performance of their academic duties;
1.2. acceptance of additional duties in class; and
1.3. interaction with fellow students/teachers/non-teaching staff of the school?

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

2. Is there significant difference on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms
of the given parameters?
3. What are the common reflections of the respondents on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’
character building in terms of the given parameters?

Literature Review
In the article published in Mrsstrickey, (2021) it was mentioned that the presence of a teacher in a classroom is constant. Thus, teachers
have great impact on students’ attitudes, and behavior compared to how their own parents do to them. Moreover, the article suggest
that teachers serve as key positive role model that inspires students to live a meaningful life.
This idea is supported by Lukam,, (2021) in their study. The study revealed that possessing the ability to establish friendly
relationships, serving as role models, comprehending lessons, exhibiting discipline, showing respect towards students, treating students
impartially when administering sanctions, demonstrating patience, maintaining a relaxed demeanor, exhibiting a willingness to engage
in lifelong learning, possessing expertise in character education, not being known for strictness, and being perceived as joyful are
among the twelve (12) personality traits of teachers that significantly contribute to the reinforcement of character education among
This insight is likewise to Shaista,, (2019) statement wherein they confirmed that teachers’ personality acts an important role in
realizing students’ academic success. The authors also stressed the significant role that both learning and teaching play in the
establishment of a nurturing and conducive learning environment for pupils.
Khatri, (2014) also believes that teachers’ personality plays vital role in students’ learning attainment in classroom instruction. He
explained that if students will learn to like their teacher, it is more likely for them to also have the same feeling for the subject being
taught by that teacher. On the contrary, if the teacher is neglected same is true with the effort he extended.
Consistent with the aforementioned scholarly investigations, Olubukola (2018) conducted a study which revealed a statistically
significant correlation between the various sub-variables of the independent variables and the educational performance of students.
This is why he emphasized the need for instructors possessing good attitudes toward proficient verbal communication, efficient
classroom management, and successful instructional techniques.
A research done by Shah (2019) showed a statistically significant positive association between teacher's behavior and kids' academic
achievement ratings. The study put forward two notable recommendations, namely the recruitment of teachers with exceptional
competence and the implementation of measures to ensure positive conduct throughout the recruitment process.
The viewpoint indicated above is supported by a research study published in AZ Research Consult (2023), which highlights the
importance of a skilled educator in fostering a harmonious and professional environment inside the classroom. An educational
environment that has the capacity to cultivate students' deep sense of responsibility and commitment in meeting their academic
responsibilities. Numerous authors have carefully examined the subject of teacher qualities and their influence on students' academic
achievement. There has been a particular emphasis placed on the need of selecting teaching people who possess extensive training.
The study will employ descriptive research design as its primary method in conducting the study. According to Sirisilla, (2023)
descriptive research design includes the observation and collection of data on a particular subject and does not infer cause-and-effect
relationships of the variables involved. The author further underlined that a primary objective of the technique used in this study was
to provide a thorough and precise depiction of the population or phenomena being investigated, while also delineating the relationships,
patterns, and trends seen in the gathered data.
The said research design is appropriate for the study since the study will actually describe influence of teacher’s personality and
behavior on the respondents’ character building through the use of survey questionnaire. Furthermore, the study will be finding data
that will help her provide evidence for the connection of the personality and behavior of the teacher in the character building of the
respondents in terms of their profile.
The actual number of the respondents from each strand was determined based on the total and official enrollees of the School Year
2023-2024 second semester.
However, the researcher only targeted 100 participants to represent the total population whole group. Since, the study will be treating
quantitative and qualitative data, it is more accessible and convenient to have smaller group of participants. The said participants were
taken from Grade 11 learners. In this regard, the researcher sought the assistance of all PD teachers for the said semester to work on
the project taking into consideration the accessibility of the participants and time frame of the study.

