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Account Op*ning Form

RrR c{r{Fqr6{T{+=N


Title of Account
Rcrr+{ TiT
Account Number
Customer ID
$qs qttG
Branch Name
.tl{r< c.l{

TI{AI(AI=Yq\X\ At Recent Passport Size colour

LIMITED photograph of Account

Holde(s) (not older
than 03 months)
... .. Branch/ -JIrtl (Attested by lntroducer)

Please fill up the form in English in capital letter unless advised to write in Bangla.
frjfl<'nAr q:xG csr+ "ncr"fi
qq1'fo +<tB qT5a T{q rfi{
E"g3fu-as <9 qlcs<
{Ezq<<Aa sft
Please fill up all fields carefully and strike out areas not applicable. (og qzrr<qko qrr)
q{eRTi$ , s6Ef< cl({ {fl6 T<.| efi;r q<i qS(<]ql ?Ta,ozEt rort ft* 'l{ail
1tftom-roa <f+ asnftcl


frqrq 6{r{F+-fi <l&sRTR
orliq For Bank's use only Q{:nq <rf@{ {rqqf(<< F;ll

Account Number
The Manager/+r+{"r+
Dhaka Bank Limited,brT <I<o frfiiiE-s Unique Customer lD Code
.......... BranchAnrn
Group Customer lD (if any)
Dear Sir/ Madam.
&-{ x'rqtFJrl T-c{rq-Jn,

l/We hereby request you to open an account with your Branch in the name mentioned as under. My/ Our detailed information is furnished below :

vlfr/ s1l<l q"Fir< rrrm frme am qs6 RTr-< crfEK qI<rd. c{Q t ErffiV qTlrF< fr-slfrE o.,rmft Fie &{I Er{I ,

l.Title of Account (in Bengali)

ftIttr{ 4rl (<lqalr)

ln English (Block Letter)

t<r<&rs (<-s Eii6{ ssl<)

2.Category (Please tick) I lndividual Account ! JointAccount

c{ft (E$frn) qos 1i{< dqftEl<
3.Type of Account (Please tick) &cr.{< er.$fu (Es ftd)

! SavingsDepositA/C ! CurrentDepositA/C ! Short Notice Deposit A/C ! Students'LedgerA/C

ctft'qflfu< FqGE$ftlt< rg c+tfifi
BBFrirrt'l1 -qTl R4l{ {oiqr+qrnfur<
! Honourable Seniors A/C ! Value Max Savings A/C ! PersonalCurrentA/C ! Basket Savings A/C
q{rtrfifrFl]<qRq]< eitEwsruitlix< <rGrEdfuftTt< <mr$f q$frTt<
n Joma Savings A/C L_] l-orergn Lurrency A/C I Non-Resident lnvestors'Taka A/C I Payroll Account
q{{sftfuF f<rqFrc{$ft$< qffi fifu-Trl-srft< m-$T ftql< Gs-{ftqK
E Resident Foreign Currency Deposit A/C E Others (Please specify)
fr<ti} f<mFrc erq;rtftT< qiTFi (E€{T<-d)
4. Currency (Please tick) EaoT EUSD T Euro E GBP I jpv
Wr (Eo fta) Erot :lffiu{'F nu.-<r tr16{ flrss ql{nTtcrTa

I Other permissible currency (Please specify)

q+im q*rflfi- {gr (&e< r+a.;

5. Account Operating lnstruction I Singty E.lointly I Any One tr Either or Survivor

Rql{ afrErffi q(.e'-]B fr rrirl {€+3ilI< d",=it< dffi am 6{ astz;rT (6q{ q{r<l ffi 6dio
- Orher,Please specify ......,........
3-{-n l:l=< c=i)
6. Purpose of Account Opening QI:q 1?r-E:iF; Signature of Account Holder/ R{l<qfii-{ .i1s<

lnitial Deposit: Currency Amount

BDT/ U5D/ GBP/ EURO/..,.,.....
$<Esqll M BI{I,,TE.1< rkl.|"f

ln words

qxl< 1K6l
I cash E Transfer Cheque/ lnstrument No. Bank's Name
i4h ffi 6-s/ +Er{B 4( {fi(rcl iIT
lnstrument date
I Others (PIease specify)
qafia1 1E6s{Tfi;
Transferfrom Dhaka BankA/C No.
rlFl$1$ fu{slq EBlsr<

Page 01 of 26
8. Customer's relationship with Dhaka Bank (Please tick) New Customer f tr Existing Customer
5l€I <fi(r€<{r?.iqErq< i-l:r (fis fr-{) rET,{1{S <\tq{,{rc+
qi{$ {c{, Fx<rq fqg ffl{
lf existing Customer, please provide information as follows: <'6qF

Type of A/C (Please tick) A/C No.

SL Bank Name
{fiqr$-{ 4I{ Rrtr+< rr<q 1FTF-{) R{r{{c{
1 Dhaka Bank Limited I Deposit A/C E Loan A/C E otherA/c

2 Dhaka Bank Limited f Deposit A/C E Loan A/C E OtherA/C

3 Dhaka Bank Limited n Deposit A/C ! Loan A/C n OtherA/C

9. Account with other banks /qdl [clil <fi(r€{ fi({ e]qf€ frcl< I sit Eq
qra fr:+zl ftlo o+a
lf yes, please provide informal;on 65 fell6vvs:G9< i:t
Type of A/C (Please tick) A/C No.
SL Bank Name Branch Name
{ffr{rTfT fur<{{d{(Fsfrq) Rrrt<{td
qfr+qt, <It($-{firt
n Deposit A/c I Loan A/C E otherA/c

2 I Deposit A/c E Loan A/C E OtherA/C

E Deposit A/C n Loan A/C n OtherA/C

4 E Deposit A/C I Loan A/C E OtherA/C

E Deposit A/C D Loan A/C E OtherA/C

10. personal lnformationof Customer/Applicant/RelatedPerson:Pleasefill upthePersonal

q|{ Fr-qr" aAqft? <Jfu c(@ls sqrrKft , a<To o{Tit q{{ffit <lfu q(@rs vqm<& +"+r t{q Ff,{ r

11. lf one or more Account Holders islare minor

es < q+'fiirF ftl.r<qtA imff$ prq information is
(s), hereby declare that the Account Holder (s) islare minor. His/her/their necessary
I as a duly appointed Guardian of the following Account Holder
personal account;ill be operated by me in my signature untilthe Account Holder becomes a major or
attached herewith in lnformation Form.The
or Mother or any Legal Guardian')
I furnish further declaration. (Guardian shall mean Father
qft Fq<tu tur<{Ia< qcsl{$ facc(< *mqr -oa *, *r Rq.*ra-ffi #i #<
-"*r_<iclyl:_*,lgIl_::mrss ."*
qrt+1s qGer-aor-+ (ur<t<
i'i-]]lr# *i,'#.;--q;;* ,n "e
n'jr od. fu<E qnr< -t*r< lfire- E u r (qfrqTs .*rE
qat='T <Fn {t ro-+ D

Name of Account Holder (Minor)

R{r<<rA (i'rilo-s) q< 4r

Name of Guardian

Date of Birth of Minor

Relationship with Minor
;n<rqm< qlrclji*l6 a666q1qxofi*

Signature of Guardian

personal lnformation Form attached shall be filled up and Guardian must sign in both the forms in
lFor both Minor and Guardian, separate Bqn F-{'{Q qrFE{orft-d EtFr<=r
place of the Account Hoide;(Minor). qr<Fro s<( q# - EEC{'{ qnF n({'e "<lft erc]E os-Jl_{a' E:r5r T{q Ffrs E6< €<(

aa uGvta+ ef+ {trF-d F{rs qr< ll

12. lntroducer's Information +r<5rr rFrdfl' sii< EcF
(The Account must be operative for at least six months'c"flF fisr fi"[F e ;= <z< 5T '<-6'E lt<)

Name of the lntroducer

{RE{ eEli.oft-{ {lT
Title of Account
liflrr{ nlT
o. Account No'
lntroducer's Customer f O f',f
qf<u-l gErot< cr=o orSig ;l =;?
Branch Name
Relationship/Way of lntroduction with the Customer
elqrf<qI{ {i6fu< {a/qei<
pt',one tto. Mobile No'
Contact Points:
cqr{14TTRI ${Tn crFF a! Gflafa ae

{frGo q<(qGtF c"l$ s s$]rTlftFsse<& ($F<ITErfllilE)

'is ............... xl{FE<{r<Eq{l<
lntroducer's Signature & Date (with seal if applicable)
crfit;t qqFr$r?r{ fiq'-< s qfrq (emiqt cffiq ftqq{)

Page 02 of 26
For Bank's Use only B{qt< <lttr€{ <l<ezr{ ql;
Introducer's Signature and information certified by:
Name of Bank Official Designation

Full siqnature of BankOfficialwith seal & date

13. nformat.on aoout Nonninee 5..*;;3;-1 3'.:=+

Number of Nominee (s)
d.frfr{ q$Tr

Sl No/+frol( Name of Nomineefqfrfr< ql Percentage/"iEfit qi Nominee lD/ifrfi< qtB


A separate Nominee Declaration Form as per attached format has to be dully filled in. cQ F{rTd ftat c({-s Tftfr cqt{"tt {c4ls o?Bl-{ft {alFq$r{ T<cl n<ro qr< r

14. lnformation related to Transaction Profile (TP):A separate TP Form as per attached format has to duly filled in and signed by Customer.
cgl<l ri, ffid< q{ftE EtEt q(6ts EafKfts cgg r<{rli q{{tft TP ,rr@fs sarTTrt q<l g]q$ s\i.s T<6t s rls;-< cr(g Er<
15 Source/Sourcesoffund.(Tobementionedspecificallyandindetails)wd{Bqq,re'qrsggFifi?,:Ma"pt<Ete{<r{a6qr< D





l/VVe, the Undersigned hereby confirm that l/We have read the terms and conditions related to the Account and am/are agreed to abide by the same.
lAVe solemnly declare that the information mentioned above is correct. l/We shall also submit any type of additional information/ documents as and
when required.
qfrf qr+, fu q+,r+r* et {Gf Frrq etrq f<& F, qfr/q'r:r<l Rqt< q(s"-Fs {<Or 1i:E{]Tff/ -rffil tgQ e<r Eo Fra:rt<fi.l7 lffi mrq u+ro {!l qt6< r f/ qnro qetr.r
ffi]I"fi f<& c{, Efufils-'g-qrfifi qsr qtfr/ q1T<r erE €(cll{ qfi,frs n.,fu? II1 c+r ercrmir oqli/ qffi Tfiqzs-{ Erfrn cTlEt-rTs rs{<tR e{ir

Signature of 1 Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicanti Account Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
lr w<ri-ffIft/ RqRqr?-< qm< l{ qt'cqqrstft/ Rt{$ft-d rtF-d .ea qTr{Effitfr/ R rr<{lft-< xt'e<

t\ame/ dlr: Name/ qr, Name/ am,

Date,Affirl, .... Datelolfr{, Dateffi{,

For Bank's Use only ts{Ilq {fl((o< <i<ClC{< q{]

Marketed by:

Employee lD ......... . Signature with date

Comments (if any):

Account Opening Officer Checker Reviewed by Authorized Official (Branch Manager)

Name: Name: Name: Name:
Employee lD: Employee lD: Employee lD: Employee lD:

Signature with name seal Signature with name seal Signature of Manager-Operations Signature with name seal
Date: Date: with name seal Date:

Page 03 of 26
.B ya\ N vq
Recent Passport 5ize colour
photograph of Nominee
(not older than 03 months) M ITED
(Attested by
Account Holder) ................. Branch/'ll{l
dfrfr3 qa!fu 1g6pipz"1i
qrirq< {g]-r sfr (Separate form to be filed in for each and every Nominee.)
(os {ftm qftr$ 1ra.rl 4'{) erqr 4frfr-< q{] qqlql +-?N T<ci sircE <-< I

(Rqr<{ft sq{ c-6nftE)

For Bank's use only e{ff€ <ll(i€< <i<{il-tr< Err,

Account Number

Customer lD

Nominee lD

lAVe do hereby nominate the following person (s) as per following details to receive the entire amount deposited in the above
' account in the event of
mylour death. l/We reserve the right to cancel or change the said Nominee r (s) at any time. lAVe hereby further agree that the Bank will pay the amount
according to my direction and will not be held liable for any transaction done.
qfrI$I-<] el Rq[T< qd ql{l</qmffi{ I\l]Effi fiIxlrq-e-ft< fr]rr<fu <lrei <if i6irs aqr.;r< q{] {c6ilaE erqE sfl:[<1trBl1E q[4IiT{ c{ csr{ {q{ <tGE <t {fr,.<\i:;r< qlk$t< rffi/
r({$ci sR qfr/qTT{t qt
qffi qqfu E1"r{ E<& R, qNKffilin ffir',{l CfiEl(<?F <il$ qd Eqli e{r< q<( q qq1 Tfl($ .sEvl6< q]T4q EC< {l
{c( I

1 .Title of Account/ fu-{n 1]T

2. Account Number/ Rqt< qq< 3 ... ... ...... ... ...... ...... '.. ..' ..

3. Details of Nominee/1fifu ffi sqrflft a

a. Nominee's Name/;tfrfr< tF
b. Father's Name/ f;ts]]r alq
c. Mother's 11366/alsk al{
d. Spouse's Name/ {rft,r$-< {ll
e. Date of Birth/wq Elk,l
f. Gender/ Frs I uale/t+x f FemaleARqT E Third Gender,-@rfrt

g. Present Address/ q6trq 6dFn :

h. Permanent Address/erff ftsr s ........

(",qi] \3 qFFffi<6'sr{|{q) c"f.jt

j. Nominee's ldentity Documsn157afrfu {frErlGs

i) National lD No./+. orfri tfrrx"m {{<

ii) Passport Number/ :1. 4-ry6"xf, a63

iii) Birth Registration Certificate/ 'i. s-{ F-{tr{ q-;{h"E {{{3 ... ..'..'... ..

iv) E-TIN Number/ F. nc{d6r$-im qrtG iri

v) Driving Licence No./ s. up&( qRt+* :rr< Validity/ caxtn:

an additional ldentity Certificate with Nominee's

[Any one of the documents mentioned in Serial (i) to (iii) is mandatory. But in case of Birth Registration Certificate,
photograph has to be produced. For Non Resident and Foreign National, copy of passport must be provided. tf the tdentity Certificate with photo is not avoiloble, a

ceftificate of citizenship or national identity shatl have to be obtained from o Respectable Personl of the society accepted by the Bank
to its satisfoction.This
(duty attested on the upper side). Besides, to ensure proper identity of
Certificate of ldentity should be accompanied by Customer's/ Authorized Person's photograph
mentioned in the form moy be collected
the Nominee, additional documents in addition to those os required by 5L (iv) to (vi) along with information other than those
to the satisfoction of the Bank.l

1? {c6 ,f 4Tn ,+-ft-r? sft@ qffi crc qraF|iqia cq cirq qoi qfrq qErn- f,{rE {r{ t oR qq fr<q4 aaq qqfifi ctrt4 qqlfraqa qdq4@l qee-o ryffia enore-e<rq qdJ cq olq

qne;tt4cE (qtmBfw E"tRl @

ffi qsffqt,, 4flcq. lcfiq4r <ie-r rgr Sse 'tfi6e;,1- Eot444q Eqtq 71ics- ar+ I 6e 1frEfu"p <t Ee,rla,"ta dtEo/fil,l4 aeae-a'f'fn
, 4frro 4ffu qffiqq< qfuR@ qffi colq qffi qa<
rq.rfroqq) {69 {;1 / qcfirt, <r(o {<?s<5e-/6E {&fu "t?Efur. frxtrr f4flo E\srl" 4rs, {r(r+< as? atca(F s,teaa v Ezo {Tr
,4?zP<aiffi4o o<nfqa q&frwsoc(Er< +rrE ?rfl& /
Page 04 of 26
4. Relationship with Account Holder/.Qlmrl?r r:q q-d : ...


