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The table illustrates the patients' feedback regarding the services offered at three health centers:

Longston, Peveril, and Marchbank// The data highlights the levels of patient satisfaction across the three
health centers. The evaluations were graded on a scale from 1, signifying subpar services, to 10,
indicating exceptional quality.

In terms of the overall feedback, Peveril Centre emerged as the recipient of the most positive reviews,
whereas the services at Lonston Centre garnered the least favorable assessments. Notably, across all
three centers, patients exhibited a pronounced contentment with the quality of medical care dispensed
by the doctors// The table underscores the preeminent position of Peveril Centre, not only obtaining the
most laudatory feedback overall but also excelling in critical areas such as doctor's service, appointment
booking, and responsiveness to patient concerns. Longston and Marchbank Centers exhibit varying
degrees of performance, with the former showcasing shortcomings in appointment scheduling and
concern resolution, and the latter maintaining a more favorable standing in these aspects.

Analyzing the averages, the Peveril Center exhibited a praiseworthy ranking of 8.3. In contrast, Longston
and Marchbank Centers recorded more modest averages of 5.8 and 7.2, respectively. The performance
of doctors garnered notable acclaim from respondents, as evidenced by all centers securing scores
surpassing 8.0. It is particularly noteworthy that the Peveril Centre attained a preeminent score of 8.7 in
this regard.


1. PC overall
2. L and M overall

3. Doctor: tất cả trên 8/ PC cao nhất 8.7


4. Childcare and pharmacy: không khác biệt lớn.

5. L 6.3 thấp hơn nhiều mấy cái kia trên 7

6. Pharmacy: P 6.3, 2 cái còn lại trên 5


7. khoảng cách lớn hơn ở scheduling và resolving patient concerrn.

8. PC cực cao 9.1/ 9.6

9. LC scheduling chỉ 5.2, cái kia còn thấp hơn 4.3

10. MC có phản hồi tương đối tích cực hơn. 7.8 và 6.5

Minor disparities surfaced in the assessments of child care and pharmacy services. Longston Center
registered a score of 6.3 for its pediatric care, lagging behind the other centers which achieve scores
above 7. Similarly, the pharmacy services at Peveril were appraised at 6.3, while the remaining two
centers received scores exceeding 5.

The discrepancies in ratings were most significant in two domains of appointment scheduling and
responsiveness to patient concerns. Peveril Center excelled in these aspects, garnering a remarkable 9.1
for the former and an impressive 9.6 for the latter. In stark contrast, Longston Center's performance in
appointment scheduling was lackluster, meriting a mere 5.2, and its responsiveness to patient concerns
plummetedto a paltry 4.3. Marchbank Center's ratings were moderately more favorable, securing a
commendable 7.8 for appointment booking and a respectable 6.5 for addressing patient concerns.

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