Relative Pronouns

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Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns are words that introduce relative clauses in a sentence. Relative clauses provide
more information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause. The most common relative pronouns

1. Who: Used for people. Example: The woman who is standing over there is my sister.
 The woman who is singing on stage is a famous singer.
 I have a friend who speaks five languages fluently.

2. Whom: Also used for people, particularly in more formal contexts. Example: The person whom I met
yesterday is a famous actor.

 The person whom I admire the most is my grandmother.

 He is the scientist whom the award was given to.

3. Whose: Indicates possession and is used for both people and things. Example: This is the boy whose
father is a doctor.
 This is the girl whose father owns the bakery.
 I met a man whose car was stolen last night.

4. Which: Used for animals and things. Example: The car which is parked outside is mine.
 The car, which is parked in the driveway, belongs to my neighbor.
 This is the book which I was telling you about.

5. That: Used for both people and things. It's a bit more flexible and can often be used instead of "who"
or "which." Example: The book that I am reading is very interesting.
 The movie that we watched last night was incredible.
 The cat that is sitting on the windowsill is very cute.

6. Where: Used to refer to a place. Example: This is the city where I was born.
 This is the school where I studied for six years.
 I still remember the place where we first met.

7. When: Used to refer to a specific time. Example: The day when we met was unforgettable.
 Do you remember the day when we went on that amazing hike?
 The moment when I received the news was unforgettable.

Relative pronouns help to combine sentences and add more detail to the main clause. Keep in mind
that in some cases, especially in informal contexts, you may omit the relative pronoun, especially
when it is the object of the relative clause. For example: "The man (whom) I met yesterday is a
Exercise: Fill in the gaps with the accurate relative pronoun.

1. The woman __________ lives next door is a doctor.

2. This is the book __________ I was telling you about.
3. The student __________ won the award is my cousin.
4. The city __________ I was born is very small.
5. Do you remember the day __________ we went to the beach?
6. The car __________ is parked in front of the house belongs to my brother.
7. I have a friend __________ speaks three languages fluently.
8. The company __________ I work for is expanding its operations.
9. The moment __________ I realized my mistake was embarrassing.
10. This is the dog __________ tail was injured in an accident.



1. who
2. that
3. who
4. where
5. when
6. that
7. who
8. that
9. when

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