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The risks of Mexico’s creeping militarisation Motoring to the next political battleground

Trump team seeks to derail ‘absurd’ Briefing

i BAE books record orders
on back of war in Ukraine
Britain’s biggest defence company

push for speedy trial before election has lifted its annual profit forecast
as the Ukraine war helped to drive
first-half new orders to a record
£21.1bn.— PAGE 10; LEX, PAGE 22

i NHS enlists private help

3 Charges over fallout from 2020 vote 3 Capitol riot ‘fuelled by lies’ 3 Ex-president leads Republican race Private providers will be given a
bigger role in running and funding
NHS diagnostic centres as
STEFF CHÁVEZ — CHICAGO ministers enlist companies to help
STEFANIA PALMA — WASHINGTON clear record waiting lists. — PAGE 2

Donald Trump’s legal team has pushed i Meta faces content heat
back against US prosecutors’ drive for a Facebook’s owner has been
“speedy trial” over the historic charges accused in a scathing report of
that the former president conspired to “neglecting” a program designed
subvert the 2020 election. to remove misinformation and
In comments that signalled Trump’s harmful content online.— PAGE 7
desire to delay proceedings — possibly
until after next year’s presidential con- i Airbus joins space race
test — John Lauro, one of his lawyers, The European aviation group is to
rejected any suggestion of taking the form a joint venture with US start-
case to court in a matter of months. up Voyager in the race to build a
“The Biden justice department has replacement for the International
had three years to investigate this. To Space Station.— PAGE 8
take president Trump to trial in 90 days,
of course, is absurd,” Lauro said yester- i Europe IPOs slump
day, a day after Trump was indicted on The number of groups listing in
four criminal charges related to efforts Europe has hit the lowest level
to overturn the 2020 election result. since the global financial crisis, as
“Right now [prosecutors] want to go an economic slowdown and the
to trial so that instead of debating the pull of US listings bite.— PAGE 11
issues against Joe Biden, president
Trump is sitting in a courtroom — how is i GAM implores investors
that justice?” Lauro said on NBC’s Today, The Swiss investment house has
in reference to a possible repeat Biden- again moved to ease fears over
Trump presidential contest next year. the takeover offer from British
“We’re entitled to understand what asset manager Liontrust that it
the charges are [and] do our own inves- says is key to its survival.— PAGE 8
tigation,” he added.
The Department of Justice said that it Datawatch
would respond in court.
Special counsel Jack Smith laid out
charges against Trump on Tuesday that Barbie bounce
included “conspiring to defraud the US, Highest grossing box office weekend,
US and Canada ($mn)
conspiring to disenfranchise voters and Marvel Star Wars Other Disney
conspiring and attempting to obstruct Sony Barbie Oppenheimer
an official proceeding”. so much support on anything before”. by Smith, who was appointed by attor- Cannon has set the start for May 2024, a Donald Trump Other 400
The January 6 2021 assault on the US He attacked the “unprecedented indict- ney-general Merrick Garland to oversee date between those sought by the DoJ on the campaign 350
Congress, he said, was “fuelled by lies” ment of a former (highly successful!) probes involving the former president. and Trump’s legal team. The trial over trail. Over being 250
from Trump over the 2020 result, add- president and the leading candidate, by In addition to separate federal crimi- alleged payments to Daniels is slated to charged, he says 200
ing that the DoJ would seek “a speedy far, in both Republican party and the nal charges over the handling of classi- start in March 2024. he ‘never had so 150
trial so that our evidence can be tested 2024 general election”. fied documents, Trump is facing state According to the indictment, six co- much support 100
in court”. The case is seen as one of the most charges over alleged hush-money pay- conspirators joined Trump’s “criminal on anything’ 50
Sue Ogrocki/AP 0
Smith’s language co-opted a defend- serious legal challenges faced by Trump. ments to porn star Stormy Daniels in the efforts” to overturn the results of the 2017 18 19 20 21 22 23
ant’s right to a speedy trial, which under It is the second set of charges brought run-up to the 2016 election. 2020 polls. The unnamed individuals Source: Box Office Mojo
federal statute must begin within 70 Trump, who remains far ahead of his include attorneys, a DoJ official and a The opening weekend of ‘Barbie’ and
days of an indictment, although pro- rivals in the race for the Republican political consultant. ‘Oppenheimer’ reached fourth in the list
ceedings are often postponed for vari- Reports & 3 Uncharted legal territory page 6 presidential nomination, has sought to A further legal hurdle looms in Geor- of all-time box office records. This
ous reasons. 3 Trump sees gains page 6 delay other legal proceedings until after gia, where a special grand jury is investi- represents the first time that head-to-
Referring to the indictment, Trump
analysis 3 FT View page 20 the 2024 election. He has petitioned for gating alleged interference by Trump in head movie releases have both grossed
more than $80mn on debut.
said in a post on his Truth Social net- 3 Gideon Rachman page 21 the classified-documents case to be the 2020 vote. Any charges are expected
work yesterday that he had “never had delayed until after the poll. Judge Aileen to be brought forward this summer.

Ministers cite inflation in fifth delay to

post-Brexit border checks on EU food
GEORGE PARKER AND PETER FOSTER model” would start to be rolled out from enough time to prepare, adding that the
October 31, with a full regime in force by model “will be published shortly”.
Post-Brexit border controls on animal
the following October. In a briefing document last April the
and plant products from the EU are set
But government insiders told the government insisted — in bold text — on
to be delayed by ministers again, amid
Financial Times that while details of the its “firm intention” to press ahead with
fears that extra bureaucracy on
Tech dreams breaking up imported goods will fuel inflation.
plan would be published “very soon”, its the first phase of border controls in Oct-
amid slow rollout of fast 5G implementation would be pushed back. ober this year after four separate delays.
The government is set to announce a “The driving force behind this is the Its original starting date was July 2021.
Although Britain was one of the first further postponement to the import need to bear down on inflation: that’s The food industry had warned that
countries to launch 5G commercially, it regime, which was set to start in Octo- why there will be a delay,” said one per- plans to charge a flat-rate inspection fee
is now falling behind, dimming hopes ber, so as not to add to price pressures son briefed on the plan. “There will be of up to £43 on each consignment of
for a network capable of nurturing the and to give companies and ports more additional costs at the border.” food coming from the EU would drive
next Silicon Valley. Disruption caused time to implement the rules. Others said that businesses had to be up prices, with the government estimat-
by the ban on kit from China’s Huawei The move comes as Bank of England given sufficient time to adapt. “The ing total extra costs of £420mn a year.
and poor investment by mobile phone policymakers meet today to consider effort that business has made won’t be Shane Brennan, head of lobby group
operators are to blame, analysts say. more action on tackling high inflation. put to waste,” said one official. “This will the Cold Chain Federation, said delaying
One report put the UK 39th among 56 There have been several delays to the happen but there will be a delay.” beyond October was the “right thing to
developed countries for 5G availability, post-Brexit regime for goods entering A new timetable has not been signed do”, given inflationary pressures.
while another said its download speed the UK. In contrast, British exports to off but the start is expected to slip into But Nick von Westenholz, at the Nat-
was 21st out of 25 advanced markets. the EU are already subject to full checks. next year. The government said that ional Farmers Union, said another delay
Risk to ambitions i PAGE 3 Ministers announced as recently as ministers were considering feedback would exasperate many farmers facing
April that a “border target operating from “stakeholders” to ensure they had barriers to their exports to the EU.

World Markets
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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Health diagnostics Resolution framework

Green light
NHS gives private companies larger role for regime
Independently run centres ister Rishi Sunak established the task
force last December the government
The NHS has a severe shortage of capital
with a maintenance backlog estimated
was developed in partnership with
Alliance Medical, which specialises in
next year. Yesterday, the prime minister
acknowledged that NHS waiting lists in
to manage
for checks and scans aim
to cut treatment backlog
said its recommendations would “help
unlock spare capacity in the independ-
at more than £10bn.
CDCs are seen by both the govern-
medical imaging. The company has pro-
vided a range of diagnostic equipment
England had increased since he took
office last October, but he blamed a
failure of big
ent sector to bust the Covid-19 backlogs
and reduce waiting times”.
The government has pledged to estab-
ment and NHS leaders as one of their
more successful recent initiatives, and
are equally popular with the public and
including a positron emission tomogra-
phy and computed tomography
(PET-CT) scanner, the first available to
wave of industrial action in the health
service for the backlog, which he
acknowledged had risen to about 7.9mn
Private companies will be given a bigger lished a total of 160 community diag- health professionals. The first centres patients in the area. for routine hospital treatment.
role in running and funding diagnostic nostic centres (CDCs) by March 2025 were established in July 2021, to miti- Alliance Medical is one of the biggest “We were actually making progress, IAN SMITH AND LAURA NOONAN
centres for the NHS as the government and so far there are 108, some run by the gate long treatment backlogs caused by private providers partnering with the we eliminated the number of two-year
Ministers are pressing ahead with plans
seeks to enlist independent providers to NHS and some run in partnership with the Covid pandemic. NHS in running CDCs. The other, diag- waiters . . . we practically eliminated
to create a resolution regime to deal
help clear record waiting lists for treat- private providers. Only a handful of In June, the health department said nostics specialist InHealth Group, has the number of people waiting one and a
with the failure of big insurance com-
ment. fully privately operated centres have CDCs had carried out more than 4mn been working with the health service for half years and we were making progress
panies, saying the “swift and decisive”
The decision to expand the role of the opened so far. checks, tests and scans for patients three decades. on bringing the overall numbers down,”
action to rescue Silicon Valley Bank’s
private sector in centres that provide a A principal benefit of an independ- across the country, “cutting waiting lists Sunak said CDCs such as Oldham he told LBC radio.
UK arm in March underlined the
range of checks and scans is expected to ently-run model is that the CDCs’ assets and giving patients quicker access to were “making a major difference in cut- He added that strikes were the “sim-
importance of such arrangements.
be announced tomorrow alongside pub- are treated as “off balance sheet” and care”. ting waiting lists”, one of the “five priori- ple” reason that waiting lists were rising,
lication of the final report of an “elective are outside the health department’s In February, Sunak visited a CDC in ties” he has set for the government as he adding “it’s not because we’re not The government said yesterday it would
recovery task force”. When Prime Min- budget for buildings and equipment. Oldham, Greater Manchester, which prepares for a general election expected putting more money in”. legislate “when parliamentary time
allows” to give the Bank of England pow-
ers and flexibility to manage the demise
of a large insurer, mirroring the resolu-
Risk register tion regime for banks set up in 2009.
Following a public consultation on the

Drone attacks, government’s plans, the Treasury said

the regime would provide the central
bank with “powers to take prompt
AI and Russia action to stabilise and manage an
insurer that is failing or likely to fail,

head list of subject to appropriate safeguards”.

“In the banking sector, the swift and
decisive resolution of Silicon Valley
main threats Bank UK . . . demonstrated how the
UK’s resolution framework enhances
UK financial stability,” it added.
HSBC bought the UK arm of the failed

Artificial intelligence, drone attacks on Industry is still haunted by

critical infrastructure and the prospect
of future disruption to energy supplies
the failure of Equitable
by a hostile Russian regime are among Life, which came close to
the key threats to the UK identified in a
government risk assessment.
collapse two decades ago
The vulnerabilities were among 89 technology focused lender in March for
threats listed in the Cabinet Office’s a symbolic £1 after last-minute talks led
national risk register published today, by Rishi Sunak and the BoE. The central
which included several publicly bank is reviewing its resolution regime
acknowledged for the first time. for smaller banks after the collapse of
One of those making its first appear- California-based Silicon Valley Bank.
ance in the register, last published in The Treasury said the proposed
2020, was the threat Russia posed to gas regime would seek to preserve continu-
supplies to western Europe, after the ity of cover for policyholders, avoid the
Kremlin triggered an energy crisis by its “significant value destruction” for the
full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year. sector of an insolvency process, and
Another risk previously not listed was support public confidence in insurers.
the vulnerability of undersea telecom- The Association of British Insurers
munications cables and the damage an welcomed how the government’s plans
attack on them would cause, although “focus on ensuring a level-playing field”
military chiefs have publicly warned of for insurers. The industry is still haun-
the dangers in the past. ted by the failure of Equitable Life,
The “declassification” of information which came close to collapse two decad-
about these risks follows a wider shift
towards transparency, including a more
open approach to divulging intelligence
Big switch The proportion of people watching
traditional broadcast TV each week fell
by a record amount last year, and even
digital streaming services rather than
solely broadcast TV. But even taking
account of this shift, the average time
viewers has halved since 2014,
suggesting a big drop in “national
TV moments” around climactic
es ago, with policyholders losing billions
of pounds and the government paying
more than £1bn in compensation.
on cyber attacks, in order to bolster the
UK’s resilience. “This is the most com-
Viewers turn loyal older audiences are switching
more readily to digital services,
spent watching TV and video content
across all devices in 2022 was four
parts of soap operas, for example, as
well as lower audiences for evening
Like the EU’s arrangements, which
were announced two years ago, the UK
prehensive risk assessment we’ve ever
published so that government and our
partners can put robust plans in place
to digital TV according to the media watchdog.
Weekly audience reach of broadcast
TV fell to 79 per cent in 2022 from
hours 28 minutes per person per day,
about 12 per cent lower than in 2021.
Claire Enders of Enders Analysis, the
TV news bulletins.
With only 48 programmes
averaging more than 4mn TV
plans allow for the writedown of cus-
tomer benefits, among other liabilities.
Such proposals have been controversial
and be ready for anything,” said deputy 83 per cent in 2021, Ofcom said in its media research company, pointed to viewers on streaming platforms in with consumer groups.
prime minister Oliver Dowden. 2023 media nations report today. the growing popularity of the YouTube 2022, Ofcom said its report But both the EU regime and the UK
The register lists artificial intelligence That was down from 88 per cent in video platform and TikTok social illustrated “just how fragmented the plans include a “no creditor worse off”
as a distinct “chronic threat” for the first 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, in network among younger audiences, viewing landscape has become”. safeguard, meaning that no customer
time, saying it could cause an increase in an acceleration of the longer-term shift with less interest across age groups in Two-thirds of households were should be worse off than they would be
harmful mis- and disinformation and “if away from “linear” TV viewing, where news in particular compared with using a subscription streaming had the insurer become insolvent.
handled improperly, reduce economic people watch scheduled programmes during the pandemic. service in the first quarter of 2023, The UK plans also provide top-up
competitiveness”. live on traditional channels. It was also significant to see a down from a peak of 68 per cent in payments for customers protected by
Climate change, antimicrobial resist- The average time viewers spent “massive long-term drop in shows” the first quarter of last year, the Financial Services Compensation
ance and serious organised crime were watching linear TV each day fell to that regularly attracted several million suggesting take-up has plateaued. Scheme, which provides redress when
identified as the other chronic threats. 2 hours 38 minutes in 2022, more than viewers, she said. Analysts at Enders Younger viewers rely more on insurers fail in certain circumstances.
The most severe threats defined as a tenth down on 2021, when viewing expect viewing of linear broadcasting digital apps for on-demand short- The Treasury said the public consul-
having a “catastrophic” impact, include was partly boosted by Covid curbs. to fall from two-thirds to less than half form videos, rather than scheduling tation, issued in January, had received
a future pandemic, which was given a Average daily viewing among older of video viewing by 2028 as streaming time for TV programmes. “near unanimous support” from
“highly unlikely” rating of 5-25 per cent. people, which had been stable before services such as Netflix advance. For the first time, 16- to 24-year- respondents that the regime should
Other “catastrophic” events, includ- the pandemic, fell at its fastest rate. Most watched TV programmes last olds watched less broadcast TV on align with international standards.
ing large-scale chemical, biological, “Core” audiences aged over 65 fell year were England’s quarterfinal average than children aged four-15, The government said Lloyd’s of Lon-
radiological and nuclear attacks and the 10 per cent year on year, down 6 per against France in the Fifa World Cup, prioritising time on apps. The report don, the global insurance market place,
failure of the national electricity trans- On the box: younger viewers like cent on pre-pandemic levels. the platinum jubilee celebrations and said teenage TikTok users spent would not be under the regime, as “risks
mission system, were given a “remote” to use apps for on-demand videos More people, including older the Queen’s funeral. But the number of more than an hour a day on the Lloyd’s might pose as a systemic mar-
1-5 per cent chance of happening. Rene Wassenbergh/Alamy
viewers, are watching programmes via programmes pulling in more than 4mn social network. Daniel Thomas ketplace . . . ” are mitigated by alterna-
Opinion page 21 tive resolution arrangements.

General election

Lib Dems target south-west in push to gain more seats

INVESTMENT ANNA GROSS donations in the first quarter of the year, even larger, shock win in Tiverton and damaged in the rural Brexit-voting con-
is targeting donors to build a war chest Honiton in Devon last year. stituencies in the south-west in recent
Subscribe today at The Liberal Democrat party is stepping for the south-west, which officials hope Party leader Sir Ed Davey has pri- elections because of its pro-EU stance, up campaigning in more than a dozen will lead to a much better national per- vately urged activists to avoid height- but it has started to make inroads more
seats, predominantly in the south of formance than in recent years. ened expectations following the two by- recently, presenting itself as the corner-
England, following recent by-election The Lib Dems have suffered three election wins and focus its limited stone of an anti-Tory coalition.
wins as it starts to broaden its ambitions consecutive disappointments at general resources on seats where it really stands In the Somerton and Frome by-elec-
FINANCIAL TIMES Reproduction of the contents of this newspaper in ahead of the general election expected elections since 2015, when they had just a chance of unseating the Conservatives. tion, the party secured a majority of just
Bracken House, 1 Friday Street, London EC4M 9BT. any manner is not permitted without the publisher’s
prior consent. next year. eight MPs elected and were wiped out in The spectre still looms large of former over 19,000. There are 15 Conservative
Published by: The Financial Times Limited, Dave McCobb, the director of field the south-west. They secured 11 seats leader Jo Swinson’s claim that the Lib MPs in the south-west defending a
Bracken House, 1 Friday Street, ‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are registered trade marks campaigns, presented a paper to mem- nationally in 2019, including holding the Dems could win hundreds of seats in the smaller majority, including Chelten-
London EC4M 9BT. of The Financial Times Limited.
Tel: 020 7873 3000
bers on Tuesday night that identified one south-west seat they had regained 2019 election, before losing her own on ham, St Ives and Wells.
Editor: Roula Khalaf The Financial Times and its journalism are subject to areas where support was growing, giv- two years earlier. the night. The Lib Dems are relying on a tacit
a self-regulation regime under the FT Editorial Code ing the party a good chance of pushing The Lib Dems, which hope to over- The party’s reputation was badly agreement with Labour that neither
Subscriptions and Customer Service of Practice: out Conservatives at the next election. take the Scottish National party to party will fight too hard in seats that the
Tel 0800 028 1407;; Reprints Most of these constituencies are in the regain their position as the third-largest other is likely to win. Among the Lib
Are available of any FT article with your company party’s former heartland in the south- party in the House of Commons, had Dems’ top 30 target seats only one, Shef-
Advertising logo or contact details inserted if required (minimum west of England, including Taunton more than a dozen MPs in the south- field Hallam in northern England, has
Tel: 020 7873 4000; order 100 copies).
Letters to the editor Deane and West Dorset, as well as in west of England at the 2005 election, Labour as the main opposition. One-off copyright licences for reproduction of FT Surrey in the south-east and Stratford- their most successful in modern history “Whenever the Lib Dems have under-
Executive appointments articles are also available. upon-Avon in the West Midlands. when they won 62 seats in total. performed it’s because they’ve spread
Tel: 020 7873 4909;
For both services phone 020 7873 4816, or
“Many of these are seats that two “We’re looking to see how far we can themselves too thin,” said Andrew Rus-
Printed by alternatively, email years ago would not have featured any- take back our former heartland,” Daisy sell, professor of politics at Liverpool
Newsprinters (Broxbourne) Limited, Hertfordshire, where in a map of where we could beat Cooper, deputy leader of the Lib Dems, university, noting that the party needed
Newsprinters (Knowsley) Limited, Merseyside, Newspapers support recycling the Conservatives,” said a person said, adding that it would be “foolhardy volunteers as well as money to target
Newsprinters (Eurocentral) Glasgow, and Irish Times, The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in
Dublin, Ireland 2018 was 69.2% briefed on the meeting with McCobb. to rule out the opportunity of looking at seats effectively.
“Some of them we wouldn’t even have other seats in the area” after securing a He pointed out that a sensible strat-
© Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2023. All thought about a few months ago.” big victory in the Somerton and Frome Frome victory: Ed Davey and new egy for the party was to select discrete
rights reserved.
The party, which received £1.3mn in by-election earlier this month and an MP Sarah Dyke celebrate last month areas and “precision-bomb” them.
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Slow rollout of
5G seen as risk
to advanced
tech ambitions
Low investment and ban on Huawei kit blamed
for mediocre ranking among developed markets
ERI SUGIURA, DANIEL THOMAS having the largest 5G-capable smart-
phone sales in Europe.
The UK is in danger of becoming an also- “The promise of true 5G is yet to be
ran in the global race to roll out high- realised,” said Paolo Pescatore, an ana-
speed fifth-generation mobile networks lyst at PP Foresight, a research business.
capable of supporting government “There’s been a lot of hype around 5G
efforts to create the next Silicon Valley, with telcos having invested bil-
say analysts and industry executives. lions . . . and rolling out networks. Hold the line: signal that uses dedicated masts and mour for 5G. One in six mobile users felt ‘5G in the warned there will be even slower invest-
Despite being one of the first coun- Arguably, the UK has lost its place to be Londoners and radio spectrum but relies on 4G net- the power of 5G had been overhyped, ment in 5G if competition authorities
tries to start implementing 5G commer- a 5G leader.” visitors to the works for most of the population. Minis- and less than half said they had seen UK is in the block their proposed deal. The merger
cially in 2019, the UK is now falling “We were early adopters of 5G but capital make ters have also set a target for all popu- noticeable speed or reliability improve- lower would reduce the number of UK net-
behind because of limited investment now we are falling behind,” said Andrea calls at Trafalgar lated areas to be covered by 5G net- ments since upgrading their device, a work operators from four to three: the
by mobile phone operators and disrup- Dona, Vodafone UK’s chief network Square. Analysts works by 2030. survey in October last year by Uswitch, performance combined entity, plus EE and O2.
tion caused by the government’s ban on officer, adding that Britain had failed to say users will Chancellor Jeremy Hunt used his the price comparison service, found. category, Which?, the consumer group, has voiced
kit from Huawei, the Chinese telecoms grasp the initiative despite past mis- have to wait for Autumn Statement to highlight the The benefit of 5G is varied even within concern that this could reduce choice
equipment maker. takes with the slow rollout of previous the full benefits importance of 5G, as he also stressed his the UK. The download speed uplift by and the risk for consumers and raise prices.
Ofcom, the telecoms regulator, said in wireless technologies. of 5G — Richard Baker/
In Pictures/Getty Images
priority of nurturing economic growth switching from 4G to 5G was marginal in of the UK Vodafone and Three have promised to
May that 5G mobile coverage from at The protracted expansion comes through innovation. London compared with other cities, invest £11bn in the UK over 10 years to
least one operator was available at despite evidence of clear economic ben- “I want to combine our technology according to a study by OpenSignal
falling create one of Europe’s most advanced
82 per cent of places where people live efits and the government’s goal of hav- and science brilliance with our formida- released in March. behind can 5G networks.
and work, but the figure falls to 22 per ing high-speed mobile networks. 5G ble financial services to turn Britain into “The core concern from consumers in translate “This merger is all about the quality of
cent for areas covered by all providers. could be worth as much as £173bn to the the world’s next Silicon Valley,” he said. terms of overhype is that disconnect infrastructure in the UK,” said Robert
5G availability, expressed as the per- economy over the next decade in im- But Sylwia Kechiche, an analyst at between what had been promised in into slower Finnegan, chief executive of Three UK.
centage of time a mobile phone user is provements to productivity and the Ookla, said: “5G in the UK is in the lower terms of revolutionary experiences and economic However, Pescatore challenged the
connected to dedicated networks rather development of connected cities, driv- performance category, and the risk of what we’re actually able to do on our argument that the fate of the 5G rollout
than other wireless technologies, stands erless vehicles and other technologies, the UK falling behind can translate into devices,” Uswitch said. growth’ was determined by the merger, saying
at 10.1 per cent, placing the UK 39th according to Assembly Research, a tele- slower economic growth.” Mobile operators said the investment that operators were already years
among 56 advanced and developing coms consultancy. Industry executives highlight the numbers for 5G did not add up yet. UK behind schedule with proving the value
markets, according to a report pub- 5G can enable the systems in driver- Boris Johnson government’s move in operators will spend about £9bn by of high-speed networks.
lished in June by OpenSignal, a research less cars to receive information and, for 2020 to strip Huawei out of nascent 5G 2030 on 5G rollout, falling short of the Many industry figures said 5G had
company. example, ensure that they respond networks on national security concerns estimated £34bn needed to offer serv- been designed with future business uses
The UK’s 5G download speed ranked within a fraction of a second to unex- as a reason for the slow rollout. ices that rely on such networks, such as in mind. “Everybody in the industry in
it 21st out of 25 developed markets, pected actions by pedestrians. 5G can “That absolutely put the brakes on driverless cars, the Digital Connectivity this country is waiting for the right killer
behind France, Germany and the Neth- also help cities better manage energy deployment for the operators,” said Forum, an industry advisory group, said application that’s going to help us get a
erlands, Ookla, a company that analyses supply and become more sustainable. Matthew Howett, chief executive of in a report in September last year. return on our investment,” said Jeanie
mobile networks, said a report in Febru- The government said last year it had Assembly Research. Vodafone and Three, which want to York, chief technology officer at Virgin
ary. The result comes despite the UK met its 2027 goal to deliver a basic 5G There is also little sign of a public cla- merge their UK mobile operations, have Media O2.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Single market strains Weapon supplies

