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Alessio and Immaculata, Students MBA General Management 2021


General Management
 Welcome to Munich Business School3

 Why Munich Business School?4

 MBA Program at MBS6

MBA General Management 8

International Week  14
MBA Business Project  16
Module Overview 17

MBS Career Center18

MBA Alumni 20
Key Facts22
Support for Your Studies  23

2 | Welcome to Munich Business School

Founded in 1991, Munich Business School (MBS) can look back on 30 years of premium-quality b
­ usiness
education. As one of the top business schools in the German-speaking area, we perceive it as our Students at MBS
mission to provide globally minded entrepreneurial individuals with a highly inspiring academic
environment and enable them to become the leaders of today’s globalized business world – filling 650+
management level positions in companies around the world or starting their own innovative business.

The MBA General Management is a unique experience that will fundamentally foster a sound knowledge Nationalities on campus
of business and management, support you in developing and enhancing your executive and leadership
skills, and provide you with the opportunity to establish a strong professional network – but also 65
challenge you to explore uncharted territory and discover new perspectives.

As part of our comprehensive approach, we aim to support you in your personal development towards
Graduates since 1991
becoming a responsible business leader in possession of essential soft skills, a broad cultural understanding,
and a strong personality.
Boost your international business career with the MBA General Management program! We are looking
forward to welcoming you at Munich Business School!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi,

Dean of Munich Business School

Welcome to Munich Business School | 3

W H Y 
SCHOOL? Accreditations – Recognized Quality
As one of Germany's leading business schools, we are reviewed
by internal and external panels to ensure high quality:

MBS enjoys unrestricted state accreditation and meets the
stringent requirements and specifications of the German Council
of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat).

All programs offered by MBS are FIBAA-accredited. FIBAA
(Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)
is one of the six most important international quality and
accreditation agencies. Its quality seal of approval certifies the
professional relevancy and quality of the courses of study.

We are a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB).

4 | Why Munich Business School?

100 % Authenticity
Our three values of responsibility, innovation and global-mindedness serve
as our guiding compass. We are committed to living our values every day.

100 % Personal
MBS gives you individual and personal support. Small class sizes, offering
direct contact with lecturers, contribute to a pleasant learning atmosphere.

100 % Munich
The “metropolis with a heart” unites Bavarian tradition and international
charm. A number of renowned companies operate from Munich, pulling
the strings of the global business world. MBS has strong connections with
many of these companies, which gives you the chance to network and
explore your career opportunities!

100 % International
As a student, you will benefit from our international partnerships,
which give you the opportunity to complete part of your studies abroad.
This also creates a vibrant and diverse atmosphere.

Rankings – Always Among the Best

We are in the top tier for MBAs: We are #1 among recruiters: We are #1 among students: We are among the Global Top 25:
We rank among the top universi- Employers value our commitment Students vote MBS into the top When it comes to student mobility,
ties for an MBA worldwide and are to pragmatic and applied learning: groups in all evaluation categories, we also have an exceptionally large
one of only four German business we are repeatedly a preferred especially Support during studies, international student body compared
schools in the tier one group of choice to recuit from among all Practical orientation of teaching and to other universities and also offer
this interntional ranking (CEO private universities of applied Career orientation offerings (CHE a wide variety of opportunities for
Magazine MBA Ranking, 2023). sciences in Germany (Wirtschafts University Ranking, 2023). students to complete part of their
Woche University Ranking, 2023). studies abroad (U-Multirank
University Ranking, 2020).

Why Munich Business School? | 5


6 | MBA Program at MBS

Alessio, Mahima and Sarim, Students MBA General Management 2021
MBA Class Profile
When carefully selecting the
candidates for the MBA General
Management program, MBS places
great emphasis on assembling
a diverse yet cohesive group
of students.

International MBA students

93 %
Years of work experience

Average age

Female students

57 %

MBA Program at MBS | 7

Thomas and Mahima, Students MBA General Management 2021


The MBA curriculum is based on three pillars: Expert Business Knowledge, MBS Flagship Courses and
Electives. The program is rounded off by four special weeks: the Leadership Week, the Start-Up Week, Practical Approach
the Business Simulation Week and the International Week. Graduates synthesize and
apply relevant knowledge
At the end of the program, you will complete your MBA General Management with a thesis, which both in theory and practice.
you can do in one of three formats with different focuses: as a regular written thesis (scientific work),
as a business plan (incl. scientific part) or a consulting project (incl. scientific part).
Graduates develop
a global perspective.

