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How to write technical research paper?

1. What is technical research paper?

Ans. A technical research paper, also known as a technical report, is a document
that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research.
Technical research often involves the use of specialized tools, methodologies,
and knowledge to gather and analyze data.

2. What is a good technical research paper?

1) It should have unique title & well informative abstract.

2) It should offer a thesis & back it up with relevant, authoritative sources.
so one must use authentic well cited references in bibliographic section.
3) It should provide back ground & context for the issue(s).
4) It should be a combination of multinational authors & from academic
industry so that it can be cohesive & coherent in all headings & paragraphs,
hence synthesize data from multiple sources to make a cohesive point.
5) Continuous flow of knowledge is must among all the sentences.
6) It should include stories of people, places & issues & not just dry facts &

2) What are elements of technical research paper?

 Title – Unique & not misleading
 Abstract – short summary of research paper, A statement of the
problem. High light all keywords.

 Introduction – Answer to the problem a general outline of the paper

(solution) based on introduction your paper will be selected
 Literature Review: previous work done, motivation behind your
research paper
 Proposed work done - methods section, which & how technology
used to achieve solution.
 Results – what you achieved or what you find

 Discussion – interprets finding its significance and applications

 Conclusion – concludes main points and future scope
 References. – citation bibliography etc

Title - should be descriptive, direct, accurate, appropriate, interesting, concise,

precise, unique, and should not be misleading.
Abstract - An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis.
It is an original work. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by
itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. It should
be between 150 – 300 words long. It should include what the purpose of the paper
is (including the basic research question/problem), the basic design of your project,
and the major findings.

Introduction - A general introduction to your topic and what you expect to learn
from your project or experiment. Your research question should be found here.

Literature Review: An analysis of what has already been published about your
chosen topic. Should be able to show how your research question fits into the
context of your field.

A description of everything you did in your experiment or project, step-by-step.
Needs to be detailed enough so that any reader would be able to repeat each step
exactly on their own.
What actually happened during your project or what you found at the end of your
experiment. This is usually the best part to include the majority of your graphs,
photos, tables, and other visual aids, as long as they help explain the results of your

An analysis of the results that integrates what you found into the wider body of
research in your field. Can also include future hypotheses to be tested or future
projects to build from your own.

Can be included in the discussion if necessary. A final summary of the paper,
including whether or not you were able to answer your original research question.

References and Appendices:

The reference page(s) is a list of all the sources you used to research and create
your project/experiment, including everything cited in the literature review and
methods sections. Remember to use the same citation style throughout the paper.
An appendix would include any additional information about your work that you
were not able to include within the body of your paper (like large datasets and
figures) that would help readers better understand your results.

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