5 - Year Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028

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Hanan Foundation


2024 - 2028


30th street

Yaqshid District, Mogadishu,


Tell: +252 619888742, +252 613970800

Table of Contents
Background of the Strategic Plan..............................................................................................................4
Hanan Foundation’s Historical Background..............................................................................................5
Key Milestones:.........................................................................................................................................5
Core Values and Principles:.......................................................................................................................6
Key Competences and Value Added:........................................................................................................6
Hanan Foundation's Capacity to Implement the Strategic Plan.................................................................7
SWOT Analysis for Hanan Foundation (HF)............................................................................................8
THE STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK..............................................................................................................9
The Purpose of the Strategic Plan..............................................................................................................9
Key Strategic Directions of Focus.............................................................................................................9
Target Geographical Focus Areas............................................................................................................10
Target Focus Groups................................................................................................................................10
PROGRAM PRIORITY AREAS:...............................................................................................................10
1. Education for Empowerment:..........................................................................................................10
2. WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene):.......................................................................................10
3. Shelter and Livelihoods:..................................................................................................................11
4. Health and Nutrition:.......................................................................................................................11
5. Food Security and Agricultural Development:................................................................................11
6. Protection and Human Rights:.........................................................................................................11
PROGRAMMES’ IMPLEMENTATION APPROACHES:.......................................................................11
RISK ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................................13
RESOURCE THE STRATEGY..................................................................................................................14
ANNEX 1: ORGANIZATION PROFILE...................................................................................................15
ANNEX 2: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE......................................................................................17

2 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN


Dear Friends and Stakeholders,

It is with great pleasure that I present this Strategic Plan for the upcoming five-year period 2024 – 2028
for Hanan Foundation (HF).

As we embark on this new chapter, we reflect on our journey so far, recognizing the challenges we've
overcome and the positive impact we've collectively made. The essence of this plan is rooted in our
commitment to creating lasting change in the communities we serve.

Our vision is to foster sustainable development, empower marginalized groups, and contribute to a
society free from violence and discrimination. Through this plan, we aim to strengthen our existing
programs in Education, WASH, Shelter, Health, Nutrition, and Food Security, ensuring a holistic
approach to community development.

Collaboration is at the core of our strategy. We aspire to deepen partnerships with local communities,
governmental bodies, fellow NGOs, and the private sector. By working together, we believe we can
achieve greater impact and address the multifaceted challenges faced by the communities we serve.

In the next five years, we will focus on innovative solutions, community-led initiatives, and adaptive
strategies that respond to the evolving needs of the populations we support. Our commitment to
transparency, accountability, and excellence will continue to guide our actions.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, partners, and supporters. Your unwavering
commitment has been instrumental in our journey so far, and I am confident that, together, we will
achieve even greater milestones in the years to come.

Thank you for your trust and continued support.

Warm regards,

Mohamed Adam

Executive Director

Hanan Foundation (HF)

+252 619888742


3 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Background of the Strategic Plan
The formulation of this strategic plan stems from Hanan Foundation's commitment to continuous
improvement, adaptability, and responsive action in the face of evolving humanitarian
challenges. With a rich history of impactful interventions since its establishment in March 2017,
Hanan Foundation recognizes the need for a comprehensive roadmap to guide its operations over
the next five years (2024-2028).

This strategic plan is a proactive response to the changing socio-economic, environmental, and
geopolitical landscape in the regions where Hanan Foundation operates. It reflects a deep
understanding of the diverse needs and vulnerabilities of the communities the organization
serves. The plan draws inspiration from the successes and lessons learned from past initiatives,
emphasizing the importance of sustainable, community-led solutions.

The background is also shaped by an acknowledgment of the dynamic nature of humanitarian

work, where flexibility, innovation, and strategic foresight are essential. External factors, such as
climate change, conflict dynamics, and global health crises, underscore the necessity for a
strategic approach that can navigate uncertainties while ensuring the delivery of effective and
timely aid.

Additionally, the background considers the feedback and insights gathered from various
stakeholders, including local communities, partner organizations, and governmental bodies.
Hanan Foundation values collaboration and partnerships, and this plan aligns with the shared
goals and aspirations of its diverse network.

