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Date: February 5, 2024

Year level: Grade 9 - St. Jude
Length of class: 2 hours (120 minutes)
Prepared by: Ms. Edralyn Curbo

Learning Competency:
EN9V-IIIa-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama and theatre (like stage directions)

I. Outcomes
 Determine the different technical vocabulary in drama and theatre and stage directions
 Develop an appreciation for the precision and specificity of technical vocabulary in drama and theatre
 Illustrate and Explain the importance of stage directions for drama and theatre

II. Subject Matter

A. Lesson Title: Technical Vocabulary for drama and theatre
B. References: Grade 9 book
C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, TV, Book, Pen and Paper


A. Preparatory Activity
 Classroom Management
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Priming/Activity
 Presentation of outcomes
 Introduction to topic
 Discussion
 Assessment and Evaluation
 Assignment
 Concluding Activity

B. Activity Proper
Wordsearch A M A R D M O E A
1. Act B C J U N G I X H
2. Drama P A T L K R A P T
3. Scene L T H U B J E O N
4. Exposition A B E N E C S S E
5. Playwright Y U M H O P E I M
6. Dialogue
7. Denouement I N V A N I F R O
8. Play G R M Y K T Q Y N
9. Plot H J I M I N Y G E
10. Theme T E U G O L A I D

C. Abstraction
The teacher will first introduce the learning outcomes. Then teacher will start the discussion with preparatory
activity. After that the teacher will introduce the technical vocabulary in drama and theatre, it’s functions, and
sample pictures. Then, the teacher will ask the students if they have any questions or clarifications about the
topic. Then, in application the teacher prepared drills for the students to answer and to check if the students
understood the lesson. And in assessment and evaluation the teacher prepared an activity and will let the
students identify technical vocabulary and illustrate the stage directions.

D. Analysis
The teacher will give further insights and will discuss the introduction of the lesson. In the preparatory activity
the teacher will divide the students into 2 groups and will provide handouts and copies of the crossword puzzle
to the students. Then, teacher will discuss the instructions and the students will try to find all the hidden words.
The first group to find all the hidden words will be the winner. After that, teacher will ask the students what if
they have any idea of what will be the topic. Teacher will discuss and will give examples for the students to
understand the topic.

E. Application
Review: Explain the following different technical vocabulary in drama and theatre and stage directions. (15 pts)
1. Act
2. One-act Play
3. Stage directions
4. Drama
5. Dialogue
6. Verbal irony
7. Scene
8. Play
9. Playwright
10. Exposition
11. Dramatic irony
12. Denouement
13. Plot
14. Theme
15. In medias res

F. Assessment and Evaluation

Activity 1.
Match column A with column B. (Book - p.381).

Activity 2.
With your group, illustrate the stage directions.

G. Assignment
Why do you think learning the technical vocabulary for drama and theatre is important? (Explain
comprehensively in 4-5 sentences) (10pts)

H. Concluding Activity
"Behind every powerful performance lies a tapestry of stage directions, weaving together the threads of
emotion, movement, and meaning."

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