Russia arms
EU subsidies rise for war and green reform self-defence
Companies hit by Ukraine investments, according to commission
figures seen by the Financial Times. A
easy to bring to the table.” Another dip-
lomat said the commission was resort-
aid that we are going through currently
because state aid is a fragmentation of
Ukraine and compensate those hit by
higher energy costs.
forces near
conflict and net zero push
gain billions from Brussels
total of €90bn of the approved funding
was granted in 2022.
ing to emergency measures too easily.
“They make up all these excuses to keep
the single market”.
EU state aid expenditure has jumped
Vestager has since expanded and
extended the policy to the end of 2025 to
border with
The subsidies are lower than the
record state support granted of almost
€900bn, out of more than €3tn in
relaxing rules,” they said.
The increase comes ahead of a review
in recent years from €98.2bn in 2015 to
€334.54bn in 2021.
The commission has the power to
support investments towards the green
transition, approving 270 national
measures so far under the scheme.
approved Covid spending, in 2021. But recover aid spent unlawfully if it consid- France is the second-largest user of the
The European Commission has EU diplomats in smaller countries have
‘We are unhappy because ers it incompatible with the single mar- scheme, accounting for 23 per cent of ANASTASIA STOGNEI — RIGA
approved €733bn in state support since criticised the trend of continually relax- we see conditions for ket. There was one such case in 2022, approved projects, followed by Italy COURTNEY WEAVER — BERLIN
March 2022 for businesses affected by ing state aid rules in emergencies, which compared with 19 in 2015. with 8 per cent.
the war in Ukraine and the green transi- they say favours bigger economies that
doing business are Margrethe Vestager, the commis- Other EU legislation to support the
Local authorities in Russia have begun
distributing anti-drone guns and off-
tion, an amount superseded in recent can afford to offer such support to their widening again’ sioner in charge of EU competition pol- production of semiconductors, ammu- road vehicles to civilian forces in the
years only by subsidies approved during businesses. icy, first relaxed state aid rules in 2020 nition and critical raw materials will south-west of the country for the first
the Covid-19 pandemic. “We are unhappy about it because we of the EU single market by former Ital- to help sectors such as airlines and hos- also facilitate more direct investment time since the Ukraine war began.
Germany accounts for almost half of see that the conditions for doing busi- ian prime minister Enrico Letta, which pitality hit by lockdowns during the from member states in their industries.
total EU state aid funding approved ness are widening again between mem- is due to be completed in March next pandemic. A further so-called tempo- “Each instrument in itself has reasons Tass, the Russian state news agency,
under a temporary crisis scheme intro- ber states,” said one senior diplomat. “It year. While he would not “prejudge” the rary crisis framework was adopted in to be more flexible, but if you add it up, reported yesterday that territorial self-
duced in 2022 to shield economies from is due to exceptional circumstances, but findings of his report, Letta told the FT March 2022 to allow member states to the cumulative effect, it’s probably defence forces in the Belgorod region
the war in Ukraine and to support green that excuse is beginning to be a bit too he was “worried by the increase of state help companies affected by the war in going a bit too far,” a diplomat added. that borders Ukraine had received the
weaponry, which also included
“These are necessary measures
Italy. Negative growth against the attacks from the Ukrainian
territory,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
Peskov told reporters. He added that the

Stalling recovery takes wind out of Meloni’s sails Kremlin did not fear that the weapons
could fall “into the wrong hands”.
“All control mechanisms must be
carefully implemented. There is no
doubt about that,” Peskov said.
The decision to arm the self-defence
Weak data and decision to end forces marks a new step in Russia’s rela-
poverty relief scheme put tionship with private militias, less than
two months after Wagner mercenary
pressure on prime minister boss Yevgeny Prigozhin used his own
private army in an attempted coup.
AMY KAZMIN — LONDON Local leaders in the regions that bor-
der Ukraine have called on Moscow to
Giorgia Meloni was exulting just last ease rules that restrict civilian forces,
week that IMF forecasts showed Italy many of which have sprung up since the
growing faster than Germany and war began, from holding arms. How-
France this year — proof, she said, of the ever, officially a ban on citizens’ right to
“effectiveness” of her rightwing coali- bear arms for reasons other than hunt-
tion government’s economic policies. ing remains in place.
But Italy’s prime minister received a Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the
rude shock on Monday after data Belgorod and Kursk regions have been
showed the post-coronavirus pandemic regularly shelled and stormed by pro-
economic rebound lost far more steam Kyiv sabotage groups and have felt the
than was expected. consequences of President Vladimir
Italy’s economy shrank by 0.3 per Putin’s war in a way most of the rest of
cent in the second quarter of 2023, far the country has not.
worse than the zero growth forecast by Locals began forming their own self-
most analysts. The eurozone as a whole defence groups late last year, according
registered a 0.3 per cent expansion. to Belgorod’s governor, Vyacheslav
The reading highlighted the chal- Gladkov, who said that by May at least
lenges facing Meloni’s government, 3,000 people had joined their ranks.
which has been campaigning on high In April, Andrei Turchak, a Russian
consumer prices as it strives to keep senator who chairs a working group in
growth on track and put Italy’s heavy the Russian parliament on questions
debts on a more sustainable footing. related to Russia’s military operation,
“This is a nasty surprise for Meloni,” told Putin that lawmakers proposed to
said Francesco Galietti, founder of Pol- “eliminate” the ban on arming the
icy Sonar, a political risk consultancy in groups. In July, Turchak claimed the
Rome. “She was focusing so much on issue was “partly solved,” without men-
inflation she probably did not expect Out of pocket: encourage investment,” said Ubaldo construction boom as people made ‘She was growth target for 2023. Construction tioning any details.
growth to lose steam so quickly.” Italians with Pagano, a lawmaker from the opposi- costly home improvements at public may remain weak, said Taddei, but A video on local Telegram channels
Meloni’s coalition is already facing a signs reading tion Democratic party. expense. focusing so manufacturers’ performance would from what appears to be a training base
growing political backlash as it starts to ‘end the war on The finance ministry blamed the con- Rome announced big changes to the much on “pick up”. shows a group of young men dressed in
phase out the “citizen’s income” poverty the poor’ protest traction on global factors, including the scheme in February. Italian construc- However, there were no signs of khaki approaching a table with weapons
relief scheme that the populist Five Star in Rome. Below, European Central Bank’s repeated tion activity in May was down 3.8 per inflation improvement at the start of the third and leaving their signatures on an A4
Movement launched in 2019. Giorgia Meloni interest rate rises. cent from first-quarter levels. “It was she quarter. S&P Global’s monthly survey of piece of paper in exchange for Saiga
Rome has decided to impose stricter Simona Granati/Corbis/Getty Filippo Taddei, senior European fiscally prudent for the Meloni govern- purchasing managers found “output semi-automatic rifles.
eligibility criteria amid employers’ com- economist at Goldman Sachs, said the ment to curb the Superbonus last Febru- probably and new orders both fell at historically In the neighbouring Kursk region, the
plaints that the programme, which last disappointing growth figures were part ary,” Taddei said. “The transition is not did not steep rates” in July, and estimated pro- voluntary people’s guard received a
year benefited an estimated 1.7mn of a malaise affecting European manu- easy but it was well received by market duction had fallen the most since the batch of weapons containing 300 pieces
households, discouraged people from facturing, also affecting Germany and participants and understandably so.” expect pandemic hit more than three years ago. of military equipment, its governor,
taking up jobs and created artificial Austria, amid weak global demand. Angelica Donati, president of the growth to “Slowing global demand, restrictive Roman Starovoit, wrote on his Telegram
labour shortages. “[The Italian figure] was a downside youth wing of the national builders’ credit conditions and the impact of channel yesterday, adding contact
In recent days about 160,000 people surprise and below our expectations association, said the Superbonus had lose steam tightening monetary policy will con- details for those who wanted to join.
whom the government considers but the data is clearly saying that revved up gross domestic product so quickly’ tinue to play a role in such [manufactur- The decision to distribute weapons to
able-bodied and potentially employ- manufacturing is facing extended growth and “it was impossible for the ing sector] weakness,” said Loredana civilians comes after Russian state rep-
able received text messages that weakness,” Taddei said. fact that it was essentially stopped cold Maria Federico, an economist at resentatives and outlets criticised Kyiv
their benefits were being cut, lead- It also reflects conditions spe- in its tracks not to have a negative reper- UniCredit, though she was confident for taking similar steps in Ukraine last
ing to protests in Naples and else- cific to Italy, particularly the Mel- cussion on the economy”. tourism would help growth rebound. year.
where. oni government’s decision to put At the same time, investments backed Lorenzo Codogno, a former senior “The distribution of weapons is not
Opposition parties say the the brakes on its “Superbonus” by Italy’s €191.5bn EU-funded Covid Treasury official, expected households the end. What comes next? Will prison-
growth figure raises serious ques- scheme. The programme, which recovery scheme have progressed far to spend more as inflation fell. “There is ers be released from jail so that it just
tions about Italy’s economic direc- had offered Italians a 110 per cent more slowly than expected. Analysts so much stimulus in the pipeline,” he ends in a big massacre?” Maria Zakha-
tion. “These are the results of the bla- tax credit for energy efficiency-en- still expect the economy to regain added. rova, spokeswoman for the Russian
tant inability of this government to hancing home improvements, momentum, enabling Italy to reach the Additional reporting by Martin Arnold in foreign ministry, said on Russian state
manage economic processes and fuelled a frenzied post-pandemic finance ministry’s 1 per cent GDP Frankfurt and Giuliana Ricozzi in Rome TV in February 2022.

Islamic republic

Iranian leaders lean on businesses to enforce hijab regime

NAJMEH BOZORGMEHR — TEHRAN blind eye to the growing number of new social unrest ahead of the first anni- The unrest dissipated earlier in the
women discarding head coverings in versary of the death in police custody of year, and the morality police were with-
The photograph of a group of young
defiance of the Islamic dress codes. But Mahsa Amini, which triggered last drawn in an apparent concession to ease
workers posing as they bid farewell to a
in recent weeks the regime has stepped year’s protests. social tension. But last month, the
colleague at Iran’s biggest online
up efforts to curb the trend, with busi- “For the Islamic republic, the hijab is regime announced patrols to halt the
retailer could have been taken at a
nesses finding themselves the target. more a security issue than a cultural or anti-hijab trend would resume.
company anywhere in the world.
Over the weekend, the authorities ideological issue,” said Laylaz. “If the Davoud Moazami Goudarz, Tehran’s
But in the Islamic republic, the picture, shut the Tehran office of online insurer political establishment passes through cyber police chief, said last month that
which included women not covering Azki after a photo of female employees the anniversary in September . . . with 12 people had been arrested for selling
their heads with the compulsory hijab, without the hijab went on social media. no major unrest, the regime will not face “insulting and unconventional dresses”
had dramatic consequences. Days after Some analysts say the moves are sym- any big security challenge for months to online. He said four clothes makers in
it went on social media, the authorities bolic; an apparent effort to appease con- come.” Tehran’s traditional grand bazaar had
dispatched workers to Digikala’s head- servatives that temporarily hinders a been sealed off. “The designs encour-
quarters in Tehran to seal the building company’s operations. Digikala dec- aged the use of drugs and alcohol or car-
and temporarily close the office. lined to comment but had said its online
‘The designs encouraged ried satanic images,” Goudarz said.
MAKE A WISE INVESTMENT The controversy that engulfed business was operating as usual. the use of drugs and Mohammad Khatami, Iran’s former
Digikala, which Iranians see as their ver- Others view the moves as another reformist president, said on Sunday that
sion of global retailer Amazon, last indictment of the myriad struggles
alcohol or carried the compulsory hijab had turned into a
Choose the Financial Times subscription for you month was the most high-profile exam- faced by businesses and the regime’s satanic images’ “crisis” for the establishment and
• React to trusted global news everywhere you ple of growing pressure on companies as resistance to easing social restrictions. warned that such “inefficient” and
go, with and FT apps Tehran struggles to stem the tide of Ira- Siamak Ghassemi, a consultant, said Amini, 22, died last September after “destructive” policies would not work.
• Get the iconic FT newspaper delivered to your nian women refusing to wear the hijab. the move against Digikala was another being arrested by Iran’s morality police, A businesswoman whose shop was
home or office from Monday to Saturday “When women can no longer be arres- damaging blow to business. “Shall we who accused her of not dressing appro- recently closed temporarily hinted at
• Enjoy our award-winning lifestyle journalism ted in the streets over the hijab, the rep- extend the [hijab] issue to businesses, priately. In response, tens of thousands the dilemma companies face. She
with FTWeekend ublic has chosen to crack down on bus- even if temporary?” he wrote on Insta- of women took to the streets in one of pointed out that she could not stop
inesses and send its message this way,” gram. “Can anyone be hopeful of the the most widespread and sustained anti- female customers entering her premises
Subscribe today at
said a businessman whose shop recently future when this happens?” regime protests in decades. without the hijab or convince authori-
faced closure on the same issue. Saeed Laylaz, an Iranian analyst, said The hijab became a central theme of ties that temporary closures damaged
For months after anti-regime protests the authorities seemed to believe such the protests, with women taking off and the business environment.
last year, the authorities largely turned a muscle-flexing would help curb any burning veils to express their defiance. “We really feel stuck,” she said.
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5


Africa bloc puts

reputation on
line with Niger
coup response
Rare threat of military action viewed as
‘make or break moment’ for Ecowas
AANU ADEOYE — LAGOS forces to use Niger as bases from which
to conduct anti-terror operations across
The west African leaders at an emer- the region, is under house arrest.
gency summit last weekend amid the There are divisions in west Africa over
unfolding coup in Niger weighed their how to handle Niger despite the strong
options on how to respond. Ecowas declaration. Burkina Faso and
Condemn the plotters, impose sanc- Mali, suspended members whose lead-
tions, recall ambassadors and suspend ers came to power via coups, said they
the country from their Economic Com- would consider military action in Niger
munity of West African States? All were a “declaration of war” while the junta in
on the table. Yet the Ecowas communi- Guinea called the sanctions on Niger
qué went much further. “illegitimate and inhumane”.
If the demand that the coup leaders Yet Nigeria wields outsized influence
cede power was “not met within one among the west African bloc. It accounts
week, we will take all measures neces- for 63 per cent of its economic output, Hardline reaction: Nigeria president Bola Tinubu, second right front, with Ecowas members in Abuja on Sunday — Chinedu Asadu/AP
sary to restore constitutional order”, it according to the Ecowas Bank for
warned on Sunday. “Such measures Investment and Development, more
may include the use of force.” than the other 14 nations combined.
A community mostly concerned with It also has the largest army in the
free movement of goods and people region, with 223,000 soldiers and US,
does not usually issue such military Chinese and German-made fighter jets.
threats. But having faced criticism for its A Niger intervention would heavily rely
failure to take a strong line with previ- on Abuja’s involvement.
ous west African putsches, Ecowas, now Western powers and other African
led by heavyweight Nigeria, was eyeing countries such as Algeria have con-
a different approach, analysts claimed. demned the Niger coup, but none has
“After tough tactics confronting the said if it backs military intervention.
One analyst said former colonial
power France would not oppose an Eco-
‘Ecowas is now reverting was intervention, while being extremely
to the principle of wary of direct action. “France won’t
want to be even suspected of being
taking a really tough involved,” said the analyst. Paris on Sun-
approach’ day welcomed the Ecowas declaration
and called for the “return to the consti-
Mali junta didn’t work, Ecowas played it tutional order in Niger” under Bazoum.
softly with Burkina Faso and Guinea Diplomacy remains Ecowas’s first
after the coups there and that was no choice to mediate, according to officials.
more effective and those juntas were Ecowas defence chiefs began a two-day
able to become entrenched,” said Paul meeting in the Nigerian capital, Abuja,
Melly, a Sahel expert at the Chatham yesterday as a delegation from the
House think-tank. regional bloc travelled to Niamey to
“Ecowas is now reverting to the prin- mediate. This week, Chad president
ciple of a really tough approach with a Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, met the
difference that Nigeria’s new president putschists and held talks with Bazoum.
is a much more vocally proactive figure But Déby makes for an awkward
on this issue,” he said, referring to Bola interlocutor, since he is essentially a
Tinubu, who became Ecowas chair in coup leader who took over power when
July after becoming Nigeria’s president. his father died.
Afolabi Adekaiyaoja, an analyst at the But Ecowas might have backed itself
Centre for Democracy and Develop- into a corner by putting a short timeline
ment think-tank, said the coup was a before threatening military options. Yet
“make or break moment for Ecowas and such a threat has worked before, nota-
its ability to restrict unconstitutional bly by convincing long-serving Gam-
transfers of power. Tinubu needs to be bian dictator Yahya Jammeh to go into
seen as the man who brought back exile in 2017 after he initially refused to
democracy in Niger. It would augur well cede power following an election loss.
if Nigeria is seen as the strong authority Others point out that Niger is differ-
in the region.” ent. Ulf Laessing, director of the Sahel
A senior member of Tinubu’s party programme at the Konrad Adenauer
said the new Nigerian president had the Foundation, questioned the support for
chance to revive the muscular foreign the deposed regime in the military.
policy he said had been lacking since Another analyst in Niger said of any
former president Olusegun Obasanjo possible intervention: “If there’s any-
left office in 2007. thing that would destroy popular sup-
The coup in Niger last week toppled port for Bazoum, it would be that.”
the democratically elected, pro-western Further, the junta’s Colonel Amadou
president Mohamed Bazoum and Abdramane warned: “We remind Eco-
installed a military junta led by Omar was, or any other adventurer, of our det-
Tchiani, who ran the presidential guard. ermination to defend our homeland.”
Bazoum, who allowed US and French See Lex


Russia drone strike on grain

silos stokes food supply fears
CHRISTOPHER MILLER — KYIV along with the nearby port of Reni, has
become more important after attacks
Russia attacked targets across Ukraine on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports.
with drones before sunrise yesterday, Russia has targeted ports in the Odesa
hitting a critical river port facility and a region since backing out of the UN-
grain silo in the southern Odesa region brokered Black Sea Initiative, which
and raising further concerns over glo- allowed Ukraine to export its grain.
bal food supplies. “When civilian ports are targeted, when
terrorists deliberately destroy even ele-
Ukraine’s air defence forces “worked vators, this is a threat to everyone on all
nonstop for almost three hours” to pro- continents,” Zelenskyy said yesterday.
tect the Odesa region, the country’s “Russia can and must be stopped.”
Operational Command South wrote on More than 10 drones targeting Kyiv
Telegram. The region’s governor, Oleh were downed, according to the military.
Kiper, said fires had broken out at the The Russian attack on Ukraine’s capital
port and emergency workers were rush- followed drone attacks on Moscow on
ing to put them out. Sunday and Tuesday. Kyiv did not take
Videos and photos posted by Odesa responsibility, in line with its policy of
authorities and local media showed neither confirming nor denying strikes
flames and extensive damage to the port on Russian territory. But the Kremlin
of Izmail, which lies on the Danube river blamed Ukraine for the attacks, which
across from Romania, a Nato member targeted a skyscraper housing several
and EU country. government ministries.
“Russian terrorists again attacked The impact of Russia’s latest assault
ports, grain and global food security. on Ukrainian port and grain facilities
The world must respond,” Ukraine pres- was clear on global markets. Wheat
ident Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. There traded in Chicago jumped 4 per cent
were no casualties, he said, but the yesterday amid heightened concerns
drones caused “significant damage”. over global food supplies. Maize prices
Ukraine’s air force had earlier said climbed more than 2 per cent, while
Iranian-supplied Shahed drones were soyabean oil prices rose 0.3 per cent.
seen heading towards Izmail, which, See Lex
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Trump prosecutor enters uncharted