In summary, the background of this strategic plan is grounded in Hanan Foundation's history, its
commitment to excellence and integrity, lessons learned from past experiences, and a forward-
looking vision that prioritizes the well-being and resilience of the communities it serves. It is a
testament to HF's dedication to creating lasting positive change and addressing the most pressing
humanitarian needs in Somalia.

4 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Hanan Foundation’s Historical Background
Hanan Foundation (HF) emerged as a beacon of hope in March 2017, founded by a group of
impassioned individuals with a shared vision for transforming the lives of vulnerable
communities in Somalia. The organization's inception was rooted in a deep commitment to
humanitarian principles, social justice, and sustainable development.

Since its establishment, HF has evolved into a trusted local non-governmental and non-profit
organization, becoming a key player in relief and development efforts across Somalia. The
foundation's journey has been characterized by resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering
dedication to serving those most in need.

Key Milestones:
1. Founding Principles: HF was founded on the principle of 'Creating Local Solutions to
Local Challenges.' This ethos underscores the organization's approach of empowering
communities to address their own social, economic, and developmental obstacles.
2. Geographical Expansion: HF commenced its operations in the South-central Zone of
Somalia, with the main office based in Mogadishu. Over the years, recognizing the
widening scope of humanitarian needs, the foundation strategically expanded its reach to
Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle regions.
3. Community-Centric Approach: The foundation has cultivated strong ties with local
communities, regional authorities, and beneficiaries throughout Somalia. This
community-centric approach is a testament to HF's belief in collaboration and capacity-
building as catalysts for sustainable development.
4. Diverse Programmatic Focus: HF has diversified its programmatic focus to address
multifaceted challenges. Initiatives in education, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and
Hygiene), shelter, health, nutrition, and food security reflect the foundation's holistic
approach to community well-being.
5. Strategic Partnerships: Building effective partnerships has been a cornerstone of HF's
strategy. The foundation has collaborated with national and international development
and humanitarian actors, fostering a network that amplifies the impact of its
6. Recognition for Quality Work: HF has garnered a reputation for the highest quality
work, characterized by accountability, sustainability, responsibility, and sensitivity. This
recognition comes from both local supporting groups and international collaborators.

As HF reflects on its historical journey, it carries forward a legacy of positive impact,

adaptability, and a resolute commitment to the welfare of vulnerable populations. The historical
background serves as a foundation for the strategic planning that will guide HF's future
endeavors, ensuring continued relevance and effectiveness in the dynamic landscape of
humanitarian work.

5 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

To envision a Somalia where every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has the
opportunity to lead a dignified, empowered, and secure life, and where communities are resilient,
self-sustaining, and united in the pursuit of a better future.

Hanan Foundation is dedicated to catalyzing positive change in the lives of vulnerable
communities in Somalia. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to overcome
social, economic, and developmental challenges. Through collaborative efforts and sustainable
interventions, we strive to create a lasting impact on education, healthcare, shelter, water access,
and food security. We are committed to upholding human rights, fostering social cohesion, and
building a foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and inclusive society.

Core Values and Principles:

1. Excellence: We are committed to achieving excellence in all our endeavors. We
continuously strive for efficiency, effectiveness, and meaningful results. Our focus on
quality ensures that our actions have a lasting and positive impact.
2. Integrity: Honesty and transparency are the foundations of our work. We uphold a
consistently high moral standard, ensuring accountability for our actions. We are ethical
in all aspects of our operations and maintain fairness in our interactions with colleagues,
partners, and the communities we serve.
3. Respect: We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. We
demonstrate respect for diversity, recognizing the strength that comes from different
perspectives and backgrounds. We value all people equally and treat others with the
respect we would expect

Key Competences and Value Added:

1. Community-Centric Approach: Our programs and interventions are rooted in a
community-centric approach. We actively engage with communities, understanding their
needs, aspirations, and strengths. This approach ensures that our initiatives are
contextually relevant and sustainable.
2. Innovative Solutions: We are committed to finding innovative solutions to complex
challenges. Embracing creativity and adaptability, we continually seek new ways to
address emerging issues and improve the impact of our projects.
3. Collaborative Partnerships: Hanan Foundation values collaborative partnerships. We
actively seek and nurture partnerships with local and international organizations,
government bodies, and community stakeholders. These collaborations amplify the
effectiveness of our interventions and contribute to holistic community development.
4. Empowerment: Hanan Foundation is dedicated to empowering individuals and
communities. Through education, skill development, and advocacy, we strive to empower
people to take control of their lives, fostering sustainable change.