o. ln the event the Nominee is minor and the Account Holder (s) dies/die during his/her/their minor age, the following person is authorized to receive/draw the
amount held in mylour account as per Section 103 (2) of Bank Company Act, 1991.iffi 4t{rqs qcE qrlonr< dr<54s afi$ q{q1{ liIi<$A/&q6<rft'tr"r< }21s q6ur.
qlfrlq]q{r fiffirs-etr< Frx<ffu <fuo emn'orrr-* iinz< rfus o:n orqqltrer+q $<1" qal rrllr c+rqli qfla, )bb) €< 5oe (l) rmr q*rtit mqqrs o{T : {cqt

a. Name/nFl

b. Father's/ Spouse's Name/f illmln nE; ...

c. Mother's NameffiaE
d. Date of Birth/qq qlft{

e. Present Addressf<6fi-a fldif

f. Permanent Addressffi 6oFt

g. lnformation about the identity of Legal Guardian as per SL 3 (j)/@Fr$ ;I( 3 0)qflI< i<( qGgl<r$<
"tfrGfu"rq x@]ts Ears

h. Relationship with the Nominee/ aftfu w'{ q*r6 c

(lf any Non Resident Bangladeshi is nominated as the Nominee and becomes beneficiary of the account, rules and regulations as per Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act will be applicable while remitting the proceeds of the account. ren qffia +ffi en {rE q?( A q&'qfi T(8, Ftvu, qnt u,6 <eE q6 q,ii f?rqn r.Etr"r< r+ta fiqqlq
f4rqFto Wr Gma"t qFr;R fifi fuoF qcqw w t)

Signature of Nominee with date (Optional)

afifu.trr< e.-fa1 (ifuo)

Signature of l st Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicant/ Account Holder 5ignature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
5q qtr<q-r-ftft/ RrF<r-ft< q.+-< w qrr<rrolft / ftrr<{il< \rx qtc<q-i-$la/ Rfl<Ela-ralt-d

Signature of Bank Official verifying Customer's Signature with name seal

l Member of Parliament, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors of City Corporation, Gadgeted
Officer of 9th & above grade as per national pay scale,Teacher of
Public University, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Upazilla Council, Chairman of Union Council, Mayor and Councilors of Pourasava, Professor of Public
University, Principal of Private College, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and Gadgeted Officer of 7th & above grade
of Semi Government, Autonomous & Government Organizations as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank Official of 9th & above grade as per national
pay scale shall be treated as Respectable Person.

hcSqFl ffi <drE;iF *q. ffi or"tfor.n+< flm, @"F m:r< c +tGfq<1q,.qtf-rr r<ioa 65T{< br e s16.,erw (rrcno s:fi, "rr<Fr{< fpqa,
g6ia 1fa66a

q€E ff+ "ifar<;qrc=. a-rf qr{rq'<-rf/ aEqrlFs/ {Erng cqEK qr6x c<s'r rsrr{ 1n <I Eqd c+ru< +:fesf,t"f q<( <T(qtrh-i Tfqz€n ot€lT a{sa 6+-6+it bx € \5T(

Page 05 of26
Branch/ .il{


(This form, duly filled in should be attached to Personal & Non Personal Accounts.
Additional forms should be attached, if the number of persons is more than
q-<rfu+ q(r.R qr('{ cl{e TTao qr< <1t< qr"u*r Ei e< qftm q[a qfiSfis F<n T({E. ffi(6 <-{
crnqm qfr<rca<

qi ri<rG "F"t"ifd {ffu+ e Ery< {n

For Bank's use onlY {Trq il(r€{<l<qr{< 6{,

Account Number
Customer lD
E]li{ ql{$qFfu
Customer lC

1 . Title of the Account

related person as mentioned in sL-3:
2. Name of Account Holder/ Beneficial owner/ Account operator/other
\e i-{< trfrrs <f;fo fu <<r.i1 er<t7
(<ftftrft:rn €41</ frEI< "lfr'rq{T{il/ q-'rr{i r?hu <rl=r{ {r

ln EnglishF<r<itro :...

ln Bengalif4l(4n ....

Relationship with the Account (Please tick on the applicable field

ftry<< qrcer q-16 (akt eftTrqr r+zq fi$ ft{)

! Applicant ! 3rd Applicant I Director E Partner

I 1't Applicant 2nd
egq6qaffi nf<rr"r<t
)r qf1;4qT+_lA t{ qn<r{4]a
E Sole Proprietor I Accountholder Minor I Guardian f Attorney Holder
qle 91{+ (!'1{ r{F5T<
uo+ -gri.roti ftqmqil{aa+
E Account Operator f] TrustY ! Beneficial Owner f Others (Please sPecifY)
ft$r<< er.$s{fifi*1ft q{rr ({Ffiiae-I< Ergq e+a)
fta< ffinnqiorft SFB

4. Father's Name
Mother's Name
TlErn nT{

Spouse's Name

(For foreign citizens, copy of passport with vlSA must be collerted
jirr* aFf<=+ Qtq fuTrlR +=teid< +f"i q<flrc=it< a?. '-<- i7 \

: I Resident Mn r-esident
- Resident Status (Please tick) - n'--3=-e
mftsB$nBtq (fisfi-{) '<Frc6
instructions of Guidelines for Foreig n Excha nge Transactions )
(where necessary, the Bank shall follow
efcnofu rere <ifro o.6 t@ Ea i!a<a {qog u1-(5+-Fa sn ff"F =-<i <<1T Ei<

9. Date of Birth / q;n qft?r:

Country/ ah-l' ........

10. Place of B;rth ,6{{la :.........""'

1 1. Gender (Please tick): E Male E Female lhrrd Gender

6s @$fr.r) t+\ {R-{l

s q{tqtFd
Applicant's Photograph & Specimen Signature/err<rroft<eR

Specimen Signature (Overlapping Signature is Void)

Signature admitted bY:

Recent Passport Size colour
photograph ofAccount
Holde(s) (not older
than 03 months)
(Attested by Introducer)

Aq<$43 ftfo csm twcti

qln-..q< r0-r qfi
;l{) Signature of Bank Official with seal
(os rm{< qk6 "I{r{t
(d,Eruxqn$rftc{+ {€TrfirE)

Page 06 of26
12. (a) Occupation (in details including designation) ! Service ! Business I Others (Specify) . ..
c"r.n 1r?-r<kgrf<s; ffiilT <i<q1 qffdJ (BcT{Ffld)

(b) Employment/ Business details: .

(ri.lllE/ <lT$fts j?-{<ci

I 1. 2.
Supporting documents, if available):
c(E? srlqlq. {h qlt+ l,
Name of the Organization: Designation:
qfbfr"r<qm ti
Address/ ftorrrT.:

$rfis qrr (<l-fuo ft{rr<< ffilq)

(Specify in details and provide documents, where applicable as per requirement of the Bank.)
ftglfts &g"t es.r q<( saqllT clrca rr'f(If{ Eftql c+ro]-(<s sFE Ffi{ Effi
14. ldentity Documents/ "tfrffi"ts

+.qlffi "ifrF{& ffi{

1- qqli4r+am.R dq<

d. E-TlN No
rr Erd:EF-s-tTrg qEfu +sn

s. stifusdliccE4{n (Tflq

f. Others (Please specify) :.. . .

p. q*6 1{iffivr< B6{ ffi{)

[Any one of the documents mentioned in Serial No. o to c is mandatory. But in cose of opening Account through Birth Registration Certificate, on additional
ldentity Certificate with Customer's/Account Operator's photograph has to be produced. For Non Resident and Foreign National, copy of passport with visa must
be provided. lf the ldentity Certificate with photograph is not available, o certificate of citizenship or notional identity sholl have to be obtained from a
Respectable Persont of the society accepted by the Bank to its satisfaction. This Certificate of ldentity should be accompanied by Customer's/ Authorized
Person's photograph (duly attested on the upper side). Besides, to ensure proper identity of the Customer, additional documents in addition to those as required
by SL d to f along with information other than those mentioned in the form moy be collected to the sotisfoction of the Bank.l

[q <co ,t qqt afieo <f/o qhqf; rrs m .(.ai = ?:n -<;r i--< =- a;! Gr<qa q;@ qtr,F"L<o qrn firqq 4;@"i@4 qfufi@ qta<t/ fqqn qffi<
wrcfirce-]r< ;a
'qnore'E-<cE qaj c4 co14 eiaffi
"{a Eatd o*o iR i-aiG:-rl !<: ?:v'- ;^2:zt ,\2, funW tiwzfra atq qnFnoe=t< qqw a<ro qr< tqreqtoBqw "thGfu"is nr
qnorq rq fiar <Tt<tn< q@tr avev..6 s-,rta @ ==
qaqmifi 4aias< sttitw <i^- ) -.4 q-a ,?i,.s eq71arp qqla dq(o W tBe "tffifin"@ <r Eq.qq"la qpsfiSct<
FnmTiliaal E,trii la awriaozql 4o !t4 i{F,9. {i(? r.eir<=-K aL-;< "* ff* <sil4 q(w <tl<({< qeE qleffi ElRq tt ECo r'wl afir<; affu
il4q6Ea uffis {rR 6m rffi- id( j{ rlrr, i€"re zqt;"p< a-a1v 7tj r:aa 4i-.a- ".4-.r

*firta6-* 1qr<rrrEE)

I 6. Permanent Address

17. Professional/Businessr'Correspondence Address ,1-1|f"rqraa1f,ify'lB c$fltsfifl< fr+.Fi

Documents must be provided in support of proof of address of the Customer/ Account Operator (at least for one of the addresses mentioned in 5L 1 5 - 1 7).
ql{s/ fu|< tffi< 6-qam g:t+ Rfi[< gTzltq qE-lT {tr(s qr< ()a (el-rs ) c t( @ft-(s <i9'.o c:r"r1F ,t i6-n3 =qzE.)
'18. Contact Detatls arfiflftTl1uK
a. Address/6oFr: I Present/ <6rn I Permanent/ qrt I Professionall :"':ur=

b. Telephone Number/ dfi-Frra dffi : Residence/4qT Officer sftrq

'19. 6qlsf]z{tztF qat rcafi= <fe,

Nominated Person to be contacteci for ernergency o-eff eL<]qa
NameAIq :

RrR{R/ RqK 1fifiaaffi1 aftaf iqFr

Mobile No/c+mtq d{itr : .... Email addressrR-rrtq tsllr :

Page 07 of26
20. Credit Card lnformation (if any) refut oni q(6ls EarT ('IFi lTrc),

SL Name of lssuing Organization Local Card Number lnternational Card Number

cfr+q< ffiqe$tndfi{ r{rpfq+r6fi-d

21. lnformation for Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)

qfr-a;rt <llamfi< qdj saB

Passport No.: Date of lssue Date of expiry

{pr"l]f{T{ ETqftq o$rqffic.t{qfrq
lssued at Date of VISA (if available)
qT<El ft-fl< srl?3 (fi11(o)

Valid up to lssuing Authority of ViSA:........

?<{smErii{ I
frq1 ar4r;rfl?l<"i$
Occupation of NRB . ...... .. ..
qF-{ffit< c"

Foreign Address" :. . ..


Forei gn Phone Nu mber/ ?<rqFr+ GFla ir<

Signature of Applicant/ Account Holder/Related Person

qr<n++tft,,|qr<$ilh€P <G< qm<
Date :


Fcr Bank's Use only s{rlq {fl(r$:I <I<C]r{< Enl

Signature of Account Opening Officer Slgnature of Approving Authorily (Branch Manager)

(with name seal) (with name seal)
5{fTfFd6rir d[a-?.- r <..F+z'r ?n.i'n--| l'+7
fiTt< .rfEF q"AB Gfun qtr{_. itq{q {+-r)

Date : Date :

i,lfr"l Etti{

Member of parliament, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors of City Corporation, Gadgeted Officer of 9th & above grade as per national pay scale,Teacher
of public University, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Upazilla Council, Chairman of Union Council, Mayor and Councilors of Pourasava, Professor of Public
University, principal of private College, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and Gadgeted Officer of 7th
& above
grade of iemi Government, Autonomous & Government organizations as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank official of 9th & above grade as
national pay scale shall be treated as Respectable Person.

:1"yqm f <{." ciq? rq.{i. fE +r'rfa"na< crr<, cst6 6{..K e $ltfanEq, srf1r c<--a fsrE< h{ 'r of corcu< cfrqits 4r;+;6. -:<fr frnqmr:r< Fm-+, Eotsto ofqrr<

xa c u16 cam< <fuorrro 6tr<

* PO. Box number will not be treated as foreign address.
* Pts <s d{{as f{ffiFi+ 6om kcqr< rr<qf< ofl tr]r< 4 r

Page 08 of26
Branch/ -ttrlt

PERSONAL INFORMATTON FORM 7aifu qqtrns ecrr{ft

(This form, duly filled in should be attached to Personal & Non Personal Accounts.
Additional forms should be attached, if the number of persons is more than two.)
ei lE<{E "i{qTts <lfuT c q-<fun f-ir< a"-tqtr qtr<q(.|{ {{ q(rfi ctrq c({B 6Tao <s I rrfu< ar<it 5! q< qftrs rtr6l qfrfrF Ffl r({s r{cs {r< r

For Bank's use only ErllE <n.<4:{ <FqTaffi F,.rl

Account Number
Date &{R;IF{
EIfr"I Customer lD
Customer lC

Title of the Account

ftflrr< qll
2. NameofAccountHolder./Beneficial Owner/AccountOperator/otherrelatedpersonasmentionedinSL-3:
e qa3 gfim <fEo E{.r<{rA arqs/ r<ftfufr*tq €{r</ ii{< "ifrffqiloft/ wiim q(B? <tlG< a'N

ln Bengali/<xEm
3. Relationship with the Account (Please tick on the applicable field below):
Rcrr<.{wqryl{ (ilo erc.rlqi mzqfr+fi-+)

! 1st Applicant [ 2nd Applicant [ 3'd Applicant f Director I Partner

5nq6',n+oft lx qtz<qrffil otq646qffi difiin s<ilqt<

I Sole Proprietor I Accountholder Minor f Guardian f Attorney Holder

co-+ rqtlrrorft ftfi!]'Alql<]{s r1 e el<+ cffiroeN
! Accountoperator f Trusty I Beneficiat Owner
I Others (PIease specify)
iiTK eif<rm{rofi} fiFB ft{r<< qalai tefrffislz< BrAq o+a)

Father's Name
Prq< qm
Mother's Name
{lEI-{ ;IFI
Spouse's Name
519 99 (For foreign citizens, copy of passport with VISA must be collected.)
ftrnft atEko qrE fuflrE {qr{rf{ sA qr<Frrcw< e1q Ftrro << D
Resident Status (Please tick): I Resident f Non-resident
cfrsBffrc 6-sfi-{) (<Fizst ;r+-rcFrrs6
(Where necessary, the Bank shall follow instructions of Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions.)
ea'tq+{ ,s-zE <lll+ r.5o F{ Frr{ qqcu6 }Frqof+q qs Frcd.tll qTTnq o{rs Er< l
9. Dateo6g;,157c;n-rfr-,, --[--[I [-Tl

1 1. Gender (Please tick): Male Female lhrrd Gender

ftq (fr+ ft-{) -n iAT

Applicant's Photograph & Specimen Signature/qt, fi-+ot*< eR € {T{l {ttFit

Specimen Signature tOverlapping Signature is Void)

Signature admitted by:

Recent Passport Size colour
photograph of Account
Holder(s) (not older
than 03 months)
(Attested by lntroducer)

ftjrr<{rnf< =rrcfu rorr "nqcti

Ett-ffi <ET4 6E
( oe r]ZI{ qf{$ "lTril ;l-I ) Signature of Bank Official with seal
iffir-rmmoal n{o rorfto)

Page 09 of26
12 (a) Occupation (in details including designation) f Service I Business ! Others (Specify)
("ifi ("I,ifiqqffio) CT<T <I{qT qiTrll (Erdrl ffi{)

(b) Employment/ Business details: .

c"t fi'i-e/TJ<fifusF€{q
1. 2.
Supporting documents, if available):
q(f:B fiulqlc, nfh 1tcT 3.

