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Introduction (Main heading)

A. Background of Pakistan's creation

B. Importance of constitution in nation-building

C. Overview of constitutional developments in Pakistan

II. The Road to the First Constitution (Main heading)

A. Early Legislative Framework (1947-1956) (Sub heading)

1. The Government of India Act, 1935 as interim constitution

2. Objectives Resolution (1949)

B. Constituent Assembly and Drafting Challenges (Sub heading)

1. Political instability

2. Regional disparities

C. The 1956 Constitution (Sub heading)

1. Features and significance

2. Federal and Islamic provisions

3. Suspension of the 1956 Constitution

III. Military Interventions (Main heading)

A. The 1958 Military Coup, Martial Law and its implications (Sub heading)

B. The 1962 Constitution (Sub heading)

1. Introduction and key features

2. Presidential system and centralization

3. Public and political reception

4. Suspension of the 1962 Constitution

C. The Second Military Era (1969-1971) (Sub heading)

Legal Framework Order, 1970

IV. The 1973 Constitution: A New Beginning (Main heading)

A. Drafting and Unanimous Adoption (Sub heading)

1. Inclusivity and democratic essence

2. Federal structure and parliamentary system

B. Key Features and Significance (Sub heading)

1. Islamic provisions

2. Fundamental rights and duties

3. Provincial autonomy

C. Amendments and Political Turmoil (Sub heading)

1. Notable amendments

2. Impact on governance and democracy

V. Recent Constitutional Developments (Main heading)

A. Challenges to Civil-Military Relations (Sub heading)

B. Judicial Activism and the Constitution (Sub heading)

C. Role of Constitutional Amendments in Modern Governance (Sub heading)

1. Enhancing democracy

2. Strengthening federalism

3. Judicial independence

VI. Conclusion (Main heading)

A. Summary of Key Points

B. The Future of Constitutional Democracy in Pakistan

C. The Importance of Constitutional Education and Awareness

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