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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

University of Rizal System
Morong, Rizal


Two Basic method of plant propagation

I. SEEDS (sexual)
Sexual Production in Plants

Flowers contain the male and female flower parts either in the same flower (perfect) or in separate
flowers (imperfect) Pollen (male) is moved from the anther to the stigma (female) Transfer of pollen can
be by wind, by insects and animals, or by self-pollination

The pollen tube forms and the sperm cell moves down the tube to the egg (ovule) in the ovary. They join
and the act of fertilization is complete. The plant develops (sets) seed the seed contains genes from the
male and female flower parts They can both be from the same plant or from different plants

The pollen tube forms and the sperm cell moves down the tube to the egg (ovule) in the ovary. They join
and the act of fertilization is complete. The plant develops (sets) seed the seed contains genes from the
male and female flower parts They can both be from the same plant or from different plants



1. Genetic Diversity: Sexual reproduction creates genetic variability in offspring. This diversity enables
plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as shifts in climate, soil types, or the
presence of pests and diseases.

2. Combining Beneficial Traits: Plants that undergo sexual reproduction can combine desirable traits
from both parent plants. This can lead to offspring with improved characteristics, such as disease
resistance, drought tolerance, or better fruit quality.

3. Recombination of Genes: Sexual reproduction allows for the shuffling and recombination of genetic
material. This process leads to the creation of unique genetic combinations, potentially resulting in
offspring that are better suited to their specific ecological niche.

4. Purging of Harmful Mutations: Harmful mutations can be masked or eliminated in the offspring due
to the combination of genetic material from two parents. If one parent carries a recessive harmful
mutation, it is less likely to be expressed if the other parent carries a different, non-mutated allele
for the same gene.

5. Enhanced Adaptability: Sexual reproduction allows plants to rapidly adapt to changing

environmental conditions. This is particularly important in habitats where conditions may vary over
time, enabling the population to maintain genetic diversity.

6. Increased Disease Resistance: Offspring resulting from sexual propagation can inherit a diverse
range of disease resistance genes from their parents. This diversity provides a broader spectrum of
protection against pathogens, enhancing the overall health and survival of the population.

7. Evolutionary Potential: Sexual reproduction facilitates the potential for evolutionary innovation. It
allows for the creation of novel genetic combinations that may give rise to new traits or adaptations,
potentially leading to the emergence of new species or varieties.

8. Maintenance of Species Integrity: Sexual reproduction helps to maintain the genetic integrity of a
species by ensuring that offspring are the result of genetic recombination between two members of
the same species.


1. Genetic Diversity: Sexual reproduction creates genetic variability in offspring. This diversity enables
plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as shifts in climate, soil types, or the
presence of pests and diseases.

2. Combining Beneficial Traits: Plants that undergo sexual reproduction can combine desirable traits
from both parent plants. This can lead to offspring with improved characteristics, such as disease
resistance, drought tolerance, or better fruit quality.

3. Recombination of Genes: Sexual reproduction allows for the shuffling and recombination of genetic
material. This process leads to the creation of unique genetic combinations, potentially resulting in
offspring that are better suited to their specific ecological niche.

4. Purging of Harmful Mutations: Harmful mutations can be masked or eliminated in the offspring due
to the combination of genetic material from two parents. If one parent carries a recessive harmful
mutation, it is less likely to be expressed if the other parent carries a different, non-mutated allele
for the same gene.

5. Enhanced Adaptability: Sexual reproduction allows plants to rapidly adapt to changing

environmental conditions. This is particularly important in habitats where conditions may vary over
time, enabling the population to maintain genetic diversity.

6. Increased Disease Resistance: Offspring resulting from sexual propagation can inherit a diverse
range of disease resistance genes from their parents. This diversity provides a broader spectrum of
protection against pathogens, enhancing the overall health and survival of the population.

7. Evolutionary Potential: Sexual reproduction facilitates the potential for evolutionary innovation. It
allows for the creation of novel genetic combinations that may give rise to new traits or adaptations,
potentially leading to the emergence of new species or varieties.

8. Maintenance of Species Integrity: Sexual reproduction helps to maintain the genetic integrity of a
species by ensuring that offspring are the result of genetic recombination between two members of
the same species.


1. Seed Coat (Testa): The outer protective covering of the seed. It provides physical protection for
the embryo and its stored nutrients.
2. Embryo: The young, undeveloped plant within the seed. It consists of:
3. Embryonic Root (Radicle): The first structure to emerge from the seed during germination. It
develops into the primary root of the new plant.

