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Nama : Ahmad Alsabah

NIM : 952024028

1. What is your hobby(s)?

2. How often do you do your hobby?
3. Where do you do your hobby?
4. With whom do you do your hobby?
5. What do you need to do for your hobby?
6. When did you start to like your hobby?
7. What made you like your hobby for the first time?
8. Tuliskan juga deskripsi tentang hobi anda. Bila anda sudah cukup percaya diri untuk
berbicara tentang hobi anda, maka tidak perlu di tulis.


1. My Hobby is Hiking
2. Every once a week
3. I do my hobby of going hiking
4. i do hiby i go with my friends
5. What I need to do is prepare equipment when climbing the mountain
6. when I was in high school
7. What I like regarding my hobby is seeing the beauty of nature from the top of the
8. hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Ahmad Alsabah, you can call me
Ahmad here I will tell you about my hobby, namely mountain climbing, I go climbing
with my friends, what I like when climbing is that I can see the natural beauty from the
top of the mountain that I climb, that's I really admire and am grateful for God's beautiful

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