A Blend to Boost Your Career

MBS Flagship Courses are based on Munich Business School’s Responsibility

core values – innovation, responsibility and global-mindedness – Graduates act responsibly


by combining ethical


making the MBA General Management a truly unique experience.


considerations and


Expert Business Knowledge courses provide you with a strong entrepreneurial thinking
foundation of expertise in core business and management areas. in their decisions.

Electives courses allow you to further deepen your knowledge in EXPERT BUSINESS
particular fields such as Supply Chain Management, Data Analytics, KNOWLEDGE Leadership
Business in Emerging Markets or Business in Germany. Graduates develop
leadership skills to apply
in different business

"The MBA General Management at Munich Business

School is a life-changing experience. You will be
challenged. You will grow. You will meet great
professors and students. And you will enjoy it."

 rof. Dr. Michael Rüdiger,
Program Director MBA General Management

8 | MBA General Management

Responsible Leadership
In this module, you will explore responsible leadership – a fascinating topic
which, in all its incarnations, has always been of the utmost importance.
Given the challenges currently facing society, and indeed the entire planet,
it is vitally important that managers understand this topic in all its manifold
dimensions, starting with classic leadership theories and all the way through
to new dimensions of leadership, such as leading diversity and the role of
ethics and values in leadership.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In the highly competitive world in which we live, innovative ideas are
what separates successful businesses from the rest. These ideas are often
generated by individuals with the vision to turn their innovative concepts
into business ventures – entrepreneurial enterprises. Creating an outstanding
product, developing a strong brand and building a solid customer base
all require innovation. Entrepreneurship and innovation both involve
identifying high-potential commercial opportunities, gathering resources
such as talent and capital, and managing rapid growth and significant risks.
This course covers all of these aspects, equipping you as a manager with
the skills you need to pro-actively tackle the challenges you will face as you
strive to be innovative and entrepreneurial.

Global Management
Our world is characterized by the global movement of goods and financial
transactions. In this course, you will explore the key areas a modern
manager has to be aware of and actively manage from a global perspective.
Starting by looking at global value-creation networks, the focus then shifts
to market entry modes and associated decisions in selecting a suitable
country for a company’s global activities. The course also discusses cultural
and ethical issues as well as key components of global risk management.
Tebogo, Student MBA General Management, 2018

MBA General Management | 9

Accounting for Management Decisions Strategic Marketing
This course will give you an understanding of the accounting process and Successful marketing managers understand both quantitative and qualitative
become familiar with key accounting reports. You will develop skills in finan- aspects of customer behavior in consumer as well as business markets.
cial statement analysis and profitability analysis. The course emphasizes both The Strategic Marketing course provides you with a broad understanding
financial and managerial accounting, the latter covering cost-volume-profit of fundamental marketing concepts, theories and applications. It also
analysis, cost allocation and activity based costing. The course consists of emphasizes a number of highly important topics for today’s managers: the
two components: The first is a two day accounting bootcamp where the role of sustainability in marketing management and modern marketing mix
learning is fast and intensive. You will then participate in the business management and the rise of social media, digitalization and big data.
simulation "C-Suite Life" taking on one of the key roles in a struggling
organization tasked with returning the business to profitability and growth.

Personal Development
Financial Management This course gives you the opportunity to get clarity about yourself. Your
personality traits, values, needs and beliefs – to gain a full picture of your
It is imperative for any manager, and for senior managers in particular, to personality. The course guides you through different aspects of your
have a basic understanding of financial matters. The course is designed for personality and helps you identify the direction you would like to give your
non-financial executives who require a better understanding of the financial career. For those who are already on the right personal career path, it provides
impact of business decisions. The course introduces current financial concepts tools to better understand colleagues’ and employees’ needs and ways of
and tools towards money management in organizations participating in working. Through personal reflections, group discussions and peer support
local and especially global economies. The course also introduces the topic by the end of the course you will develop an individual development plan
of sustainable finance. Knowing and understanding how sustainability that will guide you towards your goal. On a voluntary level, participants
criteria such as ecological and social factors can be proactively integrated in have the option to work in more depth on specific topics (identified in the
financial markets and financial decision-making is increasingly demanded development plan) in three sessions with one of the MBA Coaches.
by customers, society and politics.