4. Embryonic Shoot (Plumule): The part of the embryo that will develop into the above-ground
portion of the plant, including the stem and leaves.
5. Cotyledons: These are specialized structures that serve as the primary food source for the
germinating embryo. In some plants, they are thick and fleshy, while in others, they may be thin
and leaf-like. Some plants have one cotyledon (monocots), while others have two (dicots).
6. Endosperm: This is a tissue that surrounds and nourishes the embryo in some seeds. It is derived
from the second fertilization event (double fertilization) in angiosperms. Endosperm provides a
source of stored nutrients for the developing embryo.
7. Plumule Sheath (Coleoptile): In monocotyledonous plants, the coleoptile is a protective sheath
surrounding the plumule. It helps the young shoot emerge from the soil during germination.
8. Radicle Sheath (Coleorhiza): In monocotyledonous plants, the coleorhiza is a protective sheath
surrounding the radicle. It helps the young root emerge from the seed coat during germination.

II. VEGETIVE (asexual)

Vegetative reproduction, any form of asexual reproduction occurring in plants in which a new plant
grows from a fragment of the parent plant or grows from a specialized reproductive structure (such as a
stolon, rhizome, tuber, corm, or bulb). In many plants, vegetative reproduction is a completely natural
process; in others it is an artificial one.

In horticulture, vegetative reproduction has many advantages. Asexual reproduction facilitates the
unchanged perpetuation of a superior plant, endlessly and without variation. In addition, vegetative
propagation may be easier and faster than seed propagation, because seed dormancy problems are
eliminated and the juvenile nonflowering stage of some seed-propagated plants is eliminated or
reduced. However, vegetative propagation can result in horticultural plants that are exact genetic clones
to one another, making them identically susceptible to diseases.



1. Genetic Uniformity: Offspring produced through asexual propagation are genetically identical to
the parent plant. This uniformity ensures that desirable traits, such as disease resistance, fruit
quality, or flower color, are preserved in the new plants.

2. Preservation of Desirable Traits: When a plant with desirable characteristics is propagated

asexually, those traits are preserved in the offspring. This is particularly important for
maintaining specific cultivars or varieties with unique features.

3. Faster and Predictable Growth: Asexual propagation typically results in faster plant growth
compared to sexual reproduction, which often involves a germination phase. Additionally, the
growth pattern of the new plant can be more reliably predicted based on the characteristics of
the parent plant.

4. Early Flowering and Fruiting: Asexually propagated plants tend to reach maturity and start
flowering and fruiting earlier than those grown from seeds. This can be advantageous for
commercial production and horticulture.

5. Cultural and Environmental Adaptability: Clones produced through asexual propagation retain
the adaptation traits of the parent plant, making them well-suited to the specific cultural and
environmental conditions in which the parent plant thrived.

6. Preservation of Hybrid Vigor (Heterosis): Some hybrids exhibit a phenomenon called heterosis,
or hybrid vigor, where the offspring of two different but genetically compatible parents may have
superior qualities, such as increased growth rate, disease resistance, or productivity. Asexual
propagation allows for the preservation of this vigor.

7. Conservation of Rare or Endangered Species: Asexual propagation is a valuable tool for

conserving rare, endangered, or otherwise threatened plant species. It allows for the
reproduction and preservation of these plants outside of their natural habitat.

8. Propagation of Plants with Reduced Fertility or Viability of Seeds: Some plants have limited
fertility or produce seeds with low viability. Asexual propagation provides an alternative method
for reproducing these plants.

9. Propagation of Plants with Complex Genetics: Some plants have complex genetics or are
difficult to reproduce through traditional seed production. Asexual propagation allows for the
replication of these plants without the need to understand or manipulate their intricate genetic

10. Overcoming Seed Storage and Germination Issues: Some seeds have specific requirements for
storage and germination, which can be challenging for growers. Asexual propagation bypasses
these potential difficulties.


1. Cuttings:

• Stem Cuttings: A portion of the stem with leaves is cut from a parent plant and placed in a
suitable medium to develop roots. This is one of the most common methods of asexual

• Leaf Cuttings: A leaf (or part of a leaf) is cut and placed in a medium to develop roots and
eventually produce a new plant.

• Root Cuttings: A portion of the root system is cut and planted to produce a new plant.

• Leaf-Bud Cuttings: A leaf with an attached bud is cut and planted to produce a new plant.

2. Layering:

• Simple Layering: A branch is bent to the ground and partially buried in the soil. Roots
develop at the point of contact, and once established, the new plant can be separated from
the parent.

