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A person who never gives up

A person who asks what nobody ever asks

Enormous shoes to fill
pet is behaving strangely

Hello? Can you hear me? I can’t believe this old piece of junk turned on! Well, if you can
listen to me, that means the microphone works. I’m Jay. I have to tell my story ASAP. The A.O.F
are after me. Let’s get started, shall we? Here we go
Chapter 1: The Catoctapus Is Born
I woke up with a start. My cat was nuzzling me in the chin. I had a faint memory of me
dreaming about cats exploding into banana split ice cream. Huh. It must have been the effect of
the banana split ice cream I ate yesterday at Julia’s party. I rolled off my bed like a lazy
caterpillar. My cat leapt elegantly off my bed. A little too elegantly.
I kept an eye on my cat as I brushed, took a bath, and sat down at the table for
breakfast. My cat stared at me and looked at its breakfast with a disgusted expression. Just like
a human would look at the cat food they buy. could my cat somehow be human? I was looking
at my cat very suspiciously. My cat stared at me. It opened its mouth as if it was going to yawn
and released tentacles.
Chapter 2: The Catoctapus Exploded Into Banana Split Ice Cream Sundaes
The tentacles grabbed me and held me in the air. My mom screamed. I dangled
helplessly, inching toward the cat’s mouth. It was its dinner. I twisted and turned, but the
tentacles held me down from escaping.
Someone dressed in black crashed through the roof. He or she held up a weird-looking
weapon and slashed at the cat. The stranger had missed. The cat hissed at the stranger. The
stranger slashed again. He or she hit this time.
The cat fell to the ground and exploded into a lot of banana split ice cream. One of those
hit me in the face. I crumpled and blacked out.
Chapter 3: I Will Never Eat A Banana Split Ice Cream Ever Again.
When I woke up, everything was blurry. All I saw were blotches of black and gold. I rolled
over. My vision was slowly starting to come back. Someone started shaking me. I realised that it
was the same person who had killed my cat. I stood up. I don't know why I did it, but I ran for it.
I dashed out the door. I was scared of whoever had fought me. I didn’t want to mess with
the stranger. The stranger chased me through the streets of a city I did not know. I ran into a
shop and hid under a table. The stranger ran inside and looked around. I started panicking. He
walked around for a minute and then went out. I was delighted that he did not find me. I slowly
got out from under the table. I silently walked out of the shop.
I walked, lost in thought, as I thought how a banana split ice cream could hit me in the
face and knock me out. I was wandering around when a big hand grabbed me on the shoulder.
Chapter 4: Tra-la-la! I’m an alien: nothing and nobody to worry about.
I became stiff. I was terrified about what was going to happen. Let me guess. It was
another stranger who was going to kidnap me. I sprinted away, turning back to look at the
hulking figure running after me. I turned the curb as I got sucked into a black hole.
I woke up (again) in a different place this time. I was terrified (again), and I looked
around, scanning my surroundings for any threats. Nobody was around. That is weird. I walked
out and went to a shop that said ‘Free Banana Split Ice Cream Sundaes.’ No way was I going to
get that even if it was free. My stomach grumbled in disagreement. Ugh. At least it was free. I
walked to the shop of torture. I asked for one banana split ice cream. It melted right on my
tongue. It was very delicious. I walked out of the shop. I had to find out who captured me and
who chased me. I walked around the street, looking around. People greeted me. I wandered for
hours, thinking about how I could get out of this place. I finally found an entrance and a sign that
said, ‘Welcome to Alien World! If you can read this, you are an Alien!”
Chapter 5: What Do I Plan To Use? My Feet. To Run.
So I’m an alien. Wow. I belong to the Alien World. As I went in, I saw a shoe on top of
me. It was empty. I asked other aliens what it meant, and they said I had to do good deeds. If
the shoe was complete, I was officially a good person. Nobody’s bars were full yet. So, if I finish
mine, I will be the only good person as of today. I wanted to be known as a good person. But if
my parents were human, how could I be alien? Maybe that’s why those people are chasing me.
I wanted to find them and interrogate them for pursuing me. I walked to the nearest person and
described them to him. The man immediately walked away silently, scared. I asked a few more
people. They all acted strangely like the man who I had first asked. I asked people until I found
a majestic golden and white palace.

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