Immaculata, Sarim, Thomas and Mahima, Students MBA General Management 2021

10 | MBA General Management

Alessio, Sergey and Katrin, Students MBA General Management 2021

Business in Germany Management in Emerging Markets
This course is designed to help MBA candidates with an international The goal of this course is to provide a solid base of knowledge in relation to
background navigate the intricacies of working in a German setting. some of the most vibrant and economically flourishing regions of the world.
The course reflects on the socio-political environment in Germany and Course participants will study the economic and institutional forces that
important legal aspects to consider. In addition, key success factors for spur or hinder business activity and growth in emerging economies.
doing business in Germany are discussed, as well as the significance that The course is designed to provide both quantitative and theoretical
the EU has for Germany and for German corporations. foundations for the study of emerging markets. The course is divided into
three interrelated modules with different country-specific and regional
focuses: China, India, Latin America.

Global Supply Chain Management

Value creation has changed dramatically in past decades. Companies have Data Analytics
moved away from being the main location for corporate value creation, to a
set-up where only a few core competencies remain with the company that In today's data-driven business landscape, the ability to effectively analyze
customers generally associate with the product. In addition, supply chains and interpret data has become a vital skill. Data analytics empowers
have internationalized dramatically in recent years. Companies now look managers to make informed decisions, identify patterns, and uncover
for suppliers and customers not only on a local or regional basis, but across insights that can drive organizational growth and competitive advantage.
the globe. The course explores the challenges and opportunities that these From spring 2024, you can choose this elective and expand your data
developments offer. analytics knowledge.

MBA General Management | 11

12 | MBA General Management
Mahima and Immaculata, Students MBA General Management 2021

Leadership Week Start-up Week Business Simulation Week

The Welcome Week is a great kick-off to the MBA The Start-up Week is part of the Innovation & During this week, you will work together with
General Management. Not only will you get to Entrepreneurship flagship course and gives you your fellow students taking part in an innovative
know your fellow students at team-building the opportunity to work on your entrepreneurial business simulation. As business executives,
events, you will also deepen your knowledge skills. You will learn about modern problem-solving you and your team will have to deal with a
and gain interesting insights during leadership approaches, meet with entrepreneurs and whole range of issues that managers of today’s
and career training sessions and a project eventually develop your own business idea, business world face to turn around a struggling
management workshop. which you will present to an expert audience. business.

MBA General Management | 13

The EMBA Consortium for Global
Business Innovation is made up
of 11 business schools around the
world. It aims to enrich the
educational experience of MBA
students by offering a global
portfolio of geographically focused
programs. In September each year,
the EMBA Consortium’s member
universities organize a simulta-
neous International Week. Each
MBA student from MBS is free to
choose the university that appeals
to their own interests and immerse
themselves in a new culture and an
international study group.

14 | International Week
During the International Week, which is part of the Global Management
flagship course, you will visit one of our EMBA Consortium's member
universities. Once there, you will strengthen your network and have the
perfect opportunity to exchange views with your international peers.

The visit will enable you to:

meet global market leaders and benefit from exposure to global decision-­

making processes through discussions with notable guest speakers;

experience the link between the discussed theoretical models and
their application in a global business setting through company visits
and case studies;
gain a truly international perspective on international strategic
management and real-life success.

The EMBA Consortium's Member Universities:

International Week | 15


Business Project

Practical Application
of MBA Knowledge
The MBA Business Project offers a transformative experience for students seeking to excel in the global 
Network Expansion
business arena. By immersing themselves in the German business landscape, students gain practical 
German Business Insights
insights, develop essential skills, and expand their professional networks. This unique opportunity pre- 
Enhancing Leadership Skills
pares future business leaders to face the complexities of the global market with confidence, adaptability, 
CV Enhancement
and a deep understanding of the dynamic German business environment. 
Confidence Building

The Structure of the Business Project

The project typically spans 3-5 months and involves collaboration with reputable companies such as
Microsoft, Flixbus, AssetMetrix and many others. These companies act as project sponsors, offering real
business challenges that students are tasked with solving. The MBA students, divided into teams, receive
these project briefs and work closely with their assigned company to set clear objectives, timelines,
and deliverables. During the project, students are guided and mentored by experienced professionals
from the partner companies as well as their Academic Director Prof. Dr. Michael Rüdiger.