White House
seeks Taiwan
legal territory with election charges arms funding
via budget
Smith appears to have obtained new evidence about 2020 vote but case is not cut and dried
for Ukraine
With his second criminal case against
Donald Trump, Jack Smith has taken his The White House will ask Congress to
biggest swing yet. In doing so, the prose- fund arms for Taiwan as part of a sup-
cutor appointed to handle investiga- plemental budget request for Ukraine,
tions into the former US president is in an effort to speed up the supply of
entering uncharted legal territory. weapons to the country amid the rising
The scope of the charges brought by threat from China.
Smith’s team could not be broader, in
effect alleging an all-out assault on the The Office of Management and Budget
peaceful transition of power that is a will include funding for Taiwan in the
bedrock of US democracy. request as part of an effort to accelerate
That might make it the most serious the provision of weapons, according to
legal threat yet for Trump, a frontrun- two people familiar with the plan.
ner for the 2024 Republican presiden- If passed by Congress, Taiwan would
tial nomination already under indict- get arms through a US taxpayer-funded
ment in two other criminal cases. But system known as “foreign military
unlike the other case Smith’s team has financing” for the first time. The White
brought, over the mishandling of classi- House is expected to submit the request
fied documents at the former presi- this month.
dent’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, it is The request comes on the heels of a
not necessarily cut and dried. White House announcement that the
Among other allegations, Trump is US would supply Taiwan with $345mn
accused of perpetrating a conspiracy to in weapons from stockpiles for the
threaten individual rights, based on law first time, under a system known as
adopted in 1870 to thwart Ku Klux Klan “presidential drawdown authority”
attempts to intimidate voters. He has (PDA) that has been used to send weap-
also been charged with conspiracy to ons to Ukraine.
defraud the US, a count normally The decision to include Taiwan fund-
reserved for financial malfeasance. ing in the supplemental budget and use
“This is going to be a much more PDA to supply weapons underscores a
legally complicated case [for prosecu- rising urgency to help Taipei. Critics of
tors] than the Mar-a-Lago one,” said the current Taiwan strategy have urged
Joseph Moreno, a former national secu- Washington to supply weapons more
rity prosecutor at the Department of quickly as China increases military
Justice who cited a “very unusual set of Investigation: the House committee investigating the Smith’s team detailed the events ‘What prosecuting January 6-related cases has activity around the country.
facts” and a “novel application of cer- Jack Smith talks January 6 attack. alleged to have occurred in Georgia at not always been easy. “This would be a monumental step
tain broad laws”. to the media on Although the 45-page indictment great length, including Trump’s instruc- they’re Meanwhile, prosecutors must show that signals how far the US government
Much of the indictment builds on the Tuesday after contains detailed accounts of Trump tion to the Georgia secretary of state, trying to get Trump knew his claims he had won the
work of a bipartisan congressional the Department and his team’s alleged attempts to over- Brad Raffensperger, and his counsel to election were false, which could be hard
committee that heard hours of live testi- of Justice’s turn election results in multiple states “find” 11,780 votes, threatening crimi- at is that to prove, Moreno said.
‘The supplemental budget
mony and read hundreds of pages of evi- indictment of including Arizona and Georgia, just 11 nal prosecution if they failed to comply. Trump’s “It is not that the prosecutors have to vote will be the first test
dence about the events between the Donald Trump, pages are devoted to the events that Those same events are the subject of a show a reasonable person knew that
presidential vote in November 2020 below took place on January 6. “I think what second grand jury investigation taking crime began they lost . . . they have to show the
of support for Kyiv
and January 6 2021, when Trump sup- Michael Reynolds/EPA/
they’re trying to get at is that President place in Fulton County, Georgia, where a on election defendant knew, and Donald Trump is a in the current Congress’
porters stormed the US Capitol. Trump’s crime here began on election charging decision is expected. strange guy.”
However, Smith’s team also appears night, and it did not begin on January 6,” Despite extensive evidence produced
night, not See The FT View is now willing to go to accelerate deter-
to have obtained new evidence during said Aganga-Williams. by the House committee and grand jury, January 6’ Gideon Rachman see Opinion rence across the Taiwan Strait,” said
the grand jury investigation that culmi- Eric Sayers, managing director at Bea-
nated in Tuesday’s charges. This con Global Strategies, a Washington
included contemporaneous notes taken consultancy.
by the then vice-president Mike Pence Campaign. Court troubles “For decades we have chosen to only
from a meeting on January 4, during sell Taiwan military equipment but
which Trump allegedly made claims of now . . . we are seeing both the tools of
election fraud such as “bottom line —
[we] won every state by 100,000s of
Ex-president sees gains from indictments drawdown authority and foreign mili-
tary financing be deployed, just as they
have been so successful in Ukraine,”
Shortly after the indictment was Sayers added.
unsealed, Trump lawyer John Lauro fol- Union. Trump has also used the indict- match-up against President Joe Biden, Mike Pence and Chris Christie, have According to the US-Taiwan Business
lowed a familiar script for the former Trump is casting himself as ments to raise cash for his campaign and Trump is trailing by less than 1 percent- been more critical. Council, a pro-Taiwan lobby group, Tai-
president’s defenders, claiming “politi- victim of political persecution pay for legal fees, including for his age point, according to the Realclearpol- But while Trump has not suffered pei is still awaiting delivery of $23bn
cal speech now has been criminalised” defence against state-level charges that polling average. much politically from the criminal worth of weapon sales, including har-
by President Joe Biden’s administration. by corrupt judicial system he falsified business documents, “They thought they were going to indictments, they could still strain his poon missiles and surveillance drones,
“I would like them to try to prove brought by Manhattan district attorney indict him with Jack Smith, and he was candidacy, especially if he faces trials in that were approved by successive US
beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald JAMES POLITI AND LAUREN FEDOR Alvin Bragg, and federal charges going to blow up. Or they thought [with] several jurisdictions next year. administrations. Some sales were
Trump believed these allegations [of WASHINGTON brought in Florida by special counsel the Alvin Bragg indictment . . . every- He has had to devote a growing announced more than five years ago.
election fraud] were false,” he added. Even as criminal proceedings against Jack Smith that he mishandled classi- thing was going to blow up,” said Jim amount of time and energy to his own US military commanders have fre-
To some legal experts, building a him pile up, consuming his bid for a new fied documents. McLaughlin, Trump’s pollster. “That legal defence while spending millions of quently expressed frustration with the
more challenging case appeared delib- term as president next year, Donald On Tuesday evening, Trump’s website didn’t happen. In a lot of ways, it back- dollars of funds that could otherwise be slow transfer of weapons to Taiwan to
erate. “The indictment reflects a con- Trump is betting he can use them to his was quickly updated with a request for fired.” used to promote his candidacy. enhance its security.
scious choice to bring the more difficult political benefit, at least in the race for more money to keep fighting attempts to The crimes allegedly committed by Florida Republican strategist Ford The White House declined to com-
charges . . . [They] really go to the heart the Republican nomination. “destroy our movement with YET Trump in previous indictments were O’Connell said: “Publicly [the other ment or reveal details about how much
of why it is justified to bring a prosecu- Trump has placed his defence against ANOTHER sham indictment”. already serious but Tuesday’s allega- 2024 candidates] are out there defend- money would be requested for Taiwan.
tion against the former president,” said federal and state prosecutors at the As the legal challenges have mounted, tions added a layer of legal and political ing him. Privately they have their fin- The eventual congressional vote on
Aziz Huq, professor at the University of heart of his campaign ever since he Trump’s base of support within the peril for him. He was accused of gers crossed hoping that it forces him to the supplemental budget — which will
Chicago Law School. became the first former president to Republican party has given him the attempting to strike at the heart of US collapse and they get to sweep in.” focus predominantly on new military
Temidayo Aganga-Williams, a former face criminal charges benefit of the doubt, remaining largely democracy in his effort to stop the certi- Such hopes have repeatedly been mis- assistance for Ukraine — will be the first
federal prosecutor, said prosecutors at any level this loyal to him despite the seriousness of fication of the 2020 election result. placed. But many Democrats believe test of support for Kyiv in the current
could have considered bringing even year. his alleged crimes. Trump’s legal troubles connected to Trump’s legal problems will alienate Congress.
more charges, such as seditious conspir- He has repeat- “Every time Trump has legal trouble, the election result may also be com- independent and swing voters in a gen- A group of right-leaning House
acy or incitement of an insurrection, edly cast himself as a his numbers seem to go up,” said Frank pounded by state-level charges eral election, after they rejected his pre- Republicans recently sought and failed
which some Democratic activists hoped victim of political Luntz, the veteran Republican pollster. expected later this month in Georgia ferred candidates in November’s mid- to use the annual defence bill to restrict
might have led to Trump being con- persecution by a cor- “The truth is, he’s running a masterful over his effort to change the outcome of term elections. They see Tuesday’s US support for Ukraine, a sign that even
stitutionally barred from standing rupt judicial system campaign using dislike and distrust of the presidential contest there. indictment as overdue accountability a small group of lawmakers could
for office. taking orders from the the government and his critics to propel But even so, leading Republican for his attempt to overturn the election. imperil or delay future assistance.
Instead, Smith’s team had Biden administration, him forward.” rivals, including DeSantis, have contin- “Our founders made clear that, in the Packaging support for Taiwan, which
“gone for an indictment that most recently on Tuesday Trump still has a commanding lead in ued to shy away from criticising Trump United States of America, no one is has very strong bipartisan support in
is thorough and precise”, when his campaign said national polls of Republican 2024 vot- for his conduct after his election defeat, above the law — not even the former Congress, into the Ukraine budget may
added Aganga-Williams, the latest indictment was ers, far eclipsing the backing for Florida and responded only in general terms to president of the United States,” said help the administration and pro-Kyiv
who served as senior reminiscent of Nazi Ger- governor Ron DeSantis, his closest rival. the latest indictment. Other contenders Nancy Pelosi, the former House Republicans win over members who
investigative counsel for many or the Soviet And in a hypothetical general election for the nomination, however, such as Speaker, after Tuesday’s indictment. might otherwise be opposed.

India violence City-state

New Delhi business hub hit by sectarian riots Singapore PM defends governance after scandals
JOHN REED AND JYOTSNA SINGH neighbourhood. Clashes spread to than 100 people, and by yesterday after- MERCEDES RUEHL — SINGAPORE Properties Limited, of which Ong is in parliament and on social media about
nearby districts, including Gurugram, noon the clashes appeared to have sub- managing director, said in July he had the government’s renting of colonial-era
Singapore’s prime minister has
Indian authorities moved to restore where a mob set fire to a mosque and, sided. Some companies advised staff to not been charged with any offence and homes to two of his cabinet ministers.
defended its reputation for clean gov-
order after deadly sectarian violence according to local media, killed its dep- stay at home and shops remained shut. was giving the Corrupt Practices Investi- For Singapore, which has traded on its
ernance after a corruption investiga-
this week reached the outskirts of New uty imam. Control Risks, a consultancy, said gation Bureau details on his dealings reputation as a clean, stable place to do
tion and an “inappropriate” parlia-
Delhi’s premier business hub, forcing Rioters also torched shops in a mostly businesses could experience disruption with the minister. business, the episodes are rare public
mentary relationship tarnished the
businesses to put staff on alert and rais- Muslim working-class part of the city. from internet shutdowns and curfews. In another high-profile case, the examples of alleged corruption and
city-state’s image just as it prepares for
ing fears of further unrest ahead of Manohar Lal Khattar, chief minister of “Company employees are the ones argu- Speaker of Singapore’s parliament and a unsavoury behaviour within the PAP.
a leadership transition.
national elections next year. Haryana, said yesterday that six people, ably most exposed to personal safety fellow member of the ruling People’s The ruling party has governed uninter-
including two police officers, had been risks, particularly on their commutes, Lee Hsien Loong addressed Singapore’s Action party quit last month after reve- rupted since independence in 1965 and
Gurugram, located west of Delhi in killed. and could be targeted based on their vis- episodes of rare political drama in par- lations that they had had an affair. Singapore’s politicians are among the
India’s Haryana state, is one of the capi- “Bombay is the financial centre, but ible identification with a particular liament yesterday after they made “With the investigation into minister world’s most highly paid to deter graft.
tal’s biggest satellite cities and houses as far as many Indian corporates go, community,” it said. international headlines. Iswaran and the resignations of the The scandals also come as Lee, son of
offices for leading domestic and foreign Gurgaon is the centre,” said Shumita “Some companies have therefore In the most serious case, transport house Speaker and an MP, the PAP has the founder of modern Singapore, Lee
companies including Google, Meta and Deveshwar, chief India economist at asked employees to work at home.” minister S Iswaran was arrested last taken a hit,” Lee said. Kuan Yew, prepares to hand over power
Hyundai. Nicknamed “Millennium GlobalData TS Lombard, who lives and Google declined to comment. Meta month as part of a high-profile corrup- Asked about the independence of the to his deputy, Lawrence Wong, in what
City”, the area, previously named Gur- works in the city. “To see communal vio- did not immediately respond to a tion investigation that also ensnared bil- anti-corruption bureau, which sought will be only the fourth change of leader-
gaon, is also home to some of the coun- lence happening in an area that’s 15 to request for comment. lionaire Ong Beng Seng. Both men, who the premier’s permission before launch- ship in its history. Lee, who has not said
try’s priciest apartments and villas. 30 minutes away from the business dis- Communal tensions have been esca- were key figures in Singapore’s success- ing its probe into Iswaran, Lee said the when he will step down, said: “The way
Violence broke out on Monday in trict is disconcerting.” lating before national elections next ful pitch to be part of the Formula One body had to report to somebody. “It we have handled these incidents shows
Nuh, a small city south of Gurugram, Authorities imposed a temporary year in which Prime Minister Narendra circuit, have been released on bail. can’t report to God,” he pointed out. how seriously the PAP takes our respon-
where a Hindu religious procession internet blackout and curfew in parts of Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Neither Ong nor Iswaran have com- Lee in May asked the bureau to con- sibility of governing Singapore, and
passed through a Muslim-dominated Haryana on Monday and arrested more Janata party is seeking a third term. mented publicly on their arrests. Hotel duct a review after questions were asked being accountable.”
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7

Peripheral vision Luxshare has emerged as a competitor to Foxconn, earning Apple’s mandate for making headsets y PAGE 9

Meta’s moderation comes under fire China lines up

tougher curbs
3 Rights group’s report scathing 3 Claims of under-resourcing 3 Facebook parent plans reforms on children’s
internet usage
HANNAH MURPHY — SAN FRANCISCO “under-resourced and understaffed,” gered as financial resources have posed in 2021, before later declining to Meta has previously come under fire
leading to “operational failures”. “This focused on areas such as new artificial take part in 2022 without explanation. from human rights groups for failing to
Facebook parent Meta has been accused lack of resourcing undermines a critical intelligence products, for example. Meta disputed the characterisation of sufficiently police its platforms in areas RYAN MCMORROW AND NIAN LIU
of “neglecting” an initiative designed to programme focused on user safety and Among other criticisms, Internews many claims in the report but said it was of conflict, such as Myanmar. QIANER LIU — HONG KONG
remove harmful content and misinfor- platform integrity,” said Rafiq Cope- found that response times to the report- “working to develop new methods of The social media giant has also faced
mation online, in an escalating dispute land, platform accountability adviser at sharing information about the overall allegations that it has failed to be trans- Beijing has unveiled a system to limit
about how the tech giant works with Internews and the report’s author. “It is impact and performance” of the pro- parent and glosses over its failings — an minors’ device usage and control
human rights groups to moderate its our hope that this programme and oth-
‘It is our hope that this gramme. It acknowledged “the need for accusation even made by its own inde- content the young can consume online,
platforms. ers like it can be reinvigorated. People’s programme and others clear reporting guidelines and tracking pendent oversight board, a “Supreme in a move that poses a fresh challenge
Researchers at the media non-profit lives depend on it.” mechanisms for Trusted Partner Court”-style body set up to rule on sen- to already tightly policed technology
group Internews released a scathing Meta has undergone a significant
like it can be reinvigorated. reports,” and was “developing standard sitive content issues. businesses.
report yesterday into the social media’s restructuring in recent months, includ- People’s lives depend on it’ reporting templates, tailored for differ- Meta, which received about 1,000
company’s Trusted Partner Program — ing a flattening of the management ent harmful content types . . . to further reports a month from trusted partners, The proposed rules from the Cyber-
a longstanding initiative whereby 645 structure and job cuts affecting about ing of dangerous content or actions were facilitate reporting from partners”. had told Internews that more than 50 space Administration of China require
global human rights and civil society 20,000 staff, against a backdrop of “erratic” and could take months, apart The critical report into Meta included people work on the programme across device makers, operating systems,
groups are able to report damaging tough macroeconomic conditions and from in cases related to war in Ukraine, surveys and interviews with 24 trusted its content and policy teams. But the apps and app stores to build a function
material such as hate speech or threats increased demands from investors. which were prioritised. In another sign partners, who described difficulties non-profit said Meta was “arguably called “minor mode” that will set time
to activists and journalists. Dubbed the “year of efficiency”, the of a deepening rift with partners, with Meta’s reporting mechanism, a deliberately obfuscating” by not mak- limits and curfews on usage as well as
Internews argued that recent lay-offs cuts have raised fears that content mod- Internews said Meta first agreed to col- lack of consultation with experts on its ing clear what percentage of staff time create an age-based classification sys-
at the company left the initiative eration in particular could be endan- laborate on its investigation when pro- policies and a lack of transparency. was devoted to the programme. tem for content.
Devices with minor mode turned on
would, for instance, be mostly unusable
from 10pm until 6am, according to the
proposed guidelines. Minors would also
High-margin be hit with pop-ups reminding them to
rest after 30 minutes of usage.
extras help lift The system envisioned by Chinese
authorities would allow certain smart-

Ferrari outlook phone functions to continue during cur-

few hours, such as emergency calls, edu-
cational apps or other functions
approved by parents. Phones in minor
Ferrari upgraded its profit forecast after mode would sync with apps so that they
a “stunning” increase in buyers adding would also function in minor mode,
expensive features to their supercars according to the CAC’s proposal.
boosted quarterly earnings by a third. The moves come two years after the
Even though car sales fell 2 per cent to state restricted minors to three hours a
3,392 between April and June compared week playing online games. Media
with a year earlier, revenues rose 14 per referred to gaming at the time as “spirit-
cent to €1.5bn and pre-tax profit ual opium”.
climbed a third to €334mn. CAC gave tech groups until Septem-
The Italian group now expects to ber 2 to submit feedback on the propos-
make €1.51bn-€1.54bn of adjusted als but did not provide a timeline for
profit this year, up from earlier guidance when the rules would be implemented.
of €1.45bn-€1.5bn, with its revenues Hong Kong-traded shares in Tencent
forecast raised from €5.7bn to €5.8bn. dropped 3 per cent. Bilibili fell 7 per cent
At the heart of the upgrade is the ris- and Kuaishou declined 3.5 per cent.
ing trend for supercar buyers to spend “Previous measures may not have
large sums personalising their models. achieved the expected results, so they
Custom paint jobs, brightly coloured made more detailed and thorough regu-
brake callipers, and even paying for Fer- lations,” said Li Chengdong, head of the
rari’s crest to be emblazoned on the side Haitun think-tank. “But it is still hard to
of their car are among the most popular execute. Kids are too clever now.”
features for the car brand, all of which The rules push content providers
carry high margins. such as ByteDance and Tencent to cre-
One trend is for buyers to replace nor- ate a separate and limited pool of videos
mal parts of the car, such as body panels, and games available to anyone under 18
with carbon fibre. This is much more using a device in minor mode.
expensive, but allows owners’ cars to Content should “promote the core
stand out even against other Ferraris. values of socialism” and the “traditional
Chief executive Benedetto Vigna said: culture of China” to “cultivate minors’
“The decision to revise the guidance affection for their country and good
upwards was supported in particular by moral character”, the CAC said.
stunning results in personalisations.” Additional reporting by Gloria Li in Hong
Peter Campbell Kong

Contracts & Tenders

Dealmakers bear brunt of UK and EU divide on regulation
after antitrust regulators in the US suf- ish regulator would open an in-depth
INSIDE BUSINESS fered a setback in the courts. And in an probe into Amazon’s $1.7bn proposed
unusual move, the UK competition acquisition of iRobot, the company best
EUROPE watchdog has reopened its consultation known for its Roomba robot vacuum
on Microsoft-Activision, which could cleaner. The CMA cleared it and the EU
lead to a reversal of its decision to block was the one to open an in-depth investi-
Javier the deal. gation instead.
But even if the CMA climbs down, the To add to dealmakers’ nightmares,
Espinoza move signalled its willingness to diverge the CMA is arming itself with powers to
from the views of officials in Brussels. In scrutinise tech mergers even if the tar-

March last year, the UK also vetoed the get company has very few sales in the
$5bn tie-up between Cargotec and UK, via a newly formed digital markets
xecutives looking to do multi- Konecranes even though Brussels unit.
national deals should brace cleared it. This led to the deal being “Getting deals through has become
themselves for more blows
from regulators amid intensi-
fying uncertainty over
The British antitrust watchdog is
putting an end to deals in other ways
much messier since Brexit, and recent
deals like the Microsoft one illustrate
that very clearly,” says a seasoned EU
Imagine your advert here
whether transactions will be cleared. too. Decisions by the CMA to review or official in Brussels. “The British are usu-
The Brexit vote has been the catalyst veto a deal led to the abandonment of ally more pragmatic but they have gone
for a new world order in merger scru- three times as many transactions com- off track recently.”
tiny, with the UK now more empowered pared with rulings from the EU regula- To be sure, London and Brussels are
to influence the fate of global multi- tor from 2018 and aligned on mergers. Both the EU and the
billion-dollar transactions. 2020, according to ‘Getting deals through has UK see competition concerns in Adobe’s
Before the UK voted to leave the EU, Linklaters. The $20bn bid for cloud-based design tools
large corporations mainly had to worry trend is accelerat- become much messier maker Figma — with both regulators
about EU antitrust decisions. But after ing, with the law since Brexit and recent eventually heading towards in-depth
Brexit, the one-stop-shop principle — firm reporting probes. Both sides cleared S&P Global’s
where cases referred to Brussels took nearly 70 per cent deals like the Microsoft €39bn acquisition of IHS Markit with
precedence over reviews in individual o f d e a l s t h a t one illustrate that clearly’ conditions. And they were also aligned
EU countries — ceased to apply to the become subject to on Broadcom’s $69bn acquisition of
UK. So dealmakers now have to pay in-depth probes either being aban- VMware: the EU has cleared the deal
more attention to the British antitrust doned or killed in the last three years. with conditions while the CMA has
watchdog, the Competition and Mar- The issue is not just that the CMA is given its provisional approval.
kets Authority. killing deals to which Brussels is giving Still, investors and dealmakers are
The CMA caused shockwaves this its blessing. In addition, dealmakers feel becoming concerned about their ability
year with the announcement that it was uncertain on which way the British reg- to read the tea leaves and worry about
blocking Microsoft’s $75bn purchase of ulator will go. Take Facebook’s acquisi- immediate dealmaking activity being
gaming group Activision Blizzard, a deal tion of customer relations management subdued.
regulators in Brussels happily cleared provider Kustomer. The CMA took the “The CMA is now often at odds with
with concessions that appeased their view that the deal did not present a the EU and it is becoming more arbi-
competition concerns. The companies threat to competition and quickly trary in its rulings on mergers,” said an
threw a tantrum, with an accusation cleared it while Brussels opened it to investor at a large hedge fund. “With the Business for Sale, Business Opportunities, Business Services,
from Microsoft’s Brad Smith that the extra scrutiny although it eventually UK’s newly found powers to kill deals, Business Wanted, Legal Notices, Company Notices, Public Notices, Floating Rates Notes,
country was in effect shooting itself in cleared it. there are going to be fewer deals, at least Shareholder Messages, Property For Sale, Tender Notices
the foot by “discouraging technology More recently — and following the in the short term.” Classified Business Advertising
innovation and investment” in the UK. CMA decision to block Microsoft — Tel: +44 20 7873 4000 | Email:
The deal may end up being cleared investors were concerned that the Brit-
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Financials Aerospace & defence

Airbus joins
GAM in last-ditch plea to shareholders Voyager in
push to build
Liontrust takeover offer
is essential to its survival,
erating that the deal is essential “to con-
tinue as a going concern”.
The move is the latest effort by GAM
required immediate funding and mate-
rially underestimate the scale of fund-
ing needed to restructure the business
smaller asset managers in 11 years, was
swiftly recommended by GAM’s board
as well as its fund managers.
They say the proposal undervalues the
company and have launched their own
offer for 17.5 per cent of it at SFr0.55 per
space station
Swiss asset manager says to convince any doubters to accept Lion-
trust’s offer, which is facing a mounting
and to support it as a going concern.
Liontrust is the only viable option.”
As part of the offer, Liontrust
extended a £17.8mn loan to GAM, half of
Albert Saporta, director of Newgame,
SALLY HICKEY challenge from activist investors known Portfolio managers at GAM have also which has already been paid, in an which also involves wealth manage-
as Newgame. voiced support for the deal, while Lion- arrangement that will be terminated at ment company Bruellan, told the Finan-
GAM has made a fresh attempt to Time is running out before Liontrust’s trust’s chief executive John Ions has the end of the year if the deal has not cial Times: “It is presumptuous and PEGGY HOLLINGER
assuage shareholder concerns over its twice-extended deadline tomorrow to warned the clock is at “one minute to been completed. arrogant for Liontrust’s management to
Airbus is forming a joint venture with
takeover offer from UK asset manager seal the deal it outlined in May. Barring a midnight” for GAM’s future. It is offering 0.06 of its own shares for think only it can create value for share-
US start-up Voyager in the race to build
Liontrust that it says is essential to its last-minute delay to GAM’s scheduled GAM has struggled to recover from its each share in GAM, which now trades at holders . . . the deal is obviously not
a replacement for the International
survival. results, today could give the 40-year-old involvement in the Greensill scandal, an SFr0.53, and last week it extended the very popular.”
Space Station, which is set for decom-
On the eve of its results announce- investment house a final opportunity to episode that led to the ejection of one of deadline for its tender offer for GAM’s It has described the proposed deal as
missioning by the end of the decade.
ment today, in which it is expected to push the deal over the line. its star managers, a fine of £9.1mn over shares to tomorrow. “lopsided”, given GAM shareholders
confirm a SFr23mn ($26mn) loss in the “Newgame’s proposals ignore busi- conflicts of interest and a 96 per cent Liontrust and GAM face resistance would own 12.6 per cent of the com- In the deal announced yesterday Airbus
first half, the Swiss investment house ness realities and do not provide a credi- collapse in its share price. from activist investors led by French tel- bined entity, despite contributing will replace US defence company Lock-
laid out its responses to a group of share- ble path forward,” GAM’s board said last The May proposal by London-listed ecoms billionaire Xavier Niel, who say around 40 per cent of the assets under heed Martin as Voyager’s main indus-
holders balking at Liontrust’s offer, reit- week. “They do not provide the Liontrust, which has snapped up seven they own 9.6 per cent of GAM’s shares. management. trial partner on its Starlab project.
Starlab is one of the frontrunners in a
race overseen by Nasa to develop com-
mercial alternatives to the ISS, which
Transport. Blame game was launched 23 years ago and orbits
420km above Earth.
The ISS is an international collabora-

