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University of Navarra Marketing Research

Case Analysis - Dell Direct Second Part

● Federico Luis Jaciuk
● Jose Alfredo Laniado
● Elías Macher Cárpena
● Javier Francesc Raudales Roig
● Mateo Rodriguez Valencia
● Francisco Alejandro Obando Rodriguez

1) Dell survey was published on a Website and email invitations were sent to
participants. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Do
you think this is the most effective technique?


A) Accessibility: Customer surveys on a website are easily accessible to a wide

audience. Customers can participate at their convenience, increasing the likelihood
of a higher response rate.
B) Cost-Efficiency: Conducting online surveys is generally more cost-effective than
traditional methods like phone interviews or mailed surveys. You save on printing,
postage, and manpower.
C) Timeliness: Responses from online surveys are typically collected and analyzed
quickly, allowing you to gather timely feedback and make necessary adjustments
D) Data Accuracy: Online surveys can reduce errors associated with manual data entry
because responses are digitally recorded, minimizing data entry mistakes.
E) Anonymity: Customers may feel more comfortable providing honest feedback when
their responses are anonymous, which can lead to more candid responses.
F) Customization: Online surveys can be easily customized with skip logic, branching
questions, and multimedia elements, enhancing the quality of data collected.


A) Self-Selection Bias: Customers who choose to respond to online surveys may not be
representative of your entire customer base, leading to a self-selection bias that
skews results.
B) Limited Demographic Data: Online surveys may not capture detailed demographic
information, making it challenging to segment and understand your customer base
C) Lack of Personal Interaction: Online surveys lack the personal touch of face-to-face
or phone interviews, which can limit your ability to probe deeper into responses.
D) Survey Fatigue: Customers bombarded with survey requests may experience survey
fatigue and be less willing to participate or provide thoughtful responses.
E) Limited Context: Surveys often lack the context of real-life experiences, making it
challenging to understand the "why" behind customer responses.
F) Incomplete Responses: Customers may skip questions or provide incomplete
answers, leading to missing or unclear data.

University of Navarra Marketing Research

Whether publishing a customer survey on a website is the most effective technique to

know more about customers depends on your specific goals, target audience, and the
context of your business. It can be a valuable tool, but it should be part of a broader strategy
that may include other research methods like interviews, focus groups, and data analytics.
Combining multiple techniques can provide a more comprehensive and accurate
understanding of your customers. Additionally, continuous data collection and analysis,
rather than one-off surveys, can offer a more holistic view of customer preferences and

2) Can Dell use the observation technique to determine which PCs and laptops
consumers prefer? What type of observation would you recommend and why?

Dell can indeed use observation techniques to determine which PCs and laptops
consumers prefer. Here are some recommended observation techniques and why they can
be valuable:

In-Store Observations: Setting up observers in retail stores where Dell products are sold.
Observing how customers interact with Dell laptops and PCs on display. Noting which
models they touch, spend more time with, or inquire about. Collecting data on customer
demographics (age, gender, etc.) and purchase decisions. This allows Dell to gather
real-world data on how customers engage with their products in a physical retail
environment. It provides insights into which models attract attention and how consumers
make decisions.

Website and Online Behavior Tracking: Monitoring visitor behavior on Dell's website.
Tracking which laptop and PC models are viewed, added to carts, and eventually purchased.
Analyzing search queries and filters used on the website. Collecting data on the
geographical location of online shoppers. This online observation technique helps Dell
understand the preferences of consumers who engage with their products on their website. It
provides insights into online consumer behavior, including what products are most popular
and which features are being searched for.

User Experience Testing: Conducting usability testing with selected users. Observing how
users navigate Dell's website or use Dell laptops and PCs. Gathering feedback on user
preferences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement. User experience testing
provides valuable insights into how consumers experience Dell's products and digital
interfaces. It can reveal user preferences, usability issues, and opportunities for enhancing
product design and website functionality

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