Asset Matrix

16 | MBA Business Project

Start: Fall
September October November December January February March April May June July August September

Global Management
Responsible Leadership
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Expert Business Knowledge:

Master's Thesis Deadline

Accounting for Management Decisions

Management in Emerging Markets OR

Strategic Marketing Data Analytics
Financial Management
Personal Development
Master's Thesis

Business in Germany OR
Business Project OR Internship
Global Supply Chain Management

Week: EMBA
Leadership Start-Up
C-Suite Life Consortium
Week Week Project Week

Career and Business Coaching, Application Training, etc.

Networking Opportunities: Recruitment Events, Company Presentations, Alumni Career Talks, Guest Lectures With Industry Experts, Company Visits

Total: 60 ECTS

Start: Spring
March April May June July August September October November December January February

Global Management
Responsible Leadership
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Expert Business Knowledge:
Master's Thesis Deadline

Accounting for Management Decisions

Management in Emerging Markets OR

Strategic Marketing Data Analytics
Financial Management
Personal Development
Master's Thesis

Business in Germany OR
Business Project OR Internship
Global Supply Chain Management

Week: EMBA
Leadership Start-Up
C-Suite Life Consortium
Week Project Week

Career and Business Coaching, Application Training, etc.

Networking Opportunities: Recruitment Events, Company Presentations, Alumni Career Talks, Guest Lectures With Industry Experts, Company Visits

Total: 60 ECTS

Module Overview | 17
C E N T E R 
The world of work is constantly changing. Technology will make many jobs obsolete but also create and
develop new jobs we can't yet imagine. It is, therefore, crucial that you prepare yourself for the future – and
we support you in this endeavor!

Whether you aim to advance in your current field, change your job or industry, or become a successful
entrepreneur, we offer individual and tailor-made support to get you fit for the future:

Career Coaching
In order to find your own way in an increasingly complex and dynamic business world, it is important to
know your values, interests, personality and skills. We offer personalized, one-on-one career coaching from
certified professionals to identify your VIPS, assess your career goals and design your employment strategy.

"Whether you want to

kick-start your career or Career Workshops & Networking Opportunities
implement a career shift, We offer workshops on how to build your brand and network, how to find a job in Germany, writing
my aim and dedication résumés and cover letters, and interview skills. With the help of internal and external facilitators,
are to support you in speakers and online tools, we support you in pursuing your career goal. Successfully landing a job
requires a proactive approach and lots of networking. MBS provides you with a lot of opportunities
your orientation and in
to meet and get to know alumni, recruiters, guest speakers, and student clubs.
achieving your career
goals through coaching,
training and a variety of Start Your Career in Germany
events." Did you know that Germany is the economic and technological powerhouse of the European Union?
Munich is Germany's business hotspot #1 and is home to more DAX listed companies than any other city
 éatrice Mellinghoff,
B in Germany. This is why well-qualified professionals are urgently needed in Munich. After graduation
Career Center Manager and you can stay in Germany for another 18 months to find a job - even as a non-EU citizen. After just two
Certified Business Trainer Coach years of working, you can get a permanent residency permit.

18 | MBS Career Center

"The MBS Career Center supported me in planning
my career. The staff was always very approachable,
very detailed, especially when it came to structuring
my résumé. The Career Center also helped me to
prepare my interviews, such as how to highlight my
achievements and how to better express myself.
This support definitely played a key role in helping
me get acquainted with the German
labor market and also cleared
up a lot of my fears."

Min Gündermann, MBA Alumna,

Senior Technical Recruiter,
Huawei Technologies

Company Visits and Presentations

Various career and networking events of the course of the year offer
you exciting behind-the-scenes insights into a wide variety of businesses,
letting you make first contacts. We have strong connections with many
well-known companies from different industries. Company representatives
come on campus to share information about their organization, provide
insights, and outline current trends in the industry. We also offer company
visits where we take you to company offices. This is a an excellent way
to experience the corporate culture of an organization, ask employees
questions, and network with industry professionals.