Air traffic control staffing crisis frustrates carriers tion, funded by national space agencies
from the US, EU, Canada, Japan and
Russia. It has hosted 258 astronauts and
cosmonauts from 20 countries.
Nasa has allocated $550mn to four
consortiums in the first phase of the
Sector recovery threatened as competition, which will examine each
spacecraft design and business case.
shortages lead to sharp rise in The US agency has insisted that they be
commercially viable.
delays and reduced schedules Other contenders include Jeff Bezos’s
Blue Origin in a consortium offering an
PHILIP GEORGIADIS — LONDON “ecosystem” of services for industry,
research and tourism.
Staffing shortages at air traffic control A third, Axiom Space, is bidding to
have delayed passengers in Europe this expand a module it has attached to the
summer and forced US airlines to cut ISS into a vehicle hosting activities from
flights, sparking an industry blame
game on both sides of the Atlantic.
The shortages, combined with air-
Nasa has allocated about
space closures in Europe, have fuelled a $550mn to four
37 per cent increase in delayed flights on
the continent over the past year, accord-
consortiums in the first
ing to air traffic manager Eurocontrol. phase of the competition
Air traffic control staffing and capac-
ity issues were responsible for about research to tourism. US defence and
half the delays in July, during the peak space group Northrop Grumman wants
travel period, Eurocontrol added. to build a platform for training and sci-
Across the Atlantic, the US Federal ence projects.
Aviation Administration asked airlines Airbus’s entry into the race will ease
in March to cut back flying in New European concern over access to a space
York’s crowded airspace due to air traf- habitat once the ISS is retired. It might
fic control staffing shortages, while also damp criticism of the use of Euro-
United chief executive Scott Kirby criti- pean taxpayer funds to pay US groups
cised air traffic control for disruption at for access to commercial space stations.
the airline’s New York hub. Jean-Marc Nasr, head of space sys-
A report in June found widespread A Delta A330 the issue. The closure of a fifth of ment, said Frédéric Deleau, executive ‘We still the inspector-general’s report. A work- tems at Airbus, said yesterday that the
staffing shortages, with controllers at takes off from Europe’s skies has compressed tens of vice-president for Europe at the Inter- force plan the FAA submitted to Con- partnership “aligns the interests of both
some facilities working mandatory Schiphol. The thousands of flights a day into a smaller national Federation of Air Traffic Con- have these gress in May said there were 10,600 fully ourselves and Voyager and our respec-
overtime and six-day weeks to manage ATC shortfall, sliver of airspace. trollers’ Associations. challenges certified air traffic controllers and 3,100 tive space agencies”.
the shortfall. and closure of a Gatwick, a hub for easyJet, was a sore In the US, both airlines and the gov- trainees in the year to October 2022. Airbus declined to disclose whether it
The problems have threatened to fifth of Europe’s spot last week when scores of flights ernment-funded FAA have been reluc- that really sit In an attempt to catch up, the FAA is would invest financially in a project that
dent the airline industry’s recovery skies after the were cancelled. Labour unrest has made tant to make the investments in the outside the planning to hire 1,500 controllers this is expected to cost several billion dol-
from the pandemic. outbreak of the things worse for travellers in some staffing and technology needed to man- year and another 1,800 in 2024. But the lars, and where there remains uncer-
Carriers including British Airways Ukraine war, places. French air traffic controllers age an increasingly crowded airspace, control of National Air Traffic Controllers Associ- tainty over the final demand for com-
owner IAG and Air France-KLM have have caused a have staged walkouts, while Eurocon- said industry analyst Seth Miller of avia- airlines and ation union disagrees with the agency mercial services. The joint venture will
reported booming profits off the back of 37% rise in trol has warned of a possible strike at its tion website PaxEx. Aero. on how many controllers are required. be US-led, said Mike Schoellhorn, chief
high ticket prices and strong demand delays across the Brussels HQ over the next six months. Lundgren said that while his industry airports’ A working group that includes the executive of Airbus Defence and Space.
for transatlantic travel. But air traffic continent over Europe has a shortfall of between 700 was “better prepared” than last year, union said the FAA needs about 14,600 Nasa is expected to choose at least two
control staffing shortages are costing the past year and 1,000 air traffic controllers. This “we still have these challenges that
Johan Lundgren, fully certified controllers — about 2,600 designs by 2025. The prize is an anchor
Nicolas Economou/ easyJet boss
airlines millions in forgone ticket sales NurPhoto/Getty
was largely due to lay-offs and recruit- really sit outside the control of airlines more than the agency’s target level. contract from the US space agency,
and increased operational expenses. ment freezes during the pandemic, and airports”. Natca president Rich Santa cited the which spends roughly $400mn a year
Last year in Europe, delays cost carriers coming after decades of under-invest- Training an air traffic controller takes “flawed staffing model” of the FAA. on research on the ISS, according to Voy-
more than €800mn, according to Euro- two to three years, noted Deleau, who “The status quo is no longer sustaina- ager chair Dylan Taylor.
control figures. US air traffic controller numbers warned that retirement would put staff- ble,” he said. Analysts estimate the operating costs
While the scale of the problem is ing under further strain. Bastian said the US should make it a of a commercial space station are likely
Fully certified personnel, change since 2012 (%)
smaller than in 2022, when staff short- In the US, weather has caused 70 per “national priority” to invest in aviation to top $1bn a year, meaning the rivals
ages afflicted the whole industry, the 0 cent of the delays, according to data infrastructure more broadly. The FAA would have to find other customers.
combination of increasingly congested 0 from the FAA. Staffing has been respon- and air traffic controllers were “hard- Some experts question whether there
airspace and lengthy training for air sible for less than 3 per cent of delays working, but they’re undermanned and will be sufficient commercial demand to
traffic controllers means the problem is this year, down from 12 per cent for the underinvested in. There’s no short-cut sustain privately funded stations.
unlikely to be resolved quickly. -5 same period last year. solution to this.” A report published in 2017 by the
Delta chief Ed Bastian and his coun- Still, 20 out of the 26 busiest air traffic Miller said airlines “have long tried to Washington-based Science and Tech-
terpart at easyJet Johan Lundgren are control centres and towers in the US force too many flights and too many nology Policy Institute concluded that
among airline executives on both sides -10 employ 85 per cent or less of their tar- planes through the eye of the needle” of only under the most optimistic cost and
of the Atlantic who have voiced frustra- geted staffing level, according to a air traffic control. “Who is at fault on revenue scenarios could the stations be
tion at traffic control problems. report released in June by the inspector- any given day at any given time will commercially viable without sustained
“We needed a good recruiting and hir- general’s office of the Department of move, but everybody is part of the space agency support.
ing plan coming out of the pandemic,” -15 Transportation. blame. It’s not a surprise that we find Since then, the report’s author, Keith
Bastian said. “The airlines had it. I’m not 2012 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The number of fully certified control- ourselves here.” Crane, has concluded that “private sec-
sure the air traffic control system did.” Fiscal years lers in the country dipped 9 per cent Additional reporting by Kristo Mikkonen tor demand for goods and services from
Source: US Department of Transportation
The Ukraine war has compounded between 2012 and 2022, according to in London space has not really materialised”.


Uniper plans €8bn green overhaul and net zero by 2040 after Berlin bailout
LAURA PITEL — DÜSSELDORF full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Uniper €757mn loss in the same period last the Netherlands, on Tuesday brought Uniper to provide a missing piece to the Analysts were circumspect about the
became an ill-fated symbol of the over- year, thanks to favourable gas market forward its target date for carbon neu- energy transition by generating “flexi- CEO’s claim that environmental and
Nationalised German gas importer
reliance of Europe’s largest economy on conditions and a successful hedging trality from 2050 to 2040. ble green power” as a back-up to wind financial performance would go hand in
Uniper has vowed to learn from its dis-
Moscow, with the nation importing strategy. It pledged to exit coal-fired power and solar. hand.
astrous over-reliance on Russian gas as
more than half of its gas from Russia. The company stressed that the record generation in 2029, eight years earlier As well as developing 1GW of hydro- “There’s reason to be cautious,” said
it unveiled an €8bn green overhaul
As well as being pushed to the brink of performance was unlikely to be than planned, as well as decarbonising gen electrolysis capacity by 2030, it Ingo Becker, head of utilities sector
aimed at putting it on a path to envi-
collapse by Putin’s decision to cut gas repeated. But German government offi- other existing assets and building plans to import environmentally research at Kepler Cheuvreux. “The
ronmental and financial stability.
supplies, Uniper lost control of its Rus- cials say their ultimate aim is to make a new ones. friendly fuels such as green hydrogen returns on such investments are
Chief executive Michael Lewis drew a sian subsidiary Unipro, which the profit on the investment, akin to the Lewis said he saw an opportunity for and biomethane. unknown, and you will not get proper
line under its previous dependence on Kremlin expropriated in April, in the €760mn gain it made last year on its res- The plans have been met with scepti- state support schemes for every euro
Gazprom, which led to a government first in a wave of seizures of western cue of Lufthansa during the coronavirus cism from environmental campaigners, you invest, so clearly there is some
bailout as the company racked up assets. pandemic. who oppose the government’s plan to entrepreneurial risk.”
€19bn in losses after Vladimir Putin cut Lewis, who was previously chief exec- Lewis said he was “confident” the use gas as a “bridging” fuel towards car- Lewis said the company — as well as
gas supplies last year. utive of the utility Eon UK, promised to company could achieve that goal thanks bon neutrality, which Berlin has set Germany and Europe more broadly —
“Were we too reliant on Russian gas? generate a “good return on investment” to an €8bn plan to make the fossil fuel itself to achieve by 2045. was undergoing a “transition” rather
It turned out yes,” Lewis said. “It is for the German government. group greener. Sonja Meister, an energy campaigner than a “revolution”.
important to have diversity. There’s no Berlin injected €13.5bn in equity for a The German government, which is at German NGO Urgewald, described Uniper was planning legal action
question about that. And that’s one 99 per cent stake and granted the com- required under EU state-aid rules to the strategy as “a step in the right direc- against Moscow for the expropriation of
thing the crisis has brought home to us pany €6bn in loans, in one of the biggest reduce its stake in Uniper to 25 per cent tion” by a company that had long been its Russian subsidiary, he said, while
loud and clear.” bailouts in German history. by 2028, is expected to set out a strategy an environmental laggard. admitting that the chances of recover-
The company now imports a mixture Uniper enjoyed what it called “excep- for exiting the company by the end of But she questioned its plans ing any of the lost value were slim. But it
of pipeline gas and LNG from suppliers tionally” good results in the first half of the year. to continue to rely heavily on natural was “our duty to do everything we can to
in the Netherlands, the US, Norway, 2023, with earnings before interest and Uniper, which operates power sta- Michael Lewis: CEO leads €8bn plan gas, and said that more detail was make sure that we try to get some com-
Australia and Azerbaijan. After Putin’s taxes of €3.7bn, compared with a tions in Germany, the UK, Sweden and to make the fossil fuel group greener needed on how it would meet its targets. pensation”.
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9


Apple supplier Luxshare takes on Foxconn

Chinese contract manufacturer wins favour with US group as sole assembler of its Vision Pro mixed-reality headset
QIANER LIU — HONG KONG “only invest [in India] with sufficient
guarantees” for the business environ-
When Apple unveiled its Vision Pro ment.
mixed-reality headset to the world’s Instead, Vietnam has emerged as a
media in June, few were aware of the better bet, with a similar culture to
significant role played by a little-known China and smoother transportation
contract manufacturer in China in cre- links. Wang said in February that Viet-
ating the revolutionary device. nam was “the best option” for manufac-
Shenzhen-based Luxshare Precision turing relocation.
Industry has won favour and increasing The company has been building
business with the iPhone maker in part plants there since 2016 and has already
by being prepared to test “crazy” ideas started to migrate Apple production
in its factories, according to an Apple work. Luxshare’s management team
supply chain employee. said in April that the Vietnam plants
It is the sole assembler of the Vision were focused on making mature prod-
Pro and has been seeing it through the ucts, while the more challenging tasks,
initial manufacturing problems of such as mobile phones and new product
integrating its complex electronics and assembly, were still being carried out in
the setbacks of too-frequent flaws in a China.
crucial component — its micro-OLED Next for Luxshare is the iPhone 15
displays. series, which will begin production in
Apple has been forced to scale down China in August ahead of its official
production expectations for next year, launch event. The company has
with two people close to Apple and Lux- received a record share of Apple orders
share saying it was preparing to make to assemble the new version of the
fewer than 400,000 units in 2024. smartphone, according to two people
Still, the company and its chief have close to Apple and Luxshare. It will also
come a long way to be now manufactur- assemble premium models for the first
ing the “most complex consumer device time, breaking Foxconn’s stranglehold
anyone has ever made”, according to on producing the iPhone Pro series, the
analysts, and taking on Taiwan’s Fox- Financial Times has reported.
conn, the world’s biggest contract elec- Luxshare’s ability to produce enough
tronics manufacturer. qualified handsets “quickly and effi-
When Foxconn started out in China Luxshare has won a deal to assemble Apple’s headset and is set to break the stranglehold of Taiwan’s Foxconn on making the iPhone Pro — Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images ciently” will determine its success in
with the opening of a new factory in gaining a larger share of smartphone
Shenzhen in 1988, 21-year-old Grace The rivals production, said Ivan Lam, a senior ana-
Wang was one of the first migrant work- lyst at Counterpoint.
ers to be employed on its production Offering lower prices and greater flex-
lines. Wang displayed enough ingenuity Revenue ($bn) Net income ($bn) Revenue growth (%) Net income growth (%) ibility has made the company an attrac-
and skills to earn a quick promotion to tive option for Apple, which is consider-
manager, as her employer began a dec- 200 5 40 30 ing giving it an even more significant
ades-long dominance over the making role in producing the iPhone 16 series,
of tech gadgets. 4 30 dependent on performance in deliver-
Thirty-five years on, the factory girl is 20 ing the 15, the two people said.
now chair of her own contract electron- 3 Wang will be the one pushing the
ics maker, after co-founding and build- 100 20 company to maintain its standards and
ing Luxshare to be Foxconn’s most seri- 2 prove itself as a supplier that can con-
ous challenger. 50 10 tinue to rival Foxconn on quality and
Working its way up from being a sub- 1 reliability.
contractor supplying connectors in “One must be a handsome bird in
0 0 0 0
1999, Luxshare grew to become a public Luxshare Foxconn order to fly with the phoenix,” she has
Luxshare Foxconn Luxshare Foxconn Luxshare Foxconn
company, listing in the southern city of often said of the relationship with
Source: company reports
Shenzhen in 2010 and selling directly to Apple, citing an old Chinese proverb.
Apple from 2011. Revenues have surged
from Rmb2.5bn ($350mn) in 2011 to
Rmb214bn last year. laptop through one of its acquisitions, he has visited. It has also benefited
Wang has been instrumental in its before extending production to critical from being selected to help Apple’s
rise, say those who have worked with components in other Apple products, efforts to diversify its supply chain
her. “She’s the hero behind Luxshare, including AirPods, Apple Watch, and beyond China.
learning a lot from Foxconn about fac- the iPhone. Analyst Tony Zhang from CLSA said
tory management and business expan- In 2022, Luxshare generated more this represented a challenge, with the
sion,” said one longtime employee who than 70 per cent of its revenues from need to adapt from centralised produc-
did not wish to be named. Apple, compared with a proportion of tion to decentralised management of
“She is like a big sister or a mum in factories worldwide and to train local
day-to-day management — attentive workers in different territories.
and strong.”
Luxshare’s rapid rise has One such market is India, where Lux-
While Foxconn is best known as the been helped by Apple share established an office in 2019 and
maker of the iPhone, Luxshare has also bought two well-established production
been steadily expanding its business
chief executive Tim Cook’s plants in Chennai from the former
with Apple, becoming an important enthusiasm for the group mobile-phone maker Nokia, and
partner and alternative supplier of serv- Motorola. It has also applied for permis-
ices. While revenues and profits remain sion to build a factory in India with a
far below Foxconn’s level, its high- less than 50 per cent at Foxconn, domestic partner, according to people
growth profile led to its market capitali- according to annual reports and ana- close to the company and Indian gov-
sation overtaking its rival’s at one point lysts’ interpretations. ernment officials.
in early 2021. Apple’s strict requirements for its But it has been cautious on expansion,
Apple’s high opinion of its capabilities suppliers tend to boost their credentials with Wang hinting at an event in Febru-
can be measured by the level of diffi- with other clients. Luxshare was ary that the supply chain in India was
culty in the assignments awarded — crowned “gold supplier” by Huawei in not mature enough. Eddie Han, an ana-
from setting up factories outside China 2018. lyst at Isaiah Research, says strained
as geopolitical tensions increase to pro- Industry experts say Luxshare’s rapid relations between China and India may
ducing higher-end phones. rise has been helped by Apple chief also be limiting Luxshare’s business
Luxshare first produced simple con- executive Tim Cook’s enthusiasm for development.
nectors for the iPhone and MacBook the Chinese company, whose facilities The company said in May it would

Travel & leisure

Tax threat to India’s fantasy sports sector

BENJAMIN PARKIN — NEW DELHI those commissions. Under the proposed idly in recent years thanks to the spread
change, the stake itself would be subject of smartphones and low data prices. A
Indian authorities plan to introduce a
to a 28 per cent tax, as well as a commis- report by Lumikai, a gaming-focused
new online gaming tax despite a fierce
sion, representing a huge disincentive fund, estimated that the total size of the
backlash from companies and inves-
for gamers. market was $2.6bn in the year ending in
tors who warn it will kill the fast-grow-
Roland Landers, chief executive of March 2022.
ing multibillion-dollar industry for
industry group the All India Gaming Real-money gaming companies take
fantasy sports and other real-money
Federation, predicts companies would up most of the market. They include
suffer a big hit. “The larger ones may some of the country’s largest start-ups,
The country’s Goods and Services Tax scrape through but the mid to smaller such as the Indian cricket team’s shirt
Council, a federal body that sets India’s players would be finding it extremely sponsor Dream11. Annual investment
indirect taxes, met yesterday to finalise difficult — in fact, they would be on the in online gaming rose from $2.3mn in
the 28 per cent levy on online gaming verge of shutting down,” he said. 2013 to a peak of nearly $400mn in
that would be hundreds of per cent Saumya Singh Rathore, co-founder of 2021, according to data provider
higher than the current tax rate, accord- WinZo, which aggregates various real- Tracxn.
ing to industry estimates. money games, said the tax risked killing Finance minister Nirmala Sithara-
The council said the tax would proba- the platform. “We are certain that 85 per man described the 28 per cent tax,
bly go into effect in October and be cent of these games would stand unvia- which also applies to horseracing and
reviewed after six months. ble, making WinZo as a platform also casinos that are only allowed in a hand-
The new levy would mostly affect unviable,” she said. ful of states, as a “moral” issue.
real-money games where users earn India’s gaming market has grown rap- “Should the tax on casinos be less
cash prizes in games such as fantasy than the tax on food products?” she said
cricket or online rummy. The sector has at a GST Council meeting last month. “A
been operating in a regulatory grey area moral question was discussed. We
and has attracted the interest of venture shouldn’t shut down the industry, but
capitalists. that doesn’t mean that we should give
While gambling is mostly illegal in them more incentives than essential
India, real-money games groups have goods.”
won court cases deeming them “games Some restaurants and food services
of skill” as distinct from betting. But are taxed at 18 per cent, the same rate as
their surge in popularity has alarmed online gaming before the latest pro-
authorities, who fear a rise in addiction. posal.
Companies collect commissions on Investors in the sector recently wrote
the stakes placed by punters and, under India’s new levy would mostly affect to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, ask-
current practice, pay 18 per cent tax on games such as fantasy cricket ing for the tax to be reconsidered.
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Millions are mobilising to build US black wealth Airlines

Investors in
Simon plot’s covenants. Tackling wider racial FHA’s manual for its underwriters “The best judgment we have is that gages that reduce their monthly pay-
Wizz approve
Mundy disparities in the US real estate market,
with its legacy of systematic dis -
crimination, is proving more difficult.
explicitly encouraged restrictive cove-
nants, including “prohibition of the
occupancy of properties except by the
these are paid off one in five times,”
Green told me. “It’s an instrument that’s
designed to fail.”
ments (by about 30 per cent on aver-
age), while still generating a return for
its investors.
extra time for
But it’s a problem in which some
black-led investment companies,
race for which they are intended”.
The legacy of these policies remains
Green’s business aims to offer these
families fresh options through a new
The real estate market is central to the
US’s yawning racial wealth gap. In 2021,
unlocking of
When Lyneir Richardson’s investment
group sealed the acquisition of a Balti-
including Richardson’s Chicago TREND,
are starting to make a dent. Property
ownership was at the heart of the
conspicuous, with many low-income
households still in effect excluded from
the conventional mortgage market,
fund that held its final close last month
with $100mn of investment from a mix
of foundations, family offices and faith-
the National Association of Realtors
estimated that just 44 per cent of black
households owned their home, com-
chief’s bonus
more shopping centre last year, with the extended boom in middle-class living where lenders have little interest in low- pared with 72.7 per cent of white ones.
aim of developing a hub for local black standards that began under president value properties, says John Green, man- After decades of surging property val- LEKE OSO ALABI
entrepreneurs and consumers, a section Franklin Roosevelt, which established aging principal of real estate investment
Racial disparities in real ues, median white household wealth
Investors in Wizz Air approved plans to
of the legal covenants attached to the the Federal Housing Administration to firm Blackstar Stability. estate are a legacy of some stood at $187,300 in 2019, according to
give the company’s boss an additional
property gave him pause. insure home mortgages, and the Home Instead, many families — dispropor- the latest data from the US Census
“At no time,” said the covenants on Owners’ Loan Corporation to refinance tionately black — have resorted to
of the ugliest elements of Bureau, against just $14,100 for black
two years to unlock a bonus of
£100mn, despite sizeable opposition at
the land applied since a sale in 1945, them. But it was a boom from which broadly unregulated “contracts for the country’s history households.
the low-cost carrier’s annual meeting.
should any part “be occupied by any most black households were shut out. deed”. Financed by the seller, often at The racial disparities in the US prop-
Negro or person of Negro extraction”. Both the FHA and HOLC became inflated valuations and interest rates, based organisations. Blackstar is using erty market are a grim legacy of some of Almost 30 per cent of the airline’s free-
An exception, it conceded, would be for notorious for “redlining”; excluding these instruments transfer ownership this money to buy CFD-encumbered the ugliest elements of the country’s his- floating shares was cast against a resolu-
black servants of white occupants. from their operations supposedly high- to the occupier only when the final properties and convert the contracts tory, but even so, this is an area where tion to give József Váradi until 2028 to
While the Supreme Court has since risk urban zones, which happened to instalment of the loan is paid. into conventional mortgages. smart, targeted financial investment obtain the one-off award if Wizz Air’s
ruled that racially restrictive covenants map closely to majority-black areas. In the meantime, the occupier is With government scrutiny of this like this could begin to have a powerful share price hits £120.
cannot be enforced, they remain Even if a black family had the means responsible for all maintenance. If the “predatory” market increasing, Green impact. Shares closed down less than 1 per
attached to thousands of title deeds to move to a mostly white area, and was occupier misses a payment, they can be says, many CFD lenders are willing to cent at £23.62 yesterday.
across the US. willing to risk being hounded from their swiftly evicted, and if they want to move sell the properties at steep discounts. A version of this article first appeared in the The amendment was approved with
Richardson’s lawyers have had the home by a racist mob, they could not before the loan is repaid in full, they This enables Blackstar to sell the houses Moral Money newsletter, available on 74 per cent of the eligible votes support-
language expunged from the Baltimore count on government support. The must forfeit every dollar paid to date. on to the occupying families with mort- ing the resolution.
Wizz Air said its board believed
that Váradi was “central to delivering
[the airline’s] recovery in the coming
Aerospace & defence years” and the changes to remuneration
plans were “in the best interests of the

Surge in orders
company, its shareholders and other
However, the proposal had encoun-
tered significant opposition from proxy
advisers before the general meeting in

bolsters BAE’s Switzerland.