6 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

5. Adaptability to Context: Recognizing the dynamic nature of the environments we work
in, we prioritize adaptability. Our ability to tailor interventions to the specific context
ensures that our programs remain effective and responsive to evolving needs.
6. Advocacy for Human Rights: Upholding human rights is a fundamental value. We
advocate for the protection and promotion of human rights, particularly for vulnerable
populations. Our initiatives aim to create environments where the rights and dignity of
every individual are respected.

Hanan Foundation's Capacity to Implement the Strategic Plan

Hanan Foundation (HF) is well-positioned to effectively implement the outlined strategic plan
for the period 2024 – 2028. Our capacity is underpinned by several key strengths:

1. Experience and Track Record:

HF has a solid track record of successful humanitarian and development interventions since its
establishment in 2017. We have accumulated valuable experience working in various regions of
Somalia, addressing the diverse needs of communities affected by conflict, climate-related crises,
and poverty.

2. Skilled and Committed Team:

Our team comprises professionals with diverse skills, including program management,
community development, education, health, and humanitarian response. Their commitment to
our mission and values is a driving force behind our ability to make a positive impact.

3. Local Presence and Understanding:

HF has established field offices in strategic locations, including Mogadishu, Jowhar,

Beletweyne, and Afgoi. This local presence allows us to have a nuanced understanding of the
specific challenges and opportunities in each region, facilitating tailored interventions.

4. Effective Partnerships:

We have cultivated strong partnerships with local communities, governmental bodies, UN

agencies, international NGOs, and private sector entities. These partnerships enhance our ability
to leverage resources, share expertise, and implement collaborative initiatives for greater impact.

5. Financial Management and Accountability:

HF maintains rigorous financial management practices, ensuring transparency, accountability,

and compliance with relevant regulations. Our commitment to responsible financial stewardship
enhances our credibility among donors and partners.

7 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

6. Innovative Approaches:

The strategic plan emphasizes the adoption of innovative and context-specific approaches. HF is
committed to staying abreast of emerging trends, leveraging technology, and employing adaptive
strategies to address evolving challenges.

7. Community-Centric Approach:

Our community-centric approach ensures that the communities we serve actively participate in
decision-making processes. This not only aligns with principles of empowerment but also
enhances the sustainability of our interventions.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework:

A robust monitoring and evaluation framework is in place to assess the impact of our programs
continually. This allows us to adapt our strategies based on real-time feedback and lessons
learned, ensuring continuous improvement.

As we move forward, Hanan Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to making a

meaningful and sustainable difference in the lives of the communities we serve. We are
confident in our capacity to implement the strategic plan effectively and achieve the envisioned

SWOT Analysis for Hanan Foundation (HF)


1. Local Presence: HF has established field offices in key regions of Somalia, facilitating a
deep understanding of local contexts and needs.
2. Experienced Team: The organization boasts a skilled and dedicated team with diverse
expertise in humanitarian response, community development, and program management.
3. Community Trust: HF has built strong relationships with local communities, fostering
trust and collaboration in the implementation of projects.
4. Strategic Partnerships: Effective partnerships with governmental bodies, UN agencies,
international NGOs, and the private sector enhance HF's ability to leverage resources and
5. Financial Management: Rigorous financial management practices ensure transparency,
accountability, and compliance with regulations, bolstering donor confidence.


1. Limited Resources: Like many NGOs, HF faces resource constraints that can impact the
scale and scope of its interventions.
2. Dependency on Donors: The organization's operations heavily rely on donor funding,
exposing it to uncertainties related to donor priorities and funding availability.