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

In order to effectively achieve the goals of this research and derive the study's conclusions, the researcher devised a questionnaire
checklist as the primary research instrument to collect the evaluations of student-respondents regarding the influence of the personality
and behavior of the teacher on students’ character building.
The said questionnaire checklist consisted of four (4) basic parts. The first part sought the profile of the respondents, while the second
part comprised the main part of the survey wherein there were two (2) subparts namely: 1.) statements that serves as prompt for the
respondents to assess the teacher's personality on students’ character building in terms of the given parameters, and 2.) common
reflections of the respondents on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building.
This research instrument went through content validation with the experts which are three (3) Master Teachers of Social Sciences while
for the reliability observing whether the author observes the standards and guidelines in writing it was reviewed by three Language
teachers or three (3) Master Teachers of English. Further, it also went through pilot testing where the researcher asked ten (10) Grade
12 students who are not part of the research sample to test whether the ideas in each of the statements given in the tool will be clearly
understood by the respondents. To completely declare that there were no major flaws in gathering the insights of the respondents and
claim that the material obtained valid data from the participants revisions was done after the said validation.
Ethical Considerations
The researcher herself explained and gave the informed consent to each participant before the conduct of the study. She ensured them
that the information would be used with utmost confidentiality and within the purpose of the study only.

Results and Discussion

This section presents the findings according to the study's research questions.
Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building
Table 1. Mean on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building in terms of Performing
their Academic Duties
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I value timeliness because I observed that my teacher is strict with the deadline 3.41 Satisfactory
2. I work with quality in doing all my projects, outputs, and performance tasks because I observe that my
3.57 Very Satisfactory
teacher always delivers the lesson at her best.
3. I attend classes daily since my teacher does not or rarely take her leave. 3.62 Very Satisfactory
4. I come to school on time since everybody observes that our teacher consistently attends her classes
3.62 Very Satisfactory
5. I make sure to accomplish and submit written and tangible outputs neatly for I know that my teacher has
3.57 Very Satisfactory
an eye for a presentable work.
Average Mean 3.56 Very Satisfactory

It could be gleaned on the table that item no. 3 and 4 “I attend classes daily since my teacher does not or rarely take her leave” and “I
come to school on time since everybody observes that our teacher consistently attends her classes punctually” respectively, achieved
the highest mean score of 3.62. This mean score corresponds to the verbal interpretation of "Very Satisfactory." Conversely, the first
item, item no. 1 “I value timeliness because I observed that my teacher is strict with the deadline” the lowest mean score of 3.41 was
achieved, which may be interpreted verbally as "Satisfactory."
In total, the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of performing their academic
duties gained an over-all mean of 3.56 with a verbal interpretation of Very Satisfactory.
This coincides with Fitzmorris, (2022) statement. They stressed that good rapport between teacher and student is fundamental to
success. As the learners gained that feeling of being safe and supported, they have the tendency to engage in learning activities and
achieved more academically.
Table 2. Mean on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building in terms of Accepting
Additional Duties in Class
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I volunteer to lead the class since I want to imitate the leadership style of my teacher. 2.81 Satisfactory
2. I become a responsible leader in class because of the influence of my teacher. 3.14 Satisfactory
3. I adapt the guiding principle of my teacher with my classmates for I idolize her means. 3.27 Satisfactory

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

4. I little by little gain confidence and strong personality because of my exposure to her authority and strong
3.49 Satisfactory
5. I willingly take the additional tasks given by my teacher since I know that I can successfully accomplish
3.22 Satisfactory
them with the positive mindset she was able to instill in my values.
Average Mean 3.19 Satisfactory