Companies in the MBS Career Center network include:

MBS Career Center | 19

MBA graduates 2018/19

MBA Alumni Once MBS, always MBS. At Munich Business School, we believe it is important to stay in touch even after you
have successfully completed your studies. Benefit from our international career network, as MBS alumni are at
Facts & Figures home not just in Bavaria, but all over the world! Through numerous events, such as the Alumni Reunion or our
mentoring programs, we provide regular opportunities for you to meet up after graduating, exchange ideas,
and make new contacts with fellow alumni and students. Our MBS Connect platform ensures that you can
72 % access the ­exclusive MBS network from anywhere, supporting and promoting each other in your careers. In the
 ave received a job promotion
h spirit of lifelong learning, we offer a variety of continuing education programs to keep you up to date with the
after obtaining their MBA latest knowledge even after graduation – so that you are always one step ahead.

72 %
 ave received a salary increase
h 43 % IT/Tech 29 % General Management
in the last two years 18 % Manufactuing 22 % Other
12 % Healtcare 16 % IT
10 % Consulting 12 % Operations/Logistics
7 % Financial Services 9 % Sales
52 % 4 % Media 6 % Consulting
work in senior or upper 3 % Retail 6 % Finance
management positions after 3 % Real Estate
the MBA

Industries MBA alumni work in Departments MBA alumni work in

Source: MBS Alumni Survey 2020

20 | MBA Alumni
"The MBA program allowed me to look beyond:
What started as an ambition to achieve more in the
corporate world, in the end gave me tools to found my
own company, deal with real life problems, and better
understand the system and world we live in."

 ernando Martin, Alumnus MBA,
Founder of Eccocar, Munich / Germany and Madrid / Spain

"The MBA Program not only met, but exceeded my

expectations. Small classes, a great faculty, and a diverse
group of students were just some of its many advantages.
The MBA has really helped me to broaden my horizons
and prepare me for the next level of my career."

 eike Schneider, MBA Alumna,
Manager, Global Business Group (DACH), Facebook

"After completing my MBA, I started to work first for

Amazon and now for Ralph Lauren. Without MBS none
of this would have happened because the MBA was the
reason I came to Germany. I really liked the the inter­national
environment and personal atmosphere at MBS."

 lena Kayumova, MBA Alumna,
Key Account Manager E-Commerce, Ralph Lauren

"I would definitely recommend the MBA to friends

and colleagues. In fact, I already have. This MBA is a
great way to start your career because you develop
important technical and personal skills in a culturally
diverse environment."

 ulbir Singh Ghumman, MBA Alumnus,
Senior Product Manager Omnichannel Fulfillment, Adidas

"At Munich Business School, I shaped my skills and

discovered my interest in marketing. The experience has
made me more open-minded, confident and effective.
The MBA was just a push that I need to start building
my career and climbing the corporate ladder."

Armyanda Wongso,
MBA Alumna, Financial Controller, Infineon Technologies

MBA Alumni | 21


How to Apply Key Facts Discover the Program!

Study Start We offer a variety of opportunities to get to know our
Prepare to apply 
March university and the MBA program:
An overview of the September
MBA Info Session

­admission requirements
Presentation and Q&A session at MBS
can be found online:
Study Options or via video conference
12 months full-time
Individual consultation

lecture times: Mon – Fri
with your program advisor at MBS or
via phone or video conference
Online application Study Fees
University fairs in Germany and abroad

You will need the following 
Enrollment fee: EUR 690 (EU/EFTA),
documents to apply: (for international students EUR 1,490) MBS Info Day

MBA program: EUR 32,000 Visit MBS and attend lectures for a live experience
Letter of motivation
(1-2 pages) For the exact dates, please visit our website:
 Copy of academic degree
certificates and transcripts
 Two references from your
current or previous
 Proof of English
language proficiency
 Recent photo and copy
of passport details page

Attend an in-person
with the Program Director
Your Contact
at MBS in Munich, alternatively Maciej Kaproń, MSc
via video conference Program Advisor

+49 89 547678-254

Done! Munich Business School

Congratulations Elsenheimerstr. 61 · 80687 Munich · Germany
and welcome to
Munich Business School!