afrtrm<+r fiA

13. Monthly lncome (For Personal Account)

Etft-+qlr (<lfuR{]I{{ ffils)
(specify in details and provide documents,where applicable as per requirement of the Bank.)
f{$ftg trr{{ FFq (<( elrrlql c+r< <lir+< utQll c{otr++ qffi qETil 6{54
14. ldentity Documents/ "tRffi"iq
a. National lD No : ... .. .. .. ..
<. q€r tftw"reaq<
b. Passport Number
{. "fl{a"i]fqr{
c. Birth Registration Certificate No:
4. q{ Fi+t{ cnrrc;lr<
d. E-TIN No : ...
e. Drivinq Licence Number :..
s. g,EG(arizl-{.lt<
f. Others (Please specify) :....................
q{rr] eftmsft<aT1{<"{)

[Any one of the documents mentioned in Serial No. a to c is mandotory. But in case of opening Account through Birth Registration Certificate, an odditional
Notional, copy of possport with viso must
ldentity certificate with customer,s/Account Operator',s photograph has to be produced. For Non Resident and Foreign
be provided. tf the tdentity certificate with photograph is iot availoble, a certificate of citizenship or national identity shall have to be obtained from a
by Customer's/ Authorized
Respectabte personl of ihe society accepted by the sank to its satisfoction. This Certificate of tdentity shoutd be accompanied
perion,s photograph (duty attested on the upper side). Besides, to ensure proper identity of the Customer, additional documents in addition to those as required
by SL d to f aloig with iniormation other than those mentioned in the form may be collected to the satisfaction
of the Bank.l

Io {,o T nqn o&TF 4fro qffi <rc ql<f.Eovtr4 cq aota qifr qfrq Eqtq +<rE {,< t \x4
q;n fr<w qn arnFa 6'! fd<Tr qdq4@4 qefiE 4Ro/ ffi{ "\ffi<
qn+toEqryq wv ci mFr qftafu qE aq7t oito <t4 tla-ciffi q4<ft@,7 qrqfur+< ,.rylra q<ftB fuqn< zwldt ot;; affi1a"* $ird €flro a& / E/r4'mfr€-€ "lftEfu"ta 4r
eflTeq Cc fiwn <ltqr;:m a@E atenffi otrrtl ffi EE"tt4l,I wtqn ffirqtql atft €\i'r Eqs 7f56s
qe1.4ae14 qvp aa4 , E-c 1fff"tq <l Sol7ttelq qRrlSqR "lfa
84t44 C,ttfuort<) aco arT / qplgf, {r(o qt<ra< ,tfrhfu< f<st! ffi-g ?e.F a1*7 <1iroa ae? nlc\t'F EaRl q q:o o ;w< afiro <f4s
c7rc7o6-dqs FteqtqEGT 1t6
qffi'e?( "??{?e-tr{
qffiqw qfuA@ qteit coT 4a vrrT BB&E oclTtfi1 qfufu'3 eeri 4< E 41co etqr4 tl

1 5. Present Address (Residence) : ....... .. .. ' .......

<6in{fi-6f"n (q-l<rTS4)

1 6. Permanent Address
{ril S4r,l1

17. Professional/Business/correspondence Address cam13r{r<Tfil+/elE 6$'n({.|[ul.3 ft<']al,

(at least for one of the addresses mentioned in SL 1 5 - 7)
Documents must be provided in support of proof of address of the Customer/ Account operator
A*" "rffi< fr+r+m erH kxI< uorrBr qqtd ofis <r< ( )a (qm ) q d( 6Frar <fcfu Tn1zr >fr t-c== ;"= '
18. Contact Details GfifllT{]l'r< IEls:
a. Address/flicm: f Present/ <6qa I Permanent/ Etft I Professional/ c*t'tl=

b. Telephone Number/ dfrGrtq "lf{ : Residence/<ml office/ofoz

Email/ l-rlte
Eiil lrfiliE {jfu:
Nominated Person to be contacted for emergencys-rfi aTlc.A CI.l'ltqrffi

Relationship with Account Holder/ Account Operator:

fur<{€r/ FqK rf<Eqn+ti-< qnq s-i6

Page 10of26
20. Credit Card lnformation (if any) s-;fu! 6{ q16s e<, (afr arcs):

SL Name of lssuing Organization Local Card Number lnternational Card Number

ofr+q(. t{rorfrsfr-hri-{Eir canEFsl6{fr qts(1&r+tdq{.d

21. lnformation for Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)

qfr<lqf <l(if16qfiB grd] sarT

Passport No.: Date of lssue Date of expiry

4q1f,cm qTqii"l omrn€-r"t*ffi"t
Date of VISA (if available)
etqld+la s-p"i5F fu-{Elr I-qr< erft{ ({ft.4r+)
Valid up to lssuing Authority of VISA:
?<<st< tstli{ liq e,]rq?to-o"rm
Occupation of NRB
effi< c"r.n

Foreign Address* :...


Forei gn Phone Nu m be r/ lerqFia 6?flr nl*-

Signature of Applicant/ Account Holder/Related Person

qlI<Iistft/RrR$ft/honP <1fu< {rF{

Date :

For Bank's Use only e33-lE <ri(IT< <I{q]rtr< E-drl

Signature of Account Opening Officer Signature of Approving Authority (Branch Manager)

(with name seal) (with name seal)
'y3 6:re< z:+rz arai< .-T!.j j.=ry TT<) qlrrSaon offi< (r,T:lr <I{{t"rs) amgo irqqq rt.s-<

Date : Date :

Effi{ qft<

lMember of Parliament, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councilors

of City Corporation, Gadgeted Officer of 9th & above grade as per national pay scale,Teacher
of Public University, Chairman & Vice Chairman of Upazilla Council, Chairman of Union Council, Mayor and Councilors of Pourasava, Professor of Public
University, Principal of Private College, Head Teacher of Private High School, Editor of National Daily, Notary Public and Gadgeted Officer of 7th & above
grade of Semi Government, Autonomous & Government Organizations as per national pay scale and Bangladesh Bank Official of 9th & above grade as per
national pay scale shall be treated as Respectable Person.

FIF+, EJfu f{$ tfar< lefqs, FrErl? f<f-$. qrrm-rff1 -rtag.]fE/ <EFs rREm gl€ri :<s-r ,rr-< cx <t EEd 6ar< s:fqq (<( <t(qttn.i <ilqr€{.qlfir adot (6cq<
sr s EErFi 6{rg< T:fu-gf1qr$ $,'tr< r

* P.O. Box number will not be treated as foreign address.

E 1hg <g it+ar Mm ft-om fucz< <l<qrn {fi :trd n't i

Page 11 of26
r I 7r\ L(rBH N



q{EE {rqT
Personal and Non-Personal Account/<ifu+ rs qcrfu-s Rff{

For Bank's use only efIG Tll(16{ {f<ElI{< Gr'al

Account Number
ft:qr< {t<
Customer lD

1. Title of Account
ltclr<.{ "I1T
2. Expected Monthly lncome (lndividual)
{]ft-sq€r<iqEr ({fu+)
Expected Monthly Turnover (lnstitution)
aFrE q€Fr ffi€v< (qfu6[-di c$G)

Expected Number of Expected Amount of Amount of Highest

Descriptionfr<'t Monthly Deposit Total Monthly Deposits Single Deposit
{tfrsiEt<iqfid{$ri fifrswFl dEq{R ffi{t.l eFs{r{t6qrR {Rrtt

Cash Deposit (including online & ATM)

;r'tr (q;rEtt{ s qfr,{E{q)

Transfer/ Deposit by lnstrument

EFn</ @u:r$-(" r'|{icq GirT
(Transfer through Outward Clearing and A/C to A/C
transfer through Cheque/PO/DD/FC cheque)

W Foreign lnward Remittance
.ts Fr<{ tdqr16.{frirm
o Export Receipt
o <61ft<r<q $s
Deposit/Transferfrom BO (Capital Market) A/C
eO "j&-<]qt< ftTF srE q$ftF[s{
Other Deposits wrm o:o
[Transfer through BEFTN, RTGS, Internet Banking/other
Online Banking/ Fund Transfer
lnstruction & others ................... .......'.1


Expected Number of Expected Amount of Amount of Highest

Description fr+<'l Monthly withdrawal Total Monthly Withdrawal Single Withdrawal
Tlft.En onErePn-m,tR*.t qFa rir{l6 &:slErr< {Rqlct

Cash Withdrawal (including online & ATM)

n'fh (q;r{lt{ rs qfre{{q)

Transfer/ Payment by lnstrument

ffi</Ei€!{E q<$?rfir"ifrrfi(
(Transfer through lntward Clearing and A/C to A/C
IT transfer through Cheque/PO/DD/FC cheque)
:\t! Foreign Outward Remittance
IF(-.rqqtE?.g-.rnic<fr irfE
= lmport Payment
E qalffiaKq 'iRrfia
Deposit/Transfer to BO (Capital Market) A/C
Bo ({ffi<)fut(<q$Ams{
Other Withd rawu15 q"qa1 BrOtr
ITransfer through BEFTN, RTGS, Internet Banking/other
Online Banking/Debit Card/Fund Transfer
lnstruction & others ......'.............. ..1


Page 12of26
l/we' the undersigned hereby acknowledge that the expected transaction
limit is mylour organization's usual transaction. l/ We further acknowledge
necessary, l/ We will change/ update the transaction profile. that if
ffitrm"o l1iiYtffi("t"t) ( r6(fisr-l aEF ETE Gr. T€t<l ac;t&r.r< q{Ef rt<r qmmlqvr< fr< ep fdrF{ qrErqrrf
rr.oko !-t'v!"rL1a qll{ fl.,ort
er 1/er{rr qn+ ln'D3lel qhl"l
eE]l o<&
ffiFm-O)l€I<lffifqr.rnq{fr9{ETI(ZT!-d/ erc$sr-+c<rcq

Signature of Account Holder/ Account Operator 2. Signature of Account Holder/ Account Operator 3. Signature of Account Holder/Account Operator
fu<<Tiy lfur< "ifrrnqrril< {l*-{ Rci<qtft/ftTm 1ffik-fls-< ftTm{rft/ &ql< "tfrrn-+roft< tm<

Name: Name:-='--
ql{ =-- Name:
4N {T{
Date :
Date :
Elfr"J qfirt ql?'r

For Bank's Use only s{Tm <il<z.r< <r-€lr<r< q;rl

Transaction Profile is reviewe-d as p^er instruction of Bangladesh Financial

lntelligence Unit (BFIU):
<serrq.l sFdlft''TH ffifq[Eq tBFi&< ffi"nr mrsrr<a rcmi c+rqru< q{Fr. {tat
"t f.a;A ffit {cqt ,

Reason for changing/ not changing Transaction profile of Customers:

$qro{ icFl re;wr+< qfto aq qEi{6 s<I/ dT c<]i sm"is

Signature of Certifying Officer with name seal

EqraoR rnso sffin aElF ftEaq-qrF{


Page 13 of26
r{cq-Ffs fuTC.{{ qs ffio644 qQq iT(@]E 6TF6II

Please tick 'Yes' or 'No' for each of the following questions:

lio< eibfr eqf{ us{ Et' qqe :,,' fro Gr

1. Are you a U.S. E Yes -No
q4if4ffhdTgrEffir qr -
2. Are you a U.5. Citizen? E Yes \o
q"r+mftff6lsfl6<arffi-sr +
3. Do you hold a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)? [ Yes -No
qI"ifr< ft {6{rd{ {Inr qfu<fir Fn; (Sq n'6) enqz r
4. Do you have U.S. Residence address or a U.5. correspondence address (including a U,5, PO. Box) or a U.S, telephone number?
etqil< ft Tc<lA tqltift<lctk q$ csftilf qKfjis ffsT;rf, 6q1'fi[TIz'K fiTr{ qq<' I6ii-G< ,rrE i-i< r.1E ?


Prior consent from U.S Citizen Clients for reporting Customer's account information to lnternal Revenue Services (lRS) under FATCA obligations:
qF ,4 frfr ,4 - ,4iqt€\'R,{RsRqtr{{sarrt61-fil{ ctrsfrB{ttrc{-n $itsr<,fi)-,q {l}mirqiT{rtr{{@-{8ffi,{t<c+? "I{f{cG r

"Subject to applicable laws, l/we hereby give mylour consent to Dhaka Bank Lirnited to share mylour information with domestic or overseas regulators, or

Tax Authorities where necessary to establish mylour tax liability with any jurisdiction. Where required by domestic or overseas regulators, or Tax

Authorities, I consent and agree that the Bank may withhold from my account (s) such amounts as may be according to applicable laws, regulations and
directives." effio qt?q]IlTfl ffi uro <]tso FrFr(BEr$ qNkfqTlzq< qTr€{ I(c]s E?r qlfu? q{{f f& r qejsfq n
qs6rG$ <l q"-miq Frq"ifirt q.,q< 6r8 e-qr.m
qs6fua tr;rqqTfil r(EI qer<l qR-r< e'g1Iw< etr-zfwr wgt*, qf ..!l m{ qlfxna fi& a f-om e<E C<, a}GE fT'6T{ q.l€Et3r <f(o qr:rF Rm cqr+ +< Rcqr< ff lf:x"i
c< r+d <lrno "u-<m I


sflBqtq e wqdtftT fac{qrEl qqfu c{Frfi

l/We do hereby declare that l/we do not have any physical presence and commercial activities within the countries mentioned in the UN, EU, OFAC and

any other lnternational Sanction List.

qft/qT{l qi Tc( ffi{"ir fi& m qlfuq<s, IWmn fGF-r+, eFlq q< !'rtrd qarqt 6f]q q3i qa, col.I qrsqlGs frl{Er< qs'eJe .+1q mc1 qN]</q'NEr{ r+]q <ts< E"tQf 'g

<fneirof$fs cit
Orl qaKr

Any of our Proprietor/Partner (s)/Director (s)/Affiliates is not engaged in any business '.'.,lt. the entrties mert oned in the UN, EU, OFAC and any

lnternational Sanction List.