8 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

3. Security Concerns: Operating in regions with security challenges poses a risk to the
safety of staff and the continuity of programs.


1. Innovative Technologies: Embracing technological solutions can enhance program

efficiency, data management, and outreach.
2. Capacity Building: Investing in staff development and building local capacities can
strengthen HF's ability to address emerging challenges.
3. Diversification of Funding Sources: Exploring partnerships with a diverse range of
donors and funding sources can reduce dependency on specific donors.
4. Collaborative Initiatives: Engaging in collaborative initiatives with other NGOs and
stakeholders can amplify the impact of interventions.


1. Political Instability: Ongoing political instability in Somalia can disrupt program

implementation and pose challenges to long-term planning.
2. Climate-Related Risks: Given the vulnerability of the region to climate change, the
increasing frequency of floods and droughts poses a threat to communities and program
3. Competitive Funding Landscape: Increased competition for limited funding in the
humanitarian sector can pose challenges to securing adequate resources.
4. Health Pandemics: The emergence of health crises, such as pandemics, can strain
resources and impact the delivery of non-health-related services.


The Purpose of the Strategic Plan
The purpose of this strategic plan is to guide Hanan Foundation (HF) in its endeavors over the
next five years (2024-2028). This plan delineates the organization's mission, vision, and key
objectives, providing a roadmap for effective and impactful humanitarian and development
interventions. It aims to align HF's activities with the dynamic needs of the communities it
serves, fostering sustainable positive change.

Key Strategic Directions of Focus

HF will concentrate on the following strategic directions to fulfill its mission:

 Education Enhancement: Strengthening education systems, infrastructure, and access

for vulnerable children and marginalized communities.
 Community Health and Nutrition: Implementing programs that enhance health
services, nutrition, and healthcare accessibility.

9 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Focusing on providing sustainable access to
clean water and improved sanitation facilities in targeted areas.
 Shelter and Livelihoods: Addressing shelter needs, especially in regions affected by
natural disasters, and promoting livelihood initiatives for community resilience.
 Gender-Based Violence Prevention: Implementing campaigns and projects to eliminate
gender-based violence and create safer communities.

Target Geographical Focus Areas

Hanan Foundation will prioritize its interventions in the following geographical areas:

 Banaadir Region: With a special emphasis on Mogadishu, the capital, where HF is

 Hirshabelle State: Focusing on regions like Jowhar, Beletweyne, and other areas
identified as having significant humanitarian needs.
 South West State: With a focus on Afgoi , responding to the unique challenges faced by
communities in these regions.

Target Focus Groups

HF's interventions will prioritize the following focus groups:

 Children and Youth: Ensuring access to quality education and skill development
 Women and Girls: Implementing programs for health, nutrition, and gender-based
violence prevention.
 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): Addressing the unique challenges faced by those
displaced by conflicts and disasters.
 Marginalized and Vulnerable Communities: Tailoring interventions to uplift those
facing heightened vulnerabilities due to social, economic, or environmental factors.


1. Education for Empowerment:
Objective: Increase access to quality education for marginalized and vulnerable children.

Key Initiatives:

 Establish and support schools in underserved areas.

 Enhance teacher training programs for improved educational outcomes.
 Promote innovative teaching methods to make learning engaging and effective.

2. WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene):

Objective: Ensure sustainable access to clean water and sanitation services.

10 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Key Initiatives:

 Implement water infrastructure projects in rural and peri-urban areas.

 Promote hygiene education for communities.
 Improve sanitation facilities to enhance public health.

3. Shelter and Livelihoods:

Objective: Enhance shelter conditions and livelihood opportunities for vulnerable populations.

Key Initiatives:

 Provide emergency shelter materials in response to crises.

 Support livelihood improvement initiatives for sustainable income.
 Address the immediate shelter needs of displaced populations.

4. Health and Nutrition:

Objective: Improve health outcomes and reduce malnutrition.

Key Initiatives:

 Strengthen health care services in target regions.

 Implement nutrition programs with a focus on vulnerable groups.
 Raise awareness about preventive health measures.

