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Crestwood High School

Extended Roll Call Literacy Program

Stage 5 - 2024

Punctuation Activity

1. Answer the multiple choice or re-write each sentence with the correct punctuation marks.
2. Explain why you needed to make that change.
Question 1:

a. “Can we go to the park today?” Martin asked. Is correct because of the question
mark being within the quotes and there being a fullstop.

Question 2:

The students submitted their assignments by placing them on the teacher’s desk
and signing their names.
Because it shows ownership.

Question 3:
“Stop!” she yelled as she ran across the footpath to grab her daughter’s hand.

Because you need to quote the direct speech and show ownership.

Question 4

My brother in law's room is a

mess; filthy and grotty.
To separate the clauses.
Theseus was astounded. He had come with no plan,
only a burning desire to save his fellow Athenians.
Suddenly, he was being offered a way to succeed. “I
will meet you inside the entrance to the labyrinth
tomorrow,” she whispered, “and give you a sword to
kill the Minotaur and some string to guide you back to
the entrance when you have slain the beast. When you
have done that, we must flee immediately.”
Reflection: Highlight the statement that best reflects your level of understanding.
 I understand the different uses of punctuation marks and feel confident using them correctly in my
 I think this is something I need to develop.

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