-- == =<:-]r F-=- c=F E- ic!
=i;:r. it'':-
qlqftrn rc]4 rqffffiFCnF{7aj}5=a!13i taz= {<a o-eo1fuo fi,lT<lElT q,s=-,g ffi rcF
4gl3t$<I.l< qfiq T"JS;T

Signature of 1 Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 2nd Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
x w<ri:wtft/ RrlT{tA-d atsiT qr qt<E{sTft/ R{<qrfi-d -l.lFr o1 qpqqrfia/ RrRqft-< qrq<

Signature of Verifying Officer with seal

<lsrisr? o-fflifu -trs< (ffETq)


el {1

Page 14of26
R EQ U EST FO R OTH E R FAC I L lTI E S/ q{ril. lR {Ifr-{ q-{l' qr<q-{
For the services as specified in serial I to 6 below, please fill up'Alternate Delivery Service Enrcllment Form'separately.
fi-f{ ) cqrs v qt* efrro <[fo {fr{rft< Fdl :,qr69z< i{iDBrad} rsffi Trtr{ F-<ra s<r, fi6t:tr+"r r

1. Debit Card ! yes

csftneld q1 dT

2. Direct Banking (lnternet Banking) E yes Eno

tuc<E <nili< (tBmr'fr 3i1.5"1 {rr ;Il
3. M Banking Solution (SMS Alert Service) f yes
q{il(fr({fl-ta ({cqrqq eadrGnl or al
4. E-Statement Enrollment ! Yes ENo
Wjisdffiq{KlqcrB ql al
5. T-PlN Registration (Contact Centre) f Yes E ttto
6-Frq 6C?"€"F (strB ffiEt<) ql ;lT

6. DBL GO (Mobile Apps) E Yes ENo

fufree cufi (r:n<tt4qrtfi) ;IT

7. Cheque Book I Yes (lf yes, please fill up'Cheque Book Requisition Form') E trto
o< <E {r (gr arat tro <i 1i11ffi.n :r<r' {<"1 e+41 ;It
8. Credit Card I Yes (lf yes, please fill up 'Credit Card Application Form') I tto
,i (4t9U +19 Sfi (ql {(d teGi oni ef<m rFfit' ?Foi f{-{) IT
9. Locker Service I Yes (lf yes, please fill up 'Locker Application Form') Eruo
qfi<qlG{ aI (qlf arq E$.|< qI<r;i:Ffi' T{a oral rl
10. Printed Statement EYut I No
l€frds rstr{€ {T iiI

Ap p I ica nt's Si g natu rel ql-rqq-{$rft{ {lFd Applica nt's Sig natu rel ql-r<E{sffi-{ rfr.T Appl ica nt's Si g nature/ qfr<R-+otft< xfr-<


(Please read and sign to confirm that all information relevant to your Bank Account has been provided to you at the time of account
opening.q{qEFC< liq
xl*< ocr fifuo SF{ GI qlfi<fql"fqrzqs ET]< 6{-al< q'ffi f}ffi aif}p 4p-s srg aeffi er"rfi q<uis qrS{ )
<l{'5-i5?[C{q. "]TV
Account Holder's Declaration: l/We confirm that l/we have understood and agreed with all the following product features:
R,rR{Ai csFtraqtfrlqm{ifrftE+dR c<fizX<|fu cetffi<{+-{ffiiillqlfr/qTfl q<'lE<cT& e<({q&Ei"E+<e I

l/We agree with the interest rate applicable to my Account rvhich is available in product brochure/interest rate table provided by the Dhaka Bank
Branch. And interest accrual in my account will start from the date of account opening. l/We am/are aware that a minimum balance shall have to be
maintained in mylour account for application of interest as well as deduction of regular charges and fees.
<n<o +r2'o eertrfE ,els* gFie=rqo i:<< -+- e=,.5,€. er<1'a"t'zr< ftqr<< .:ril ft{r6r * TF{ AT ftgi< FI1qt< qr1 qp15s;qFflrh-<m q.ta11i] qa?re q<( fTK
cqlql< EIfr1 cqf+ fiqr<r :o 1$: -a= a:=
=-iir,="r< e,=
qfi cII :XF :ta{r6-i q€$< 6s6 aq1 Eri. fu ]fF ffirs +,i(-*< ory qfTKfqN]IE< Rfl[<
trmw ffi rom <fm r

Fees & Charges: Fees & charges have been explained to me/us and l/we have read and understood the latest Schedule of Charges.
ft e uolys 5 e ur6 -Ir .::?,=-ilrire ffi qmrqT pl_:nq q<( {l:t&s EEir{rq< et6-fl qrftlq{<f "rr".vfi c grm cffi
Ancillary Products: l/we understand that Contact Centre services, SMS Alert and Debit Card are ancillary products of my account.
qin< ffi, qq€rqr q1q'fi c rsftn $ni slffi/q]Tfih-{ {f{I<-{ Tq]]<' 6eTqE
Tq]ls (effirT{3 o-ft,tI:<- =<"=
=-i r 4-E 1

Turnaround Time: I understand that it may require minimum four working days to deliver my Debit Card and Cheque Book.
r;r+ qfg-< aT.t: qijifr-:,i :r rsfr a€ e (Es <Q ('i6E artffi ut< +{fn<nr< qm Ett<
=='= =t r

Discretion of the Ban k: I 'we rr ndersta nd that the interest rate, as well as fees and charges may change from time to time at the sole discretion of Dhaka
Bank Limited.
<fiqa s< {{fuT= ;
=* =-;< =<'= =t z. 6v'* o< 1}<t fF '€ DrcizrTq Dt.ol <I(s Fifrrts-q< oe+ frarce rs roF c:R t1i<!,'il ErE flrr< r

o l/We hereby declare that l,'w'e agree to collect mylour security items (viz. 1st Cheque Book, Debit Card, and other security items) from my account
opening branch and also understand that Debit Card will be delivered in deactivated status for security reason.
=:-F< qrq6,qffi ftftoffi qrid:r q1q (6aaa. qqT cEo <?" csftB srd € .qdrij ftft$frfr urtrtr rg; ftqr< c{41< -nrq {cE q(qE srr'
qrftlsrn-a r:.r- e<i :. :-;-i
<-i5 s-'= l<i r=: =?'-3 =i ;r fibftqf Cr{
=tal]ifi<l'jqfidjlG{q+qm r

.lfthereisnotransactioninltiatedbyme/usfor01 yearincaseofCurrentAccountandfor02yearsincaseofSavingsAccount,thosewill beclassifiedas

rdfu ftq.r<< .E= <:er- <== {<a ,i€a ,Qrizr{ ffiTF sqercs ot <k3 qEI<lqr:rtcE{ sm arFr ffi,.cEn { <q ci Fqr< -s-<tTt { {q' fir+c< qql cr<
") r

Important Note a*q"I.f Esl

l/we willalso agree with the follon,ing terms and conditions:
qTftfqm-fl ffi.fu -rftd.-re;='t -"; e<'i
e VATisapplicableforali feesandcharges.VATwill alsobeapplicableforthefeesandchargesagainstanyserviceswaivedbytheBankfrom
time to time.
rqq fu e ffiaIq.:"i.9- azl:sl r<n$ qqo cr n:rs m<t< ftflilro uf6 s FF l,sgr," o<r qrrrq cql ffi a6 a ft< c\'ree e;.8 qrqlqi R(<
Govt. Excise Duty is applicable annually for all accounts.
ree ftl'n<< E"r< <ift-+Sz< rs=+-t+* q<til t+ Q-a$qt p-c<
The Bank reserves the right to amend the interest rate and Schedule of Charges at any time.
<n$ m c+ra q:Rr krrc rT,< -18 qf;io T/F{ qir s 116 "i?<6n f{r< ftq]g qimq Fc<

Signature of
15t Applicant Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3rd Applicant
5aq6qF{$'ft<{IS-d tx qtr<r+otft< xt$'< eT qIc{rFfftft{.fis<r
For Bank's Use only tt{{lc <T|(IT< <t<qieila qdl

1. Product Code

2. Mandatory Fields for Regulatory Reportingr

Deposit Code Security Code

Professional Code Nominee Sector Code

3. ldentityverified by: E National lD Card I Passport - Dr ving Licence Others ...,,......

i;sl- C| Bra.a1 CFf:alal

4. Address verified by : I Utility Bill [] Rent Agreement - BTCL Telepnone B;i ,

n others

5. Result of Online Verification of NID Card lnformation

("lf no match found for Name, Photo, NID no. & Date of Birth, then application will not proceed for AiC opening.)
tr Matched I Not Matched I Partially Matched

Measures/decision taken if found Not Matched/ Partially Matched

6. Result of Screening of Sanction List through 'nScreening' Software

("lf any match is confirmed by Branch then the application will not proceed for A/C opening.)

1 UN Security Council Sanction List I Match Found ! No Match Found

2 lnternational Sanction List (i.e. by EU, OFAC & others) f Match Found f No Match Found

Domestic Sanction List/Restriction by Local Law/ f

3 I Match Found No Match Found
Bangladesh Bank to oPen A/C

Measures/decision taken if found matched/false positive with Sanction List

Account Opening Officer Checked by. Authorized by

(Full Signature with Seal) (Full Signature u/ith Seall Fuil Srgnature with Seal)

Page 16of26
EI{OI(A s{o\N V<


KYC PROFI LE FORM/.fi{s {RGB c-iffig T-{T

(Applicable for opening of lndividual Accounts/<i&futs 6{qk c+rc<r+q6)
This Form is for Bank's use onlv./ qQ E{:tE <ll(q< (,<-qr( < q6u l

Account Number
Customer lD

Title of Account
frqrr<< +m

Type of Account
frr[<< eotr
.$ecf< ("f.ii (ffio)
dl<T< {r1ts cgt<i qr{
5. Sources (s) of Funds (in details)
wd<EsaTEsqr 1ffi<s1
Documents collected to ensure the source (s) of fund:
qrqli Esq frfus e<l< rqrc 6Tfi qfue]fr qGE c<'t qLTCqs
Whethercollecteddocumentshavebeenverified: I yestt E No*
x1funffi qtuftqElscrrsftar
7. Describe how the address(es) has/have verified (in details):
R.{r<ria< 6-fi-{r (iTq) fr-sn< rlrEri €<l {.rrq (ffio):

Whether Beneficial Owner has been identified: I yesqt E I Not Applicable 4c$q, an
fuir<< qo $roii fr 6<": a< <.rre ?-ar:
(lf yes, information regarding each Beneficial Owner has to be produced in Personal information Form attached.)
Es* qr <m eze ra qu $<Treft wtfu sqffi qq{G q{c|(< EFf{ T{cs qr< r

9. ldentity Documents ^'<-s-^= Please tick (ft-+ frq)

Copy collected loPt x1fu) Verified (finttrp)

a. Passport Number ll tr (where applicable)

3;. "t;5("1fiaT{ (fi{rq, ffirq)

b. National lD No.
{. Eifem rq}-ae-;-<
.. tr I (where applicable)
(e{rqre, ffire)
c. Birth Registration Certificate No. ..................... tr tr (where applicable)
(elIr]qi ffizq)
d. E-TIN No.
1? j
tr tr (where applicable)
!. ?Cq<'I ds- rr t (elc+toi ffiIq)
Driving Licence Number
s. ulifriEttffi{ il=
T tr (where applicable)
(el-cnsl ffirq)
D. q;IiFri

10. For Non-resident and Forergner, the purpose of opening the account :
erffi.{<i-{cF.i.ri mra ?r< '.,-i3 Z-F.j."

frlt< QTc raam E€lc"f<ffi,t

b. ForWorkPermitholder,whetherCertificateofWorkPermitandapproval foropeningbankaccountisobtainedfromcompetentauthority?(where
f yesai I trto"n
(Copy of Passport for Non Resident Bangladeshi and Passport with VISA for foreigner must be collected.)
qFr<ff +cqlrnilm{ c+rro q<fnoorc<
"pi11ffi aft e<i frcq-ft[r< mm qr<Fn+or< &qmq "ll{c"flid< +A qiqs s<[E E[<

Page 17 of26
11. WhethertheCustomerisPoliticallyExposedPerson(PEP)/Chiefoflnternational Organizationorhighlevel officialsoflnternational Organizationand
their family member or close associates (as per definition of BFIU circular)
erq+ "ifrBOfr qorefiqq "rirn/egrr..rff {tGrtqrsefifto qsqt< q{F <t Es "r{ffi{ ofui s<i Erlh.= 1fia6a1 qqry a1 qsa* q<atfr ft ql (ftqrqRtB 4!ts sf?Ts qt$fr<
L--] vesqi E No+
It the answer rs yes, 53{ 5 EaF.

a. ls approval obtained from Senior Management? - l Noat

frFr< rin rqrr6 eIg qnmtr{ fiit qmtqft at:
b- Has the Customer been interviewed face to face? f Yes=r - Noat
e]{C-+< W?,'r{{ qrsRFK tr-{f {c:]Iq ft 4Tz

12. In the process of screening in terms of applicable laws, guidelines and circulars, whether the Customer's name has been matched with the listed
persons/entities having suspicious involvement with the financing of terrorism, terrorist activities and spreading of weapons of mass destruction under
various Resolutions of United Nations Security Council and any such listed persons or banned entities by Bangladesh Government?
c(B? qrta, ff1:rm s qTqfrj< q;5drrs q1q6-r{ an-5lfuqqrq{ frflq.6' .?i:,r< G
-r ,i a. a* a"'i =q-l,r € <in= ??i;-. := ?z:- :r.-i,t
==:+:;z "-
- No-
a. lf the answer is yes, details of initiatives taken in this regard;
t-e< El qcE e ftq:r+ 1Qo <<qm 1ic<"te

t:. RiskGradingfrt ctfus.

a. What does the Customer do?/ What type of profession the Customer is involved with?
o. q]{$ ff ar-TV fl ir+ct< c"t-t< limtGo- <c+er
Serial No Nature eQfu Risk S(ore
ofron( fr6 rt-a

Metal <i<ql/fc"f{ <FrlAdi<Til {rE< <r<qI s (c)

01 Trade of Jewelry/Gold/Precious W-qeTA

02 Money Changer/Courier Service/Mobile Banking Agent s (c)

fficuqr<fEfra< qrfrq/cqr<lta ilcftq effid

Real Estate Developer/Agent ft-mE ,{rSE co-E"[</ qrLTE s (a)

04 Contractor/Promoter of Construction Project Frfq erog (effi]<ifla-mr< s (a)

05 A rtlAnti qu e Dea I e r Fe-fid'lmro{ fual< s (a)

06 Restaurant/Bar/Night Club/Residential Hotel/Parlour Business r<lslrlih]$ ol<ffi+ CEjdrr/'flqfu <l<ql s (c)

07 I m po rtlExpo rt vna-fi 7-te6 s (a)

08 Manpower Export Business 5r'fu <ffi aiaal s (a)

Arms Dealer qrg* <r-+lr 5 (f )

10 Garments Business Ga'rents Accessories Bu; '9 Lo se ' ''=-' -:l; 1v-''- 71-'' 5 (c)
2 1=- T- ' -1 -1=
-' s (0)
11 Pilot'Flight Attenoart

12 Trusty$ffi s (a)
'13 lnvestor in Share/Stock Business:*:-;-a <-<;t *'z-t 5 (a)

Software/lnformation &Technology Business;=-!a3 =<. 5 z-:Fz 5 c)

- s (a)
15 Expatriate Working in Banglade5fi 3114111;ffic,1?.4:
Travel Agent$l-re< ere6 4 (8)

17 Businessman with Annual lnvestment of more than Tk. 1.00 Crore <tE= ) F- l-e? ="= :r =;-- =47 4 (8)

18 Freight/Shipping/Cargo Agent Ga?ftftx'ft{ qffiB 4 (8)

19 Auto Dealer (New/Reconditioned Car)/ qcilTJ<ql lagafr+fu"m t€l 4 (8)

)o Business (Leather & Leather Goods)<FcI (ElTgt s dqqqle- fli) 4 (8)

21 Home Construction Material Business <-Q ffi"1rlr€k <Fcl 4 (8)

22 Professional (Journalist, Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, Chartered Accountant) 4 (8)

c"Hrffi ({l'.<rfi-s, qiTGIft, sr6r<, ?f&FKk, Efiri,{qffit)
23 Director (Private/Public Limited Company) "tRuq-o (eNrs/lr<F-s frfrtis cotrqfi) 4 (8)

24 High Officials of Multi National Company<gtfi+ eeSffi{ E<'s{ ?trfui 4 (8)

25 Housewife ujRft 4 (.8)

26 Service in lnformation Technology Sectoroql-q{fu< ffirs ErTfr 4 (8)

27 Sportsman/Media Celebrity/Producer/Director c{lELll</fiftTl 64Gctr/efrBqlT/6trfo1 4 (8)

Page 18of26
Serial No NatureeEG Risk Score
oft-+q( frs 6fiT

28 Freelance Software Deveioper &qffii qrFis{F rs[sqtm 4 (8)

29 B usi ness-Agent <r <r:l-lroi 3 (s)

30 Government Serv ce 7z_ )]<:? 3 (e)

31 Landlord <€-sr: 3 (s)

32 Cotto n Bu s i ness/Tra der of Ga rments Leftovers {st <]<crihB <j<T€} 3 (e)

55 Transport Operator -=t<z; a--rr3a 3 (e)

34 Tobacco & Cigarette Buslness omrc c fr'mrF{ <r<qi 3 (e)

35 Amusement lnstitution/Park ffi afr6n/t6 3 (e)

36 Motor Parts/Workshop Business FrE-< ollfr/€Tl6c1 €< <rrat 3 (e)

37 Private Service Managerial oEtot qi6q { 3 (e)

38 Teacher (Government/Private/Autonomous Educational lnstitution) ftF+ ({rstft/GTr+l?l,tfllre{fio Frfi sfbttql 2 (r)

39 Service (Private Sector) ffi (cr,trflft) 2 (i)

40 SmallTrader (AnnualTurnover not overTk.50.00 Lac) ug <r<qit (<tlto Edr:um co e.r ilT.m ilo) 2 (r)
41 Self Em pi oyed Professiona I'ttrqrrt c1-"fl6l4 2 (r)
42 Co m p u te r/M o b i I e P h on e Dea erI offir<,trKiq c+rca< i;+< 2 (r)
+) Manufacturer (other than Arms) Es"nna+til 1wq {J€rr) 2 (r)
44 Student q-,ryEla 2 (r)

45 Retired from Service utTfi {ro- q<x<€Rqrta 1 ())

46 Fa rmer/Worker/Fisherman TfrffiAi:tff?,taqqffi l ())
47 Others (Specify in clear terms) qaiw ({frfrfi'$r< fu{ €+rr) 1 -5 ()-a)

a. Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)/Bangladeshi Expatriate qFiTfi <treth-ft (qi.q-cl<Ii)/ emff <qatzqfi' 3 (e)

b. Politically Exposed Person (PEP) tFffi {$*rr.efqs 'n-ffa 5 (c)

c. lnfluential Person (lP) QErflr6l <fu 5 (c)

d. Head/High Official of lnternational Organization srgriflie rq?r q{R/ B6oi sri€s1 5 (a)

e. Family Member/Close Associates of PEP/lPlHead of lnternational Organisation s (a)

ItdErrG €or1+r=is r-r-. e=rirfi <rfu/qrwi'fiijr E(E< q{rq <t Es "rflz;r< ofcstrq" ,rft<n<< qrqlFs{, rr{es|ft


IWhile assessing Customer risk, Customer will be categorized in high or low risk grade after detailed analysis of profession and on the basis of nature of
Customer's business, level of deposit, business areas, business size, beneficial owner ofthe account along with other specific areas to consider. For service too,
risk will be categorized on basis of detailed information to be acquired as above particularly, considering nature of service and duties and responsibilities of
the Customer.Taking into account all the concerned issues,higher riskscore may be assigned to differentCustomers as specified in serial no. 16to46.