5. Food Security and Agricultural Development:

Objective: Promote food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

Key Initiatives:

 Implement agricultural projects to enhance food production.

 Provide support for farmers, especially in rural areas.
 Introduce initiatives for food storage and preservation.

6. Protection and Human Rights:

Objective: Safeguard human rights and protect vulnerable populations.

Key Initiatives:

 Advocate for the rights of women, children, and marginalized groups.

 Raise awareness about and prevent gender-based violence.
 Collaborate with communities to create environments of respect and dignity.


1. Community-Centric Engagement:

11 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

 Approach: Foster active community participation and collaboration.
 Rationale: By involving communities in decision-making and project implementation,
we ensure that interventions are contextually relevant and address the specific needs of
each community.
2. Capacity Building and Empowerment:
 Approach: Build the capacity of individuals and communities to take charge of their
 Rationale: Empowered communities are better equipped to sustainably manage and
benefit from the implemented programs, fostering long-term positive change.
3. Inclusive and Gender-Sensitive Practices:
 Approach: Ensure inclusivity and gender sensitivity in all program activities.
 Rationale: Recognizing and addressing the diverse needs of different groups, including
gender-specific considerations, enhances the effectiveness and equity of our
4. Partnership and Collaboration:
Approach: Collaborate with local and international partners, NGOs, and government
Rationale: Partnerships amplify the impact of interventions, bring in diverse expertise,
and create a more comprehensive response to the multifaceted challenges faced by
5. Innovative Technology Integration:
 Approach: Utilize innovative technologies for data collection, project management, and
 Rationale: Technology streamlines processes, ensures accurate data, and enhances the
efficiency of our operations, allowing for more effective and timely responses.
6. Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation:
 Approach: Implement robust monitoring and evaluation systems to track program
 Rationale: Regular assessments ensure accountability, provide insights for adaptive
management, and enable evidence-based decision-making.
7. Sustainability and Long-Term Impact:
Approach: Implement projects with a focus on long-term sustainability.
Rationale: Programs designed for sustainability contribute to lasting positive change,
promoting self-reliance and reducing dependency on external aid.
8. Advocacy for Policy Change:
 Approach: Engage in advocacy to influence policies that benefit vulnerable populations.
 Rationale: Advocacy at local and national levels is integral to addressing systemic issues
and creating an enabling environment for sustainable development.

12 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

These implementation approaches ensure that our programs are not only responsive to immediate
needs but also contribute to the overarching goal of creating lasting positive impacts on the
communities we serve.



Operational Risks Challenges in project Regularly update contingency

implementation, logistics, or plans, maintain open
unforeseen obstacles. communication, and build
flexibility into project

Financial Risks Budget overruns, fluctuations Conduct thorough financial

in currency exchange rates, or planning, regularly review
unexpected costs. budgets, diversify funding
sources, and establish
financial reserves.

Security and Safety Risks Risks related to the safety of Implement robust security
staff and beneficiaries due to protocols, conduct regular
conflict, natural disasters, or safety drills, and stay
civil unrest. informed about the local
security situation.

Human Resource Risks Challenges related to Invest in staff training and

recruitment, retention, or staff development, maintain a
capacity. positive organizational
culture, and regularly assess
and address HR needs.

Environmental Risks Risks related to environmental Incorporate environmental

changes affecting project impact assessments into
areas. project planning, promote
sustainable practices, and
adapt projects to changing
environmental conditions.

Health Risks Risks related to health Develop and implement health

emergencies, including and safety protocols, stay
13 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN
pandemics or disease informed about public health
outbreaks. trends, and collaborate with
local health authorities.

Community and Stakeholder Risks related to community Establish clear communication

Risks dissatisfaction, channels, engage with
misunderstandings, or communities, and conduct
resistance. regular feedback sessions to
address concerns.

Dependency on External Risks associated with over- Diversify funding sources,

Partners reliance on specific donors or build strong relationships with
partners. multiple partners, and
maintain financial reserves for
increased independence.


Budget Projection:

Programme/ Total Budget Break-down into the 5 Years (in USD)

Intervention Budget
in (USD)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

14 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN


Hanan Foundation (HF) is a reputable local non-governmental and non-profit relief and
development organization established in March 2017.

