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Traditional Sundanese Food


Food Description:
Karedok is a typical Sundanese dish. Often called Indonesian Salad. This food has a similar
appearance to gado-gado and pecel. It’s just that Karedok uses more raw vegetables.

1) Pestle
2) plate
3) knife
Vegetable Ingredients:
1) Long beans
2) Cucumber
3) Cabbage
4) Sprouts
5) Eggplant
6) basil leaves
7) banana leaves

Karedok seasoning ingredients:

1) Chili
2) Salt
3) Shrimp paste
4) Aromatic Ginger
5) Peanuts
6) Brown sugar
7) Acid/vinegar

Steps To Make Karedok Seasoning:

1. Add chilies, shrimp paste and salt, mash until smooth
2. Then add the Aromatic Ginger
3. Add peanuts and brown sugar, mash until evenly mixed
4. Finally add water and enough acid/vinegar

Steps of entry of vegetables

1. Cut the eggplant and long beans according to taste
2. Slice Cabbage and cucumber
3. Sprinkle with bean sprouts and basil leaves, stir until evenly mixed
4. Finally serve on a plate covered with banana leaves
5. Garnish with a sprinkling of basil leaves on top

So, that's the method and steps for making this traditional Sundanese food called karedok
quite simple right?

Group 3:
1. Ike Indiyani
2. Ahmad Dicky Wahyudi
3. M. Kamil Alghifarry

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