FTro qT< erf{ ftxf;!.:=-;-i i. 2-aa;arc :u 1",r,+ a'9 Gfrs afa< qf{"- 6a6 q6o61 Spql ffi-.]< eqF o{rg "n-Ta{ ll

b. Monthly lncome of Customer

{. €fi54e<:i*-. s-= a?r

f' Amount (Taka) ffiqq (E|+.EI) Risk Score firt c+ta

Up to 1 lac r q'+ "trie o(o)

>1 to 3 lac r rcs

Es "Fis 1())
>3 lac r: ewltr$ 3(e)

c. How the Account was opened.

1. fu{ Cll1q]< {n"f

Media iK"f Risk Score fr.t c*'r<

Through Relationship Manager/Branch fui..r.nfit :tiiz+om/ .[1, {.;a o(")

Through Direct Sales Agent to@ fiqq {rsri FIio 3(s)
lnternet/Non Face to Face tirrni/ r{<q 3(e)
Wa lk-in/aerc+fiuor< 3(€)

Page 19of26
d. Expected value of monthly transactions
E. $qrs< q{frE TIF{"S mqrtrF<'rfrqlct

Value oftransactions in Savings Account (Fig in LacTaka) Risk Score

Value of transactions in Current Account (Fig in Lac Taka)
qqeftRq1r< ffi{Frd? "iB$q G'$brslr) frscqm
rqG Rqtr-< c+arqr{< flRrH (Es Ad{)
0-1 0 (o-)o) 0-05 (o-a) o(")

>05-10 (> a-)o) 1())

> 1 0-20 (>)o-ro)

(>to) > 10 (>)o) 3(e)

> 20

e. Expected number of monthly transactions

s eratr{{ q{frs- $fr's 6q{fird< i(1'lT
Number of transactions in Savings Account Risk Score
Number of transactions in Current Account
E{Gfutc< 6{&1{-<{sllt ss$ 1iITr< 6nrh-ad< >i$11 Ii+ cqr<

(o-rc) 0-1 0 (o- )o) o(r)

0-1 5

1 6-25 ()s-tc) I 1 -20 ())-to) 1(5)

>25 (>ia) >20 (>to) 3r )

f. Expected value of monthly cash transactions

qfr+ qnq c{d-ctr fi qfrflq
u. aiq-+< q*Frro

Vatue of castt transactions in Savings Account (Fig in Lac Taka) Risk Score
Value of cash transactions in Current Account (Fig in Lac Taka)
w& Rqr< ffiq 6m{rqrd-?1 "1tTt.t (E$ blfis) csiiRfir{{flh rarqffir{{ {fiTlq FTftoR) fir crt<

0-5 (o-c) 0-2 (o-t) o(o)

>2-5 (>t-a) 1 ())

>5-1 0 (>a-)o)
>5 (>a) 3(e)
> 1 0 (>)o)

3. Expected number of monthly cash transactions

R. qqr$< q{frE xlFrs {'tq cfic4r;r{ qs[f
Number oftransactions in Savings Account Risk Score
Number of transactions in Current Account
Es&ftqlr< ffi;raq(;r{(?til i{sft ItITc< cE;lcqr{< c({lf ks r$'F
0-5 (o-c) o(o)
0-'10 (o-)o)
('e-)o) I (5)
11 -20 (!)-to) 6-1 0

>10 (>)o) 3(s)

>20 (>a.o)

14. Overall Risk Assessment (Summation of Risk Score from Serial a to g)

qNA$ :ift/k'$ c<E( G-mtq (E"lcrn r E s- P cfi-$ "Ffs 1is c61r+{ 6ql"nl_E)

Summation of Risk Score/ks 6fir{{ c{l'{+a Overall Risk Rating/ an,trre G-e c<6r

>=1 4 (58) Hlg h

<14 ()8) Low

Comments tg<i

higher risk profile of Beneficial owner on subjective

[* Despite the risk rating assessed below 14, Customer may be assessed as high risk considering
judgment; in that case the reasons must be specified.l
j?.5 .{E( ls €< Tr {cqs RfiIT{ erfs {kfistft-< Es gh f+rcmr< ft.< +m"f B.T"tTfu subjective frr<r+Ei o.l{$rc OF *fs
q-|{ firxm ft+"tq qfl mcs 'fl-F rl

Page21 of 26
Maker efgEstft , Reviewed & Ensured by +fuer* s ftlffi Tfu;
Account Opening Officer/Relationship Manager (Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer)
Rq,]< c"r'm< offi/ ffi "i {nGrqB "fi"nTlffissfu-<lo r6aq{sffi

Signature (with sea l) ftd1-5R -flF< Signature (with seal) ftecq {t-<
Name: Name:
Date : Date :

Elfr1 Elk{

For PEP/lPlHead/High Official of lnternational Organization, High Official of the Bank to approve the account:
fiffi fis-cqmq {<.q-Verqflrfr {G/qEqlCF crEm s{rt/E6n +{qs-fa cerq {rf.<s wtmm-ctff E6q +dosfc

(Prior approval should be taken from High Officials of the Bank to open the account and copy of approval has to be attached with this form.)
ffi c:n-q]< cs@<fi(r<F:iE<fu{€'y'icF< 11{qG,rRqT-:r(s{a-< q<(qflG1q qiF{cr{cfietccngs;rcsE(< I

1 5. Account and Personal lnformation of Customer was last reviewed and updated on:
fi:fl< € qlq+ xols EqTfi q{r.F "Fflr-"rtr-i} (<( cFr"lTETq efin qRqs

Reviewed & Updated by:

fiEqp-dl$Ift qa" qtan'freifift offi e

Signature (with seal) fi-q-rR {s-{


Date :


A/C No. Unique Customer lD

Opening an Account ft*r< c+nt

Eligibitity, interest, fees & charges, documentation requirements and other conditions Fenor. tffi r<? T(q* <m, fu e wfiaq qclfqilT sllq'lEfi € q-$ni l61<ff (eilsldn
shall be applied as per feature of the product. Bank's Account Opening Officer will mr?r q.Frii $FrTc, 4il?.s &Il< c"ner "Ir< elt< c?itam T:ful etqrfi sl(E cetr6l} r-iR(
explain details ofthe product to the customer(s) before opening ofthe accounts. No <,rar e?ll ?i<rr{ r ffit ftfl< crF iffi qq|{ {fl q{ { .{]<F i"l <il($ itrfu<R sT(q
interest is given on Current Accounts.The customer(s) should ask the Bank's Officer on Frrq q,-?nrqa qlGls fi-r:i Eql ,4fi8f qft? ftfu{ .tT<R 'ETi q.q{ ftF { rTf r-ir6 frglfrE
the product features and fees & charges for different services related to operation of 656ft6a
the account.

Account opening requirements <nroR{r{ c{4l{q-{IqlT{rs

Account Opening Form - to be filled in and signed by each Account Holder; Latest frq< rq.rfl< r<n etzq<: er+ c.6o eFqa- €<( -tsfi- <t:a <a<. sz-t+ erqa6< qqJ FlEt
passport size color photograph (2 copies - not older than three months and unaltered taz"tE.q',cr<< <f3a pfi tl oi;il !, o ti:= q.ii= eFF;E 3 a1:-_? 'd€ill< Erri "iffi
by computer software) for each Account Holder attested by the Introducel copy of
National ldentity Card/ passport, lntroduction of Account Holder - to be signed by "rfffif< Tr+?. fu< a<. ;ft o., i. z-. (:: s :-F. =':= Z<zq r{ € FF{Eit<
lntroducer with account number, 1 (one) copy of Nominee's photograph (not older l:riesil< nffi =< {irf, {"? erc <s. >gi=i {": ft r-< 1c-fu+) l6+s-tz<
than three months and unaltered by computer software and attested by the Account qqta s<ao <F Et<te+ ftqrr< :+l= E?<-s ?FF 51 fu : :<i a661q1 qfl
Holder) and signature ofthe Nominee (optional) shall have to be duly provided. Minor qt<lrs <t(E'trqil q+qrd<- frcr.rf ataf+rc< c+r= =:tt= ?'.?- e]:-5; 3{ fuql qxfrE
accounts additionally require - copy of birth certificate and photograph of the Minor. "iTrl"ifr< T(ffir €<( sFiTrfu flc
Foreign citizens in Bangladesh additionally require - photocopy of passport with valid
visa and work permit.

Eligibility for opening the account QqR c{lrt" rqIuR-Et

An adult individual having sound mind can open a Savings Bank Account singly or (oq{ qI'$<T!F <lfu ffi X,C rfurri qfffi,
fuI} qfs (I dal dlIr qsAI ftllr< F'.E "llr{{
jointly. Guardian can open Minor account. But a minor of 12 years of age can open SB qfueK$l{ {<r4s-frIl{ 3q.o {rK{ lbg qrq{ qr<IE$ sT-r <{q )l nEr, csqil ft.q.r< {418
A/C in his name provided he can understand, read and write independently subject to {ft< fi fr< fr"Jrc, flwE € {<r(€ 'llf,{, Er< k{ qGst<$ <rBs ffi Rfl< "iffi
the account to be operated only by Legal Guardian. Any Club, Society and similar +Tao 'itTr< {l (ir(4lT Tr<. cflll?fr ,!<( C:{Irads eGtri atr? ftqr< cqrqr< EFI GlTs, fi
organization are also eligible to open 5B A/C, providing Bye-Laws/ Resolutions/Articles qGtrqqF <l1".o T\;o €iqllln1] E"rftfi/ {9F erq<"lEi c(lkfi qhTi s(< | (4q{ 1i<s{ $fu
of Association are acceptable to the Bank. An illiterate person can open A/C as per {fi.{,fi qrfio frl! cqr.oIC<T 16.f{F{ Et'i €<( ffilksql< E"iQs cqno qssil frTF crlIdF
applicable Laws of the Bank by thumb impression and physical attendance. A Third qtr<q{ :m(E qtl{{ sFq;r !€{ ft rfuc +rtcrs< srfqE Aftrrm q<( <liqr[F i <Tlirfi{
Gender can also open an A/C as per Bank's Policy and Bangladesh Bank guidelines. ftfi q{T€} Aq< (rlmt< c<T'll
An adult individual having sound mind can open a Current/SND Account sinqly,jointly
or in the name of an organization. Business Concern, Club, Association, Organization or
{ffi{ {E {furffi ql€ +ls <Ifu qr$. dq fa<l c+f+ qfttfn< mr rqfu/ (c,!4G flql< ?JErg
Institution can open Current Account providing Bye-laws and Articles of Association
{trfl p-r<, 6ffij}"er.F. s'r1il?r-qsir f+s+ Efu$F {n"'s 16 s{"r({Iflr 1?k, G{frfi €<(
qisfrk{ qlr{m E4fu fui< gei:s "fll-T{
acceptable to the Bank.

lnitial deposit and minimum balance ql{Bsqll. eg+wQ&

An Account Holder has to ensure initial minimum deposit and maintenance of minimum ffqtc{ EEBg e qm,rij frr"Fre1T< ft-qri{.ss *Fil/ tqfG ftqffi{ 6sr€- c(@ cqMa "lFisrs-+t<
balance for regular and other specially designed Current/Savings accounts as per FErr q{$A frq<rrftT ftfua qrm f ifts erfu$ q$ € 1r;rE! Qfii {qL{ {tqro q.<
Standard Operating Procedure (5OP) of the products from time to time.

Withdrawals qEf trc]qd.

Cash withdrawals will be made on printed cheque and Debit Card supplied by the <lr$ {.60 rtrfilETs Et'fl-r{ ct{ q<( ae-fri sl6 am d5i, Er€l4-.16fl {(< <il$ jtclF q{]n
Bank.The Account should not be overdrawn nor should cheques be overdrawn against qfufiE Erc]4d <| q$n s&1?6 rFs erFr GflTe-Ie<i $.lrl dat. <fr nI <ll@{ ctal q q(@ls
funds in course of realization unless the special arrangements have been made with ftr,m r+rq Ifu qrsfrE {(.{ qrrs q?Fil Fqr{< ft"rftro rorrdr q8lifis (€qrg.lTn) el.rn c<l
the Bank. No overdrafts are allowed on Savings Accounts. EI Nl

Withdrawals in Savinqs Accounts will be made as per terms and conditions set by the ft1td r-{alr <ll+ o6ofrffi- ani e -:i r,{ari. qaeil ficlz< Brcrq{ o{l qlr< qoGT{
Bank from time to time. A depositor can deposit and withdraw from the Current 3;xFrr$-a j-.< E4fu Q;-i<< TITF r1r<3iTrF ,-nz6n saq* snllln-olA EB Fdfu ftfir<<
Account as many time as required and Cheques, Drafts, Pay Orders are to be crossed at T<r1:: {a.-< azr=i :-il- -<l- '-a,<; r<i :5.. gii-. coi-.q6f<.q{] frsil< II{ i5T "Eqg'
the time of deposit. The Bank acts only as the collecting agent and assumes no .<l- al< <ii. 3< t:e-=a ;:a tt= :- 41? i<( (5s q.Gft{{ q?|d ({mlT{l IT{fa{
responsibility for the realization of any items deposited with the Bank for collection, qa[<.t q$
F:-F1;< <r'= 17.a a-;-i= <;i33- i'= <:fn< I d6<l( mra{ q{lqFrfE (D_4
Thus, proceeds of cheques or other instruments deposited will not be available for
€1:a-{< iia-: JE-- <r're c.ic arFTrr{a qlz'l ${o E(Gffl{<.qii qi'il {r{{ cI I

withdrawal until collected by the Bank. Balance in Short Notice Deposit (5ND) will bear =r1
interest as applicable from time to time. For withdrawal of any amount from the 5ND
1;s;: ?;-= Tz< ="< -e ,:L i1nr5l EI[< {alid Eqlq 43l qn qcqnfu frc]-{ crlz+

Account 7 (seven) days notice, as per option will be required. :qp 3 .?:-:"< i-=:;< == c (:t-) fhr+a qtum rqfr"t frco <r< I

Deposits Survivor fui]rtiF,f,i?-{"

The initial minimum deposit to open an account is as per current Tariff. Average ftte ,w =a ;ii-r 5;q eiii{{ <n(m{ Eqfu glfr-fl $flnt << Eqfu oC6' qflfi
minimum balance as per our current Tariff should always be maintained. The Bank
reserves the right to close at any time any account in which the minimum balance is Tgrt-< at qr6F {rie 3-tffi nr{ rq(+ii cs1.6i, q]{srs .{ffi{ qh-r{ srq {fi 661ftp e61 1

not maintained,without further notification to the account holders'

Closure of Account ftc1< <{s<q

When an account is closed either by the constituents or by the Bank, the constituent is Tfi(6 q?r<I$qf d.6T 3]<za €slt-E Tfi ffi qfi q]{s w<$i q<i<qE cr+ <i. eBea T]6
required to return all the unused cheques and cards if any to the Bank. A charge as per Gft TJ]qI{{ ar!rc th.{ (rF(o 4jl((r{ arBE -rfr.+] s{ft< li'((?r5 Fr- ersm
"tlrs) /Fln T:BT o+= fit]Ie rfi
our prevailing Tariff will be recovered from an Account Holder who closes an account. Er< r <il(s c1{ Er< frT s< f{c'4l,T qrcrrs{$ T{ ,4{d {o1EB (s
The Bank reserves unequivocal right to close any unsatisfactory account as decided by 4I< Cqfl< frrln ql:r+rn q(T6T o(< I

the Bank at its absolute discretion.