Founded by a group of passionate and committed individuals who wanted to contribute to the
fight poverty and rebuild the country, Hanan Foundation's primary mission is to enhance the
living standards of marginalized communities and vulnerable groups in collaboration with
national and international development and humanitarian partners.

Our approach is rooted in collaboration and capacity-building, focusing on empowering

communities to address their social, economic, and developmental challenges. This model,
termed 'Creating Local Solutions to Local Challenges,' underscores our commitment to
sustainable social cohesion and livelihoods, as well as the promotion of human rights and a
culture of peace, contributing to a violence-free society.

Headquartered in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hanan Foundation initiated its active operations in the
South-central Zone of the country. Following successful humanitarian work in the Banadir
region, we expanded our reach to Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle.

Our robust working relationships extend to local communities, regional authorities, and our
target beneficiaries across Somalia. The foundation has gained recognition for its unwavering
commitment to the highest standards of work, emphasizing accountability, sustainability,
responsibility, and sensitivity.

As we continue our journey, Hanan Foundation remains steadfast in its dedication to creating
positive and lasting impacts on the lives of those we serve.



Our mission is to empower marginalized and vulnerable groups, fostering sustainable

development, social cohesion, and a culture of peace. Through collaborative efforts and local
solutions, we aim to address the unique challenges faced by communities, promoting human


15 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Our vision is of a Somalia where every community, regardless of its challenges, can overcome
obstacles and build a future of prosperity.

Core Values:

In its pursuit of becoming a successful and reliable organization, Hanan Foundation adheres to a
set of principles and ethical guidelines. We are committed to upholding the following core

1. Excellence
 We strive for efficiency, effectiveness, and meaningful results in all our endeavors.
 Continuous improvement is a constant goal as we seek to enhance our operations and
increase our impact.
 We take pride in our work and celebrate our accomplishments.
2. Integrity
 Honesty and transparency guide our actions, and we hold ourselves accountable for our
 Maintaining a consistently high moral standard is non-negotiable.
 Ethical conduct is the foundation of all our activities, fostering trust with colleagues,
partners, and those we serve.
3. Respect
 We demonstrate respect for one another, our partners, and the communities we serve.
 Recognizing and valuing diversity, we acknowledge the strength that comes from varied
 All individuals are treated with equality and dignity, and we consistently uphold
professionalism and respect in our communications and behavior.

Our Team

We have a team of experts who have wiser experience in their fields of operation.

No Names of Governing Board Position

1. Adam Mohamoud Barre Board Director

2. Halimo Mohamud Ga’al Vice Board Director

3. Hassan Abdullahi Tifow Finance Officer

4. Mohamed Adam Mohamud Board Secretariat

5. Hussein Amey Mahmoud Public Relations

16 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Main objectives

Hanan Foundation is committed to achieving a positive impact across critical sectors through the
following main objectives:

1. Enhancing Educational Access

 Increase access to quality education for children from economically challenged and
vulnerable groups.
 Strengthen teacher capacity, improve the teaching/learning environment, and enhance
institutional structures.
2. Addressing Malnutrition and Ensuring Food Security
 Alleviate malnutrition and food insecurity by introducing sustainable initiatives.
 Enhance livelihoods and promote self-sufficiency through targeted food security and
livelihood improvement programs.
3. Shelter and Community Infrastructure Development
 Develop and improve shelter infrastructure to provide secure and dignified living
 Enhance community infrastructure that contributes to the overall well-being of residents.
4. Health and Sanitation Services Improvement
Improve access to primary health care services for vulnerable groups.
Enhance sustainable access to safe water and sanitation services in rural and peri-urban
5. Empowering Youth and Adults Through Education and Skills Training:
 Facilitate access to education and skills training for youth and adults.
 Create opportunities for employment and economic empowerment.
6. Human Rights and Dignity Protection:
 Strengthen the protection of human rights and dignity, with a focus on vulnerable
 Advocate for and apply a rights-based approach across all sectors.