Table above presents that item no. 4 “I little by little gain confidence and strong personality because of my exposure to her authority
and strong personality.” got the highest mean of 3.49 with a verbal interpretation of Satisfactory while item no. 1 “I volunteer to lead
the class since I want to imitate the leadership style of my teacher.” with a mean of 2.81 with verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.
To sum up the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of accepting additional
duties in class obtained an over-all mean of 3.19 with the verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.
This finding is corroborated by Shefti (2015) in his research as he said that teachers who establish intimate and supportive connections
with their pupils, characterized by the provision of encouragement, self-motivation among students, the promotion of value
assimilation, and a firm belief in their capabilities.
Table 3. Mean on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building in terms of Interaction
with Fellow Students/Teacher/Non-Teaching Staff
Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I am greatly influenced by the strong personality of my teacher. Thus, I share ideas and my opinions with
3.32 Satisfactory
my fellow classmates confidently too.
2. I am not afraid to ask questions or seek the assistance of my teachers if there are things which are not clear
3.24 Satisfactory
to me.
3. I do not hesitate to approach the school head and ask for few things if I need to do so. 2.92 Satisfactory
4. I talk or chat with the non-teaching personnel particularly about the matters relevant to my school records
2.92 Satisfactory
or activities.
5. I respond to anybody’s inquiry or promptly answer their questions without hesitation. 3.46 Satisfactory
Average Mean 3.17 Satisfactory

Table 3 shows that item no. 5 “I respond to anybody’s inquiry or promptly answer their questions without hesitation.” obtained the
highest mean of 3.46 with a verbal interpretation of Satisfactory while item no. 3 and 4 “I do not hesitate to approach the school head
and ask for few things if I need to do so” and “I talk or chat with the non-teaching personnel particularly about the matters relevant to
my school records or activities” got the lowest mean of 2.92 with a verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.
As a whole, the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of interaction with
fellow students/teachers/non-teaching staff obtained an over-all mean of 3.17 with the verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.
This study is substantiated by the research conducted by Mariano and Bolsoni-Silva (2018), which revealed a positive correlation
between social educational skills and children's abilities in both preschool and school settings. The findings suggest that highly
competent teachers have a significant impact on the development of students' social skills.
Significant Difference on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building in terms
of the Given Parameters
Table 4. Significant Difference on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’ Character Building in
terms of the Given Parameters
Source of Variance SS Df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.479293 3 0.239647 5.633443 0.018822 3.885294
Within Groups 0.51048 118 0.04254
Total 0.989773 119

There is significant difference on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms
of the given parameters; 1.1. performing their academic duties; 1.2. accepting additional duties in class; and 1.3. interaction with fellow
students/teachers/non-teaching staff of the school. Therefore, it can be concluded that teacher’s and behavior play a significant factor
in student’s character building.
In the research done by Noreen et al. (2019), a statistical analysis was performed to examine the relationship between teachers'
personality and students' academic performance. The findings of the study indicated that there was no significant correlation seen
between instructors' personality traits and the academic achievements of their pupils. The results of the regression analysis and
correlation coefficient indicate that there is no statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of agreeableness,

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

extroversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness with the academic performance of students. On the other hand, openness has been
shown to have a significant correlation with students overall academic performance.
Common Reflections of the Respondents on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’
Character Building in Terms of the Given Parameters
Matrix 1. Common Reflections of the Respondents on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’
Character Building in Terms of Performing Academic Duties
Theme Responses
“I was encouraged to do my best every day.”
“For me, it can give me the motivation to complete my tasks and submit them on time.”
“I became confident and optimistic in performing my academic duties.”
“It helps me be comfortable in studying as she is not very strict, and it helps me to build my self-confidence.”
“I become very hands-on performing each of my academic duty or responsibility.”
“My teacher’s personality and behavior guided me in doing my academic duties.”
“It influences me to do my activities neatly and pass it before or during deadline.”
“My teacher gave a specific due date if there’s any assignments/Performance Tasks given, so, I as a student, manage to
accomplish them on time.”