Minor's Account
qt<lanrrd q-dr R{R
An Account may be opened on behalf of a Minor by his/her natural Guardian or by a a|<I{$ Tfifun qfus.f<+ <I qqns EKI fr{frs qffiF rqzar eGer<+, nl<n-+ <ltfu-<'fcs'
Guardian appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Upon the Minor's attaining €oBB fi(E 'il<r{ Inr<Es s4lE(d< ql{$ <-*:otl't< loto+l+) fial ffR qfrsl<Ic{ sTlBE
majority,the right ofthe Guardian to operate the account shall cease and any balance qlirItdf< qfn-rr< zflo <-< e<( s+Ttr6 8o {4qq(?fu qiilm Z<< efi-oft c{< oi ++:q+
in the account will be deemed to belong exclusively to the hitherto Minor who has ,qRs fi qlg<rs sarrq, {fr { fi frFlsslr{ u+rBi utFrm {l€{K EEI <ll(sa<F Eql? $(<
attained majority unless he/she confirms in writing his/her intention to continue the qnj4F q4lffi< "rr+6 ot-fur SliE ?fis1<
account,further operations by the Guardian cannot be allowed.

Page 22 of 26
Cheque Books ,r+ <?
1. An application for a Cheque Book on a savings/Current Account and other ). ql<4i ,fl$<TE <il(a$i fr.{afti"r;r fu1 TfITry cqGiq corc(fr{ (5F<i €< E-r qr<}r
product of similar nature must be made on the Banks requisition slip, duly TTae qa< <n14 qmtqil+r {Id <{l €rfd >r{ 2fcillqftI -ql € +f iq'tE (qEE Fr€K
signed by the Account Holder (s). Cheque Book wil not be issued to a Customer
o6o enag at Tst ,tis <ti1o qifr+< a.rrr r+Ia rrfi? t{i s{aE {1 ru-+<? f+q fS+.fszE
<r"rr< Ei?J- ffa1F<
until all the documentation considered necessary by the Bank has been provided
by the Account Holder (s) and duly obtained by the Bank. lt is the responsibility
of the Account Holder(s) to ensure that the cheques in his/her/their possession l. a€[r{l $qa43 €4Eri; {(c]Tq{ostr{ flfr5f-i5 4 qaE <1 Tj t{i €$ (DT <ir-T< qfilqi-i
q.r<E- ?,'1414 TfllO aEE ${€(4 ffi Q ?W +
-A6 qfirq< qr<-s:l oa
are kept in safe custody.
2. The Bank reserves the right to refuse issuance of Cheque Book on such accounts
s. $EaTt 4tTq isi-o1r|z'i {Dfii "rt' ITt EIE <lti(a;< 4lIE <fuE e1f$< ff+f;fl qq{A q
which are not maintained satisfactorily or when an excessive number of cheques qrinor Ez< (qa]<r qnl a+:t:r -tlr els firfrrdr {1 {fl(s a-6{ ft{rFi.e s.<) !.4 EB Eficr
from the previous Cheque Eook have remained unused. ,r'lfin ftr+<I qT[:;q { fr'.tcr :flf's< qdl 4.lio r-.otr qft <r< ot
3. When new Cheque Books are de ivered to the customer by post it will be
according to the address record kept by the Bank (or by such other means as a. qffi+= clr<i rz-ilm go fr{ "6ts <rl(e (cFlgrc il{T Er< so fiq "r< s i.{cq<
determined by the Bank). However, the Bank assumes no responsibility for any sftfr.+s rn+<i <rrs n? ?1i 6EaF q31eDfrE Etf'fl wgrt?t r<@ ssrA+ <re etcfql
delay or loss caused by any mode offorwarding. EciqqTll ofl cr<
4. Undelivered Cheque Book will be retained by the Bank for up to 60 (slxty) days.
After 60 (Sixty) days undelivered Cheque Book will be destroyed by the Bank and a. rE+ c]BK MI (4l6ilql€lTeo kf.itr rc<6q q4d{.1 T{aE eI< (E+ olits ITar (,"ll]tE
necessary charges will be realised from the respective customer account as per <r?ll9 <.< <"rE aD"rs rsB (frfi 1ii{6 o{aE;q fim '5m "ik{6r o{aE€ El ({il (FIr<
Bank's tariff. "jrg i

5. Account Holders should exercise care when drawing cheques and should not
draw cheques by any means which may enable a cheque to be altered in a .9. <Il({iF <fug eottiact€ftT< {T;[ T+ITi E[q 6- <e..I {Fa{< afta;It lKfr'E E[i. (Es
manner which is not readily detectable. Gr<E 4Elr;li {F q11a 3f5s 4aa1 a664 {as {i{ (<c?l {$1B'EIq|€Br(T q{{T?I .!-lF<
6. The cheque will be returnecl unpaid if Drawers signature differs from that on +<(o er<
record at the Bank.The same style and model of signature as per specimen given
to the Bank rnust be adhered to. r. €rqctaTf'lll?Fa rFK6i al1'tm Tit($ ('-$ cffiE fl]]Iirm sfrisk {|a3 I c$r{ <Ifat (Es c+<E
7, The Bank reserves rhe right to dishonour cheque(s) on reasonable ground. ln the 1$16a14E qi+ Fxaa+€i ejt<k ft{to< qd, ftf# 116 c+i} <rlr<
event ofa cheque being returned,the Bank may realize a penalty charge for each
presentation and rerurn.
t. {rfltf(EistT(+ ry 6<l rD-<-<? osrc+< fuurr< fio]]] F'fdo -i6r<i} $t{$/{FrEiB
8. The Custorner should comply with the conditions as printed on the inside ofthe
aqEiar4 (Ir"6 E{as Er{
front cover of the issued Cheo ue Book.

Signing of Cheque ,:t1? aiF{

Cheque leaf is to be signed by the Account Holder/ Account Operator as per specimen qRT qsfil &Tt< qiio,q+m* c.oe orc< 1rom qrE iEtF{ Trr(r4 <fuE;rT{ {ls-afi 4zet F]E
signature recorded with the Bank and any alteration and cutting should be confirmed r<r{ Frs {< (]<( (s-tz;q "il?<,f+ qqet +Efoi?. {F< EfRI fi.,$E +<re tr{ I oT {ft c"]I$
by full signature. No cheque will be honoured if the same is post dated, antedated (for rgFs <I {f+ rgiiis qs<l ciq pll. -.< (Fs "iFiz{{ €<t <-< aT r qldle E{frr6r< .6dr rr+
more than 06 months) or mutilated. Bank reserves the right to impose fine for bounce e=f,ire q61 illo g,ftlFn am; +<m qk+< e(3rpq +1(
of cheque for insufficient fund in the account.

Stop payment of the Cheque .'{ :a{=1= EiFi=:trsi

l/We, the account holder(s), shall immediately notify the Bank if any of the cheques Tir,,5-iir iTi .,T:r 665
qr,?'.:r ('tzd l JP {;d srqsfqrvtz< i11oao s<f{o nr< ,ffi sr<as rq.
issued to me/us, is lost or stolen. I understand that the Bank may in its absolute .'. arznE :Ft! 9..|<1 qnrri qffia e <llr$ {F +.oe v<qB <It(s EI{ T*t4 fi-q
discretion, accept from me any stop cheque instructions (either orally or in writing) :l< fli i-Tn ?l31 df:rs- <l fflioer1< fi]fi (D? EFI(5< ffi.r eq"i $?I< i (>tfiilE ql{l< <T
cases where I have lost the relevant cheque ot in other circumstances in which it shall q:r< effir< lrfl ffi.i stg <;;t rlT {h- Ti*tE ,FF ffil e?"f F{f< rF(E Eqs 6a1a ffi,
be allowed by law and agreed by the Bank, Should the Bank accept any such FKF. -i<5 (5it{ ?:a5 nql qfi q1q65 qIl4 O{(- <l<l 414l<1 I {<i (zcF6r <ili4 (+r-iErr<
instruction from me or from some other person purporting to be nre, I hereby a,"Tl<5 q(< ;( Cr+ {rrrorzE--rr" 6s1q <liiz4< esas crfr-+T q{Trfi 616 €ia:nq << ,
undertake to indemnify the Bank against any loss, damage, cost (including any legai
cost) or demand incurred by it as a result ol or in connection therewith. A charge as
per our prevailing tariff will be recovered for recording stop payments.

Fraud & forgery due to payment of Cheque 6rtrEql $$ anr4< d"lE E:tfr'{'ifit
The Customer at all times must exercise due care to prevent cheques from being (tr6s (Olrq:tTlTm <l (Fs !1fl srrq{fit, qq-<"fi sfuffir< $q+ fir.rn qir'o Ift a?t1<{ i (tFE
altered or forged in a manner which may facilitate fraud. in such events, the Bank is not Elft$rfu <I eroi<fi< F(dl a1{$ q qil (<i{ sf6$q {(E -Tn qq aorril q€trol <n",<: qti] a'r4
responsible for any loss suffered by Customer or any other person. Any loss or misuse { (+F (Fs qKr;I ('lzq iT mla (Fr<< tr+t{T5l< 7aq 2rras rq5{r! rw n} { F[< T[q ffq o
{fllTr$ ftil{EEni q<Fre- ffaTd
of the cheques must be immediately reported to the Bank and confirmed in writing r

without any delay.

Positive Pay lnstruction (PPl) ffiE('ici6tB. r

As per instruction of Bangladesh Bank on Positive Pay for clearing cheque, the account .&*tlir orr< rffi r"i qr@ts <Tiqrr.i 6i1q1 ffi1 Tflril er.6 eEz+ : es Blok &si
holder must inform the Bank iDBL) in writing or through Contact Center afer issuance qqF F{aq .q+tl ftf1,sqz< n oafrt? r+6r< (TtflftTt't 6c< <It(T-a+ q<fu 616an walqln
of cheque for the amouni one lac and above. Otherwise, the Bank may return the <It(T cDT clrE tbno "nz< q of<oro< F-E s nfi(q Et T{e.fu{ fist 'Trn 46rI;n {.<
cheque if presented through automated clearing house at the risk and responsibility of
the account holderlsl

General Rules .l<tld fa! <4

1. A newly opened account will be activated upon accomplishment of Know Your ) . <l(z+g ;Li- q-i{E r+ erift e1}fiE-r r-?4 r-H q€{ti qr< €atUB Fq r{t {.< i

Customer iKYC) as per the Bank s policy.

2. The Bank reserves the right to close any account without assiqninq any reason. t. ,Fr.n a?16i -17?i q 41< <ll14 € 6E qrll {:Fie.i TS .-{l<. kSr,r q<aFq F({
3. Nominatlon/Succession to the amount lying to the credit of the account and/or e. aE lt !g[T !<r-.r,T E-c{firc,,{ ftf,<"i. ss]Ed q&.5 }isl< e?E Elfr's ft,(r{q q EE
operation ihereof on the death of the person authorized to operate upon the g+lffi +ji-).m. r€-erfi; nl arFo q<( c(eE ft'{aT T;rr{ r:rm <r-t(o +<o fr61iE
account shal be in accordance with the rules for the purpose prescribed by the r<;r 1.<< .1< <l ata
Ban k from time to time a nd effective at the time of the claim.
4. ln the event of the death of one or more custome(s) in joint account, the right of 8. I*'.i {6ffi 14 a io'fi<F $<T< Igrr q]IIqE Ea€ n{,r{q tenrlr6l (F(E) al
the survivor(s) to operate the account will be ceased unless appropriate order is ffi er ,-z -;-7 .aH erDt-rR s{-, {+ ?JT{(<
received from a court of competent jurisdiction (lf applicable) for operation of
5. The Bank will not execute any customer transaction over phone, fax and e-mail a. rE-Br+ra. i:Irq <j -r?a.r< {Tdj,l{ <ll($ ao-CiT cFr{epi{ r-etd o{a< ;fi ({ft ;1I ( &T{I$
(unless standard indemnity arrangements are already in place). rq? pfu op+ € <IlIs3 r[irJ l=,id <-I ?r]rs)
6. Duplicate statements of past transactions are issued against payment of charges u. q-TFE qiq+'qqn< firf eqn {r"rlrr 1ffi malFcr< giffi ita<ft (dlffi) ern
as per our current tariff. 43r ?T<
7. Accounts upon which an attachment order or other legal notice prohibiting q. ,roF -!<rffi< +Fiaq rq nr?fte qtr]qo {E ffi1 eirla {(< Er€cq ts- {rFt&-{ sEisl
operation of the account has been received will be ruled off and no further Tfr <aqi <3 i3- ffit !-rd ll Fs'Tl "lris -3 4sEt5 ffi;fffi;I <6 qT{(<
operation will be allowed till such time as the prohibiting order is removed.
8. Customer transactions will be entertained during normal banking hours that r7. (ra{aFt+{ T{trq€ qfllfr qte3 Tjxr ffiqlr{ T<rE flrflir. :fl {{rTr q{Gr ?fii<61
may be in force from time to time. Ero nir<

Page 23 of 26
$-$lati rlrs]q r+r{< ffi<'6{ qrq dl{s Ef rrf(61T ftflrcen< qr{I<{ I
q$?ltT <fi(m{
Account holder should notify the Bank of any change of address in writing' b.
Otherwise, Bank will not be liable for delivering account statement/ Bank
6l(s <fbE ,$Ec < SF]'il s-flri] qFtEo dnw/<il(rf{ qdr]a-, 6{5il[{t6tfla "n5rr+ <e
q< qii <ll..T1s fi-ii s3T {1(< nt
communication to the recorded address of the Account Holder.

q]{C+T 6$1-{ C4r'r/ qtffi fr{a-Cg' <fi(IT €Rl6€{ afia

10. The Bank may without notice combine or consolidate account(s) with any )o. <r(4 qRTr$ afi{ a{ltr{ qql{ qlgri
liabilities to the Bank and set off or transfer any sum (s) standing to the credit of
eqffi lqo rq coq "ifrTlq qd B-s c4n/ El[-'tr{ ft€lts, <l '!Er-q(@-]B 6Tl{ :rFr{]< ?r{rF{
qlt qFts< <i q'{T{ ffi[E 'i]r{ Tfi(r€< fic{ qlqrf{ € q]-s €1.$s/ ir$<1, e'tclfrs, <f6l
such accounts or any other suit (s) owing to lhe Customer from the Bank in or
,4o+/ dlq{R cq]r{'l c$;l<jt(TEl qlErfi €siffinw{TitnrlFd'l<qfksF<lIrl I

towards satisfaction or the Customer's liabilities to the Bank on any other respect
whether such liabilities be actual or contingent, primary or collateral and several
or joint. qdl rsr{
<]]({ ali a4-ra T{T ,!<( qrm qfiT 51efl {lg alirc< $l'il crilq r{{Kq fuGrd <
ln addition, to any general lien or other rig hts or remedies to which the Bank shall
slrrfir <r eftoz<< E"r< €Rr{< '45IBs EtE <il(r$-!l wE< -!lrd EGirqAr qlr. {i<
be entitled,the Bank may at any and from time to time apply any credit balance qE Tfi(r$?
EeF er-r6r .qkd,'n rcr(q (G"mE qsrt8 r{{) <i5 csan fu€ "lI<I< GI
to which the customer(s) islare entitled on any account(s) with the Bank
(including the above account(s)) in satisfaction of any of its indebtedness to the Fa -1:r= 6fu:s qrqm< qo1Bt ruc ,!sE ?rle- (ot6i'ft4r< {ql o<T {(< r