17 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN


Healthcare and Nutrition: We

Education Program: We believe that prioritize the health and well-being
education is a fundamental right of of children by providing access to
every child. Our education program quality healthcare services. We offer
focuses on providing access to quality medical check-ups, vaccinations, and
education for vulnerable children, nutritional support to ensure their
including orphans and girls. We physical and mental well-being.
establish schools and implement
innovative teaching methods to enhance
learning outcomes.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Child Protection: We are committed to (WASH): We recognize the importance
safeguarding the rights and protection of clean water, sanitation facilities, and
of vulnerable children. Our child hygiene practices in improving the
protection program aims to prevent health and dignity of children and their
abuse, exploitation, and neglect through communities. Our WASH program
awareness campaigns, community- focuses on providing clean water
based child protection mechanisms, and sources, constructing latrines, and
psychosocial support. promoting hygiene education.

Empowering rural communities socially
SECURITY: Every person has the
and economically not only foster self-
right to a standard of living adequate for
sufficiency but also mitigates urban
his or her health and well-being. Small
migration, consequently reducing the
farmers are the key pillars for food
strain on urban infrastructure and IDP
18 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN


Hanan Foundation is actively engaged in providing humanitarian assistance across all regions
facing crises in Somalia. Our strategic presence encompasses key locations to ensure effective
outreach. The organizational structure includes:

1. Head Office:
 Located in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, serving as the central hub for strategic
planning and coordination.
2. Regional Offices:
 Hanan Foundation maintains regional offices strategically positioned across various
crisis-affected regions in Somalia.
3. Branch Offices:
 Jowhar District, Middle Shabelle Region (Hirshabelle State)
 Beletweyne, Hiiraan Region (Hirshabelle State)
 Afgoi, Lower Shabelle Region (South West State)

This expansive operational network enables Hanan Foundation to efficiently respond to the
diverse and dynamic needs of communities throughout Somalia, ensuring that our humanitarian
efforts reach those most in need.


Since its establishment on March 15, 2017, Hanan Foundation (HF) has implemented a series of
impactful initiatives, positively affecting the lives of numerous vulnerable families, internally
displaced persons (IDPs), and impoverished farmers. Key achievements include:

1. Humanitarian Assistance:

Over 4025 deprived families, including IDPs and struggling farmers, have received critical
humanitarian support. This assistance has been instrumental in addressing immediate needs and
improving the overall well-being of these communities.

2. Emergency Aid Distribution:

19 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

Hanan Foundation has played a pivotal role in responding to emergencies, particularly in
Banaadir and Middle Shabelle regions. The organization has provided essential resources such as
food aid, shelter materials, and cash distributions to those affected by droughts and floods.

3. Diverse Funding Sources

The success of these endeavors is attributed to the collaboration with diverse funding sources.
Support has been received from Somali Diaspora Communities, local private businesses, the
Middle Shabelle Regional Administration of the Somali Federal Government, and contributions
from dedicated members of the Hanan Foundation Board.

These success stories underscore Hanan Foundation's commitment to making a tangible and
positive impact on the lives of vulnerable populations, demonstrating the effectiveness of its
humanitarian interventions in times of crisis.


Hanan Foundation is proud to engage in an annual Iftar feeding program, extending a caring
hand to selected impoverished families within the community. This initiative is designed to
ensure that individuals and families facing economic challenges have the means to break their
fast during the holy month of Ramadan.


HF is actively engaged in a commendable endeavor – the implementation of a tuition-free

education project. This remarkable initiative receives its backing from the generous contributions
of the Somali Diaspora Communities, who channel their support through fundraising efforts
spanning across various Somali communities in Europe and the USA.

Within this noble framework, Hanan Foundation proudly manage the operation of Zone 4
Primary and Secondary School, nestled in the Yaqshid district. As part of this effort, we allocate
resources for the remuneration of dedicated educators, cover school facilities' expenses including
rent, and ensure a seamless provision of utilities such as water and electricity. Together, these
initiatives are a testament to our commitment to making quality education accessible to all.

20 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

21 Hanan Foundation | 5 – YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN
Hanan Foundation


Board of Directors

Executive Director
Deputy Executive Director







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