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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur

Name of student: Hubert P. Plopinio Title of module: THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL

Subject code & title: AELECT4 Principles and Semester & year: Second Semester 2021-2022
Methods of Teaching Accounting
Name of teacher: Bernadette G. Gumba, PhD, Date submitted:

1.Differentiate industrial revolutions 4, 3, 2 and 1. Use the material of Nancy Gleason or the
YouTube recording of the lecture of Dr. Bernadette Gumba.

1st Revolution 2nd Revolution 3rd Revolution 4th Revolution

The first industrial The second The 3rd industrial The 4th industrial
revolution is all about
industrialization was evolution was called revolution is like a more
the transition from the emergence of digitalization which innovative growing 3rd
agrarian society into advance steel involve the industrial revolution
industrialized were production. It is when development of which emphasizes
driven by electricity railroads were information technology explosive development
and influence mass expanded and and computers. and disruptiveness of
production. improvision of the used technologies.
of electricity for mass
2.Read “Foreword” and “Introduction” by Nancy Gleason (2018). Focus on the concepts and issues
enumerated below. List down 5 things you learned about each concept/issue and give specific
examples for each.

a. Cyber Physical Systems – physical and engineered systems hosted by artificial intelligence and
robotics. Its system operation is monitored, controlled, coordinated and integrated by cored

b. Human interaction with the physical world – human interactions with cyber physical system
was transformed into technical challenges as still, human have only the capability to assure
that the system communicated or rather integrated into the system is certain for verification.
For example, in manufacturing industry, humans will still assist in operation of machines in
production of products.

c. New technologies fuse physical, digital, biological worlds – Rapid advancement of

technology completely change the societal fabric leading to culmination of physical, digital,
and biological paradigm. It does not only affect we – the way we live our daily lives but also
generally the flow within the industry and economy. (Hooijdonk, 2017)

d. Inequality in the labor market – Increased in economic growth which involves production of
goods and services does not correspond with discretionary spending and job growth.

e. Automation of jobs – routine work will be changed or rather replace in job automation such
Republic of the Philippines
Camarines Sur

collaboration of human and machines that able professionals and even non-professionals to
deploy new techniques that adds complexity without cost as well as new methods doing away
with traditional constraints. For example, engineers will adapt new techniques but there’s a
bit of complexity in their work because they have to assure that the system is working while it
allows them to have a 99.9% work accuracy. Hence, the demand for human labor decreases.

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