Students tend to become more motivated, confident, diligent, and disciplined as they believed that this are the influence of their
teacher’s personality and behavior toward their character building in terms of performing their academic duties. Many of them sees
that the teacher’s personality provided them great motivation to do their best every single day. In addition, majority of the respondents
think that due to the personality projected by the teacher they are guided to work harder and do their best to work on their respective
assignments. Moreover, their teacher’s personality affects them by giving them a sense of confidence in what they do in school.
The research done by Shaista et al. (2019) provides support for the conclusions of the present investigation. The aforementioned
research offers valuable insights into the positive correlation between a certain element, namely the Agreeableness attribute shown by
teachers, and the subsequent improvement in pupils' performance in school.
Matrix 2. Common Reflections of the Respondents on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’
Character Building in Terms of Accepting Additional Activities
Theme Responses
“I do not hesitate to accept additional duties since my teacher doesn't always fail to encourage me.”
“I complain less now.”
“I am fine with it. Personally, I rather do something than sit and do nothing.”
“I hereby accept all activities and finished it at a specific time.”
“I become more motivated to try different things and explore my capabilities.”
Discovery “Accepting additional duties also help me to gain new experience and knowledge as well as to test my ability to solve and
“It's making me more responsible.”
“Be responsible as always, even though it's not asked to do it.”

Respondents found their teacher’s personality as to having great contributions to their character building particularly in terms of helping
them to establish attitudes/behavior that make them accept additional activities. Few of these traits develop among them are willingness,
diligence, self-discovery, and responsibility.
The study conducted by Sandlin (2019) also yielded excellent findings about the influence of teacher personality on students'
development of character. The research revealed that teachers who exhibit the personality qualities of extraversion and agreeableness
are more successful in effectively engaging pupils, in contrast to those who use alternative attributes. Furthermore, teachers who
possess strong organizational skills and demonstrate efficiency have the capacity to foster sustained student involvement within the
educational setting.

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(4): 323-329, Document ID:2024PEMJ1565, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10684519, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Matrix 3. Common Reflections of the Respondents on the Influence of Teacher’s Personality and Behavior on the Respondents’
Character Building in Terms of Interacting with Fellow Students/With Other Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel
Theme Responses
“I face them with calmness, positivity, and high respect.”
“Being respectful and polite to others even though they're non-teaching personal is normal if someone like your
teacher though you to be one.”
“My interaction with my classmates improved as well as with other non-teaching personnels. I was able to have a
freely conversation with them because of the influence of my teacher.”
“It can help me be friendly to others.”
“I feel comfortable with my teacher, so I gained confidence to interact with others.”
“Being open or having a communication skill helps me to establish my confidence while talking to others that I
encounter (with respect of course).”
“I become more responsible student and I started to value teamwork even more.”
Interpersonal Skills
“I am an introvert, but I can now Interact with them doing group work.”

Majority of the respondents believed that their teacher’s personality affects them positively in terms of their interaction with others
particularly it guided them to establish and eventually manifest some positive attitudes/behavior as they interact with others. These are
respect, rapport, confidence, interpersonal skills.
The present study's results are related to those of Zhang (2022), who found a positive and significant correlation between teacher-
student interactions and student performance in the classroom. The author states that in order to enhance their educational performance,
learners must possess a certain degree of affiliation and identification with their academic environment. In addition, it is worth noting
that other positive emotional variables, including grit, wellness, self-efficacy, academic engagement, motivation, and foreign language
enjoyment, have the potential to operate as mediators in the link between teacher-learner interpersonal interactions and the academic
performance of learners.
Based on the results of the study, the conclusions derived are the following:
The teachers ensure that they accomplish their academic duties with quality, response voluntarily with additional school tasks, and
collaborate with other school personnel in providing services to the clientele. In addition, the students are encouraged to study hard
and comply with all their learning tasks because of their teacher’s positive behavior. Furthermore, teachers’ behavior and personality
have great impact in character building of the students.
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Gigi G. Makabenta
Antipolo City Senior High School
Department of Education – Philippines
Dr. Dennis Caballes
National Teachers College – Philippines

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