Institutional Shareholder Services
said the plan was “not fully in line with
UK good practice”, while Pirc said the

annual outlook
plans were “highly excessive” and “not
considered to be acceptable”.
Pirc argued that a share price was
“often outside the control of individual
directors and is often more affected by
larger market changes”.
War in Ukraine and rising shying away from defence . . . our Just under two-thirds of the votes at
involvement in the nuclear deterrent Wizz’s annual meeting in 2021 were cast
tensions boost country’s meant that a number of our traditional in favour of the bonus scheme, with
biggest weapons maker shareholders in London were putting us
on the wrong side of the debate,” he said.
The pendulum was “swinging into a
The board deemed
more balanced position but it still has boss Váradi ‘central to
BAE Systems has lifted its annual profit some way to go”.
forecast as the war in Ukraine helped In the first half of the year, the group’s
delivering recovery
drive orders to records at Britain’s big- orders included a £1.8bn contract from in the coming years’
gest defence company. the Czech Republic for 246 CV90 infan-
The company said yesterday that it try fighting vehicles. Its MBDA weapons about a third against, despite criticism
had won a record £21.1bn of new orders business secured a contract from Poland from shareholder advisory groups.
in the first six months of the year, to supply launchers and missiles. This was because the vote was open
underpinned by new orders for existing BAE has started to see orders come only to a small proportion of investors
programmes, including submarines and through following Russia’s invasion of after the airline was forced to water
fighter aircraft. Its order backlog also hit Ukraine, Woodburn said, citing a down the voting rights of shareholders
a record at £66.2bn. £280mn award from the UK to increase from outside the European Economic
The FTSE 100 group, which builds production of key munitions being Area, in order to comply with EU
everything from Eurofighter Typhoon donated to Ukraine. Progress has also rules around airline ownership after
jets to nuclear submarines and combat been made on a plan for BAE to set up a Brexit.
vehicles as well as making ammunition base in Ukraine to produce and repair Wizz Air’s largest shareholder is US
for the British military, forecast that its weapons such as tanks and artillery. private equity firm Indigo Partners,
earnings per share would grow between The first step would be around “open- which focuses on air transport and owns
10 per cent and 12 per cent this year, ing an office and then working with a 24 per cent of the company. Indigo’s
double its previous prediction. local partner”, said Woodburn. founder William Franke has been chair
Shares in BAE have surged 70 per cent
since the start of last year, making the
company the second-best performer in
Follow-on contracts with Saudi Ara-
bia for continued support of its
Typhoon aircraft and an order from the
Bleak house One of Britain’s biggest housebuilders
said the share of its first-time buyers
taking on more than 36-year mortgages
rising interest rates have piled
pressure on the housing sector, with
UK house prices recording their
of Wizz Air for almost two decades.
The carrier has grown rapidly over
the past five years, becoming one of the
the blue-chip FTSE 100 index after
energy supplier Centrica. The stock
UK for further work on the next-genera-
tion nuclear deterrent also buoyed its
Profit down had more than tripled, as affordability
issues in the housing market took its
biggest annual drop in 14 years in
July, according to data from
most significant companies in European
aviation thanks to cheap fares made
gained 6.4 per cent yesterday.
“Defence and security is moving up
national agendas,” said Charles Wood-
first-half order book.
Sales in the first half climbed 11 per
cent to £12bn, BAE said, while its under-
29% at Taylor first-half profits down by 29 per cent.
Taylor Wimpey said yesterday that
27 per cent of its first-time buyers had
Nationwide on Tuesday.
A record 19 per cent of first-time
buyers took out mortgages of at
possible by an ultra low-cost business
The airline was one of the first carriers
burn, BAE chief executive, adding the
company was building momentum and
lying earnings before interest and tax
were up 10 per cent to £1.3bn. The
Wimpey taken mortgage terms of more than 36
years in the first half of the year,
least 35 years in March, according
to trade body UK Finance, up from
to recover to its pre-pandemic share
price in late 2020, as investors backed
he expected to see a “material step-up in group’s free cash flow increased almost compared with just 7 per cent in 2021. 9 per cent a year earlier. its aggressive expansion plan. Its shares
the growth rate in the coming years”. tenfold to £1.1bn. For the full year, BAE The proportion of other buyers Taylor Wimpey posted £237.7mn have halved since Russia’s full-scale
The role that defence companies have said it now expected to generate more taking out mortgages of more than 30 in pre-tax profit in its first half, a invasion of Ukraine last year.
played in arming Ukrainian forces has than £1.8bn in free cash flow, about years rose to 42 per cent, from 28 per 28.9 per cent fall year on year. It Wizz Air’s move follows that of Rya-
sparked a debate over whether the sec- £600mn higher than previously fore- cent in 2021. completed 5,120 homes in the six nair, which extended and adjusted the
tor should still be shunned by investors cast. BAE also announced another “As affordability has become more months to June 30, down from 6,922 comparable package for its chief execu-
on environmental, social and govern- three-year share buyback programme stretched, we have seen mortgage in the same period last year. tive, Michael O’Leary, last year.
ance grounds. worth £1.5bn. duration increase,” said chief executive But it expects to build between Andrew Lobbenberg, analyst at Bar-
The war had gone some way to easing The company will be one of the main Jennie Daly, adding that the end of the 10,000 and 10,500 homes for the clays, said Wizz Air’s move had the logic
concerns over the sector but more beneficiaries of the Aukus submarine government’s help-to-buy scheme this full year, at the upper range of its of following its lead rival, but Ryanair
work needed to be done, according to programme announced by the UK, Aus- year was a contributing factor. previous guidance. Akila Quinio had also “included an increase to the
Woodburn. “There were elements of the tralia and the US earlier this year. Soaring borrowing costs as a result of See Lex target profit level required to
London market in particular that were See Lex trigger it”.
Jason Alden/Bloomberg

Pharmaceuticals Technology

Haleon sees strong demand after price rises HMRC pursues Uber in widening tax dispute
MADELEINE SPEED macroeconomic uncertainties”. Sales Speaking to analysts yesterday, EMMA AGYEMANG Supreme Court ruled that its drivers operators in the UK are eligible to pay
volume increases accounted for 2.9 per McNamara said: “To date we are not should be considered workers. VAT on the profit margin of a trip rather
Haleon reported better than expected The tax authority is pursuing Uber, the
cent of growth, bucking the trend for seeing [down-trading]. We have very The latest tax dispute centres on than its full cost, as HMRC contends,
sales as consumers stocked up on prod- ride-hailing app, in a widening dispute
falling sales as shoppers trade down to little private-label dynamics in Europe. changes the San Francisco-based com- according to people familiar with the
ucts such as Sensodyne toothpaste and over VAT.
cheaper and private-label products. Obviously these are unprecedented pany has made to its business model situation.
Panadol painkillers at higher prices
Manufacturers of consumer health times so we are looking out for any The company said that HM Revenue & since March 2022 following the Uber said: “Urgent clarity is needed
despite the cost of living crisis.
products have been more resilient to signs.” Customs had “disputed the amount and Supreme Court ruling. for the whole industry in order to pro-
The company, which was spun off from trading down than other consumer cat- Haleon’s respiratory health division manner” with which it had applied VAT HMRC has challenged Uber’s use of tect drivers and passengers.”
pharmaceutical group GSK a year ago, egories during the cost of living crisis. was the best performing, with like-for- to its UK mobility business. rules designed to simplify VAT for HMRC said: “We have a strong record
reported a 10.4 per cent rise in like-for- like sales up 22 per cent thanks to a As a result, the tax authority assessed tour operators, called the Tour Opera- on large business tax compliance and
like revenue to £5.7bn in the six months strong cold and flu season in the first that the company owed an additional tors Margin Scheme. These rules are actively challenge them on tax due.”
to June, beating analysts’ expectations
‘We have very little three months of the year and growth in £386mn ($491mn) in taxes, Uber said also used by minicabs and other ride- Dan Neidle, former head of tax at law
of an increase of 8.2 per cent. private-label dynamics China after lockdowns ended. in its half-year results published on hailing apps. firm Clifford Chance and founder of
Three-quarters of the company’s rev- Painkiller sales were also given a Tuesday. Uber is arguing that all private hire think-tank Tax Policy Associates, said it
enue growth was a result of price rises,
in Europe [but] we are boost by China’s reopening, up 12.9 per Uber plans to appeal against the deci- was “hard to say” which party would
but consumers also bought products looking out for any signs’ cent compared with the year sion at the UK tax tribunal. ultimately win the dispute.
such as Advil and Voltarol in greater vol- before. However, vitamins, minerals However, last month it paid the He said the dispute could take a dec-
umes despite the higher prices. Haleon’s rival Kenvue reported better and supplements sales were flat, partic- £386mn to HMRC, which will be ade to resolve, with appeals and counter
Haleon raised its expectations for rev- than expected profits last month in its ularly in the immunity category “as con- refunded should it win its appeal. appeals likely.
enue growth in 2023 from a range of first announcement since it was spun off sumers became less concerned about The development comes after Uber No date for a court hearing has been
4-6 per cent to 7-8 per cent. The com- from Johnson & Johnson this year. Covid-19”, the company said. agreed a settlement with HMRC last announced.
pany said 55 per cent of its products “Together with pet food, consumer Haleon has recently shed jobs as part year that saw it pay £615mn to the tax Last week, Uber won a case at the UK
gained or maintained market share. health is the only category that shows no of a £300mn cost-cutting drive over the office after it lost a case at the UK High Court over how VAT is applied by
Chief executive Brian McNamara said cyclicality and almost no down-trading next three years. Supreme Court in 2021 over the VAT private taxi operators and ride-hailing
he had confidence in Haleon’s resilience during economic turmoil,” Bernstein The drugmaker also announced yes- treatment of its drivers. firms in the UK outside London.
despite “a challenging environment analysts wrote in a note on the sector. terday that it had sold Lamisil athlete’s Uber had argued that it was exempt The case had been brought to level the
given further pressure on consumer “Cash flows don’t get more boring and foot cream to Swedish company Karo from VAT because its drivers were self- The tax authority has assessed playing field with competitors following
spending and global geopolitical and resilient than this.” Healthcare for £235mn. employed contractors. However, the that an extra £386mn is owed Uber’s Supreme Court loss in 2021.
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11


Fixed income. White House outrage Equities

US debt downgrade greeted with IPOs slump to
lowest level
political anger and trading calm since 2009

The number of companies listing in

Europe has slumped to the lowest level
since the global financial crisis, under-
lining the dire state of the region’s IPO
market amid an economic slowdown
and the attraction of listing in the US.
Just 34 companies publicly listed in
Europe in the first half of this year, the
lowest number since 2009 when the
aftermath of the global financial crisis
sent a chill through markets.
Companies raised just €2.4bn in
Europe in the first half of 2023 through
IPOs, also the lowest total in 14 years,
according to figures from the Associa-
tion for Financial Markets in Europe.
The capital raised marks a 42 per cent
fall compared with the same period last
European equity markets are strug-
gling to attract companies to list this
year as rising interest rates and record
high inflation force many businesses to
shelve plans to go public.
Others, such as UK chipmaker Arm,
have been enticed by the larger pool of
capital available in the US and chosen to
list in New York instead of domestically.
“There is a recurring theme of some
European companies preferring to list
abroad because there’s better liquidity
in the US,” said Julio Suarez, director of
research at AFME. “Structurally, US

Treasuries move modestly Fitch believes there is a greater risk of a Stroll on: Treasury markets reacted modestly
The interest burden of the US default. US Treasury to the Fitch decision and the US plan to
‘There’s better liquidity in
after Fitch knocks rating down US has ballooned as the Fed The exceptional role that Treasury department increase borrowing unveiled yesterday. the US. Structurally, US
has raised interest rates bonds play in global markets, however, plans to increase Benchmark 10-year Treasury yields
one notch to double A plus Federal interest payments ($bn) is unlikely to change because of Fitch’s borrowing were rose by 0.07 percentage points to 4.07
capital markets are more
1,000 decision. unveiled per cent, the highest in a month, accord- attractive to risk capital’
KATE DUGUID — NEW YORK Investors, by and large, will not be yesterday but ing to Refinitiv. The S&P 500 stock
forced to sell their US debt holdings due received only a index was 1 per cent lower by midday in capital markets are more attractive to
The reaction to Fitch Ratings’ down- 600 to the downgrade and the country’s cost low-key reaction New York yesterday. risk capital,” he said, adding that Europe
grade of the US’s pristine debt rating 400
of borrowing is not expected to go up. from markets Fitch, which had warned of a possible is struggling with a “structural lack of
Chip Somodevilla/Getty
played out on a split screen yesterday: “I think it is completely and totally US downgrade in May, announced its competitiveness”.
outrage from the White House and calm 200 irrelevant,” said Eric Winograd, director decision on the same afternoon that The US listings market has faced a far
in the market for Treasury bonds 0 of developed market economic research former President Donald Trump was milder slowdown this year with 75 com-
assessed by the agency. 2005 10 15 20 23 at AllianceBernstein, the asset manager. indicted on charges related to efforts to panies floating in the first half and rais-
Fitch late on Tuesday lowered the US “I have been trying to come up with a overturn the 2020 election that handed ing $11.5bn, the lowest volume and
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis; FRED
long-term rating one rung from triple A reason why investors would care about the White House to Joe Biden. value since 2015, according to Dealogic
to double A plus, citing its growing debt this and I have not been able to. The Richard Francis, a senior Fitch direc- data.
burden and an “erosion of governance,” A plus in 2011, following a debt ceiling probability of the US defaulting is tor, told Reuters that the agency also Romanian electricity producer Hid-
including on fiscal matters. showdown when Democrat Barack exactly the same today as it was yester- considered the attack on the Capitol on roelectrica raised €1.6bn on the Bucha-
The action came two months after the Obama was president. day.” January 6, 2021 in its decision. rest stock exchange in July, making it
country narrowly averted default amid Fitch raised a red flag over “a steady The decision by Fitch is also unlikely Officials in Washington appeared to Europe’s biggest stock market listing so
political wrangling over the federal bor- deterioration in standards of govern- to force investors to swap out Treasuries give Fitch’s rating change more weight far this year.
rowing limit. ance over the last 20 years” — even with for other triple A rated debt in their than many investors. London’s biggest IPO is fintech firm
The Biden administration reacted the latest deal to suspend the debt limit portfolios. Janet Yellen, Biden’s Treasury secre- CAB Payments, which raised £300mn
with anger, sending out a release citing until January 2025. “We do not believe there are any tary, lambasted it as “arbitrary and last month.
pundits calling the decision “off-base,” Fitch also expects the general govern- meaningful holders of Treasury securi- based on outdated data”. Europe’s moribund listings market
“absurd” and “widely & correctly ridi- ment deficit to rise to 6.3 per cent of ties who will be forced to sell due to a Jason Smith, the Republican chair of has provoked a response from policy-
culed”. gross domestic product in 2023, up from downgrade,” Goldman Sachs said in a the powerful House ways and means makers. The UK is planning a series of
Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House 3.7 per cent in 2022. note. “Because Treasury securities are committee, said Biden had “pushed reforms, which include pushing the
press secretary, said: “It defies reality to Adding to the US debt burden were such an important asset class, most ‘I have been America’s credit rating off the ledge”, pensions industry to channel funds
downgrade the United States at a interest payments, which skyrocketed investment mandates and regulatory even though US fiscal problems have towards high-growth companies, in a
moment when President Biden has as the US Federal Reserve dramatically regimes refer to them specifically,
trying to been a product of policies adopted by bid to arrest the dwindling number of
delivered the strongest recovery of any lifted interest rates to the highest level rather than triple A rated government come up both parties. companies listing on the London Stock
major economy in the world.” in 22 years. debt.” “Now families and small businesses Exchange.
The White House appeared to fear The Treasury department yesterday Goldman also noted that S&P’s US
with a already dealing with soaring interest EU officials are also trying to simplify
that the downgrade gave Republicans a announced that the US would have to downgrade in 2011 ultimately had little reason why rates and lost wages from Biden’s infla- the process of listing in the bloc as well
new opening to accuse Biden’s officials borrow more in the coming months. effect on markets. tion crisis will also have to face the con- as improving investment research so
of mishandling America’s public US Treasuries, which constitute the “No one buys Treasuries because of
investors sequences of a reduced confidence in small and midsized firms can be more
finances. biggest bond market in the world, are the rating,” said Peter Tchir, head of would care America’s sovereign debt,” Smith said. Our global visible to potential investors.
Democrats had hoped that the budget widely held because they are under- macro strategy at Academy Securities. Jean-Pierre pointed to “extremism” team gives you “I think it’s getting to the point now,
deal struck with Republican speaker stood to be extraordinarily safe. “US Treasuries are often mandated
about this by Republicans, “from cheerleading market-moving both in Europe and the UK, people are
Kevin McCarthy to avoid a debt default Nearly every central bank globally is a directly or included with other govern- and I have default, to undermining governance news and views, realising it’s more urgent than it had
in June had put those criticisms to rest. major holder of Treasuries and the ment backed debt in mandates. The and democracy, to seeking to extend 24 hours a day been in order for these jurisdictions to
The action by Fitch came after S&P bonds underpin valuations across asset downgrade by Fitch is a non-event for
not been deficit-busting tax giveaways for the keep up,” said Gary Simmons, managing
similarly downgraded US debt to double classes. A lower credit rating means yields.” able to’ wealthy and corporations”. director at AFME.

Food & beverage Financials

Molson Coors capitalises on backlash Carlyle pledges to be ‘super-disciplined’

against Bud Light with record sales on costs during dealmaking slowdown
STEFF CHÁVEZ — CHICAGO Molson Coors said that a year ago, Bud Hattersley said. There had been “some ANTOINE GARA — NEW YORK vide definitive financial targets or Carlyle secured $7.1bn in new money
Light was a bigger label in the US than pretty seismic shifts across the industry strategic goals, something analysts from investors, a slight increase from
Brewer Molson Coors has capitalised Carlyle Group’s profits fell last quarter
Coors Light and Miller Lite combined, . . . so what really matters here for us is expect he will have to do by the end of the first quarter. Investors committed
on the upheaval in the US domestic as the buyout group failed to benefit
but that dynamic has been upended. that more consumers are reaching for the year. just $300mn to its new flagship US buy-
beer market, reporting record quar- from a rebound in markets and strug-
“Coors Light and Miller Lite, com- our beers versus our competitors’”. Carlyle shares fell about 9 per cent in out fund in the period, putting the total
terly sales and upgrading its full-year gled to drum up interest in a new flag-
bined, were 50 per cent bigger than Bud Even higher prices around the early Wall Street trading yesterday. raised at about $16bn and short of the
outlook following the controversy that ship fund, underlining the challenge
Light by total industry dollars and 30 national holidays of Memorial day and The company said its second-quarter $22bn target set by Schwartz’s predeces-
has engulfed rival brand Bud Light. facing new chief executive Harvey
per cent bigger than Modelo Especial” in July 4 did not turn US consumers off distributable earnings — a metric that sor, Kewsong Lee.
The Chicago-based group reported its the second quarter, Molson Coors chief Molson Coors’ drinks. Chief financial analysts favour as a proxy for the The firm has already warned share-
best quarterly sales since Canada’s Mol- executive Gavin Hattersley told analysts officer Tracey Joubert said prices would A former executive at Goldman Sachs, group’s cash flows — dropped to holders that most of its new buyout
son merged with US brewer Coors in on Tuesday. The group said its premium increase again in the autumn. Schwartz took the reins at Carlyle in funds will be smaller as investors scale
2005, with sales volumes rising in its beers in the US had performed well. The brewer said brand volumes in the February and has pledged to revive back exposure to private assets, as rising
home market for the first time in a year. “Beer drinkers are incredibly loyal,” US, its primary market, rose 8.7 per profits at the Wall Street institution dur-
The buyout group’s interest rates radically reshape condi-
Sales of Bud Light, which is made by cent, marking the first rise in several ing a testing period for the private quarterly distributable tions for the industry.
AB InBev and had long been the top- quarters, and helped offset weakness in equity industry. Carlyle is expected to begin raising
selling beer in the US, tumbled for sev- central and eastern Europe markets. Schwartz yesterday laid out five areas
earnings fell to $388mn, new buyout funds in Europe and Asia,
eral consecutive weeks after a promo- The changing landscape in the US of focus, including growing the group’s down 26% year on year which could help its growth this year.
tional collaboration with transgender contrasts with some of the trends insurance and underwriting business Schwartz has begun to overhaul Car-
TikTok personality and actress Dylan reported by Heineken, the world’s lines and cutting costs to improve mar- $388mn, a 26 per cent fall from the same lyle’s leadership and recently named
Mulvaney in April prompted a conserv- second-largest brewer, which earlier gins that have lagged behind peers such period a year earlier. The results were dealmaker John Redett chief financial
ative backlash. The controversy caused this week conceded the “cumulative as Blackstone and Apollo Global. better than analysts expected. officer and Lúcia Soares chief informa-
AB InBev to end the partnership and effect of pricing actions” caused sales “[We’re] basically doing a line-by-line A prolonged slowdown in dealmaking tion officer.
place two executives on leave. volumes to contract in its latest quarter. review going through the business and curbed Carlyle’s ability to exit invest- Despite the challenges, Schwartz said
That has allowed other brewers to “We didn’t plan on our largest com- making sure we’re super-disciplined ments profitably and secure valuable yesterday he was optimistic that the
soak up market share. Modelo, which is petitor’s largest brand declining volume about expense,” he told analysts. performance fees, something it warned broader economic and financial back-
sold in the US by Constellation Brands, by nearly 30 per cent during the quar- While Schwartz’s comments give would continue to the year-end. Deal- drop was improving.
dethroned Bud Light in May as the ter,” Hattersley said. The impact of AB investors new insight into his priorities making remained subdued in the quar- “While the economic backdrop
country’s best-selling beer. Weeks later, InBev’s Bud Light hangover will be laid after a six-month review of Carlyle’s ter despite a rebound in markets that remains complex and investor senti-
Constellation reported record first- Bud Light sales tumbled for several bare today when it reports second- operations that included meeting has propelled the S&P 500 up by almost ment remains mixed, the peak of the
quarter sales. weeks after a conservative backlash quarter results. 150 investors, he was reluctant to pro- a fifth this year. inflation cycle may have passed.”
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Banking’s national The day in the markets

champions across What you need to know
the globe dominate 3 Global stocks drop sharply following
US debt downgrade
European stocks fall after US credit rating downgrade
3 Treasuries shrug off Fitch move to Indices rebased

Rupak Ghose strip Washington of triple A rating

3 London equities weaker on eve of BoE
rates decision Dax

Markets Insight Global stock markets suffered a heavy

sell-off yesterday after Fitch Ratings

unexpectedly downgraded Washington’s 4
top-tier sovereign debt rating while US
merican banks have rallied Indonesia’s Bank Central Asia and Saudi tralia and Canada have benefited from Treasuries largely shrugged off the
hard in the past month, Arabia’s largest bank, Al Rajhi, have consistently delivering strong returns decision. 2
driven by a healthy earn- market capitalisations only a little less on equity based on more traditional Wall Street’s benchmark S&P 500
ings season and a rebound than BNP. Here are some reasons why bread-and-butter banking, sometimes declined 1.2 per cent by midday in New
in investor confidence in we are seeing these geographical trends. in near oligopolistic market conditions York, on track for its biggest daily drop in 0
the economy and the financial sector. First, a superior earnings mix. Inves- with deep moats. more than three months, while the tech-
Stoxx Europe 600
After the sector turmoil over the col- tors value recurring and less volatile National champions in fast-growing focused Nasdaq Composite gave up 1.9
lapse of Silicon Valley Bank, it is very revenues. We have seen this recently economies such as India or Indonesia per cent. -2
much a case of crisis averted. European with the valuation spread that has are seen as plays on the emerging bank- The moves came after Fitch cut the US
bank share prices have been more emerged between Morgan Stanley and ing requirements of a middle class in credit rating from triple A to double A
muted over the past month but are up Goldman Sachs. wealth management, increasing pene- plus after markets closed on Tuesday, -4
25 per cent over the past 12 months. National champions tend to have less tration of banking into more informal citing a mounting government debt Feb 2023 Aug
JPMorgan Chase now stands head and exposure to more volatile trading and areas of the economy and the growth of burden and the debt ceiling stand-off two Source: Refinitiv
shoulders above all global peers in mar- investment banking revenues than the local corporate sector. months ago that brought the world’s
ket value. Three other mega-caps — most European and US banks. The rela- In the US and Europe, regulatory largest economy close to a default.
Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Mor- tive merits of traditional banking may pressures have been increasing. Ever The Wall Street sell-off echoed across strategy for BlackRock’s iShares arm in Treasuries rally, which came as markets
gan Stanley — are among the largest 10 since the 2008 crisis, bankers have been the Atlantic where the Stoxx Europe 600 Europe, the Middle East and Africa, said shrugged off concerns over the US credit
banks in the world by market value. in the line of fire of politicians in a way index closed 1.5 per cent lower while the the downgrade had added to the recent rating downgrade.
But, looking a bit deeper, the past few Only just over a third of that they have not in other countries. CAC 40 in Paris shed 1.3 per cent and pressure on stocks. Investors said the muted reaction of
years of deglobalisation have been char- the largest 100 banks in The recent regional banking crisis is Frankfurt’s Xetra Dax lost 1.4 per cent. “We already had a soft tone in equities Treasuries reflected the fact that funds
acterised by the strength of national likely to preclude any easing of these London’s FTSE 100 was down 1.5 per yesterday afternoon, prior to the were unlikely to be forced to sell US debt
champions across the world. the world by market cap pressures. cent, a day before the Bank of England downgrade, which was anchored in some as a result of the downgrade.
Only just over a third of the largest are US or European At the same time, competition from was expected to increase its benchmark of the weakness in earnings releases” as Meanwhile, Fitch’s announcement
100 banks in the world by market capi- “non-bank” parties has also been fierce, bank rate to 5.25 per cent. well as the latest economic data, he said. helped fuel a global equity sell-off.
talisation are US or European. whether it be private equity firms In Asia, China’s benchmark CSI 300 Yields on 10-year Treasuries added 7 “We think the latest downgrade does
Unsurprisingly, given the size of its look very different if the rises in interest expanding aggressively in lending or index of Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks basis points to 4.12 per cent, their highest not reflect any new fiscal information and
economy, Chinese banks remain near rates over the past 18 months lead to a electronic market makers such as lost 0.7 per cent while Hong Kong’s Hang level in nine months, after the US should only have a limited market
the top of the list. But this phenomenon credit default spike with big loan losses. Citadel that have challenged banks in Seng index dropped 2.5 per cent and government announced plans to boost impact,” said Mark Haefele, chief
is not one of a narrow set of countries — But longer-term trends are positive. trading or money market funds in the Tokyo’s Topix shed 1.5 per cent. issuance of long-term debt this quarter. investment officer of UBS Global Wealth
with national champions from Canada, Second, relative profitability. A bank, US that compete with bank deposits. Karim Chedid, head of investment The rise in yields reversed an earlier Management. Daria Mosolova
Australia, Japan, the Middle East, Bra- of course, can be more valuable simply This is not unique to the US and
zil, India, Singapore and Indonesia because it has a larger balance sheet. Europe — with tech giants Tencent and
among the most valuable in the world. But market capitalisations reflect the Alipay having made significant inroads Markets update
India’s HDFC Bank, which recently current and future earnings power of into the banking world in China in
merged with Housing Development the banks. European banks are known recent years.
Financing Corporation, has a market for their large balance sheets but lower But, in general, it is less of a negative
capitalisation of about $150bn, putting profit margins and returns have driven force outside the US and Europe. All the US Eurozone Japan UK China Brazil
it in the top-10 biggest banks by that down valuations based on the “book” noise around fintech has done little to Stocks S&P 500 Eurofirst 300 Nikkei 225 FTSE100 Shanghai Comp Bovespa
measure. That is not far off the $167bn value of their equity in the past decade. erode shareholder confidence in these Level 4515.19 1822.35 32707.69 7561.63 3261.69 120248.39
capitalisation of Europe’s largest bank, The higher valuation of JPMorgan national champions. Steadily, they have % change on day -1.34 -1.34 -2.30 -1.36 -0.89 -0.82
HSBC (which is hardly a traditional reflects the superior return on equity of gained market values larger than most Currency $ index (DXY) $ per € Yen per $ $ per £ Rmb per $ Real per $
western bank). the bank through the cycle versus its US US and European banks. Level 102.358 1.093 143.380 1.269 7.181 4.817
India’s second-largest bank, ICICI, is and European competitors. % change on day 0.054 -0.455 0.073 -0.549 0.208 0.887
now more valuable than the eurozone’s Similarly, local market leaders in Rupak Ghose is an adviser to fintech Govt. bonds 10-year Treasury 10-year Bund 10-year JGB 10-year Gilt 10-year bond 10-year bond
largest bank, BNP Paribas. Likewise, countries such as India, Indonesia, Aus- companies and a former financial analyst Yield 4.101 2.530 0.623 4.484 2.695 10.450
Basis point change on day 5.470 -2.300 3.380 1.400 -0.300 -7.000
World index, Commods FTSE All-World Oil - Brent Oil - WTI Gold Silver Metals (LMEX)
Level 456.24 82.96 79.23 1947.20 24.52 3846.70
% change on day -1.60 -2.30 -2.63 -1.19 0.66 0.01
Yesterday's close apart from: Currencies = 16:00 GMT; S&P, Bovespa, All World, Oil = 17:00 GMT; Gold, Silver = London pm fix. Bond data supplied by Tullett Prebon.

