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Az alábbi önellenőrző nyelvi felmérő tesztnek az a célja, hogy hallgatóink számára

megkönnyítse a szintjüknek és tudásuknak megfelelő nyelvi csoport, ill. nyelvóra

A teszt 4 része 4-féle nyelvi készséget vizsgál: az A rész a nyelvtani ismereteket, a B a

szókincset, a C a szövegértési-fordítási készséget, a D pedig a kifejező-társalgási készséget.
Az egyes feladatcsoportokból elért pontszám tájékoztatja a hallgatót arról, melyik nyelvi
készség gyakorlására van a leginkább szüksége, ill. mi a legerősebb oldala.

A feladatok megoldására 80 perc áll rendelkezésre.

Ha a 100 pontból 50-nél kevesebbet ér el, javasoljuk, hogy az alapfokú nyelvvizsga-

előkészítő csoportba jelentkezzen.

A) Nyelvtan. Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. We introduced ..... at the party.

A) oneself B) ourself C) ourselves D) –

2. I am sorry, I must ..... now.

A) to go B) going C) be going D) have gone

3. What are you going to do after ..... your studies?

A) finish B) have finished C) that you finish D) finishing

4. A) Have you made up your mind yet? B) Did you already make up your mind?
C) Have you made up your mind already? D) Had you already made up your mind?

5. She ..... cornflakes for breakfast.

A) never has B) doesn’t never have C) always have D) has never

6. Thank you ..... me.

A) that helped B) for helping C) for you helped D) to help

7. I’d like to work ..... an engineer.

A) as B) like C) so as D) such as

8. I haven’t met ..... May.

A) him from B) for him since C) him since D) him for

9. Trains are ..... buses.

A) slowly than B) slower as C) so slowly as D) as slow as

10. The windows of our hotel room ..... the sea.

A) were loking at B) looked C) looked out D) overlooked
11. ..... breakfast?
A) Does the price include B) Is the price included
C) Is the price included in D) Does the price include in

12. She said that she ..... that film.

A) had already seen B) has already seen C) can see D) will see

13. The mother told her son ..... stupid.

A) don’t be B) to not be C) not to be D) that he not be

14. They ..... in France before they moved to Spain.

A) have lived B) have been living C) had lived D) were living

15. Just as ..... the street, a policeman came up to me.

A) I was crossing B) I have crossed C) I have been crossing D) crossing

16. The teacher asked the children ..... during the class.
A) why they were talking B) if why they were talking
C) why were they talking D) that why were they talking

17. ..... I use your pen? I’ve left mine at home.

A) Do B) Must C) Shall D) May

18. A Ford is ..... a Trabant.

A) most expensive then B) expensive as
C) more expensive than D) more expensive then

19. I’m sorry I’m late. How long ..... for me?
A) do you wait B) did you wait
C) are you waiting D) have you been waiting

20. Can you see those people? They ..... a car.

A) push B) are pushing C) had pushed D) are pushed

21. If you ..... the speed limit, you will be fined.

A) expect B) accept C) exceed D) except

22. In some places ..... almost every day.

A) there is raining B) there rains C) it is raining D) it rains

23. Nowadays very ..... people can afford to travel abroad.

A) little B) less C) few D) a few

24. John’s coming to see us, .....?

A) isn’t he B) is he C) doesn’t D) does he

25. The Walkers’ boy, ..... is four, has just started to go to nursery school.
A) he B) – C) which D) who

B) Szókincs. Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. Who will ..... your children while you are away?

A) look for B) look after C) look out D) look up

2. Unfortunately, I have ..... my exam, I’ll have to retake it.

A) passed B) missed C) failed D) taken

3. The conductor called, ‘....., please’.

A) Fears B) Fees C) Fairs D) Fares

4. We didn’t know it was a ..... train: it stopped at every station.

A) slow B) through C) direct D) delayed

5. Many teachers ..... their students should learn a foreign language.

A) speak B) tell C) say D) talk

6. Do you sometimes ..... the BBC World Service?

A) listen B) hear C) listen to D) hear to

7) Would you like soup for the first .....?

A) dish B) meal C) course D) menu

8. I’m afraid, you’ve got the ..... number.

A) engaged B) wrong C) mistake D) bad

9. The chemist asked if I had a ..... for the medicine.

A) description B) recipe C) prescription D) receipt

10. ....., can you tell me the way to the station?

