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Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan

College of Nursing




BLOCK: NA SCORE: ________________


Score Description Indicators

4 Very Good Student performs behaviors/tasks affecting the highest level of performance:
consistent, independent, effective.
3 Good Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting mastery of performance with
minimal supervision.
2 Fair Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting development and movement
toward mastery of performance: with help or direct supervision in some aspects.
1 Needs Improvement Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting beginning level of performance;
tasks not done properly majority of the time but demonstrate understanding of
concepts involved with tasks.

Procedure Rationale 4 3 2 1 Remarks

1. Prepares needed equipment. To ensure that equipment is
• Easy-to-reach sink with warm running water easily available in use and to
• Antimicrobial or regular soap avoid delays by minimizing the
• Alcohol-based waterless antiseptic waste of time.
• Paper towels or air dryer
• Clean orangewood stick (optional)
2. Inspect: Poor personal hygiene and
• Surface of hands for breaks or cuts in skin or open skins on the skin can
cuticles. Report and cover lesions before provide an entrance for
providing client care. microorganisms to grow and
• Hands for heavy soiling. flourish, which provides an
• Nails for length and presence of artificial opportunity for infections to
acrylics. occur. Breaks or cuts that are
• Assess client’s risk for or extent of infection found on the skin should be
(e.g., WBC count, extent of open wounds, given extra attention in
known medical diagnosis) handwashing to get rid of
bacteria that may accumulate.
3. Roll sleeves above elbows. Avoid wearing rings. Sleeves must be rolled to avoid
If worn, remove during procedure. contact with the sink since
bacteria may flourish and add
to uniform infection.
Additionally, microorganisms
may accumulate in jewelries.
The removal of jewelries
facilitates in a thorough
cleaning of the hands and
4. Stand in front of the sink. Do not allow your The sink is contaminated with
clothing to touch the sink during the microorganisms that may soil
handwashing procedure. your uniform once in contact.

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Fundamentals of Nursing
5. Turn on water. Turn faucet on or push knee Too much force on water may
pedals laterally or press pedals with foot to cause splashing and the
regulate flow and temperature. Avoid splashing spread of microorganisms,
water against uniform. Regulate flow of water so contaminating the uniform’s
that temperature is warm. surface.

Warm water is recommended

since it removes fewer oils from
the skin than hot water and
removes microorganisms more
effectively than cold water.
6. Wet hands and wrist thoroughly under running Keeping the hands and
water. Keep hands and forearms lower than forearms lower than the elbows
elbows during washing. in handwashing enables water
to flow from the least to the
most contaminated areas,
rinsing microorganisms into the
7. Apply a small amount (3 to 5ml) of soap into Soap lather aids in cleaning by
your hands. Cover all areas of hands with soap emulsifying skin oils and fats,
product. If bar soap is used, lather thoroughly. lowering surface tension.
8. Wash hands using plenty of lather and friction Rubbing of hands increases
for at least 10 to 15 seconds with firm rubbing friction, mechanically loosening
and in circular motion. Keep fingertips down to and removing dirt and bacteria.
facilitate removal of microorganisms. Interlacing fingers and thumbs
a) Palm to palm ensures thorough cleansing of
b) Interdigits, left and right all surfaces.
c) Interlaced
d) Knuckle to palm, left and right
e) Thumb with twisting motion
f) Nail to palm, left and right
9. Areas under fingernails are often soiled. Clean Dirt under the fingernails is
them with fingernails of other hand and often missed during
additional soap or clean orangewood stick. handwashing, which becomes
Rinse hands thoroughly. an area prone to bacteria
growth. Cleaning the
fingernails with additional soap
or an orangewood stick, if
available, helps prevent the
spreading of germs and nail
10. Dry hands thoroughly from fingers to wrists This prevents chapping of skin.
and forearms with paper towel, single-use Blotting rather than rubbing
cloth, or warm air dryer. prevents skin irritation.
11. If used, discard paper towel in proper To prevent transfer of
receptacle. microorganisms.
12. Turn off water with foot or knee pedals. To Using a towel prevents your
turn off hand faucet, use clean, dry paper hands from being
towel; avoid touching handles with hands. contaminated of the
microorganisms present on the
hand faucet handle.
13. If hands are dry or chapped, a small amount Lotion helps in minimizing skin
of lotion or barrier cream can be applied. dryness, especially since
frequent handwashing may
cause dry and cracked skin to
some individuals.
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Fundamentals of Nursing
14. Inspect: To ensure cleanliness of hands
• Surfaces of hands for obvious signs of soil and nails since its condition
or other contaminants. influences the effectiveness of
• Hands for dermatitis or cracked skin. hand hygiene.

* Recording and Reporting

- It is not necessary to record or report this
- Report any dermatitis to employee health and/or
infection control per agency policy.

Range of score:

A 56 – 60 (92 – 100) Excellent

A– 51 – 55 (84 – 91.99) Very Good
B 46 – 50 (76 – 83.99) Good
B– 41 – 45 (68 – 75.99) Very Satisfactory
C 36 – 40 (60 – 67.99) Satisfactory
F 35 and below (below 60) Failed

Student’s signature: _______________

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Fundamentals of Nursing

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