Main equity markets

S&P 500 index Eurofirst 300 index FTSE 100 index
4640 1880 7840

4480 1840
4320 1800 7360

| | | | | | | | |
4160 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1760 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7200 | | | | | | | | | | |

Jun 2023 Aug Jun 2023 Aug Jun 2023 Aug

Biggest movers
% US Eurozone UK
Waters 7.64 Kerry Grp 2.41 Bae Systems 6.36
Aflac 6.49 Oci 2.13 Convatec 6.32

Cdw 6.33 Schneider Electric 0.96 Taylor Wimpey 2.85

Humana 6.32 Legrand 0.67 Smurfit Kappa 1.83
Bunge 4.96 Bollore 0.62 Relx 0.27
Generac Holdings -23.12 Telefonica -7.03 Ocado -5.61
Solaredge -18.70 Casino Guichard -3.86 Endeavour Mining -5.19

Paycom Software -18.66 Raiffeisen Bank Internat -3.30 Prudential -4.44

Johnson Controls Int -9.05 Swatch -3.06 Hargreaves Lansdown -3.83
Ceridian Hcm Holding -7.72 Ses -3.03 Anglo American -3.82
Prices taken at 17:00 GMT Based on the constituents of the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Eurozone
All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted.

Wall Street Europe London

Coffee chain Starbucks rallied on German telecoms group 1&1 jumped on Heading the FTSE 100 index was defence
reporting a 12 per cent year-on-year rise news that it had signed an 18-year contractor BAE Systems, which reported
in net revenue to a record $9.2bn. national roaming partnership with UK half-year sales and operating profits that
Earnings grew 19 per cent to $1 per peer Vodafone. were 7 per cent ahead of analysts’
share for its fiscal third quarter — 5 per Under this deal, Vodafone would estimates.
cent ahead of Wall Street estimates. deliver 5G mobile coverage to 1&1’s In the wake of the war in Ukraine, the
In the top half of the benchmark S&P customers from the second half of 2024. company said it secured orders worth
500 index was health insurer Humana, 1&1’s rival, Telefónica Deutschland, and £21.1bn during the period, resulting in a
which posted earnings of $8.94 per share, its Spanish parent company, Telefónica, record backlog of £66.2bn.
12 cents per share above analyst fell sharply following the announcement. Joining BAE Systems in the top half of
estimates. Italian truckmaker Iveco rallied off the the blue-chip index was medical products
Humana warned earlier this year of back of a second-quarter operating profit maker ConvaTec, which raised it full-year
rising costs linked to non-urgent medical of €294mn, which blew past the €202mn guidance, forecasting organic revenue
procedures but this expense appeared to that analysts had expected. growth of between 6 and 7.5 per cent, up
have been less severe than feared. Gerrit Marx, chief executive, said the from a previous target of 5 to 6.5 per cent.
The update buoyed peers such as group had made “steady progress on Broker Numis said the performance
Molina, Elevance Health and Cigna. every metric”. had been “led by strong growth in
CVS Health climbed on news that the A steep slide in revenue weighed on advanced woundcare . . . and robust
pharmacy chain was reducing its online car dealership Auto1, which growth in infusion”. The interim dividend
overheads, with plans to cut about 5,000 reported a 22.8 per cent year-on-year fall was also raised 3 per cent to 1.769 cents.
non-customer-facing roles. in second-quarter sales of €1.3bn. Silver and gold miner Hochschild
Chief executive Karen Lynch reportedly The drop overshadowed better than surged on news that it had received an
told analysts during an earnings call that expected earnings, with the German environmental permit from regulators for
a $496mn restructuring charge recorded group reporting a loss of €14.8mn, way its Inmaculada operation in south-west
in the second quarter was linked to job narrower than the €23mn loss that RBC Peru.
cuts. Europe had forecast. Hochschild said the green light paved
A discounted share sale weighed on Spanish bank Unicaja sank following a the way for its flagship mine to generate
biopharma group Tarsus, which issued discounted share sale by one of its “significant additional value . . . over the
5.7mn shares at $17.50 each — more than largest investors. next two decades”.
4 per cent below Tuesday’s closing price. London hedge fund Oceanwood Biotech group Oxford BioDynamics
Proceeds from the sale were earmarked Capital Management placed a 7 per cent jumped on issuing more than 48mn
to fund Xdemvy, its drug to treat stake in the lender at €1 per share, which shares at 11p each — a 3.8 per cent
demodex blepharitis, an inflammatory was 5.7 per cent lower than Unicaja’s premium to its most recent closing price.
eye condition. Ray Douglas most recent closing price. Ray Douglas Ray Douglas
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-1.34% -2.31% -0.73% -1.36% -1.34% -2.30% -2.47% -1.60% -0.455% -0.549% -1.19%
0.073% 0.116% 0.76%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Jul 03 - - Index All World Jul 03 - Aug 02 Index All World Jul 03 - Aug 02 Index All World Jul 03 - Aug 02 Index All World Jul 03 - Aug 02 Index All World Jul 03 - Aug 02 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul

4,515.19 20,379.62 7,561.63 16,039.17 16,054.97 33,753.33 2,616.47

4,455.59 20,204.87 7,519.72 32,707.69 2,593.31

Day -1.34% Month 1.50% Year 10.41% Day -1.72% Month 0.14% Year 3.48% Day -1.36% Month 0.25% Year 1.90% Day -1.36% Month -1.18% Year NaN% Day -2.30% Month -1.42% Year 16.88% Day -1.90% Month 2.04% Year 6.70%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore

13,954.54 9,588.40 19,415.68 19,517.38 3,325.02

13,816.77 53,930.86 53,603.91 1,828.95 1,822.35 9,328.70 3,203.77
Day -2.31% Month 1.26% Year 13.06% Day -1.26% Month -0.07% Year 14.04% Day -1.34% Month -0.61% Year 6.13% Day -1.83% Month -2.76% Year 15.38% Day -2.47% Month 3.19% Year -3.21% Day -1.45% Month 3.45% Year 2.40%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
120,530.05 28,974.54
34,418.47 7,369.93 7,312.84 28,386.88 3,245.35 3,261.69 65,782.78
119,076.37 65,479.05

Day -0.73% Month 2.83% Year 9.21% Day -0.82% Month 1.82% Year 16.33% Day -1.26% Month -1.18% Year 13.61% Day -1.30% Month 2.63% Year 29.18% Day -0.89% Month 1.86% Year 0.05% Day -1.02% Month 1.61% Year 13.15%

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SULFH XS GDWH +LJK /RZ 6WRFN 3ULFHS RU %3 ,QW    /  /   6HS     $,0 0(7 0HWDOV2QH3/&     
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Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. †Placing price. *Intoduction. ÁWhen issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
14 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023



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/(%$(8$&DUERQ    'HQPDUN    3RUWXJDO           
Sources: ‚ NYMEX, Á ECX/ICE, Ƈ CBOT, ? ICE Liffe, Ɔ ICE Futures, ƅ CME, Ƅ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ *HUPDQ\    6ZHGHQ           
unless otherwise stated. ,WDO\    6ZLW]HUODQG           
-DSDQ    8QLWHG6WDWHV           
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 15


Main Market
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16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023




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Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17




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18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023


Rock Follies

Between rock Chichester Festival Theatre, West Sussex


The Crown Jewels

and a hard place

Garrick Theatre, London

Royal Court Theatre, London

demands for equality — which makes dint of a haughty air and eccentric
THEATRE for poignant viewing today. The whole laugh. But these feel like gems in want of
show is staged like a rock gig, with road- a better setting.
Sarah ies darting on and off to move the heavy To September 16, then tours
Hemming trunks that make up Vicki Mortimer’s
set, while a fine band pump up the

energy from behind a mesh fence at the Rabiah Hussain’s Word-Play is, aptly, a

back of the stage. play about words. Starting with a pan-
Like the characters, however, the pro- icked gathering in Downing Street, with
ne of the many pleasures of duction hits some tricky potholes. the press team frantically trying to
Dominic Cooke’s affection- Cramming the entire narrative into one stage-manage a racially offensive gaffe
ate new staging of Rock evening means the plot is heavy on inci- made by a PM who refuses to apologise
Follies is the costume dent, light on detail and texture. Issues (“Look up synonyms for ‘sorry’”), it spi-
design by Kinnetia Isidore, fly by, characters are sketched in and rals out to consider how words become
which runs the gamut of ’70s fashion, even the central trio don’t have as much loaded, the way language can be used to
from the cheesecloth smocks of a bunch time invested on the richness of their reveal or to conceal, to shape the agenda,
of earnest commune inhabitants to the relationships with one another as the embed ideas and shift the discourse.
wild excesses of snarling, self-styled story needs. It’s a smart and deftly pitched piece,
rock god Stevie Streeter’s onstage garb But what’s not in doubt is the switch-backing through multiple
(Sebastien Torkia, channelling Alice quality of the three performances or of quickfire scenarios. Scenes that start
Cooper and Marc Bolan). their voices. Zizi Strallen as Q, the out playful begin to morph as words
Cooke’s production offers more take on weight through repetition. In
than an exercise in nostalgia, however. left trying to spin humour out of being one exchange, a new employee begins
Rock Follies was a pioneering TV hit
In ‘Rock Follies’, the roaring drunk or having pee spilled to question the British Transport
in the mid-’70s (written by Howard women are met with the down his leg. Police’s safety slogan — “See it. Say it.
Schuman with music by Andy Mackay), Carrie Hope Fletcher brings sparkle Sorted.” — querying the weight and
tracing the efforts of three women — wandering hands, power as both Charles II’s lusty mistress and meaning of words such as “suspicious”
Dee, Q and Anna — to break into the
rock world by forming an all-female
politics and outsized egos the jewel-keeper’s sullen daughter. She
also sings very well — she’s got a fabu-
and “normal”. A radio show interviewee
has their language policed by an
group ironically called the Little Ladies. of the music industry lous voice — but quite why, when no one “impartiality bleeper”.
A familiar sawdust-to-stardust narra- else does, is a mystery. Everybody The splintered structure is fun and
tive comes spiked with the challenges peacemaker who finally speaks out, shouts a lot, as if trying to inject energy intriguing — like children, we have to
of holding on to integrity in a male- Carly Bawden’s Anna, driven to addic- through volume. puzzle out the way this play’s language
dominated industry. tion by the strain of compromise, and The show fares best when Murray’s works. But it does also stand in the way
As in the screen version, this Angela Marie Hurst’s Dee, the reluctant monarch, possessed of lush costumes of characterisation and plot develop-
stage musical (with a book by Chloë star, all deliver the songs superbly and (Michael Taylor), a towering wig and ment, and feels a bit repetitive. The cast
Moss) sees each of the women battle find real eloquence in their solos. an even huger sense of mischief, aban- (Issam Al Ghussain, Kosar Ali, Simon
with domestic obstacles. Q supports a There’s lovely support from a great, dons the story in favour of ad-libbing Manyonda, Sirine Saba and Yusra War-
hanger-on boyfriend by starring in multitasking ensemble. It’s an exuber- and teasing the audience (“Next time sama) are wonderful, however, nipping
tacky adult movies; Anna is trapped in ant, uplifting evening, even if it doesn’t you come to court, don’t come dressed nimbly from one character to another in
an unfulfilling marriage; Dee faces the quite hit the number-one slot. as a swineherd,” he says to one man in Nimmo Ismail’s production.
opprobrium of her hippy commune- To August 26, the stalls). Using his considerable expe- Fittingly, it’s a piece about insidious
dwelling friends. And once they venture Top: from left, Zizi 1671 attempt to steal the Crown Jewels rience as a stand-up comedian, he prejudice without declaring itself as
out on the road and into the recording Something went wrong. That’s true of Strallen, Angela Marie from the Tower of London, in which brings a nice glint of unpredictability such, building to a climax with a story
studios, they’re met with the wandering the audacious heist on which the sum- Hurst and Carly Bawden in Anglo-Irish conspirator Colonel Blood to proceedings. about a school incident. “Sticks and
hands, power politics and outsized egos mer comedy The Crown Jewels is based. ‘Rock Follies’. Above: Al and his hapless accomplices — having Adonis Siddique, as his much- stones may break my bones, words will
of the rock industry. Unfortunately it’s also true of the show. Murray and Mel Giedroyc flattened the crown with a mallet, maligned footman, is also drolly funny. never hurt me,” runs the saying. Hus-
The action plays out against the roil- On paper, it’s a decent idea: a cod- in ‘The Crown Jewels’ sawn the sceptre in half and stuffed the Giedroyc, likewise, makes a visiting sain begs to differ.
Johan Persson; Hugo Glendinning
ing unrest of the ’70s — strikes, protests, Restoration comedy about the eccentric orb down one man’s breeches — man- French aristocrat a juicy comic turn by To August 26,
aged to get as far as the Tower’s Iron
Gate before being arrested. That could Yusra Warsama
be comedy gold, especially in the in Rabiah
hands of seasoned writer Simon Nye Hussain’s drama
(Men Behaving Badly), director Sean about language,
Foley, and well-known comic actors ‘Word-Play’
Johan Persson
including Al Murray, Mel Giedroyc and
Neil Morrissey.
In practice, it’s as flimsy as a cut-price
replica of the crown. There are a few
good gags but mostly the script limps
along, bedevilled by flaccid, smutty
jokes that surely wouldn’t make it past
the first draft of a self-respecting Resto-
ration comedy, while the plot meanders
in and out of focus. Even as farce the
production flounders, because there’s
never enough sense of jeopardy.
Aidan McArdle and Joe Thomas work
hard to wring laughs out of the volatile
Blood and his meek son Tom, while poor
old Morrissey, as fellow rebel Perrot, is

Movie music in focus at the Proms

Prokofiev wrote some important film known for his interest in world music
CLASSICAL scores, notably for director Sergei Eisen- and the influences here take in west
stein, but it was one of his operas in African drumming, Balinese gamelan,
BBC Proms focus here. The Symphony No 3 uses Persian classical music, and more.
Royal Albert Hall, London music from The Fiery Angel, creating That gave the orchestra a good work-
from it a demonic symphony laced with out, so the players were probably glad
Richard Fairman black magic. This rather rough-and- to move on to Copland’s understated
ready performance by the BBC Sym- Clarinet Concerto. Soloist Annelien Van
The cross-fertilisation of film, stage and phony Orchestra, conducted by Gustavo Wauwe judged well how strongly to
classical music has become mutually Gimeno, had pace and attack on its side, project in this vast hall.
beneficial over the years. For a neatly aided by the thunderous acoustic of the The main event was John Adams’s
balanced exposition of the various influ- Royal Albert Hall. AAAEE imposing choral work Harmonium, set-
ences, Sunday’s BBC Proms concert On the next night the BBC National ting poems by John Donne and Emily
could hardly have done better — even Orchestra of Wales and its principal con- Dickinson. This was another perform-
though it was never planned that way. ductor Ryan Bancroft brought an Amer- ance with rough edges, though the BBC
It was a shame that the first UK per- ican-themed programme. This time the National Chorus of Wales and Crouch
formance of Mason Bates’s new Piano new work did happen: Nova Plexus, a End Festival Chorus gave their all in the
Concerto had to be cancelled when Rus- BBC commission from Derrick Skye, Bacchic frenzy of Dickinson’s “Wild
sian pianist Daniil Trifonov was unable was getting its premiere and proved a Nights”. The minimalist Harmonium,
to secure a UK visa in time. lively Proms showpiece. Skye, who had now on its fourth Prom performance,
To take its place, in came music by ambitions to be an astronaut as a child, dates back to 1980. How far music in
Erich Korngold, renowned as a Holly- is said to have conceived “a sonic world general, and Adams’s music in particu-
wood film composer after his enforced illuminated by the sun’s resplendent lar, have come since then. AAAEE
move to the US in the 1930s and a link elegance”, but what comes across is a
between the other two composers on high-energy, rhythm-based piece. He is
the programme.
The concert opened with the suite
from Bernard Herrmann’s film score
for Vertigo, one of his finest collabora-
tions with Alfred Hitchcock. The film’s
fusion of music and images cannot be
replicated in the concert hall, but the
suite rises to a heady conclusion with
the “Scène d’amour”, sounding suitably
lush in this performance. Who knew
that the suite includes a part for
Hammond organ, performed here
on the Royal Albert Hall’s monster
Victorian instrument?
The lyricism and seductive sound of
Korngold’s Violin Concerto, written a
decade earlier, are cut from the same
cloth. Soloist Vadim Gluzman shaped
the melodies with an unfussy sweep and
showed nimble agility in the finale.
Like the other two composers, Violinist Vadim Gluzman and conductor Gustavo Gimeno — Chris Christodoulou
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 19


The influence of the armed forces has grown dramatically under López Obrador as he pushes
to deliver priority projects quickly. But critics say there is no accountability or transparency.
By Michael Stott and Christine Murray

assengers arriving at Latin work trips in the Americas, in line with
America’s busiest airport are military protocol, but had never been to
now greeted by uniformed Italy and had not taken a holiday at all
marines, who direct them to in 20 years.
immigration, supervise cus- With the army’s role growing in over-
toms checks and patrol the terminal. seeing large and potentially very lucra-
This is the most visible element of tive revenue-generating organisations
what amounts to a military takeover: — the customs service alone collects
1,500 troops were deployed to Mexico around 15 per cent of Mexico’s entire tax
City’s Benito Juárez airport after popu- revenues, for example — some local
list President Andrés Manuel López journalists worry that the potential for
Obrador drafted in a retired senior serious corruption in the military is sig-
naval officer to run the facility. nificant.
“There was corruption everywhere “Amlo has planted a poisoned seed
. . . [so] the president said: ‘I need the by empowering the military,” says Juan
armed forces’,” says vice-admiral Carlos Pardinas, editor of the newspaper
Vázquez Tiscareño, the airport’s general Reforma, which is critical of the govern-
director since 2022, from his office over- ment.
looking the runways.
The airport’s administration will soon A dangerous legacy
come under full military control, joining Corruption is not the only problem with
a growing number of armed forces-run the military’s expanded role.
assets in Mexico. To realise the presi- López Obrador’s six-year term is
dent’s vision of stamping out corruption already the deadliest in Mexico’s peace-
and running state-owned facilities effi- time history, with more than 155,000
ciently, the army and navy will manage murders and 43,000 disappearances
more than a dozen civilian airports, the reported so far. As well as violence
national customs agency, maritime wreaked by drug cartels, the armed
ports and two new train lines. There are forces have been accused of contribut-
plans for an army-run passenger airline ing to the bloodshed and carrying out
to start operations in December, reviv- serious human rights violations.
ing the name of Mexicana de Aviación, In June, 16 arrests were made after a
which went bust in 2010. Hotels and security camera captured a group of sol-
nature reserves will follow. diers chasing suspected drug traffickers
Policing has also been militarised. A close to the US border at Nuevo Laredo.
113,000-strong National Guard force, The footage shows the soldiers ramming
which replaced the federal police, was their vehicle, dragging five men from
moved under the defence ministry by the wreckage, lining them up against a
presidential decree in September 2022. wall and later shooting them. After-
The Supreme Court ruled the move wards, one soldier could be seen placing
unconstitutional, but the government is automatic weapons in the hands of the
yet to act on the decision. dead suspects. Separately, four soldiers
For López Obrador, the military take- were charged with murder this year
over of Mexico City’s main airport has after allegedly shooting dead five
yielded good results. “No suitcases are unarmed civilians returning home from
being stolen, as they were before; smug- a disco in the same city.
gling is not allowed and, most impor- A panel of international experts
tantly, those operations when drug traf- investigating the disappearance and
fickers [temporarily] took control of the suspected murder of 43 student protest-
airport . . . no longer happen” he said in ers in the state of Guerrero in 2014
a June speech. wound up its investigation on July 25,
But as the economic and political saying it had been repeatedly lied to and
power of Mexico’s military grows, with misled by the military about its involve-
unelected military leaders overseeing ment and, therefore, could not com-
more than 350,000 full-time staff, plete its probe.
including national guards, and annual Despite the alleged corruption and
revenues of tens of billions of dollars, human rights scandals, and their grow-