Bank. Further, any of the account(s) of the custome(s) with any Eranch of the
Bank shall be treated as one combined account.
er<-,il €lq-rF< -r6'iB <iiazF-'l qlgqa fiffi61 q$rrt ffiEfrs {c< r emfi e1{$ {ft
2. Operations of the Non-Resident accounts shall be governed as per the guidelines q41fi L fi1
Elil3x< +=fI< 3717.1 pul ft'r< slzm ol<F !l flr'{ cftq {fl(qfo

oi Bangladesh Bank. Holders of Non-Resident accounts should advise the Bank ---..2. ,- ia117 a :u !---4 .-': i
lmmediately upon return to Bangladesh lf they lntend to take permanent -,v.:s;:..
residence ln Eangladesh. lt ls also a responsibility of the Customer to inform the
Bank in writing before leaving country. :F 5?'i- il1r fi
'I3. The Bank may refuse to process any transaction on any Customers' account(s) if )e. <iriT ({r6F nT{ aria+Tn a-<F< {4-=1- FV ?;77; <-<r=
<iltro< frr{ TllI 3 a66a q$ia-.fu < 6-q-1i na !6!3 G :F;1F5< s'<-i-5.? '{'T({
the Bank suspects fraud or illegality therein.The Banks'decision on whether the
<fl(r€{ fi-$Is trgrs '€<i S]{f El 6qZa E{as <I'fi
conclusive and binding on the customer.
)8. €slBE d-etffiE-qn r{d fifrS qslB'+({I€'1-{-'{n lq]qfl<
ffi{cqrd-ri I?fialgl nEQ f<T{
14. The Account holder is solely responsible for prompt examination of all entries in s{rq q{'iJi {,t(srs {(B?
w{]Irc d?tllIi E.CeFrs orqi< ftal q,1<+ fris c"m+
the statement and must give the Bank written notice within 15 (Fifteen) days of
q+tBB dinffi+ ,r< ffi{ {ro )s(dq) fi-r+{ rr<r ffi'sqr< qqrrs qr< $<-$< Fi6t
the date of the relevant statement of any discrepancy that he/she believes exists q6s q<(
between any such statement and his/her own records. In the absence of any such <o q ql€k 551-6a1vBca]{ "tl\E{I TI c"i1-4 frfift(E (dqnffid) ffi'rl rc{ Eaf
,${s rris sl lQls qcqre {.4 k<6s q(<
notice from the Account Holder, he/she will be deemed to have agreed and

certified conclusively (for all purposes) the correctness of the relevant statement
of account. qr{ Rcr<
to close any account having zero balance without 5a. <j1..T 'eql Qfr r-DlF ,4T]t-c+ ) (€s) {s< <I E]n qft-{ q:tcr< 6il .4ld ffiilqi aJ
15. The Bank reserves the right
transaction for one Year. {fi <idn sftfll c(TE''l o(<
'16. Statements of accounts are issued based on product feature half yearly and/or )s. (stv6i-{ q<q q-{$-81 E{fu/qqoa ftflr{{ q{l rrFs/t6TTFls/\mffi{$ slr< 4fiEB
dIftTE qfl{ efl sr< , ,{< <rtc.< ert+ qfuftrs deinrin qai E{r<1{ €fiE <\isfd
when a statement sheet is completed ln case of current/savings accounts' lf qfr+lq{{rRf fr{Roftq[rrs1 {C<
statements are required in frequencies higher than the above, a charge will be

levied as per our current Tariff.

5q. <llrs asfd rsr 6nBr qh|a. E|gR arre|q fi, ft <l Elri'qfil<.6 fir\s flE{ I

17. The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions, current tariff
without anY notice.
Compliance on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism {tfrd"glR( q<( {slft ond qdm'. eG-r{ft{ T<fu
fiqF{tfuT T6rqstfr( tfr"flqr qlE{ to5\ (rrt-fi{rt to)a) (<( {dq frr<lft
qft+ loob
The Account Holder shall comply with the rules and regulations as per Money
LaunderingPreventionAct20l2(Amendment20l5andAntiTerrorismAct2009 (c(fiI(ft \o)t s io)s) q<( <Rffiq{ rrlij{FmlE -ddGrq-T QEFi 1fre+-steB) € q$n'
(Amendment 20'12 & 2013) and other laws or regulations as may be imposed upon the rrfl? o-.2"ir F.6o q].[aFiE {aGd qR4 € fti€{{ q{"lrQ {F(g <r{ I (Elsl€ w"rfi{:i {(ft?
Bank by Bangladesh Financial lntelligence Unit (BFIU), Bangladesh Bank and/or other qsisil{ ql6Er<, <11<rc< G:ra, ftfu e Fifi$fl (c{rsF1 q.'{i}'{c) q]qo rFIrE <t{i cll<Er{d' r

concerned authorities.The Customer (s) shall also comply with and be bound by all
other relevant internal circulars, policies, rules and regulations of the Bank including
any amendments made thereto from time to time.
Collection of Cheque/Draft/Pay Order
{fi.'rfi qfal1E qm:l qt{ qsIgft"i wls< <I c(rfq{ frftrc rlfr9 i€trld< {r.I-< {'{i
The Bank will refuse to accept an instrument for deposlt through collection or internal
qfrq ,i fuz"rtGi F|qrTB,EEq o{c< 4l | {r1(rs< $]q eTflq +rrqoia elwi Rfi[<
qn+rq <n<n
transfer if the Payee,s name is not identical to the name of the customer in the Bank's
record.The Bank acts as the collection agent and assumes no responsibility for ihe olo. o<i ui( {rrr6e- 4l[E:Fxlrdil qm qll (,iTI asfr;If ew1&t trtfiI+< fi"i?tco w"fr e1'll''l
realization of any instrument deposited with the Bank for collection.Thus, proceeds of 6f6= +<r <ll(zr< Fmq n{ tolmiF f{ oro< qd <ll(s ciss :tl Ffl qds q1{+ El< ficr< c"rs
the cheques or other instruments deposited will not be available for !'r ihdra\!a unil - s?. -a€E TSZo 'iT<[<n. {T I

collected by the Bank.

Reversal of wrongly credited amount I=a;:: =i;l le*r ed rsfi? cat gR-s<
:-r.<< ?"-r< ffi qen qd r+e qs<t rla c{rfirqT I:1-{ <i](s 4(A$
The Bank reserves the riqht to debit any account that may have been inadvertent y ===lr F-:-
credited with an item/transaction subsequently unpaid on collection or detected to be
7= t:z :i <=':- "-77 {ritrG dlaf(s q q]{llE <]T(s <1:lI T{ I

the wrong entry without giving any information to the Customer'

Dormancy & Un(laimed Account i3r <- =-*c= ?-

. current Accounts being in inoperative for one year will be transfered to Dormant
. ale.-_ .i-= ) i< <=< - '1-=1- =' >e (EsFi) frqr< {cE 't'i, qr< r

o :ift..; r<_ : ,-. | <-, 7; :- - a- -!: a'i : z-= 1"1 564
o Savings Accounts being ln inoperative for two years will be transferred to

Dormant Status.
. (As per Clause 35 of Banking Company Act 1 991 ) Accounts will be transferred to o a1(o 5+1-*tii 5-a )55) l7 3t <-< <l- )t z ' ?<- q? :<-!n cnEllg fut<
Unclaimedaccountstatusafterlo(ten)yearsiftherehasbeennotransactionin siql o<1 {[< {,q := iE- -=. F; ?- 7z:n ; aa.
==- E=. a: L=<-t) ro,ffi
the said account bY the customer. qqBE tr= (ol;I ilTr{{
o No customers'initiated transaction (except deposit) is allowed in the Dormant
o Sl{f,f{ ffiE<f<?-a<
ffi;t(T;r (qTl <-Jfus) qq{Gtcrl pF r
account unless the account holde(s) apply to DBL in writing to regularize the
status of account.
Joint Ac(ounts dq qFtB+
+. qlffiT grctrc eQ{d 'r{Ei-trrs q{qrqa < eaq,€r- ({. qTT<l qITICI< qSIBrt 4'm
a) Each of us (if more than one) hereby authorize and empower each other to
Bt6l <} (Fr. a{li < qd qrft;K q{] q]T]Iq< -!ds <r 'idej q-zn r:rr+li ?{E1$6 <r(ffi{
endorse for deposit and to deposit with the Bank any and all cheques, notes or
qvflE {aq i5l q{lrE{ 'ftrF qlrftqn (T]Bd Eil (E€{T< 6il€ ql{]< Til(rtrrf trfE] EqT{
other instruments for the payment of money, payable to or purporting to
belong to anyone or all of us and if any such instruments be received by the f{ft
Bank without having been so endorsed then the Bank is hereby authorized to
endorse any such instrument on behalf of us and to credit the same to the
account. q{,
{. e$'|ffi q$< sfuR-o Ergqa <r q{i asl(aT qIT<FsK q+tBfrr{-ol<1"t qcu,T €47
b) An overdraft or other obligations incurred on the account or otherwise shall be
the joint and several liability of each and every Joint Account Holder ln the
q?r<l dqslc< qr$t $or-<q r IE, qlln.']E $Kc"i $i .n;r qFlufr(qloF ('t"f) frc]<
qs{ q:*, qq[q qar <oEtrqer< q+&k+ct (sl afl{@fi? {si <l qqi{sl<
Account Holder,the other individual(s) shall immediately (but in any event not >o Iir+< mft {I
<\, 'i1<(< ) q<( Es (FrEd FTr{l (4{([d q€Ti{ "1@ <nror+ et
later than 10 (ten) days after such disability) and before affecting any {c( q<fu $irr<=I ({ IE, <I qlT{'io 4.1<.{ q'r{ .{olui6q€r< ('t"l) €$IBB "tkure-'nr
- transactions in the account, notify the Bank of such death or leqal disability' q5;i L

Page24 of 26
q|T{t Eatr](s.!t{[{TJTiars
c) Each of us authorize the Bank to hold, on the death of either of us, any credit
6rrstft& ({r q{ftq.< 4r?€ i!ri. <t-{T< qTrffi 1&ro
balance on any account in our joint name and any securities, deeds, boxes and -{q1 rfirl1 IfuiflTl, {s <| "ito{{ {<( tE {st n rrafrq <ft= F+E !<i dt?i ;r|rl
parcels and their contents and property of any description held in our joint qFr l-si.ft, <Irn Ellr ftzeT< Gqm crcq ffinqi (1fi c<ro <-ua) "? E{nfi T+{
names, to the order of the survivor (if any). Each of us hereby agrees that the a<1< qT<r €i.6fis q fr{rT aTts c{, qTfl Eftfl'Eq (adTrsi) 6<i ff.ii ffi ,7i]
instructions given by us in the mandate are to remain in force until written qa:l< <1 T't{r&-< frFiEsrf{ <E/ <&E dt Efi qtFc< i
"Ffu {6t{q
revocations thereof by us or either of us.
d) ln the event that there is no survivor and nomination is made, the terms and 3IE.3 dffi €<( iffi {mftE atrsIT{l, rcrFrq {Iq6"1 ffi1 qgqn o-c <Ffo
condition stated in clause 3 (three) of general rules on "Nominee" shall apply. ';ffi" qr@s 1+{T €rastqt {r< I

In the event that there is no survivor or Nominee, that account will then be frozen
raffi r+r* ffi ifrF &q{ 4l efl-rr4, Q p + v+r1 <jfu< {ffi rrsF-{ tds nr
until the legal successor to the deceased or disabled individual is :",ftt errro/ sg+ srt{l*-E< ?<< rota Wtrq?t 6Ts/ ft(fis iJ qr< €Esq
appointed/determined by the relevant court or department,
'{z i srTE6-e tqq +t{el qfip qf$7F r

Short Notice Deposit TF rFfziE snra= rfs['flffit

7 days prior notice is required to withdraw fund in Short Notice Deposit (SND) account.
3r3Ta7.T{ s;r I ft-Fl{ qFrr 6{rft fi-rs s.{ rTd c{6{ qtT]Tcs< {&.3 qK q.flT
The rate of interest on SND account is subject to change from time to time. s.r,aT ?ffiIsl'll
Overdrawn A(count .snftft-sftfi{
lf for whatever reasons the Account has any unauthorized debit balance, the Customer crr (+lznT oKc6t sTlEE c?|r$ f$lr4t q4w{GfifrE baEr{{ ErE ElqS <n(r{< A5FN iffi
shall pay interest and other Charges ln accordance with the Bank's prevalent rate and {R q<i. j}{TElflft Fffi <l fici qqli] .i<(< s<( Q frrrn n1$i E]< qstu6 qrr{ src<.
practice and shall regularize the Account on the same da, unless the Bank specifically sfratilio ($ifift-rF$seril4F(< elr$ I

makes an exception.

E-Statement t-d!!mt
a) l,!Ve fully rnderstand the risk and accept that the Bank does not use encrypted qifr/ qrm s rfifi< ry'i{ q{l]s q<i {qE cr Tfi(s q{fu"frtrs l-ratq {r+< +z< ifl
e-mail and generally inteiner is noi encrypted and is not a secured means of q<( tfir(ai qdfu"iiBs ;q { E?[ qTE]aer-lca tsTm frflfi {I{r{ {i t tffi qr6E
transmission of the ,nformatlon. ir involves the risk of unauthorized alteration, <r1G< ltqJTT caql{ lffi. <FEtn o<i e-o631rft <mq
usage and disclosure of the lnformaiion by unwanted partles.
b) IAVe fully understand the risk ano accepr ihat transmlssion of the information to qfr/ qTfl ( {]Ter1< s<'fa .!<( {qE ({. ffiq eflfu6r'6{ 6-+rm c+rnr fiffiE <fu<
a corporate lD involves the riss of1he information to be viewed, altered, used or Frd -o6x iu+< frcD q rfl?lF e-dn, "iR<6{
disclosed to third parties r^rho r.,,as were once authorized, but may not be in the
Fr+i-o-etr qri]l-{T { <I{{r<-< dft m-srq,

employment of the organization in the future. 1,4/Ve agree to indemnify the Bank
firsp Es efrttq {.o,+ ECaTilT <rfu i\ir[{ E. efi"tt:l ofio qrsrq Eftlizs dt<
4:f{{ "ik<ri3< Tgl{at <rTrq I ffilqtr*t lffi sq, e|{t1qn ql{tr ftct< <r<l]rr3
and hold the Bank indemnifled and harmless from any and all costs, expenses,
s]{a{ es ErqT{ a?.fn. "iffi <t <r<ez{< rFrq {iicfr <r Es !}{k Trraq I? roft{
liabilities, losses, responsibilities whether direct or consequential, arising out or in
q1.{sreiq<refu fi.E TqE | €Elgl \o?r ef<]rq as|r{T gE <I
connection with such vjew, alteration, usages or disclosure of the information or "RE,$G, fl1iq 6q651jliars
ocB er<lr{n iT'iTE qdl <jt(s Erft {{
otherwise caused by using the internet as a means of transmission and also for
any error, delay or problem in transmission of the information;
c) That mylour legal representatives, executors, successors-in- interest and qrTfl/ qTlzq< qt{1o qGfifi, iefrr{{Tfr, -E-€rrfriT€t ,q f-dE&Tt 1;iTT].Tfit 'it-"izr
assigned are bound by this E-statement enrolment; qtd! <1111 I

d) That this E-statement Enrolment shall be governed by and constructed in

E. €t?-dW fu' ffi <t( q{ft Fdrrr 1Bfrcg "t6s q<( qffi
accordance with the laws of Bangladesh; dnffi ffifr-o E"firl <i c&rq "ll5]Il{ {fi o'tcw{ dIffi "lI'I[d] {r{ ar
e) Electronic statement delivery will supersede hard copy statement delivery (if
d?ffi W1io E{rza <r ratre a,T,r5{l q5a a1T5w diBffii "ir,rrn..< {


