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केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, अहमदाबाद संभाग

सत्ांत परीक्षा 2022-23
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.


1 _______ is a collection of wires through which data is transmitted from 1

one part of the computer to another.
a) Bus b) Car c) Traffic d) ALU
2 1 Kilobyte is equal to __________ 1
a) 1024 MB b) 1024 Bytes c) 1024 GB d) 1000 Bytes
3 The Octal equivalent of (15)10 is – 1
a) (15)8 b) (19)8 c) (17)8 d) (21)8
4 Correcting the errors in the program is called – 1
a) Testing b) Debugging c) Analysis d) Documentation
5 Which of the following is not a valid identifier name in Python? 1
a) @Total b) _Radius c) pie d)While
6 The precise step by step instructions given to perform a task are called 1
a) flowchart b) algorithm c) SDLC d) all of these
7 The ____ operator is used to find out if division of two numbers yields 1
any remainder.
a) / b) + c) % d)//
8 Identify the output of the following Python statements. 1
for a in range(1, 10, 2):
b += a + 2
a) 31 b) 33 c) 39 d) 36
9 What will be the byte size of ‘\n’ and ‘a\n’ respectively ? 1
a) 2, 2 b) 1, 2 c) 2, 1 d) None of these
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10 If tup= (20,30,40,50), which of the following statement is incorrect? 1
a) print(tup[3]) b) tup[2]=56 c) print(max(tup)) d) print(len(tup))
11 Select the correct output of the code: 1
a) uter b) uterretu c) uteruter d) None of these
12 What value will be displayed on executing the following arithmetic 1
expression → x = math.pow(0,-4)
a) 1.0 b) 16 c) Domain Error d) None of these
13 Which of the following functions will return key-value pairs of the 1
a) key() b) values() c) get() d) items()
14 What will be the output of the following statements? 1
a = [0, 1, 2, 3]
del a[:]
a) None b) [ ] c) [0, 1, 2, 3] d) NameError
15 Which of the following function will return the first occurrence of the 1
specified element in a list?
a) sort() b) value() c) index() d) sorted()
16 What are the possible outcome(s) expected from the following code? 1
Also write minimum and maximum values.
import random
while p[i] != ’R’:
a) R-P-O-R- b) P-O-R-Y- c) O-R-A-G- d) A-G-R-M-
Q.17 and Q.18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based
Mark the correct choice as-
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
c) A is True but R is False
d) A is false but R is True
17 Assertion(A): Python strings are stored in memory by strong 1
individual characters in contiguous memory locations.
Reason(R): The index is the numbered position of a letter in the

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18 Assertion (A): A variable in Python needs to be explicitly declared. 1
Reason (R): A variable is not created until some value is assigned to

19 Rewrite the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s). 2
Underline each correction done in the code.
for K in range(0,To)
if K%4=0:
print (K*4)
print (K+3)
20 Difference between Compiler and Interpreter. With suitable example. 2
Difference between System Software and Application Software. With
Suitable example.
21 Evaluate the following expressions: 2
a) 6 * 3 + 4**2 // 5 – 8
b) 10 > 5 and 7 > 12 or not 18 > 3
22 Convert the following:- 2
a) (B2F)16 = (?)8
b) (367)10 = (?)2
23 Draw a flow chart to determine a student’s final grade and indicate 2
whether they are passing or falling. If the grade is greater than 50,
then print “Pass” else print “Fail”. The final grade is calculated as the
average of marks of four subjects.

24 Convert the following while loop into for loop: 2

while (x<=10):
Convert the following for loop into while loop:
for k in range (10,20,5):
print (k)
25 Find the output of the following: 2
word = ‘green vegetables’
print (word.find(‘g’,2))

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Find the output of the following:
x = “AmaZingh”
print(x[3:], “and”, x[:2])
print(x[-7:], “and”, x[-4:-2])

26 (I) Draw a circuit diagram for Boolean expression: 2+1

F = (X + Y) . (YZ + D’) =3
(II) Verify the following using truth table:
X+Y.Z = (X + Y).(X+Z)
27 Write a program to input the integer elements in a list ‘L’, adds 5 in all 3
the odd values and half all the even values of the list L. Also display
the list.
Write a program to perform linear search on the given list –
i) Print the list.
ii) Find the index number of the element.
28 Write full form of WORM. What are Worms and Trojan Horses? 3

29 Raman wanted to gift his brother a football or a wrist watch. So, he 3

searched for many sports items and wrist watches online. But after that
every time he goes online, his web-browser shows him advertisements
about sports items and wrist watches.
(a) Why is this happening?
(b) How could have Raman avoided them?
(c) How can Raman get rid of this now?
30 Explain the following Python List methods with suitable example. 3
(A) append() (B) extend() (C) insert()

Consider a nested list -

L1 = [1,2,3, [“computer”, “device”], 4,5,[“forty”, “sixty”],6, 7, 8] and
predict the outputs for the following statements:
L1 [2] b) L1 [3:6] c) L1[3][0]

31 Mr. Ajay has created a list of marks of students in python. Assume 5

that he created a list L which is:
L=[23, 45, 66, 88, 98, 17, 25, 75]

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As a programmer, help him to successfully execute the given task and
print the list.
i. Insert marks with value 82 of one more student at the position 4
in the list.
ii. Update marks with value 30 at the index 1 in the list.
iii. Count number of students who scored more than 70 marks.
iv. Display average marks of the students.
v. Display marks of students in descending order.
32 Define the followings: - 5
a) a) Viruses
b) b) Phishing
c) c) Plagiarism
d) d) Digital Footprint
e) e) Cyber Bulling
33 (i) Write a program in Python to find the maximum and minimum 2+3=5
element in the list entered by the user.
(ii) Write the output of the following code:
List1 = [2,4,6,8,10]
List2 = List1
List3 = List1.copy()
List1[4] = 12
List2[3] = 14
(i) Write a program that reads a string and then prints a string that
capitalizes every character which has odd index number.
Example – school becomes sChOoL.

(ii) Consider the string str = “Computer Science”. Write statements in Python
to implement the following :
a) To display the last four characters.
b) To display the starting index for the substring ‘en’.
c) To check whether the sting contains ‘put’ or not.

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34 What is the name of the Indian IT law? What are the possible causes 4
that contribute to gender and disability issues?
What is E-Waste? Define three R’s (RRR) for proper disposal of used E-
35 Write a Python program to input ‘n’ names (keys) and phone numbers 4
(values) to store it in dictionary and print the phone number of a
particular name.

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