The militarisation
critics ask whether the president is cre- ing role in public life, the US has avoided
ating a monster he and his successors public criticism of Mexico’s military. In
will not be able to control. April, US ambassador to Mexico Ken
“The Mexican army was left Salazar praised the “strong relation-
untrained, poorly equipped, corrupted, ship” between the armed forces of both
neglected and sidelined for 80 years as a countries. Many observers in Mexico,
deliberate state policy in order to avoid
any temptations of power,” says Jorge
Castañeda, an academic and foreign
minister from 2000-03 in the National
Action party (PAN) government.
“Now it’s the opposite. The army has
of Mexico however, are now worried about the
consequences of what López Obrador
has started.
In October 2024, the president, who
cannot seek a second term in office
under the Mexican constitution, will
lots of money and it is learning how to
run customs, airports, trains and is
Andrés Manuel
Mexican bureaucracy which is disci-
plined,” says Lorenzo Meyer, a professor
the government, referring to López
Obrador by his initials.
Manaut, an expert on the armed forces
at Mexico’s UNAM university. “The mil-
‘Today the hand over power to his successor. Opin-
ion polls indicate that whoever runs for
building hotels. The army has become López Obrador at the Colegio de México and a friend of The army has used that relationship itary put him under pressure. They told military his Morena alliance will be the favourite
an entrepreneur. How do you put the has handed the the president. “When you give the order to great effect. him: ‘The DEA makes things up, the to win. Even if the next president
toothpaste back in the tube?” armed forces to the army to finish an airport in a cer- DEA hates us.’ He believed all that.” has been wanted to, will he or she be able to put
Above the law?
Military discipline
some of Mexico’s
major public
tain period of time, it gets done.”
But critics argue that outsourcing to When US agents arrested General Sal-
The president has maintained his loy-
alty to the military in the face of other
empowered the military genie back in the bottle?
José Miguel Vivanco, adjunct fellow at
Mexico’s modern army evolved from assets the military allows López Obrador to vador Cienfuegos at Los Angeles inter- challenges and has been unstinting in so much the Council on Foreign Relations and
the people’s militias that triumphed in FT montage/Shutterstock/ use national security as a pretext to national airport in October 2020 on his praise of Sandoval, his defence min- former Americas director of Human
the 1910-20 revolution. Revolutionary Getty Images/EPA
avoid scrutiny of costs and contracts or charges of drug conspiracy and corrup- ister. López Obrador ended his speech
and has so Rights Watch, believes the militarisa-
generals ran the country until handing to dodge environmental assessments. tion, the news dropped like a bombshell on army day, a civic holiday in February much tion of Mexico is the “main negative leg-
over to a civilian president in 1946 and “In areas where a lot of business is across the border. celebrating the army being established, acy” of López Obrador and something
stepping down from politics. being done, there is no access to infor- Cienfuegos, Mexico’s defence minis- with a special thanks for Sandoval, sin- presence that will be hard to reverse.
Since then “the Mexican army has mation for reasons of national security,” ter for six years until 2018, had overseen gling out “his dedication and honesty”. that it can “The military has been a very useful
been totally institutional and loyal”,
says Enrique Krauze, a Mexican histo-
The army says María Amparo Casar, president of
Mexicanos contra la Corrupción y la
the military’s fight against drug traffick-
ing and trained a generation of army
Others in Mexico, however, wonder
how true that is. In May, MCCI pub- exert
partner for Amlo, allowing him to
deliver results, protect his big projects
rian. “There has never been any threat was left Impunidad (MCCI), an NGO that cam- leaders, making him the most high- lished documents showing that San-
control and project himself as an executive
of military coups, as there was in the rest paigns for official transparency. “Con- profile Mexican official ever arrested by doval had in 2020 bought a 407 square- president,” he says. “Today the military
of Latin America.” Polls consistently flag untrained, tracts are assigned directly by the mili- the US for corruption. The following metre apartment in an exclusive Mexico over Amlo’ has been empowered so much and has
the popularity of the armed forces, who
are admired for assisting citizens after
poorly tary, whereas the constitution stipulates
that all government purchases should
morning, López Obrador described the
arrest as “very regrettable”, calling it a
City suburb from the co-owner of an
army contractor, at a declared price of
so much presence that it can exert con-
trol over Amlo.”
natural disasters such as earthquakes equipped, be public tenders.” sign that “the main problem of Mexico is 9mn pesos ($536,000) — only a third of Senator Claudia Ruiz Massieu, for-
and floods. The armed forces now sit atop a pyra- corruption”. the value of comparable apartments merly of the opposition Institutional
Military budgets used to be modest.
corrupted mid of public bodies and enterprises Within days, however, the president’s nearby, the NGO said. Revolutionary Party (PRI), wants a
When López Obrador took power in and generating more than $60bn a year in tone changed. He emphasised that The documents showed Sandoval public debate on the military’s role.
2018, Mexico spent just 0.5 per cent of revenues from customs alone. Military the army as a whole remained above financed the purchase with a 100 per “The [military’s] expansion into other
gross domestic product on defence, sidelined chiefs have a regular role in López Obra- suspicion and that Mexico “was not a cent mortgage from the army bank over government and administrative tasks
according to the World Bank, less than
half the regional average of 1.3 per cent.
for 80 years dor’s marathon daily news conferences,
appearing at least every fortnight to
US colony” in a bid to show voters that
he would stand up to their powerful
20 years at a fixed interest rate. Monthly
payments were set at 70 per cent of his
which ought to be handled by civilians,
and for which they are not prepared, is
A veteran leftwinger, López Obrador deliberately report on projects under their control. neighbour. official salary of about $140,000 a year. generating a lot more risks and prob-
had once been critical of the armed Behind the scenes, their influenceis Many have wondered what prompted Within two years, he repaid more than lems,” she argues.
forces, even going so far as saying in to avoid any more significant. “The last person Amlo the shift. A person with knowledge of half the mortgage. In the meantime, López Obrador is
2019 that he would like to abolish the
army. He changed his tune, however,
temptation sees before the morning news confer-
ence is the military,” says Carlos Loret
the events says that in the days that fol-
lowed Cienfuegos’s arrest, the current
Sandoval has denied impropriety,
saying the declared purchase price was
taking further steps to strengthen the
military’s position. His allies in Congress
when he realised that the military could of power’ de Mola, a leading columnist critical of defence minister General Luis Cresen- low because the apartment had not approved a constitutional reform last
help him cut through legal and budget- cio Sandoval took the case file to the been fitted out, that he dealt with an October allowing the armed forces to
ary obstacles and deliver his priority The unrelenting rise in Mexican military president “to show him that it was made independent estate agent throughout keep responsibility for public security
projects quickly. He increased military up by the DEA [US Drug Enforcement and that he has made repayments from until 2028 — a law opponents are chal-
budgets and assigned the defence minis-
spending Administration]”, which has long had a his income. There has been no official lenging as unconstitutional.
try, which oversees the army and air Bn pesos Approved Actual tense relationship with Mexico’s army. investigation. López Obrador’s support “The military are a fundamental pil-
force, and the navy ministry a wide Army spending Navy spending Mexico’s legislature passed a law has not wavered, telling reporters lar of the Mexican state,” López Obrador
range of security, construction and severely restricting the operations of all probing the general’s purchase that said in a speech last November. “Despite
management tasks. 150 150 foreign law enforcement agents and “this is like an upside-down world in what our enemies claim, usually the
The military oversaw the $5.2bn con- takes takes removing their immunity. Local news which the corrupt question those who conservatives, the armed forces’
version of a former air force base on the power power reports said the government had are honest”. Sandoval, he said, was increased participation in security tasks
edge of the capital into a new civilian stopped issuing visas to DEA agents. “incorruptible”. does not imply authoritarianism or mil-
airport, Felipe Ángeles, which it also 100 100 The Trump administration quickly Sandoval has also been criticised after itarism . . . On the contrary, it has dem-
runs. It is also managing the construc- backed down. The charges were MCCI analysed a trove of leaked defence onstrated that society feels safer and
tion of stretches of a $20bn tourist train dropped, and the former general was ministry emails showing that his office more protected.”
around the Yucatán peninsula, and will returned to Mexico to face an investiga- had drawn up plans for his family to Sitting in his office at Mexico City
run that and a newly revamped line con- 50 50 tion at home. In January 2021, Mexico take a 10-day trip to New York in airport, Vázquez Tiscareño concedes
necting the Gulf of Mexico and the cleared Cienfuegos of any wrongdoing. December 2021 accompanied by a posse there could be corruption risks in the
Pacific. The army has been pressed into By 2022, the general, wearing full mil- of army aides, as well as a two-week visit military’s new projects but says that,
service to help build 2,700 branches of itary dress, joined guests of honour at to Italy, staying in luxury hotels in Ven- overall, the military is honest and would
the state-run Banco de Bienestar, two 0 0 the inauguration of the new Felipe ice and Florence. always obey the president’s orders. “The
aqueducts and a new airport planned 2010 15 20 23 2010 15 20 23 Ángeles airport. He was back in the fold. The defence ministry pointed to com- armed forces didn’t ask to be here,” the
for the Maya Riviera resort of Tulum. The Cienfuegos case was a key test of ments by Sandoval in May in which he vice-admiral says. “The president
Source: Mexico’s finance ministry
“The army is the only part of the López Obrador, says Raúl Benítez said he had taken his family on official ordered it and here we are.”
20 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023

The FT View
Let the legal process play out against former US president
rigged, then used those claims to capacity. They threaten to stoke the Bringing these Not to bring the latest charges against
New charges against Trump attempt to overturn the outcome. A trio belief among his loyalist base that the charges entails Trump for fear of the consequences
of conspiracies each targeted a “bed- ex-president is himself the victim of a would have set a precedent that presi-
herald a battle for the future rock function” of the US government — plot to bar him from a political return.
huge risks, but
dents can get away with trying to under-
of America’s political system the process of “collecting, counting and Since a sizeable minority is convinced the risks of not mine the electoral process. It would
certifying the results” of the presiden- by Trump’s “Big Lie”, the charges risk doing so would have suggested that the judiciary may
Few things are more perilous for democ- tial election. setting Americans against Americans. have been not be able, or may simply choose not,
racy than an effort to obstruct the It does not accuse the ex-president of Senior Republicans ought to think greater to hold the executive arm to account.
peaceful transfer of power after a legiti- inciting the January 6 2021 assault on twice about further inflaming tensions This would, in the end, have been worse
mate election. This is what Donald the Capitol by his supporters. But it says by continuing to accuse Democrats and for the US political system.
Trump is now formally accused of. Trump’s lies aimed to create an “intense the White House of “weaponising” the In an ideal world, this newest indict-
Bringing the previous, lesser, charges national atmosphere of mistrust and justice system. Though Trump has not ment would be prioritised, given its
against him — of falsifying business anger” and erode faith in how the elec- been found guilty by a court, they gravity, over the previous two — and
records and mishandling classified doc- toral process was run. These were the should realise that endorsing a man who would be guaranteed to come to trial
uments — was right and necessary to conditions in which such an attack is not only seen by many citizens as hav- before next year’s election. In reality,
show that even a former president is not could take place. ing attempted to subvert an election but Trump’s team may succeed in delaying
above the law. But this week’s indict- There are multiple hazards in mount- is now charged with doing so could do it beyond the poll, opening the possibil-
ment is by far the most grave, since it ing this case. The bar at trial is high. The long-term damage to their party brand. ity that, if he won, the returning presi-
goes to the very heart of America’s sys- indictment concedes Trump had a First It is important, at the same time, that US dent could appoint a more amenable
tem of government. Bringing these Amendment right to criticise and voice legal authorities are seen to be entirely attorney-general to bury the case — or
charges entails huge risks. The risks of falsehoods about the election. Prosecu- impartial in handling the process that is even pardon himself. What is clear is
not doing so would have been greater. tors must prove he knew his statements rightly under way against Joe Biden’s that the next year, even more than the
The 45-page indictment alleges that were false, and used them as part of a son Hunter Biden, though on much 2020 election, will herald a battle for the
Trump, with six unnamed co-conspira- criminal fraud. lesser charges than those levelled at future of US democracy — one in which
tors, was involved in a scheme to make The charges, moreover, may only Trump — which Republicans have not just the political system but the legal false claims that the 2020 election was boost Trump’s support and fundraising claimed is a cover-up. system will now be involved.

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Advertising has hit a new to the FT Editorial Complaints Commissioner:

low in the age of podcasts Climate policies should not target those least able to cope
Ben Hickey The broader significance of the recent economically after the pandemic and but certainly not all. Meanwhile, the promote uptake of necessary policies.
Uxbridge and South Ruislip by-election amid the price inflation of the past 18 toll of extreme events continues, from A key element of “just transitions” to
result is twofold. First, the months, find the £12.50 daily charge forest fires to floods and droughts, and sustainability and climate resilience is
Conservative party succeeded in for non-compliant vehicles to be one which are attributable at least partially ensuring that mitigation and
mobilising a local issue in a new tax too many. They rely on their to human-induced climate change. adaptation measures do not adversely
parliamentary contest even though the cars to get to work and for other What is thus needed is forward- affect those least able to cope or afford
national Labour party has no direct purposes and cannot afford to invest in looking political leadership in all to change their behaviour. Locally
control over the imminent expansion a newer vehicle, particularly since the parties that grasps the nettle of appropriate public policy interventions
by London’s Labour mayor, Sadiq scrappage scheme for non-compliant urgency in tackling climate change are required in each case to bridge such
Khan, of the ultra-low emission zone cars is inadequate. substantively. Instead of sitting on the gaps and, in the words of the UN’s
(Ulez) to cover the entire Greater It is vital to avoid knee-jerk fence, or starting to unpick policies in Agenda 2030, “leave no one behind”.
London Authority area. reactions, branding such voters as crass attempts to win votes, they need David Simon
The second lesson has far wider ignoring or being unwilling to help to explain the urgency and find Professor of Development Geography,
importance, namely that many poorer tackle poor air quality and climate stronger incentives (like more Royal Holloway, University of London,
local residents, already struggling change. This might be true for some, generous scrappage schemes) to Egham, UK

Pension fund fees must Bank account closures China may exploit gap for
war and peace, cruelty and hope, all of
be reasonable and clear hurt in a cashless world affordable electric cars
Jemima it together is just sobering. Sobering.”
Fridman had already read out Moira O’Neill has rightly pointed out The excellent article by Jim Pickard To follow on from your correspondent
Kelly adverts for five different podcast spon-
sors, and we were now eight minutes
the danger for pension holders of
money being invested in illiquid assets
and Stephen Morris regarding Nigel
Farage’s campaign for banking services
Lord Lea (“Electric car narrative is
getting too much PR spin”, Letters, July
into the podcast. “If I wasn’t already (Opinion, July 14). resonates strongly with me, somewhat 26), it cannot escape anyone’s attention

grateful it makes me truly grateful There is another danger lurking in to my surprise (“Nigel Farage, NatWest that motor manufacturers are
to be alive, to be healthy, to have the the Mansion House speech. Referring and the fight over ‘woke’ capitalism”, attracting large taxpayer subsidies to
ussell Brand has come a people I love in my life,” he continued. to the “value for money framework” to The Big Read, July 29). locate and turn out profitable, large,
long way since he sparred “Anyway as part of that difficult be published the following day by the I am a pensioner, having worked heavy and environmentally
with Jeremy Paxman on journey it’s nice to have little tokens DWP, the chancellor said that the (mainly overseas) for Barclays Bank questionable SUVs.
Newsnight, agitating for a of home with me and AG1 is certainly framework was “clarifying that for 37 years. Now the bank, by applying With city runarounds at the other
socialist revolution that that.” investment decisions should be made “limitations”, has informed me of its end of the scale, there are limited
would end the disparity between rich If you’re a regular podcast listener on the basis of long-term returns and intention to close my account for no electric options for the mainstream
and poor, saying capitalism was “100 you’ve probably already heard of AG1, not simply cost”. better reason than that I live outside driver in the middle wanting the
per cent corrupt” and calling profit “a an all-in-one health supplement that The framework itself, at paragraphs the UK. As your article states: “In an practical and affordable vehicles that
filthy word”. costs $99 for a month’s supply and 50-52, summarised the responses to increasingly cashless world, having a are required to deliver significant
Ten years later and the multi-mil- is made by Athletic Greens. The com- reporting investment returns “net or bank account has become an essential environmental and cost savings over
lionaire wellness-guru-cum-conspira- pany is one of the biggest spenders gross” with the direction of travel service.” typical mileages, especially within a
cy-influencer is cosying up to Tucker on podcast ads, spending more than appearing to favour gross returns. Although I live abroad, I still have standard three-year lease — what
Carlson, calling Republican presiden- $2mn in June, according to research Charges are of fundamental many sterling commitments in the UK. Americans call compacts.
tial candidate Ron DeSantis a “friend” firm Magellan AI. importance: a principle recognised by This action by the bank causes much Public debate on this irony appears
and flogging the flailing Florida gover- Podcast advertising is big business. parliament’s work and pensions value that HM Treasury predicts. If you distress for individuals such as myself strangely absent. Without policy tools
nor’s new book to the 6.5mn “awaken- In the US alone, revenues hit $1.8bn committee when it recommended a are a custodian of an individual’s who have no possibility to open a new to address this, it will be left to Chinese
ing wonders” who subscribe to his in 2022, according to the Interactive cap of 0.75 per cent on annual costs to pension pot, there is both a moral and sterling account in the UK. manufacturers to exploit the gap and
YouTube channel. Brand also flogs Advertising Bureau and are expected be taken from workplace defined commercial imperative to levy I have invited the bank to reflect and fully realise the benefits of electric
other products — from whichever to more than double to $4bn by 2025. contribution schemes. transparent and reasonable fees. reverse this antisocial policy. motoring.
brand happens to have sponsored “Programmatic ads” that use algo- The effect of charges could exceed Peter Nellist Hugh Malim David Cole
the latest episode of his Stay Free with rithms to target individuals and so are the 12 per cent increase in investment Exeter, UK Silvaplana, Switzerland Essex, UK
Russell Brand podcast. different for each listener and pro-
In his recent softball interview with vided by third parties have increased

in recent years. But host-read ads are
still the most common: they made up
These ads exploit the 55 per cent of all podcast advertising in
2021, according to the IAB. They also
O UTLO O K or the most part,” Irish
justice minister Helen
tenements were the worst slums in the
UK and public drunkenness and
to put more officers on streets in the
wake of the attacks on Termini and
trust established via a command higher rates, because they McEntee said after the US disorder were rife. Yet, according to Hrekov.
are thought to lend trust and “authen- I RELAND warned its tourists to take the National Archives of Ireland: Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, leader of
‘parasocial’ relationship ticity” to the advertising. care in the wake of a brutal “Dublin was not regarded as Fine Gael, which prides itself on being
between host and listener But like most things that get called attack on an American visitor last particularly crime-ridden. And it was the party of law and order, tells me
“authentic”, these ads are in fact just month, “Ireland as a country, and our certainly not regarded as dangerous.” that the government is establishing
DeSantis, Brand interrupted to plug a
particular brand of men’s underwear.
the opposite: they exploit the trust
established via a “parasocial” — or
Attacks force cities, are safe.”
That was certainly my impression
But by the late 1970s and 1980s, the
birth of a lucrative heroin trade in
“new community safety partnerships”
with street wardens, CCTV cameras
“It’s getting hot out there, and I don’t
know about you Ron, but I’m getting
pretty hot down there,” Brand said.
asymmetric — relationship between
the host and the listener.
And it is quite disconcerting to sud-
Dublin to when I moved to Dublin from Mexico
City two years ago. Much of the city
felt rich and secure. Perhaps even a
Dublin had changed things. Crime
reporter Veronica Guerin, who had
written exposés of Ireland’s criminal
and better street lighting.
Still, as Mark Henry, a tourism
expert, notes in his book In Fact: An
“Summertime is not an issue if you
wear Sheath underwear . . . There’s
denly realise that the person you’ve
just been listening to speak with
confront its little smug.
Which is what made the recent
bosses, was famously shot dead in a
mob-style hit in 1996 as she waited in
Optimist’s Guide to Ireland at 100, “for
the past two decades our crime rate
something for everyone’s testicles
and penis.” He then proceeded to
give his followers a very special
authority and credibility — on, say, the
threat from China, or how to get over
your ex — is now using that very same
problems attack on Stephen Termini so shocking.
Three teenagers — the youngest aged
just 14 — have been charged with the
her car at a red light.
Two decades later, the drug lords
started killing each other on Dublin’s
has been on a consistent downward
trend . . . all the evidence points to its
ongoing decline”.
20-per-cent-off code. voice to try to convince you that being assault on July 19 that left the 57-year- streets, in a bloodbath accelerated by Tourists have continued to pile in.
This is by no means the most egre- able to find a therapist on an app is old Termini in a coma for several days. a botched attempt to assassinate the According to a Dublin City Council
gious recent example of this type of a revolutionary development (I’m It is too early to say whether he has head of the powerful Kinahan cartel at survey published in June, three-
advertising I have come across. Unlike talking to you, BetterHelp). So revolu- been blinded in one eye. a hotel in 2016. That in turn triggered quarters of visitors to the Irish capital
the conventional adverts made by tionary that you must immediately Less than a month earlier, a a feud between the Kinahans, whose come for the pub scene, with history,
advertising agencies, these “host- download the app and use their Ukrainian actor in Dublin suffered exiled bosses are wanted by the US, literary culture and music also key
read” adverts are delivered by the pre- discount code. what the city’s Abbey Theatre called and the rival Hutch gang, which is draws. Only around a fifth thought the
senter of a given podcast or YouTube When did we collectively decide to an “unprovoked, random act of believed to have claimed 18 lives. city needed to be safer and cleaner to
channel, and so usually have a chatty, accept this level of grift? We would mindless violence”. Oleksandr Hrekov Today, some of Dublin’s streets, with attract more visitors.
improvisational feel to them. This never allow such shameless shilling to was slashed with a glass and bitten shuttered shops and rubbish on the For many, Dublin symbolises craic —
makes them particularly effective, be buried in, say, a newspaper article. near the theatre after passers-by tried streets, look tawdry. And though by or fun — as evidenced by its popularity
and also means that they are often The lines between genuine content to steal his cigarettes following the global standards crime levels are far as a stag and hen party destination.
virtually indistinguishable from the and commercial propaganda are being final show of a sellout run. from extreme, Ireland’s police force, But, “a brand is continually evolving,”
content they are inserted into. blurred to such an extent that we can- The attacks have forced Dublin to An Garda Síochána, reported a 10 per said Niall Corcoran, managing director
At the beginning of a recent episode not properly distinguish between the hold up a mirror to itself and take a cent increase in attacks on people at CI Studio, an agency which has
of the Lex Fridman podcast, an in- two. And this matters because it is part long, hard look. The reflection shows nationwide in the year to June 2023 previously worked on the Dublin Town
person interview with Tel-Aviv-based a wider, and graver, societal problem: dilapidated inner-city areas with from the same period in 2018-19. Police brand identity for city centre
thinker and writer Yuval Noah Harari, the devaluing of truth. drug crime thriving in the shadow of numbers have fallen 4 per cent since businesses.
the host talked solemnly about some We should see host-read ads for graceful Georgian buildings, museums 2020, and recruitment targets have As these recent attacks have shown,
of his experiences during his trip. “I’ve what they really are: a shady and and pubs that attract 6.6mn overseas been missed for the past two years. “[tourism] is hugely competitive.
travelled to some very difficult areas deceptive bit of window dressing for visitors to the city every year. Dublin is home to 28 per cent of People have choice, you’ve got to be
of the Middle East over the last two the dirty business of advertising. Let’s In the early years of the 20th Ireland’s 5.1mn population but has continually improving the product.”
days,” he said. “It’s been a real chal- get rid of them. century, when Ireland was still ruled just 3,719 police force members.
lenge — emotionally, psychologically, by Jude Webber by London, the capital’s overflowing McEntee last week announced €10mn
physically, just all of it. The reality of
Thursday 3 August 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21

Trump and American democracy’s time of trial UK armed forces
must adapt
global affairs
its verdict should command the respect
of all politicians and society at large.
set for May. A civil trial for busine ss
fraud is scheduled for October. And
shown the former president miles ahead
of all his declared challengers for the
stomach for a party of super-patriots.
But while Trump’s legal pro rob blems radically to meet
Trump’s effort to fight back against G e o r g i a m ay s o o n f i l e a f u r t h e r c a s e nomination in 2024. Each successive probably make him more likely to win
the indictment relies on a rejection of
that third principle — the idea that all
against Trump for his efforts to thwart
the 2020 vote in that state.
indictment seems to have strengthened
his support among Republican voters.
the nomination, they make him less
l i ke ly t o w i n t h e p re s i d e n c y i t s e l f .
future threats
sides respect the impartiality of the law. To his opponents, that Trump faces so This situation presents his Republi- R e c e n t o p i n i o n p o l l s h ave s h o w n
The former president portrays the case many charges is proof of his corruption. can p olitical rivals with an acute Trump neck-and-neck with Biden in a
against him as a political vendetta. In a For his supporters, the sheer number of dilemma. Do they accept Trump’s nar- g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n . B u t t h ey a l s o s h ow
statement made just after the indic t- cases is simply proo ooff that he is the vic- rative that he is being persecuted — and growing reservations after the cases Harlan
he future of democracy in ment was issued, the Trump campaign tim of a vast government conspiracy. thus bolster his reputation as a martyr against him — even among Republicans.
America will turn on the tri- compared the federal government’s w h o m u s t b e s u p p o r t e d ? O r d o t h ey The sheer time and expense of simulta- Ullman
als of Donald Trump — and prosecution of him to “Nazi Germany in reject it — and antagonise the party’s neously fighting an election and many
the p olitical turmoil that
will surround them.
the 1930s”.
The danger of this situation is height-
This latest indictment voters, whose support they need?
The comments of Ron DeSantis, the
separate legal cases are also likely to
take a toll on Trump, who is 77 years old.
The latest indictment of the former ened by the fact that Trump’s trial for goes to the heart of the nearest rival for the nomination, sug- Even so, victory remains a possibility. s Britain a formidable military
p re s i d e n t — i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h h i s conspiracy to overturn the previous argument that he is a danger gest that he is supporting Trump’s nar- The flaws and misdemeanours the trials p owe r t o d ay ? S a d ly, n o. Eve n
efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election is likely to take rative. The Florida governor greeted the will reveal have been known to voters though the UK would only enter a
2020 presidential election — is the most place in the midst of the next one — in to US political freedom late st indic tment by de crying the for many years — and yet Trump’s sup- conflict with partners, its conven-
important case Trump faces. It goes to which he remains the favourite to be the “weaponisation of government”. He also port has remained robust. Biden is now t i o n a l f o rc e s a re n o w c r i t i c a l ly
the heart of the argument that he is a Republican party nominee. Trump’s Much of the Republican party is suggested that Washington, where the 80 years old and could suffer any man- u n d e r p owe re d . I n d e e d , t h e t o t a l
threat to American political freedom. strategy will be to turn the 2024 election already arguing that the federal authori- trial will take place, is a “swamp” where ner of mishap. And a third-party candi- n u m b e r o f a c t i ve d u t y p e r s o n n e l —
Three principles fundamental to the into a second, concurrent trial — this ties are covering up the alleged corrup- Trump cannot get a fair trial. date could still enter the race. about 150,000 — is smaller than the US
workings of any successful democracy time before the court of public opinion. tion of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son — I f T r u m p d o e s w i n t h e Re p u b l i c a n If Trump wins the election in 2024, he Marine Corps.
a re a t s t a ke . F i r s t , t h a t l e a d e r s a re Indeed, it is likely that Trump will which they claim implicates the presi- nomina
nom inatio
n, his par
ty’ss dil
emmaa will will hope that the power of the presi- Last month’s UK Defence Command
elected and that all sides will respect the face five or more separate sets of legal dent himself. The campaign against the only become more acute. They will have d e n c y w i l l f re e h i m o f t h e d a n g e r o f Paper, which sets out a strategy for
outcome of an ele c tion. Se cond, that proceedings over the coming year. A Bidens is now only likely to intensify. to support a candidate who likens the future convictions. It is a stark choice — meeting current and future threats,
n o b o dy — n o t e ve n a p re s i d e n t — i s trial for falsifying business records is set This latest indictment seems very federal government to the Nazi regime. the Oval Office or a prison cell. does not help. It offers no viable vision
above the law. Third, that the truth can to begin next March. A trial over the unlikely to shake Trump’s grip on the This is a message that will go down well or strategic plan to reverse this condi-
be established in a court of law and that mishandling of classified information is Republican party. Recent polls have in Moscow — but could be difficult to tion. The paper relies heavily on repeat-
i n g c o n c e p t s f ro m t h e U S N a t i o n a l
Deffense Strategy rather than setting a
course demanded by today’s realities.
Ellie Foreman-Peck
More radical thinking is needed.
B en Wallace, Britain’s outgoing

