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Regular Person (RP): Oh there is a demonstra6on in front of the stores

Ecological Ac6vist (EA): Hello! Excuse me for bothering you, I see you are going to the
electronics store. Can you tell me what you're looking for?

Regular Person (RP): Oh, hi. Yes, I'm here to buy a new phone for my mom. Hers is geKng
old, and she needs one for everyday use.

EA: Understandable. Phones these days change quickly. However, have you ever thought
about the environmental impact of overusing electronic devices? Choosing a more
sustainable phone might be an op6on.

RP: Well, I want something reliable for my mom, but I never really thought about the
environmental impact. What do you mean by "more sustainable"?

EA: Many phones are designed to become obsolete quickly, making consumers buy new ones
frequently. Are you planning to buy a phone from a specific brand?

RP: I was thinking of geKng a recent model from Apple. That's what my mom prefers and is
familiar with.

EA: I understand, but some brands are more commiSed to making their products durable
and repairable. Some6mes, they offer recycling programs or spare parts to extend the
device's life. It could be an alterna6ve to consider.

RP: Ah, I didn't know that some brands did that. That's interes6ng informa6on. But aren't
these durable phones much more expensive?

EA: Not necessarily. In fact, in the long run, inves6ng in a durable phone can be more cost-
effec6ve because you don't need to replace it as oYen. Plus, you're helping reduce electronic

RP: True, I never thought about all of this. But what can I do now? My mom really needs a
new phone.

EA: You could consider recondi6oned op6ons or older models from the same brand. This
way, you contribute to reducing the demand for new devices while mee6ng your mom's

RP: Hmm, I'll think about it. Thanks for all this informa6on. I didn't expect to have such a
discussion just coming to buy a phone.

EA: You're welcome! It's essen6al to be aware of our consump6on choices. If you have more
ques6ons or need advice, feel free to ask.

RP: Okay, I will. Thanks again for these helpful insights.

EA: Absolutely, and remember, making informed choices benefits not only you but the
environment as well. If we all take small steps, it can lead to a significant posi6ve impact over

RP: That's a good point. I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks for raising awareness.

EA: My pleasure. It's conversa6ons like these that can make a difference. If everyone starts
thinking a bit more about their choices, we can collec6vely contribute to a healthier planet.

RP: You're right. I appreciate your perspec6ve. I'll do my best to make more environmentally
conscious decisions from now on.

EA: That's fantas6c to hear! If you ever need more informa6on or 6ps on eco-friendly
choices, feel free to reach out. Small changes can go a long way.

RP: I'll do that. Thanks again for the eye-opening conversa6on. I'll take some 6me to research
and make a more mindful decision about the phone for my mom.

EA: Great! I'm glad I could help. Good luck with your decision, and remember, every posi6ve
choice counts. Have a wonderful day!

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