• Air Layering (or Marcotting): A portion of a branch is girdled and treated with rooting
hormone, then wrapped in a moist medium and covered with a plastic bag. Roots form
above the girdle, and the new plant is then separated from the parent.

3. Division:

• This method involves dividing the parent plant into sections, each of which has its own roots
and shoots. This is commonly used for plants that naturally form clumps or have multiple
stems emerging from the base.

4. Grafting:

• Cleft Grafting: A vertical split is made in the stock (rootstock), and a wedge-shaped scion is
inserted. This is commonly used for trees and woody plants.

• Bud Grafting (T-budding): A single bud (with a small piece of bark) is inserted into a T-
shaped cut in the stock.

• Whip-and-Tongue Grafting: Both the scion and stock are cut with matching sloping cuts, and
a small tongue-shaped cut is made in each piece to interlock them.

5. Bulb Offsets:

• Bulb-producing plants, like tulips and daffodils, produce small bulbs (offsets) around the
parent bulb. These offsets can be separated and planted to grow new plants.

6. Tissue Culture (Micropropagation):

• This is a laboratory-based technique where small pieces of plant tissue (like a single cell or
an explant from a shoot tip) are placed in a sterile nutrient-rich medium to grow into
complete plants. This method is especially useful for propagating plants on a large scale or
for species that are difficult to propagate using traditional methods.

7. Suckering:

• Some plants naturally produce shoots (suckers) from their roots. These can be dug up and
separated to form new plants.

8. Budding:

• Similar to grafting, this involves attaching a single bud from the scion to the stock.

Each of these methods has its own set of advantages and is best suited to specific types of plants
and situations. The choice of method depends on factors like the type of plant, availability of
plant material, and desired outcome.

III. Micropropagation
Also known as tissue culture or in vitro propagation, is a technique used to rapidly multiply plants under
sterile laboratory conditions. It involves the culture of plant cells, tissues, or organs in an artificial
nutrient medium to produce new plants. Here are the steps and key aspects of micropropagation:

1. Initiation of Explants:

• The process begins by selecting a small piece of plant tissue, called an explant, from the
parent plant. This can be a shoot tip, leaf, stem, or other plant part.

2. Surface Sterilization:

• The explant is carefully sterilized using a combination of disinfectants (e.g., bleach or

alcohol) to remove any surface contaminants, including bacteria, fungi, and other

3. Establishment in Culture:

• The sterilized explant is placed onto a sterile growth medium, which is a nutrient-rich
agar-based gel. This medium provides all the necessary nutrients, minerals, and growth
regulators required for the explant to grow.

4. Initiation of Callus:

• In some cases, the explant initially forms a mass of undifferentiated cells called callus.
This callus tissue can later be induced to differentiate into shoots or roots.

5. Subculturing:

• The callus or growing explant is periodically transferred to fresh culture media to provide
continuous nutrients and prevent overgrowth or contamination.

6. Shoot Induction:

• If the goal is to produce shoots, specific growth regulators (such as cytokinins) are added
to the culture medium to stimulate shoot formation from the callus or explant.

7. Root Induction:

• Once sufficient shoots have developed, they can be transferred to a different culture
medium with a combination of growth regulators (often auxins) to induce root

8. Acclimatization:

• Once roots have formed, the plantlets are carefully removed from the culture medium,
washed, and potted in a soil-based medium. They are then gradually acclimatized to the
normal growing conditions of their intended environment.

9. Transplantation:

• After successful acclimatization, the young plants can be transplanted into the field or
garden, where they continue to grow and develop like conventionally propagated plants.

Advantages of Micropropagation:

1. Rapid Multiplication: Micropropagation allows for the production of a large number of plants in
a relatively short period.

2. Clonal Propagation: All offspring are genetically identical to the parent plant, ensuring that
desirable traits are preserved.

3. Disease-Free Stock: The process starts with surface-sterilized plant material, reducing the risk of
introducing diseases to the new plants.

4. Propagation of Difficult-to-Propagate Species: Some plant species are challenging to propagate

using traditional methods. Micropropagation provides an alternative means to propagate these

5. Preservation of Rare or Endangered Species: Micropropagation can be used to conserve and
propagate rare, endangered, or otherwise threatened plant species.

6. Year-Round Production: Micropropagation can be conducted year-round, regardless of seasonal


7. Production of Virus-Free Plants: Through tissue culture, it is possible to generate virus-free plant
material, which is crucial for certain crops.


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