22 | Key Facts

Financing MBA Scholarship

Munich Business School offers In addition to various financing options, Munich Business School offers partial
various models for payment in scholarships to outstanding candidates. The number of partial scholarships is
installments – making it easier for limited. Applicants who demonstrate their aptitude and meet our suitability
you to invest in your professional criteria could receive a grant of up to EUR 6,000 to put towards their tuition fees.
future. We offer a 100% financing
option for tuition fees with our To apply for one of our MBA scholarships, please answer the corresponding
partner Brain Capital. You can find question in a personal statement and upload the document within your initial
detailed information online: online application (Full-time, Part-time) for a study place. We are not able to consider any grant applications submitted after your study application.
MBA Global Thinker Scholarship

Are you globally minded with a cultural awareness to act consciously in an

international environment? Please explain what global-mindedness means
to you and how it has shaped your professional life.

MBA Responsible Leader Scholarship

Do you act responsibly by incorporating ethical and sustainable considerations

into your decisions? Please describe which activities from your personal and
professional life are related to responsibility or responsible actions.

MBA Smart Entrepreneur Scholarship

Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset and the ability to create innovative

and creative solutions? Please describe how entrepreneurship and innovation
plays a role in your professional life and tell us more about your personal
entrepreneurial skills.

Support for Your Studies | 23

International Business

I nternational Business
International Business | Finance
International Marketing and Brand Management
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Sports Business and Communication

All information is subject to change without notice. August 2023.

General Management

with Sheffield Hallam University (UK)

Executive Education
 hure
This broc ted
was pr led
on recyc .
Munich Business School paper
Elsenheimerstr. 61 · 80687 Munich · Germany

+49 89 547678-0

Munich Business School GmbH

O R T 
MBA Graduating Class
of 2021
Being one of the top business schools in the German-speaking area, we perceive it as our mission to
provide globally-minded entrepreneurial individuals with a highly inspiring academic environment and Students at MBS
enable them to become the business leaders in today’s globalized business world – filling management
level positions in companies around the world or starting their own innovative business. 650+
The MBA General Management is a unique experience that fundamentally fosters our student's business
and management knowledge, supports them in developing and enhancing their executive and leader- Nationalities on Campus
ship skills, and provides them with the opportunity to establish a strong professional network – but also
challenges them to explore uncharted territory and discover new perspectives. As part of our compre- 65
hensive approach, we aim to support our students in their personal development towards becoming a
responsible business leader in possession of essential soft skills, a broad cultural understanding, and a
strong personality. Graduates since 1991

The figures in this brochure give a good overview of the successes of our MBA Class of 2021 and their
willingness to adjust their careers in order to make the next step: 57 % changed function, 30 % relocated,
39 % moved to a different sector and 13 % managed a triple change (of all three aspects).

For many of our highly international students, Germany remains the preferred economic region to
advance their careers after graduation. The requirements for this are simple: Due to the shortage of
skilled workers, the German government issues an 18-month jobseeker’s visa to international graduates
of German universities. Converting a job seeker visa into a work visa after a successful job search is a
mere formality, so nothing stands in the way of a career in Germany!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi,

Dean of Munich Business School

Employment Report – MBA Graduating Class of 2021 | 2

Our students

are highly educated young professionals with an international background.

have several years of professional experience in different industries. Students


possess in-depth knowledge of modern business management and international markets.

contribute to new perspectives, fresh ideas and unconventional thought-provoking impulses.

are globally minded and responsible personalities who will shape the business world of tomorrow
with a spirit of innovation, academic expertise and leadership skills.
International Students

64 %
Female Students

Change of Function 40 %
57 %

Change of sector Years of Work Experience

39 %
35 % Technology 7
Change of Location 30 % Manufacturing
9 % Financial Services
30 %
9 % Media Entertainment Average Age
9 % Consulting
Change of Function, Sector & Location
13 %
4 % Consumer Packaged Goods 30
4 % Health Care

Career Changers Employment by Sector

Employment Report – MBA Graduating Class of 2021 | 3

32 % Manufacturing
24 % Consulting
20 % Media/Entertainment
12 % Technology
4 % Financial Services
4 % Health Care
4 % Other Services

Sector Background

24 % Marketing/Sales
20 % Project Management / Engineering
16 % Consulting
16 % Operations/Logistics
8 % General Management
8 % Information Technology
8 % Accounting