Contact Center ffil't]1an't cf€/€4RE ffifi<

a) lAVe authorize the Bank (in its absolute discretion) to follow,/ act on mylour oral qfr/ qm'o rrtror+ (EkE{ fif,s ftr<rqm) qmr</ smrcq< dfire <t dB-crTtr filIl ffi.t
or telephonic instruction (including required by or given by me/us, in relation to ffisTr{s 6lq F{F q{ITrE{ fi& (fi cftr{t frfii.N {r qrtr{ ElSFls .rffia q1u"*
these terms and conditions unless these terms and conditions otherwise 1rg q?l<l 1?l€glr< fwfts) I

expressly state to the contrary).

b) IAVe shall not reveal myl ourTax ldentification Number (TIN) to anyone. Mylour qft/ qTfl sTfl'V qftr< di;nqF+ q+le,e+q d.t< (Fqtsr) d{< sr(rr otrq eiol-i r{{
oral instruction(s) identified by myl our correct Bank Account Number and TIN iI I dfumlr{ &-T dRh ffini rfi qTlI</ qIlcr{ <il($ .{$IUE ffilT{
sn-qF/ qlT].eh--
shall be deemed to be proper.Accordingly,the Bank shall be entitled to rely on fl:rfin 6ft\5 {$ sr< q qE$ qro << I ,4i Cl1Etrffi {fi(Tr$ stser trcq,"m{ Efb qql
any such instructions. Should the Bank accept any such instruction from me/us, <Trfto {(< qTln/ qNffi< *1a{ frfii.Jdr< €.{ I? cFlllr sG <l ?l<D <o (qrift ?RsTq)
or from some other person purporting to be me/ us, l/we hereby agree to afi1or{q{fiqfufhlq
indemnify the Bank against any loss, damages, costs (including legal costs), or
demands incurred by the Bank as a result of or, in connection therewith.
c) The Bank may in its absolute discretion require that written confirmation of rl. qFfl</ qfqlrh< diils ffi.ra]n rfirq&ro (sE ftflg ffit'n <ni+ $+ ft,fifrv eoB
mylour oral instruction(s) be received by it within such period as the Bank may c'{(T< rl[{i qlfr/ q]{<f <r($1-T ft'-< q({n qfis <rlG ooBd gar.d uow< dtfif+
specify.Where any ofthe above accounts are opened by more than one person Mw orr].< ori frffi eFrr< <fl(T h <rfuT ffi.m c$Ei-(Ts stGi s<r< r

any such one person shall be entitled to give any such oral instructions and the
Bank shall be entitled to rely upon such instructions.
d) l/ we acknowledge that mylour use of Call Centre shall be governed by the {. qlft/ El{<I w<1E C:I q!]{/ q]fi[h.3 (stdr.{r1 .€E/ 6{B]3 ('ril< TJTq< il"'rf{ .ffi
Bank's prevailing Terms & Conditions. 6{rslmo cifitifis qr< I

Holiday Mail Service ghr5 (Hold) cEqq x({sa r1lalg {a-<"1

a) lf lAVe request this service, the Bank will hold all mails, addressed to me/us for a qfq/ qrrm E<lE .{ qrr,-</ qtrftE? (srfltsl5r ,697 fiffi crBr< <r+q< <I(rrr -iEka'l
maximum period of 3 months from receipt and such mails will be deemed to ansl[<+ "iffi <F qrfr <ft ,l! 6aa.q 6di <Ir(+rs s$fl{ Tfr EI{rq q ir<rck fiiE
have been received by me/us. lAVe will collect any mail so held personally or 311o r-dm c mtx< 6dl q(TFd srf,< .!<( Trrg cltq qrql< Etfl 1fu <rcl <ro utt <c< r

through an authorized person, unless I advise you to the contrary in writing.The .c'q'+s rrrfuE (q!4 qifr <fiir'rcqa< <l qlTa Ef{t fuo r+tz{ {Ifu< rl{fir q€R s{r{T
Bank is authorized to charge a reasonable fee for this service and to hold, open
sfr 4 qn]-< ITTi qa; ron 1i'r:r:e ffim qql{ 6{1 qI q fi-{3 ET{i Tfi($ t]q{Fil'll {|q.]n
and/ or handle all such mails in such manner as the Bank deems fit.lf l/we fail to
fu +6 o-+c< .{<( Ttrs crti c((sn. a$ET <l It <lr{"m< q{r <li(T q6+ lrl or< qr{
collect any such mails,the Bank may destroy it in accordance with Bank,s policy
1qfu q<ET{ orr< rlfr rqa rliq ffis qn61 n..1Qio { <$, ERlq q alqm{ fr-wi F-{T
and in doing so the Bank shall be discharged from all responsibilities or qtrtl< Froi c+<g- *aq { qi!+-lg Trq {l,fr4i'f< qdl TjjRT
rT{TIAI d? s{rE
liabilities. 'i]_{r{ lTil<i
{cq fifrs q<( ElT{qvl c?rcs q<]qG ql6 eq<
b) Notwithstanding that until l/we have collected any mail,although l,/we may not r

have the knowledge of the contents of the mail which may have legal
consequences or effect, mylour rights with the Bank, l/we shall bear the risks of tlT€, Ec qhs caar lilQio at R€$
"Ffs, cliue< fr<r{€ q-rr6 sca-K Flr(q fi c$ta
any such consequences.
qltd.lE ffiqftn EE< sn <i T't(t6-< q]Iq w:fin qk<fi +{ qx, cq[.Fc cr cflr W6
c) My/our ignorance of the contents of any mail being held by the Bank is not, and "ifr"ifi< {} qft <q{ 4'tr{ r

will not, be a defense to the Bank's claims for all purposes and in all courts or law rl. ra!.q q{fu q$< THal mrE (Itc{i ft<{'{g q*rr<( q{.l< qwolro ffi (or;l qta-r(s qer<j
whether before or after termination of my account relationship with the Bank. qin'tsgt<, <rt"Gffi rfiact qm< cetBi pf6 <fitm{ qk{ <I {a{, <ltirfn rq 6oF nii
frqilro<r<er<c<<qt r

Page 25 of 26
Holiday Processing Rtr{ftTarf6E
Any transaction on bank holiday or after buslness hours of the Bank shall be shown in <]1(6pft* frn <] <TGrqarir< "ir{ c(sB\, ffircF- <fl(4 '{slud cq?lTadl rBFil(rf{ f'rqr
the account, at the sole discretlon of the Bank, as having taken place on the f{r<rll< ftr!. ( e<1'< cdtdrrd E-s fh{ffi{ ifu "i<-{6 <dfi+rq ra{cr{ RqE< cq"fla"t Ers
succeeding working day and not the actual day of the transaction and all the q<( (rF(E rs6t €lsf{ r(ffiqry fuq{ "l<-{6 4nfi<x {.e- fuC< * q4i qsE qsk
deductions/ accretions on such amount shall be deducted/ accrued as of such q..{fe/ fr{fu 'i<<q Tffi-<rq +r,f+< qm r q qlft{ ffi rrclr< rffirl Bs ft6aE 666a
working day. Bank shall not be responsible for any loss of interest or exchange rate or R'qrc< qt cq"ttcar +rq E.w Elqr-rd G rs].I Kr.r< r{Friln aE:r{ tffi sqq Mro {gR
liability incurred/ suffered by the Customer including but not limited to return of frfir.l qr<, rFs cfie- (frd-4 ergft< qai <tqo RlA qlr{c{ al r

cheques, loss of interest arising due to such transaction being not shown on the day
same actually occurred.
E[sr{ (.ll"tftSsi € sal, q<tH
Confidentiality and Dis<losure of lnformation qfr (l Tc( Tfiis..+
c{r{p- <fi(s qm< (slBE <1 TiT4lc-:r{ 1i'{rr +rr< cl]tii*q qEaqii a-(4,
Whilst the Bank maintains strict confidentiality in all matters relating to my account(s)
and business, I hereby authorize the Bank land/ot/any of its Officers or Employees) to ($t(rf< ml(;fi +ff <l sfutfoT) *ror 1i'& r{. frrn ffrE <rfu { qfr&r{{ $1(q ql:rr{i
disclose any information concerning me, my business, my accounts held with the Bank
ql{l-< qslui <l <I<ql aeifu sq1qq1 :61a6a ,

or another Group Membel or my relationship with the Bank or another Group T. Tfi(rfiI 6q15a1 {$ Efu5 n {flq664 wiTal oFel (Tsl<-€< Tftq
Member, to any of the following (a) any Offlce or Branch of the Bank or another Group {. <il(rfi< 5fi-a qffi. FEIE-{ <l axia65 6aappaffi r+ln er iT 4l <il(rs-< ffiFI (el1lEF
Member; (b) any agent, contractor or third party service provider or any professional o|<lq{nElr$ < q{rTal €F"i frq<-,!< c[cl
adviser of the Bank or another Group Member; (c) any regulatory, supervisory, cq, qrq1 {f,fift q(q, {E[< fr{E Til..$ <T €flef{ qqi
fl. ft-{a.ffift "iRh-{il$Iii, cr+til <T
qovernmental or quasi-governmental authority with jurisdiction over the Bank or as]a qq'{T qt{'fsgt< qlr<E
another Group Member; (d) any person to whom the Bank is required or authorized by q. qtt{ <l qrElq(6< ffi"ifi(ftE
6p ffi
a6 fi60 ax(s Ee[ eirlq ffi[g <1<1
law or court order to make such disclosure; (e) any person who is under a duty of s. rfirdl <i& rfr <Itirq< rt"ril-rq <q qi+-fe 6]Iq 1i'mGE qtrs;
confidentiality to the Bank; (f) any Bank or financial institution with which I have or p. 6516dl lqqp at Efiff{ q&t]r !'K crq qT]< ffidffi{ E'tq <T cfiffiraii eEl{ ar<Qt el(EJT
proposes to have dealings regardless of whether the recipient in each case is located ffir<! qte-l <l(ElzEr.r'<1 q;l (Tl[Fl ,Frr q{qrn s{rq, ,!<( & Ear qts] <l(Elrrr"l <1t{
in Bangladesh or in another country, and regardless of whether such information will s-rm[{ chr'i q(Tsq 6€$ <T 2f6]-1 6n'T i
be held, processed used or disclosed by such recipient in Bangladesh or another
lndemnity Err{e
Ialso agree to fully indemnify the Bank against all costs and expenses (including legal E"lIT]-s eslut, q c?Fq -le']TF} era{''t i<i <ll"lF{ <r€{T T;< snr< qd] Tfi(s a\,=o e[q-{
fees) arising in any way in connection with the above accounts, these terms and c(E? {< 1TE (qti} (qr+ <irr?F ,-i(E'IF E1Try6 {<tg qro {qtT
conditions or, in enforcing these terms and conditions and in recovering of any
amount due to the Bank or incurred by the Bank in any legal proceedings of whatever

Waiver T€TS
No forbearance, neqligence or waiver by the Bank in the enforcement of any of these E'rr<re -rsffi Ei:T|tl c+rm'| efo< .q<rqfl. E\l aF4E { r€$F Ec{filg't-tlqft adtrgtr<
terms and conditions shall prejudice the Bank's right thereafter to strictly enforce the Enmri {fl(rfi qfi'-+r< +icrr< ar rffisetr< ffil * mli 'rds <iT$fi cs]r{I:lsT4 S6€{
same. No waiver by the Bank shall be effective unless it is in writing. 5a< 4T I

The Bank may amend these terms and conditions at any time by not less than
<T16 6qrs|r{I qq(T q ,itrffif qffi +-+cs ?Tc< f€€ <]rf€{ E€$< flJ-eT )8 k{ "I(< <n(s
(fourteen) days notice to me specifying the effective date of amendment. lf lAVe use rqfr{ ft({ q ql]rrF q{cfu q{r< .rffi 1ffi Tri6-{ qe{]< fi qfr {fi..ft( rfr$ {S"l
any banking facilities after the effective date of the amendment, lAVe shall be deemed F{6q. qfr <Isrsn .rffi flfrr(-fi 6rE f c"rfiQ e<( "fT<tro.r.i<ft mc+ ffi <ce qql
to have received notice ofthe amendment and to have de€ided to continue to use the tc< rffi qim(ffift& ct 1funr1@Is conar orB{ 'irfii"fqc-s ?n$'fiEs fifrfi"i{
banking faciiities upon the revised terms and conditions. lAVe further acknowledge qTG ft$'F qqE N, TlF{ q(,qq F{rE <il(s <I<]i-s r

that in the event of any changes being communicated to me, the Bank is not obliged
to obtain my signature for receipt of such communication.
Notice rflE-f
€R {ozffi{ q't€i5F "IIv qrd frT{ <l €t lst{ft n(@]s frfir <r(T
qT{K qcq q{1< m'fl
save as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions, any demand or
communication made by the Bank under these terms and conditions shall be in #or+m (qqo qdl c+]i 6o'n| <t ffi
qT{€lc. <il(${T qIfdr.r&) frFrcsn< c{l'nrl{ f{c<
writing and made at the address given by me/us (or such other addresses as lAVe shall qffici rt'firdl <q c! qk{
qrF +Tcq 66 'n,tEt <-src, cc qk(rl 6{t6{r'i q,ld <Trs <r4
notlfy the Bank from time to time) and, if posted, shall be deemed to have been served {6{ r{{TEF
on me on the date of posting.
For(e Majeure/Technital Problem ?F{Efftrffi{ft@m
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing herein shall Tfi(Is< qt€El< at(n ?[< Eft"lls,ffi"ik 6fid sl{.'i Eqs ffiQfuE 5q61 a naa nfrg
apply if the Bank is prevented from discharging any or all of its obligation herein or
arfi'rT{cl qs{ Erq <l1(re{ E'l< <FFs $<lc{c apiqa lrE al
otherwise due to any cause arising out of or related to Force Majeure or technical
problem for any reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank.

Governing Law e5fr-s qta

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with, eEE F-ltl nft/ <TidrrEz.s a5ftE qtfta eifrufrs s<( erc$'f {<1 qr<
fiffi oi 1ffi ff
the laws of Bangladesh and lAVe hereby irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive <l(Etrq js r+rd< <r eltarn ane ficliw< xsftre= I el
ffit qtft
Tflqar$ r+t-q cod We
jurisdiction of the courts of law of Bangladesh. Such submission shall however, not fui <l e,E-{ Fr5[r<4 qlr]if{rrrTir k+15 tsrr.n <r{ql ca{T cqrs ft-<s <l{I< ;Il tsftc {€{
prejudice the rights of the Bank to bring proceedings against me in any other qotBE <riqtr6t <tf{6<
'fltgErt{/ffiTr <r<'' <l'ftG "iffiffi cqlE'y1ffi{ <l ffi<'f{ Afb
jurisdiction or courts of law eisewhere. However, all accounts shall be subject to the qtc'r(IF (rri rr({ {rcR
'ifiI{6 <Io fi<) ffi5iB- {(<
provisions of the guidelines/circulars together with any alteration/modification
thereto effected by Bangladesh Bank from time to time.
qrftrqr-<r (? Ea( fr5lrsl qrir{ f{& F, ElfrF]I-<l Qc]< q1G-ls G"ft$tr F|{{KatArffi
lAVe have gone thlough the terms & conditions mentioned above and understood
them in entirely and undertake to abide by those terms & conditions relating to the +m& q<( E.s FHTKAtiffil rlr4 q"ril< <Ilrd RI]< lkuajlr qqs q|T& sf<$t'5
account. lAVe also agree to be bound by such terms & conditions as may be amended Etae Miar.tmfit roF flffitr(rr]lr{trirrlTqd r{1 <E EI 56a fr6s a1$ arfi I

or supplemented from time to time.

Signature of 2nd Applicant/ Account Holder Signature of 3rd Applicant/ Account Holder
Signature of 1't Applicant/ Account Holder
)T qlc<ET{tft/ R{r{{tft< lm< tr qn<cl-otft/ RqRtilA-d a't{F{ e{ qk<q-{fia/ R{Rfia-d {tsr

lfany confusion arises between Bangla and English version ofthe text mentioned above,the English version shall be deemed as correct.
B"ftaEfrFlE {(ql u<( i$rG c(Ffi.rn(dqi-qr) firf c{lr{l {fi"K faElfu< E-s< qre ii6G c'..r<q
q6s {[q uiql {C< r

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