A) Excuse me B) So sorry C) Pardon D) Hello

11. We had everything ..... bread.

A) except B) expect C) accept D) expect for

12. Why are you ..... your coat? It’s rather cold in here.
A) taking down B) taking of C) taking off D) taking

13. Could you help me with this ..... suitcase, please?

A) hard B) heavy C) difficult D) weight

14. I think we have ..... petrol.

A) run out B) run out from C) run out of D) run out off

15. ..... they were on holiday, their car was stolen.

A) While B) During C) Meanwhile D) In the meantime

16. The policeman asked him ...... his driving licence was valid.
A) weather B) waiter C) whether D) water

17. ‘How long have you been .....?’ ‘Oh, I was fired in January.’
A) employee B) unemployed C) employed D) unemployment

18. They ..... in love when they first met.

A) felt B) fall C) feel D) fell

19. The play was so ..... that a lot of people left the theatre before it finished.
A) bored B) interested C) boring D) interesting

20. I way because I didn’t know the place.

A) loose B) lost C) lose D) last

21. Two years ago he joined ..... the ‘Flying Dolphin’ club.
A) to B) – C) into D) in

22. I’m ..... seeing you.

A) looking forward to B) waiting to
C) waiting D) expecting

23. You will ..... the train.

A) late B) be late for C) be late D) be late from

24. Do they ..... fresh vegetables here?

A) sale B) sold C) sell D) sail

25. I want to make ..... to see Dr Miles, please.

A) an appointment B) a consultation C) a meeting D) an examination

C) Szövegértési-fordítási feladatok

Mrs Brown was tired after her day’s shopping in London, so she went into a restaurant for
a cup of tea before catching the train home. When she had ordered her tea, she suddenly re-
membered that she had to buy some medicine for her husband, who had a cough.
“Is there a chemist’s near here?” she asked the waiter.
“Yes, madam,” the waiter said, “it’s only about three minutes’ walk away. Turn right when
you go out of the restaurant, then take the second turning to the left. You’ll find a big
chemist’s about a hundred yards up the road on the right-hand side. It closes at five, but if you
hurry, you’ll just get there in time.”
Mrs Brown followed the waiter’s directions carefully and found the chemist’s shop with-
out any difficulty. She bought the cough mixture and started to make her way back to the
restaurant. But after she had walked for about ten minutes and there was still no sign of the
restaurant, she realised that she must have made a mistake.
“Oh! I am stupid!” said Mrs Brown. “I’ve left all my shopping in the restaurant, and now
I’m lost.”
She was still wondering what to do when a policeman came up and asked if he could help.
Mrs Brown explained what had happened.
“Well, first of all,” said the policeman, “we had better go back as far as the chemist’s.”

“Now,” suggested the policeman, when they got to the chemist’s, “let’s go in this direc-
tion. It leads to the main road, where we shall probably find your restaurant.”
When they reached the main road, the policeman said:
“I think you’ll find the restaurant you are looking for along there, on the opposite side of
the road.”
Mrs Brown thanked the policeman for his help.
I can’t understand how I went wrong,” she said.
The policeman smiled.
“It’s quite easy,” he said, “to get lost in a big city like London.”

1. Válassza ki a szövegnek leginkább megfelelő állítást:

A) Mrs Brown ostobának nevezte magát, mert

1) 10 percig kóborolt, míg rájött, hogy eltévedt.

2) Pont akkor tévedt el, amikor a gyógyszertárból kilépett.
3) Mindent az étteremben hagyott, amit vásárolt, s most képtelen volt oda
4) Akkor tévedt el, amikor a gyógyszertárba tartott.

B) Az „in time” kifejezést melyik alábbi értelmezés fedi leginkább?

1) történetesen 3) mielőtt az bezár

2) pontosan 4) alkalmas időben

C) Hogyan mondaná magyarul?

“..... there was still no sign of the restaurant .....”

2. Válaszoljon az alábbi kérdésekre (magyarul):

1) Miért jött Mrs Brown Londonba?

2) Milyen messze volt a gyógyszertár az étteremtől?
3) Mikor jött rá Mrs Brown, hogy valamit rosszul csinált?

3. Adjon rövid választ (short answer):

1) Did the waiter give Mrs Brown the wrong direction?

2) Was Mrs Brown able to reach the chemist’s in time?
3) Did the policeman know where the restaurant was?
4) Was the policeman helpful?
5) Did the policeman come with Mrs Brown as far as the chemist’s?

4. Folytassa az alábbi mondatokat (a szöveg alapján):

1) Mrs Brown azért ment el teázni, mert .....

2) Mrs Brown férje erősen köhögött, ezért .....
3) Mrs Brown-nak sietnie kellett a gyógyszertárba, mert .....
4) A rendőr odalépett Mrs Brown-hoz és felajánlotta, hogy .....