Functional Background

44 % Engineering
32 % Business
16 % Art
8 % Science

Academic Background

North America Germany Europe Asia

8% 36 % 12 % 44 %

Geographical Background

Employment Report – MBA Graduating Class of 2021 | 4

Bosch, France
BayWa r.e. Operation Services GmbH, Germany
Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Allianz SE Global, Germany
AGCO Corporation, Germany
Deloitte, Germany
ITM Pharma Solutions GmbH, Germany
TXOne Networks, Taiwan
Allianz Technology, Germany

Employers MBA 2021 (Selection)

Examples of Recruiting Companies

over the last three years 31 % Marketing/Sales
22 % Operations/Logistics
MBS cooperates with well-known companies and hosts events which provide students
17 % General Managementy
with important insights for their career planning. Companies from MBS network include:
17 % Information Technology
9 % Finance/Accounting
4 % Consulting
Telescope Advisory Partners BearingPoint
Epay GLG Pierre Audoin Consultants
Employment by function
Haselhorst Steelcase
Payback PwC
Asset Metrix
MHP Personio LinkedIn
GlaxoSmith Kline
Deloitte Flixbus
Celonis Aldi Microsoft
UniCredit Nunatac Harman International
87 % Germany
Sixt Infineon Hoffmann Group 9 % Asia
Aristo 4 % France
VMWare Dennemeyer Allianz
Ebner Stolz
Alpha Sights CANCOM Employment by region

“The MBS Career Center supported me in planning my career. The contact persons
were always very approachable, very detailed, especially when they supported
me to structure my résumé. The Career Center also helped me to prepare my
interviews, such as how to highlight my achievements and how to better express
myself. This support definitely played a key role in becoming acquainted with the
German labor market and also cleared away a lot of fear from me”

 in Gündermann, MBA Alumna, Senior Technical Recruiter, Huawei Technologies

Employment Report – MBA Graduating Class of 2021 | 5

We are committed to support our MBA students in becoming responsible and successful leaders.
We offer several ways of connecting with our students:


Job/Internship/Thesis postings:
Upload your job or internship offer free of charge to our website.

CV/Résumé book:
Browse our CV book and search for interesting candidates.

On campus
“At Allianz, we value originality.

A Chat with ... :
And there is a lot of it at MBS.
Inspire our MBA students by providing them insights about your career path, or bring them
up-to-date on current trends in your business sector. Tell them what it takes to become a leader! In our opinion, there is nothing

Job Insights: more powerful and we are
At this event, you give MBS students insights into your everyday professional life. Our students constantly looking for talented
should be able to find out what a typical day looks like and which qualifications and skills are individuals. University workshops
bring us closer to students

Career Events:
looking for opportunities (such
During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to present your company, point out special
requirements of the respective industry and inform the students about career opportunities as working students, internships
in your company. and full-time positions) and give

Business Projects: us the chance to showcase our
The "Business Project" MBA program at MBS is designed to give students the opportunity recruiting processes. Such events
to implement a concrete business project in cooperation with a company.
provide both the students and
the company with a great
Recruitment Cycle opportunity to network and get
to know each other better.”
Program Start: September/March
Recruitment Cycle (Internship positions): October/March onwards  asir Balach,
Recruitment Cycle (FT): October/April University Recruiter Allianz SE

Employment Report – MBA Graduating Class of 2021 | 6

Since its foundation in 1991, Munich Business School (MBS) has offered cosmopolitan, entrepre-
neurial personalities an inspiring and international academic environment to develop into the
responsible leaders and professionals of the future. As a state-recognized and accredited university,
MBS has been one of Germany's best business schools in the top business location of Munich for
years and consistently achieves top positions in all relevant rankings.

Coming from over 70 different countries and with different backgrounds, MBS students bring the
world together at the MBS campus developing new ideas on how to shape the business world of
the future in an innovative, sustainable and responsible way. Internationality, practical relevance
and a strong network - these are central components of the curriculum of the bachelor's, master's,
MBA and DBA programs as well as the executive education offered at MBS.

Munich Business School GmbH. All information is subject to change without notice. June 2022.

Your Contact
Béatrice Mellinghoff
Manager Career Center & Corporate Relations

+49 89 547678-255

Munich Business School

Elsenheimerstr. 61 · 80687 Munich · Germany

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