The myth of defence secretary, has promised the

country will sp end at least £100bn a
year on its military by 2030; about dou-
ble what it spends today. But given infla-
tion, the purchasing power of this sum

the motorist
will have withered in seven years’ time.
The Command Paper’s key weakness
is that it reverses ends and means. Its
f i r s t f o u r c h a p t e r s re l a t e t o p e o p l e ,
t e c h n o l o gy a n d h o w t h e M i n i s t r y o f
Defence will become a “campaigning

in politics department”. The vision for transfor-

mation follows. But change should lead
the report, not the reverse. And change
is desperately needed given the chal-
l e n g e s p o s e d b y C h i n a , Ru s s i a a n d a
budget that is too small for supporting
the forces.
serious psephological scrutiny. Mondeo Like many military strategy docu-
BRITAIN man was originally identified by Tony ments, the paper is written in jargon
Blair as Sierra man. But the Mondeo, an rather than substance. The concept of
Robert affordable salo on, sup erse de d that
model and was also pleasingly allitera-
Shrimsley tive. In as far as the Mondeo represented
anything, it was an average aspirational
Change is desperately
family whose support Labour needed needed given the challenge
to reclaim. Later, Blair would move up posed by Russia and China
f an Englishman’s home is his castle the income scale with Galaxy man, a
then the car is his steed. So deeply is people- e-ccarrier he used himself. and an inadequate budget
the motorist embedded in both the Perhaps more coherent was white van
national and political psyche that man, who represented an independent drivers and their emissions on to ites with no feel for life in outer suburbs equired to make individual sacrifices “integrated” deterrence, a slogan taken
p ivo t a l vo t i n g a rc h e t y p e s a re tradesman. Initially a term of abuse for already clogged main roads. That advo- and rural areas where there is limited for the greater good of hitting net zero directly from the US lexicon, is ill-de-
described by their ride. Political strate- inconsiderate drivers, it was adopted cates have justifications for each policy public transport. The Tories sense, goals. Tory unease with it springs from fined. The concepts of “campaigning
gists have, over the years, fretted over by Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper, does not dispel the sense of a strategy to probably correctly, that support for this, rather than mistrust of science. and global competition” are not put in
the affec tions of white van man, which ran a column de dicate d to this inconvenience drivers out of their cars. green policies weakens once people feel They see a statist mindset and a back- terms that can be made operational.
Mondeo man and Galaxy man. Such is working class hero’s views. Even though And road-pricing may be the next front costs and disruption. Even if, as likely, door to socialism. Some refer to envi- Back in 1971, I ended my tour in the
the framing that a student of British pol- these classifications are still too broad to as EVs shrink fuel duty revenues. h i s wo r d s a m o u n t t o l i t t l e , S u n a k i s ronmental ccaampaigners as ““w watermel- Royal Navy after two years serving as an
itics might b e surprise d to learn that be truly useful, to politicians they repre- Wha
Whatt eleelevat
vateed the iss issue
ue to nat nationionalal pitching to be the voice of painless mod- ons”, green on the outside, red within. American exchange officer. The RN was
women also drive. (Female voters get sentt a se
sen sett of ele
llyy in-
tunee so
ciall politics was last month’s Uxbridge eration against imaginary absolutists. After years of prioritising individual a for
ablee for
ce. It mus mustertereed ththrree
epithets based on homes or shops: values and voters. by-election, where Tories credited their However, it is a strategy to shore up the rights, the political pendulum is swing- aircraft carriers, 81 destroyers and frig-
Worcester and Waitrose woman). Since the fuel duty protests which success to campaigning against a base rather than a plan for victory. It is ing back towards collective demands. ates; 39 diesel and nuclear submarines;
There are 33mn cars in the UK. Eng- destabilised the Blair government in hefty tax on polluting vehicles being lev- not enough to deflect voters from evict- This goes beyond net zero to a funda- and ab out 250 Phantom fighters and
l a n d a l o n e h a s 1 2 c a r s f o r e ve r y 1 0 2000 — years before France’s gilets- ied by London’s Labour mayor. While ing an exhausted government which has mental diagnosis of the UK economy. Buccaneer strike aircraft.
households. Driving is seen as synony- jaunes — petrol taxes have been the t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g i n t h i s, i t i s a l s o presided over — and deepened — a cost Blair’s think-tank, which has Keir Toda day
ay, that
that Na
avy has sh shrun
runk k to tw twoo
mous with freedom, encroachments on most sensitive. That revolt’s leader was a l m o s t c e r t a i n ly b e i n g ove r - i n t e r - of living crisis. Today’s equivalents of Starmer’s ear, has called for planning carriers; 18 destroy royeers and frigates;
it as an attack on basic rights. There is no lionise d by the me dia in ways that preted. Such issues are good for by-elec- Mondeo, Galaxy and white van man powers to rush through decisions for two landing platform dock ships; six
reaason to think the British are more
re would be unimaginable to trade union- tion protest votes but rarely central to care about their cars but they care more infrastructure, for centralised use of nuclear attack and four Vanguard sub-
obse sse d with their cars than other ists. Although it was led by hauliers national polls. about the stalled economy. personal data, and for a digital identity marines. By 2025, there should be 48
nations, certainly not more than Ameri- rather than car drivers, MPs have been Yet the argument can be depicted as a The divide does illuminate a more for all citizens. F-35B Lightning II fighter jets, although
cans. What is perhaps different, though, habitually nervous about raising the fightback against condescending urban- profound political issue though. Neither From planning to tax, AI to climate t h i s p ro g r a m m e h a s b e e n b e s e t b y
i s t h e m o t o r i s t s’ p l a c e i n p o l i t i c a l duty ever since. Sunak’s defence of the motorist nor his change, the coming battle is over how delays. The army will be cut to 72,500,
mythology. Drivers enjoy the power of And the current claim of an anti-car pushback on net zero measures is likely far people are ready to yield freedoms to with only 148 tanks.
being equated with target voters. So
when Rishi Sunak declares himself a
agenda does hold water. Major cities
have introduced congestion charges,
It is a proxy for a wider to alter the course of the election. But
the car clash is a proxy for a wider philo-
what Labour calls “the strategic state”.
This, not any overstated crusade against
When challenged by a parliamentary
select committee last month on whether
p ro - c a r c o m b a t a n t i n t h e “ w a r o n pedestrian zones and hostile road lay- philosophical contest s o p h i c a l c o n t e s t b e t w e e n c o l l e c t i ve cars, is the real political tussle of the the army would ever be able to deploy
motorists”, it is easy to comprehend the outs. Drivers sit in traffic queues staring between public policy goals public p olic y goals and individual next decade. Buckle up. its warfighting third division, the chief
political excitement. at wide and empty cycle lanes. Low traf- freedoms. of the defence staff Admiral Sir Tony
Few of these political stereotypes bear f i c n e i g h b o u r h o o d s h av e d i s p l a c e d and individual liberty The climate agenda will see citizens robert.
t.sshrimsley@ Radakin hedged. “We recognise that we
need to strengthen that division,”
Radakin told MPs on the defence select
committee. “That is what is in existence
now, and we will strengthen it even fur-

Smart-toilet market will be a measure of China’s economic resilience ther.” Translated into plain English, the
third division is not ready for war. Even
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
does not appear to have provoked the
urgency this issue requires.
the note is that Goldman believes smart man declares an “unfriendly toilet cul- economy has never felt stronger. China China is unfinished, furnishing expend- The British military’s ability to deter
ASIA toilets — the sort of seat-heating, rear- ture”, the rate is below 1 per cent. Adop- needs the smart-toilet story to come i t u re a s a p e rc e n t a g e o f d i s p o s a b l e conflict and defend the nation depends
was hingg , fun
ing marv
marvels tion rates in China will ultimately be true, but it ne e ds it to happ en in the income is still lower than in Japan, the on its ability to make any enemy attack
Leo pioneered in Japan as a supposed exten- capped somewhere around 30 per cent, rig
ht wa
ay: the go
goood bit
bitss of Japa
ica-- US and India, and the more desperate t o o c o s t ly t o c o n s i d e r i n t h e f i r s t
Lewis sion of its kawayakami worship — are t h e n o t e c a u t i o n s, g i v e n t h e a g e o f tion, without the bad ones. property developers are to sell apart- place. Even with a force of 150,000 that
poised for embrace by a toilet-friendly China’s housing stock and the require- China’s current economic woes have ments, the more they may try to entice is possible.
Chine se culture. Toilets, the note ment of decent water pressure. afforded space for the theory that the buyers by installing fancy toilets. Con- Disruption can be achieved by using
ass erts
ts,, ar
aree vie
viewwed in Chi
na as a “saf
fe Goldman’s analysis reverberates problems of early 1990s Japan may be sumer demand may be low, but middle- kinetic (firepower and manoeuvre) and
and comfortable space for me- e-ttime”. beyond its focus on smart-toilet growth repeated on a grander scale in China. class demand for a relatively inexpen- non-kinetic means (cyber, electronic
t is not often that G oldman Sachs While smart-toilet adoption in China in the world’s second-biggest economy. The com
on of a cri
sis in Chi
na’’s sive “quality lifestyle” upgrade may warfare re,, disinformation, deception
refers to the capricious, cleanliness- has, for the past decade, been led by Given the fears swirling around the risks property sector, a dampening of entre- defy that. Japanese consumers bought and misinformation) aime d at com-
obsessed Japanese kawayakami toi- middle-aged, middle-class women, the preneurial animal spirits and a demand ever flashier toilets through 30 years of mand aan nd ccoontrol aan nd d deecapitation of
let gododss in its eqequuity res
eseearch. It is next phase is exp e c te d to draw in shortfall that has taken the consumer stagnation. That’s a good Japanification. enemy leadership. That also means
rarer still that it cites the propitia-
tion of these deities while making the
yo unger buye yerrs. The beneficiaries,
argue the Goldman analysts, will be
Given the fears of extended price index to the brink of deflation lend
a certain solidity to this line of thinking.
T h e p ro b l e m , t h o u g h , i s i n h e re n t
in Goldman’s case for Arrow Home:
achieving rapidly deployable “expedi-
tionary” capability whether for Nato or
investment case for a Chinese bathroom cheaper, less sophisticated domestic stagnation, it may seem an Zombie companies, lacklustre corpo- China’s younger generation and average elsewhere.
fittings company. offerings from the likes of local sanitary- odd moment to make a bull rate spe
pennding and a chronic dec eclline in income families will buy domestically This requires profound restructuring,
But when it comes to pitching Shen- ware giant Arro row
w Home rather than pricing power weighed on Japan for dec- p ro d u c e d s m a r t t o i l e t s p re c i s e ly b u t t h e t e c h n o l o g i e s a r e av a i l a b l e .
zhen-listed stocks to nervous, any- pricey foreign ones from the likes of case for fancy sanitaryware ades. It is a spectre China should dread. because they are not only cheap now but Ukraine has shown how cheap civilian
where-but-China global investors, these Japan’s Toto — an echo of the trend in Yet many dismiss the comparison and w i l l p ro b a b ly b e c h e a p e r s t i l l i n t h e kit such as drones and the use of civilian
a re u n d e n i a b ly t o u g h t i m e s : t o u g h numerous Chinese sectors. of extended stagnation and balance- the idea that China’s problems are ines- future as the market expands. The price satellites can be repurposed for potent
enough, clearly, to justify the construc- China’s smart-toilet adoption levels, s h e e t re c e s s i o n , i t m a y s e e m a n o d d capable in the relatively short term. of a lower-end smart toilet, according to military use. Without change, more of
tion of an elab orate chart comparing pre
dicts Goldman, should rise from time to be making a bull case for fancy Andy Rothman, an investment strategist Goldman’s estimates, will drop 20 per the same means less of the same — and
“ t o i l e t c u l t u re a n d ke y p e n e t r a t i o n 4 per cent in 2022 to 11 per cent in 2026, toilets. But the product, in all its inti- at Matthews Asia, regards it as a mistake cent between now and 2026. Embed Britain’s military will cease to count
drivers in China vs Japan and US”. by which time the revenues of the wider mate cultural and technological com- to underestimate the resilience of Chi- those kind of deflating numbers in con- for much.
For proponents of the idea that vari- Chinese sanitaryware industry will be plexity, stands as a proxy for a type of nese consumers and entrepreneurs and sumer heads, and you have the wrong
ous parts of the world are ripe for vari- worth $21bn a year. In Japan, it adds, middle - class, property-linked con- the pragmatism of policymakers. kind of Japanification. The writer is a former US naval officer
o u s t y p e s o f Ja p a n i f i c a t i o n , t h i s i s smart toilets enjoy an 80 per cent adop- sumer spending whose relevance to the Such optimism underpins the case for and senior adviser at the Atlantic Council
appealing stuff. The short version of tion rate, while in the US, which Gold- wider questions around the Chinese smart-toilet adoption: urbanisation in leo.lewis@ think-tank
22 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 3 August 2023

Uranium: Niger counter

Global production of uranium is diversified. Kazakhstan is by far the largest producer. Low prices over the
past decade have reduced production, depleting stockpiles. The price of uranium has responded, rising to
$57 per pound. Companies such as Canada’s Cameco and London-listed Kazatomprom have benefited.

Twitter: @FTLex Uranium production by country Uranium prices are rising Stocks exposed to uranium
Pounds produced $ per lb Share prices (rebased in $ terms)
6,000 60 350

BAE Systems: well below forecast ebit. This means
BAE has the option to acquire smaller Niger 5,000 50
Cameco Michael Klein:
security spend Russia English patient
rivals. It is reported to be casting its eye
Uzbekistan 250
over US group Ball Aerospace. Such (estimate) 4,000 40
Seventeen months after Russia’s brutal deals may help BAE narrow the Can US dealmaker Michael Klein
Australia Kazatomprom
invasion of Ukraine, the war in Europe valuation gap with its US peers. 200 become the Warren Buffett of north-
appears a neat explanation for the Namibia Yellow Cake west England? On Tuesday, Klein
3,000 30 Sprott Physical
performance of BAE Systems, maker of Canada Uranium
invoked the Oracle of Omaha when
Typhoon aircraft and Dreadnought
submarines. But record first-half
Arm: describing his $1.6bn deal for
Cheshire-based CorpAcq, via his latest
2,000 20
results from Britain’s largest defence debut preview 100 blank-cheque vehicle buyout.
company are in part the product of CorpAcq has a portfolio of about 40
longer-term plans. Fortunes have turned for chip designer Kazakhstan 1,000 10 companies in England, which typically
Western government support of Arm. Last year, a glut of chips and Paladin
have an annual ebitda of $25mn and
Ukraine has increased contracts. Last falling demand for electronics above. It allows the companies, mostly
month it received a £280mn munitions presented a bleak outlook. Now, 0 0 0 still founder or family led, to operate
order from the UK government. But interest in the chip sector is at a record 2013 14 16 18 20 22 2019 20 21 22 23 2020 21 22 23 largely autonomously and collects cash
this part of the business, while growing, thanks to the boom in artificial Source: World Nuclear Association Sources: UxC, TradeTech Source: Refinitiv flow to fund future deals and pay out a
only accounts for a small proportion intelligence. The sooner the SoftBank- modest dividend. The idea, as Buffett
of sales. owned company lists, the better chance For commodity investors, uranium about 3.8 times annual demand, The net result should be to drive up perfected, is to own good companies
Big-ticket items, such as aircraft, it has of a high valuation. has long been a radioactive asset. The according to Alexander Pearce at BMO. the price of uranium. At $57/lb, it has and take advantage of the twin effects
warships and submarines, are The need for more computing power, price of the metal, which in its The main impact of instability in risen 16 per cent in the year to date, of patience and compound growth.
responsible for a much bigger share of and more chips, is growing as groups enriched form is used to fuel nuclear Niger will be to highlight improving said S&P. That is still below the price According to figures shared by Klein
BAE’s business. Air and Maritime bet on generative AI applications. This power plants, has languished since fundamentals. The market is tight. Low required to bring new production to and CorpAcq, these businesses
divisions made up over half of first-half has pushed chipmaker Nvidia to an the Fukushima disaster in 2011. prices over the past decade reduced market, which BMO estimated at generate 15 per cent ebitda margins
revenues. These involve multi-decade- enterprise value above $1tn. For Arm, Political chaos in Niger, where the production, which fell a quarter from $62.50/lb. There are already signs of and convert a majority of that into free
long programmes. an enterprise value to sales multiple in military government has suspended 194mn pounds in 2013 to 145mn life in the sector. Australia’s Paladin cash flow. But Buffett’s advantages are
BAE’s results suggest that these line with Nvidia’s could mean a exports of uranium to France, should pounds last year. Global demand has announced plans to restart its not easily replicated. They include
segments are gaining traction as global valuation of $67bn. spark a rethink. outstrips supply by some 50mn pounds mine in Namibia. London-listed cheap insurance funding, a sterling
anxiety rises. The biggest growth came But Nvidia chips are crucial to power The crisis will not cause immediate per year. This is depleting stockpiles. Kazatomprom on Tuesday increased reputation with sellers and uniquely
from Maritime, where sales increased AI development and there are few shortfalls. Niger is a major supplier to The gap is set to grow. Climate 2023 sales guidance by 13 per cent. tolerant shareholders happy to eschew
21 per cent on accelerated UK funding alternatives to its high-end products. the EU, which buys a quarter of its change is here and renewables cannot For investors who do not fancy dividends and buybacks.
for the Dreadnought programme. BAE The same cannot be said for Arm. A uranium from the west African substitute fossil fuels entirely. The exposure to the complicated business CorpAcq is to be listed in New York,
is now targeting full-year EPS growth of broader, average industry earnings country. But globally its importance cloud of disapproval around nuclear of extracting uranium, the likes of where an equity holding company will
10 to 12 per cent, about double its multiple would put Arm’s enterprise pales in comparison to Kazakhstan, energy is dispersing. Some 8GW of new Yellow Cake and Sprott’s Physical be a novelty. But the model exists in
previous target. value closer to $32bn. However, by far the largest producer, Canada, capacity came online in 2022, said the Uranium Trust are worth a look. Europe, where several “compounders”
These upgrades are reflected in the Nvidia’s attempted acquisition and Namibia and Australia. On top of International Energy Agency. Reaching These groups, which simply buy have multibillion-dollar market caps.
share price, up more than 70 per cent possible role as anchor investor in an that, the metal is widely stored. net zero will require annual additions and store the metal, are not a bad CorpAcq’s $1.6bn enterprise value is
since the start of 2022. That pales initial public offering should lift this. In 2022, global stockpiles stood at of more than four times that by 2030. way to play the fission mission. about 10 times ebitda, a discount to its
beside the performance of European Arm’s main business model charges European listed peers.
defence stocks such as Germany’s chipmakers small fees — reported to be Klein has also compared CorpAcq to
Rheinmetall, whose share price has about 2 per cent — for using its designs. US “business development companies”,
tripled. Sweden’s Saab has more than Its dominance in premium a once-in-a-decade moment for Arm’s crash is unlikely. Underlying interest There are still many variables a publicly listed type of non-bank
doubled. However, at 11.6 times 2024 smartphones means it is exposed to IPO. But it does not warrant the same from customers remains “strong”, says clouding the company’s outlook for lender to portfolios of medium-sized
ebit, on a Barclays estimate, BAE weakness in that sector. Last month, valuation as the leader in its sector. the company, which expects to build 2024. On the plus side, a number of companies. Here the comparison to
trades at a small premium to its global smartphone sales fell for the 10,000-10,500 homes this year. This is lenders have been lowering the cost Buffett falters. Buffett’s Berkshire
European peers. It remains at a 30 per eighth consecutive month. Even when at the upper end of previous guidance. of home loans, which could raise Hathaway, returns aside, has been as
cent discount to US companies.
There is reason to expect further
global chip sales hit a record $550bn in
2021, Arm revenues were just a small
Taylor Wimpey: Customers still desperate to get on
the property ladder or upgrade their
buyer demand. But, outside of
macroeconomics, planning remains a
shareholder-friendly as any company
in the US. BDCs have a more chequered
growth from the company. New orders, fraction of the total at $2.7bn. home grown homes are trying to get around higher problem. history, with high fees extracted by
including one to provide Typhoons to Raising prices is difficult. China, one mortgage rates by taking out Despite the market turmoil, Taylor private equity sponsors often coupled
Saudi Arabia up to 2027, increased the of Arm’s biggest markets, has long been Sometimes, the absence of terrible longer-term loans. Supply chain Wimpey’s shares are up 2 per cent in with a pursuit of unprofitable growth.
backlog to a record £66.2bn. As part of developing RISC-V, an open-source news is good enough. Housebuilder inflation, though running at an annual the year to date. Housebuilders have Spac deals are not covered in glory
the US, UK and Australia Aukus chip design architecture that would be Taylor Wimpey is guiding towards rate of about 6 per cent, is also proved good picks if investors buy near either. In recent years, their sponsors
security pact, BAE will help Australia an alternative to Arm’s designs. Higher operating profits of £440mn-£470mn moderating from 9-10 per cent at the the bottom of downturns. But Taylor have favoured their own interests. In
acquire its first nuclear-powered fees might encourage clients to invest this year. At the midpoint this marks a start of the year. Wimpey trades on a forward price- CorpAcq, Klein is asking investors to
submarines. more in developing substitutes. 50 per cent decrease versus 2022. But it These signs of resilience lifted an earnings multiple of more than 12 trust his dealmaking instincts, not just
Amid strong cash flow, it has also Moreover, any hopes that Arm can is still better than expected. otherwise tough set of results. times, above peers such as Barratt now but long into the future.
increased investment in R&D, up 11 per develop its own chips are fraught. The extent to which higher mortgage Completions reduced 26 per cent to Developments, which trades on a
cent in the first half of the year, and The move would put it in direct rates will deter homes sales in Britain is 5,120, weighing on operating profits. multiple of 8.5. Investors with the Lex on the web
expanded production capacity. That competition with its chipmaking and unclear. Recent survey data has been Over the past four weeks, falling sales stomach to ride out further short-term For notes on today’s stories
bodes well for future sales. It has the chip-designing customers. The AI- mixed. Taylor Wimpey’s half-year helped to lift the cancellation rate from housing market pain can find cheaper go to
financial means to do so. Net debt is driven demand for chip stocks could be results offer hope that a sharp price 19 per cent last year to 24 per cent. real estate elsewhere in the sector.

No 17,485 Set by GOZO

1 Sweet complexion (7,3,5)

9 Call me this in novel — not ‘Clint’ (7)
  10 Authorise battle cry (7)
11 Eastern criminals — one into jazz (5)
12 Pilot training device, as turmoil spreads
13 Having a fever and rash? (3-6)
15 Company to knock back French wine and
soft drink (5)
   16 Set-back embracing navy birds (5)
18 Sir Roger criticises being put up — here?
20 Errands we organised for wayfarers (9)
23 Welshman and Scotsman clash over
nymph (5)
24 Puts back in the oven — but there’s a
    difficulty (7)
25 Incident is described in poem (7)
26 Not sausage, David, stewed — it’s bad
for you (15)


 1 Celebrate 13 down — apt after a fashion

2 Disbeliever in hijack (7)
3 Ambassador’s speech for the Crown, say
JOTTER PAD 4 Shoulders, oddly, on feet (5)
5 Novel is made complicated for radio and
TV (4,5)
Solution 17,484 6 Some music — a rollicking seasonal song
7 & . & ( 5 $ 0 , & 6
0 2 1 $ / , 6 $ $ ( + 7 Able to extend terminal, one located in
6 9 1 7 7 8 7 7 8 7 city area (7)
0 8 6 , & ' 5 $ 0 $ + & 8 Worst Monday — same bad, erratic
& $ 2 5 7 5 , & . < driving (8,7)
7 + ( 5 ( ) 2 5 $ 1 , 14 Upset stomach on bad days drinking
7 + ( 7 $ . , 1 * cola (9)
$ , 7 5 6 * 15 Removing impurities from single can (9)
2 1 < 2 8 5 2 : 1 17 Cattle farms organised by small county
( ' ( + ( $ ' % ( , 7 (7)
( ; & 2 1 6 2 7 / 7 19 Gold coin tossed over Womble (7)
7 ) & 5 2 6 6 : 2 5 ' 6
21 Animal making dash, getting trapped
6 ( 1 2 5 $ 3 , : 2 You can now solve our crosswords ultimately (5)
1 5 / ( $ * / ( 2 : / in the new FT crossword app at 22 Fragrance of early stocks — one
6 7 $ 0 3 ( ' ( 1 5 1 hundred in France (5)*

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