D) Beszédhelyzetek. Hogyan reagál az alábbi helyzetekben? Jelölje be a helyes választ!

1. What do you do?

A) I’m a window cleaner. B) I’m cleaning the windows.

2. Would you mind filling in this form?

A) Yes, of course. B) No, certainly not.

3. Could I talk to Mr Compson, please?

A) A moment. I connect him. B) Hold on. I’m putting you through.

4. Thank you for your kind help.

A) Please. B) You’re welcome.

5. What is he like?
A) He likes apples and bananas. B) He’s tall and thin.

6. Do you enjoy skiing?

A) I love it. B) I’d love to.

7. Do you think Smiths’ll employ more people?

A) No, I think they don’t. B) No, I don’t think they will.

8. He enjoys dancing.
A) So do I. B) So I do.

9. I think TV has a bad influence on people.

A) Yes, I agree. B) I don’t think.

10. Shall I pack your briefcase for you?

A) No, thank you, I can do it myself. B) Yes, you shall.

11. Would you like to come to our party on Saturday?

A) Yes, please, I’m going. B) Thank you. I’d like to very much.

12. Hello, could I talk to Mr Compson please?

A) Speaking. B) I’m Compson.

13. Sorry to trouble you.

A) That’s all right. B) Don’t worry.

14. He was so pleased with the pen.

A) I’m glad he liked it. B) Thank you very much.

15. What would you like for the main course, Sir?
A) I like the chicken. B) I’d like the chicken.

16. ‘.....’ ‘Yes, two lumps.’

A) Do you take sugar with your coffee? B) Do you put sugar in your coffee?

17. Have a nice weekend.
A) You also. B) The same to you.

18. Could I have your passport, please?

A) Here you are. B) Please.

19. Can I pay by cheque?

A) Sorry, cash only. B) Yes, you can pay for it.

20. I’m taking my exam tomorrow.

A) Good luck! B) Have success!

21. I’m sorry. Am I in your seat?

A) Yes, but it’s all right. B) No, I’m afraid not.

22. Would you like a coffee?

A) No, thanks. B) No, I wouldn’t.

23. Good morning. I’m here to see Dr Mills.

A) Can I have your name, please? B) How are you going on?

24. How about going to see a film?

A) Not really, thank you. B) Is there anything good on?

25. Can I help you?

A) I’m being served, thanks. B) What’s the problem?


1 –C, 2–C, 3–D, 4–A, 5–A, 6–B, 7–A, 8–C, 9–D, 10–D, 11–A, 12–A, 13–C, 14–C, 15–A,
16–A, 17–D, 18–C, 19–D, 20–B, 21–C, 22–D, 23–C, 24–A, 25–D

1–B, 2–C, 3–D, 4–A, 5–C, 6–C, 7–C, 8–B, 9–C, 10–A, 11–A, 12–C, 13–B, 14–C, 15–A,
16–C, 17–B, 18–D, 19–C, 20–B, 21–B, 22–A, 23–B, 24–C, 25–A

1/A 3
1/B 3
1/C Még mindig nem lehetett látni az éttermet vagy ... nem tűnt fel/bukkant fel az étterem.

2/1 Hogy bevásároljon.

2/2 Gyalogosan kb. 3 percnyire.
2/3 Amikor már 10 perce gyalogolt, és még mindig nem tűnt fel az étterem.

3/1 No, he didn’t.

3/2 Yes, she was.
3/3 No, he didn’t.
3/4 Yes, he was.
3/5 No, he didn’t.

4/1 ... fáradt volt a bevásárlás után.

4/2 ...gyógyszert kellett vennie neki.
4/3 ... az 5-kor bezárt.
4/4 ... segít neki.

1–A, 2–B, 3–B, 4–B, 5–B, 6–A, 7–B, 8–A, 9–A, 10–A, 11–B, 12–A, 13–A, 14–A, 15–B,
16–A, 17–B, 18–A, 19–A, 20–A, 21–A, 22–A, 23–A, 24–B, 25–A


A) minden helyes válasz 1–1 pont, összesen: 25 pont

B) minden helyes válasz 1–1 pont, összesen: 25 pont
C) 1/A 2 pont
1/B 2pont
1/C 2 pont
2. 3x2 = 6 pont
3. 5x1 = 5 pont
4. 4x2 = 8 pont
Összesen: 25 pont
D) minden helyes válasz 1–1 pont, összesen: 25 pont.

Összpontszám: 100 pont

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